Owner's Manual
33 Ton Hydraulic
Log Splitter
Model Nos.
using this product,
read this manual and
follow all safety rules
and operating
Sears, Roebuck And Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179, U.S.A.
Printed in U.S.A. 770-10032A
• Safety
• Assembly
• Operation
• Service
• Maintenance
• Espa5ol

Content Page
Warranty Information......................................... 2
Safe Operation Practices................................... 3
Accessories ....................................................... 6
Assembly........................................................... 7
Content Page
Service & Adjustment ........................................ 15
Off-Season Storage ........................................... 17
Trouble-Shooting ............................................... 18
Parts List............................................................ 20
Operation........................................................... 9
Maintenance ...................................................... 13
Espanbl ............................................................. 27
For one year from the date of purchase, when this Craftsman log splitter is maintained, lubricated, and tuned up
according to the operating and maintenance instructions in the operator's manual, Sears will repair, free of
charge, any defect in material or workmanship.
This warranty excludes the tires, spark plug, oil filter and air cleaner, which are expendable parts and become
worn during normal use.
If this log splitter is used for commercial or rental purposes, this warranty applies for only 30 days from the date
of purchase.
Warranty service is available by contacting the nearest Sears service center in the United States. This warranty
applies only while this product is in use in the United States.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
Sears, Roebuck And Co., DEPT. 817WA, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
Horsepower: ......................... 9
Engine Oil .............................. SAE 30/26 ounces
Fuel Capacity: ....................... Unleaded/1 gallon
Hydraulic Fluid ...................... Dexron III/7 gallons
Tire Pressure ......................... 30 p.s.i, max.
Spark Plug (Gap .030") .......... Champion RJ19LM
Model Number 247.794520
Serial Number ...........................................................
Date of Purchase ......................................................
Record model number, serial number and date of
purchase of the log splitter and keep in a safe place
for future reference.

This symbol points out important safety instructions which, if not followed, could endanger the per-
sonal safety and/or property of yourself and others. Read and follow all instructions in this manual before
attempting to operate your log splitter. Failure to comply with these instructions may result in personal injury.
When you see this symbol--heed its warning.
The engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to the state of California to cause
cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Your leg splitter was built to be operated according to the rules for safe operation in this
manual. As with any type of power equipment, carelessness or error on the part of the oper-
ator can result in serious injury. If you violate any of these rules, you may cause serious
injury to yourself or others.
• This unitshould not be towed on any street,
highwayor public roadwithoutchecking the
existingfederal, local orstate requirements.
Such informationmay be obtainedby callingyour
state or local bureau of motorvehicles. Any
licensingor modificationsneeded to complywith
federal, local or state vehicle requirementsisthe
sole responsibilityofthe purchaser.*
• Make sure you followthe wiring diagram color
codes when installing the light kit on the log
splitter. (e.g. ground to ground, left turn to left
turn, etc.). Failure to wire unit correctly may
cause the tow vehicle wiring to overheat and/or
the log splitter lights to operate incorrectly, itmay
be necessary to replace the turn signal flasher
unit in your tow vehicle if it is not capable of
operating the additionallights on the log splitter.
• Before towing the log splitteron astreet, highway
or public road, vedfy that all lights are functioning
properly and the yellow side reflectors are in
position. Replace bulbs if they are burnt out.
• Before towing, always check to becertain the log
splitter is correctly and securely attached to the
tow vehicle, and safetychains are in place.
Leave slack in chains for turning allowance.
Use a class I or higher hitch with a 1-7/8" ball.
Keep ball socket and clamp face lubricated with
chassis grease.
• Be sure the coupler is secured to the hitch ball
and the lock lever is down tight and locked.
Check vehicle hitch, ball and coupler for signs of
wear ordamage. Replace any parts that are worn
or damaged before towing.
• The coupler must be secured to the log splitter
tongue tube with the original equipment bolts and
nuts. See your authorized service dealer for
replacement parts. Coupler nuts should be
tightened securely (20 foot pounds).
• Make sure beam assembly is securely latched in
the horizontal position andjack stand (if provided)
is pivoted and secured in the up position before
towing log splitter. Never tow with the beam in
vertical position.
• Do not tow the log splitter faster than 45 MPH.
Higher speeds may damage log splitter.
Excessive high speeds may cause the log splitter
to "fishtail" orotherwise become unstable.
• Check the tire pressure on the log splitter tires. It
should not exceed 30 p.s.i, for highway travel.
• When parking, storing or using your log splitter,
keep the coupler off the ground so dirt will not
build up in the ball socket.
• Do not allow anyone to sitor ride on your log
splitter. They can easily fall off and beseriously
• Before operatingthis logsplitter,read and
understandthis operator'smanual completely.
Become familiarwith itfor yourownsafety. To fail
to do so may cause seriousinjury.Do not allow
anyoneto operate your log splitterwho has not
read this manual. Keep this manualin a safe
place forfuture and regularreference and for
orderingreplacement parts.
Never use your splitterfor any otherpurpose than
splittingwood. It is designedfor this use and any
otheruse may cause an injury.Your log splitteris
a precisionpiece of powerequipment, not a toy.
Therefore, exercise extreme caution at all times.
• Never allow childrento operate your log splitter.
Do not allow adultsto operate it withoutproper
instruction.Only personswell acquaintedwith
these rulesof safe operationshould beallowed to
use your logsplitter.
Only the operator is tobe near yourlog splitter
during use. Keep all others, includingpets and
children, a minimum of 20 feet away fromyour
work zone. Flyingwood can be hazardous. If a
helper isassistingin loadinglogs, never activate

the controluntil the helper is clear of the area,
More accidents occur when more than one
person operates the log splitter than at any other
No one should operate this unit while intoxicated
or while taking medication that impairs the
senses or reactions. Aclear mind is essential for
safety. Never allow a person who is tired or
otherwise not alert to use your logsplitter.
• Never wear looseclothingorjewelry that can be
caughtby moving parts of your logsplitterand
pullyou intoit, Keep clothingaway from all
moving parts of your log splitter.
• Wear proper head gear to keep hair away from
moving parts. Always wear protective hearing
devices as needed.
• Always wear safety shoes. A dropped log can
seriously injure your foot.
• Always wear safety glasses or goggles while
operating your splitter. A piece of splittinglog
could fly off and hityour eyes.
• Wear leather work gloves. Be sure they are tight
fitting without loose cuffs or draw strings.
• Use your log splitter in daylight, or under good
• Never operate your splitter on slippery, wet,
muddy or icy surfaces. Safe footing is essential
in preventing accidents.
• Never operate your splitter while attached to a
towing vehicle.
Only operate your splitter on level ground and
not on the side of a hill. It could tip, or rolling logs
or poor footing could cause an accident.
Operating the splitter on level ground also
prevents the spillage of gasoline from the fuel
• Never attempt to move the log splitterover hilly
or uneven terrain without a tow vehicle or
adequate help,
• Always block the wheels to prevent movement
of log splitter while in operation.
• Check the fuel before starting the engine.
Gasoline is an extremely flammable fuel. Do not
fill the gasoline tank indoors, when the engine is
running, or while the engine is still hot. Replace
gasoline cap securely and wipe off any spilled
gasoline before starting the engine as it may
cause a fire or explosion.
Bothends of each log must be cut as square as
possible to help prevent the log from riding out of
the splitter duringoperation.
Vertical Operating Position: Stand infront of
the log splitter.
Horizontal Operating Position: Stand behind
the reservoirtank. See illustrations.
Know how to stopthe unit and disengage the
Never place hands or feet between log and
splitting wedge or between log and end plate
during forward or reverse stroke.To do so may
result in crushedor amputated fingers or toes, or
worse, you may lose an arm or foot.
Do not straddle the splitterwhen using it.A slip
in any position couldresult in a serious injury.
Do not step over your log splitter when the
engine is running. You may trip or accidentally
activate the splittingwedge if you step over. If
you need to get to the other side, walk around.
Never try to splittwo logs on top of each other.
One may fly out and injure you.
When loading the log splitter,place your hands
on the sideof the log, not at the ends. Never
attempt to load your splitter while the splitting
wedge is in motion. You may get caught by the
wedge and injured.
Only use your hand to operate the splitting
wedge or control lever. Never use your foot or a
rope or any other extension device. This could
result in your inability to stop your splitter quickly
enough to avoid injury.
Always keep fingers away from any cracks that
open in the log during splitting operation. They
can quickly close and pinch or amputate your
Never attempt to split woods across the grain.
Some types of wood may burst or fly out of your
splitter and result in injury to you or a bystander.

For logsthat are not cut square, the longest
portion ofthe log shouldbe rotateddown and
the mostsquare end placed against the splitting
Keep your work area clean. Immediately
remove splitwood around your splitterso that
you do not stumble over it.Clean chipsand dirt
off end plate (wood platform) after each log is
split,or whenever necessary to maintainflat
contact between wood and end plate (platform).
Never move the log splitterwhile the engine is
Never leave your log splitterunattended withthe
engine running.Shut offthe engine ifyou are
leaving yoursplitter,even for a shortperiod of
time. Someone couldaccidentally activate the
splittingwedge and be injured.
Do not runengine inan enclosed area. Exhaust
gases containcarbon monoxide. This odorless
gascan be deadly when inhaled.
Becareful notto touch the muffler after the
engine has been running.It will be HOT!
Ifthe equipmentshouldstart tovibrate
abnormally,stop the engine and check
immediatelyfor the cause. Vibration isgenerally
a warning of trouble.
When cleaning, repairing or inspecting,make
certainall moving parts have stopped.
Disconnectthe spark plug wire and keep the
wire away from the plugto prevent accidental
Customer Responsibilities
• Do not operate your splitter in poor mechanical
conditionor when in need of repair.
• Periodicallycheck that all nuts, bolts,screws,
hose clamps and hydraulicfittingsaretight to be
sure equipment is insafe workingcondition.
Where appropriate, check allsafety guards and
shieldstobe sure they are inthe properposition.
Never operate your splitterwith safety guards,
shields orother protective features removed.
These safetydevices are for yourprotection.
• Replace all damaged or worn partssuch as
hydraulichoses and fittings immediately with
manufacturerapproved replacement parts.
• Do notchange the engine governorsettings or
overspeed the engine. This increases the
hazard of personal injury.The maximumengine
speed is preset by the manufacturer and is
withinsafety limits.
• Do not alter your tog splitter in any manner such
as attaching a rope or extensionto the control
lever or adding to the width or height of the
wedge. Such alterations may cause your splitter
tobe unsafe.
• Perform all recommended maintenance
procedures before you use your splitter.
• Do not serviceor repairyour log splitterwithout
disconnectingthe spark plugwire and moving it
away from the spark plug.
Never storethe equipment with gasolinein the
tank insideofa buildingwhere ignitionsources
are present, such as hotwater and space
heaters, clothesdryersand the like. Allow the
engine tocool beforestoring inany enclosure.
Always store gasolinein an approved, tightly
sealed container. Store the container in a cool,
dry place. Do notstore in a building where
ignitionsources are present.
• To reduce fire hazard, keep engine free of grass,
leaves, wood chips, and excessive grease and
The hydraulic system of your log splitter requires
careful inspection, along with the mechanical
parts. Be sure to replace frayed, kinked, or
otherwise damaged hydraulic components.
• Fluid escaping from a very small hole can be
almost invisible. Do not check for leaks with your
hand. Escaping fluid under pressure can have
sufficient force to penetrate skin, causing
serious personal injury.Leakscan be located by
passing a piece of cardboard or wood over the
suspected leak and looking for discoloration.
• Should itbecome necessary to loosen or
remove any hydraulic fitting or line, be sure to
relieve all pressure by shuttingoff the engine
and moving the control handle back and forth
several times.
Do not remove the cap from the hydraulic tank or
reservoir while your log splitteris running. Hot oil
under pressure could cause injury.
• The pressure relief valve on your splitter is
preset at the factory. Do notadjust the valve.
Only a qualified servicetechnician should
perform this adjustment.
• Completely drain fuel tank prior to storage. This
guards against accumulation of fuel fumes
which could result ina fire hazard.
• Never store log splitter outside without a
waterproof cover. Rain will cause rust on the
inside of the cylinder.
Important Information
Use clean fluidand checkfluid level regularly
• Use Dexron Ill AutomaticTransmission Fluid or
lOW non-foaminghydraulicfluid.
• Use a filter (clean orreplace regularly)
• Use a breather capon fluid reservoir

Make certain pump is mounted and aligned
Use a flexible "spider" type coupling between
engine and pump drive shafts
Keep hoses clear and unblocked
Bleed air out of hoses before operating
Flush and clean hydraulic system before start-
up after any malfunction or servicing
Use "pipe dope" on all hydraulic fittings
Allow time for warm-up before splitting wood •
Prime the pump before initial start-up by turning
over the engine with spark plug disconnected
These accessories were available when the log
splitterwas purchased. These are also available at
most Sears retail outlets, catalog and service centers.
Most Sears stores can order repair parts for you when
you provide the model number of your log splitter.
• Splitwood with the grain (lengthwise) only
• Use when fluid is below 20+F, or above 150° F.
• Use a solid engine/pump coupling
Force pump when mounting
• Operate through relief valve for several seconds
Attempt to adjust unloading or relief valve
settings without pressure gauges
• Operate with air inhydraulic system
Use Teflon tape on hydraulic fittings
• Attempt to cut wood across the grain.
Tailight Kit

IMPORTANT: This unitis shipped without gasoline
in the engine. After assembly, see OPERATION
sectionof thismanual for properfuel fill-up.
Tools and Other Items Required
Crowbar or large screwdriver
A pair of 9/16" or adjustable wrenches*
Engine oil
Unleaded gasoline
Dexron III automatic transmission fluid or 10W non-
foaming hydraulic fluid (approximately 7 gallons)
• Remove the two bolts, lock washers and hex
nuts that secure the tongue assembly to the
beam assembly, See Figure 2.
• Unlock the two beam locks by pulling out on the
beam locks and pivoting them down. Remove
the tongue assembly.
Unpacking from Crate
WARNING: Exercise extreme caution as
parts are very heavy. Mechanical handling
equipment orsufficientmanpower should
be used to prevent injury.
• Pry thetop, sidesand ends offcrate using a
crowbar or large screwdriver.
• Set panels aside to avoid tire puncturesor
personal injury.
• Remove and discard plastic bag that covers
Note: Do not remove the banding fromaround the
tank until the logsplitteris assembled.
Disconnecting Spark Plug
• Beforeyou startthe assembly procedure,
disconnectthe spark plug wire fromthe spark
plug on the leg splitterengine and movethe wire
away from the sparkplug. Thiswill prevent
accidental starting.See Figure 1.
Hex Bolts,
Lock Washers
and Hex Nuts
Figure 2
Place the end of the tongue assembly in
between the brackets onthe wheel and the
reservoir tank assembly. Secure with hardware
removed earlier. See Figure 3.
Figure I
Setting Up Log Splitter
NOTE: Afthardware needed forassembling your
Craftsman logsplitter has been placed in positionon
the equipment.
Figure 3
Pull spring lever outward and rotate the jack
stand counter-clockwise till it locks into the

uprightposition.Releasespringlever. See
Figure 4,
Figure 4
Cut the two straps from around the reservoir
tank assembly,
Remove the lagscrew and washer which
secures the beam assembly tothe bottom ofthe
Jack Stand
Lowerthe beam assemblyto its horizontal
position.Make certain the beam is locked
securely withthe horizontalbeam lock.See
Pullthe log splitteroffthe pallet.
Final Assembly
Tire Pressure
The tires may have been over-inflated for shipping
• Check tire pressure regularly. The tire pressure
should not exceed 30 p.s.i.
Preparing Log Splitter
Place the logsplitteron a firm, level surface.
Lubricatethe beam area where the splitting
wedge will slide with engine oil (do not use
grease). Make certain to oil both front and back
of the beam face.
Fill the reservoir with hydraulic fluid following
instructions on page 10.
Check engine oil level and refill, if necessary.
Follow instructions for oil fill-up on page 10.
Beam Lock
Figure 5

Know Your Log Splitter
Read this owner's manual and safety rules before operating your log splitter. Compare the
illustrations on this page with your equipment to familiarize yourself with the location of
various controls and adjustments. Save this manual for future reference.
The operation of any log splitter can result inforeign objects being thrown into the eyes,
which can result in severe eye damage. Always wear safety glasses, for operating your
log splitter, or while performing any adjustments or repairs on it.
Beam yge
011 Fill
Filter Starter
Figure 6
Jack Stand
Fuel Cap
Sears log splittersconform tothe safetystandards B71.7-1985 ofthe American National Standards Institute.