Craftsman 240.74817 User Manual

Operator's Manual
Convertible Cordless
18V Line Trimmer Attachment
Part No. 700995
BEFORE returning this product, first call:
(800) 539-6455
squeeze the control trigger. It is NOT necessary to keep the thumb
switch pushed forward during use.
Before using this product, read this manual and follow all its Safety Rules and Operating Instructions.
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179, U.S.A.
. Safety . Assembly . Operation
. Maintenance . Espa_ol
. Fran£ais
rev. 040908
Warranty ..................................................................................................... 2
Safety Instructions ..................................................................................... 2
Operation ................................................................................................... 4
Maintenance ............................................................................................. 10
Storage ..................................................................................................... 10
Accessories .............................................................................................. 10
Service ..................................................................................................... 10
Espa_ot .................................................................................................... 12
Fran(_ais.................................................................................................... 23
Craftsman One Year Full Warranty If this Craftsman product fails due to manufacturer's defects within one
year from the date of purchase, return it to any Sears store or other Craftsman outlet in the United States for free replacement.
This warranty applies for only 90 days if this product is ever used for commercial or rental purposes.
This warranty does not include cutting line, which is an expendable part. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other
rights which vary from state to state. Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
A = O
WARNING: Some dust created by
using power tools contains chemicals known to the state of California to
cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
RESIDENTS: Handling the cord on this units (or cords with accessories sold for this product) will expose you
to lead, a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer, and birth
defects or other reproductive harm. Please wash hands after handling the
CORDLESS 18V TOOL SYSTEM This product is for use only with the
Craftsman Convertible Cordless 18V Tool System. Do not use the tool
attachments with any other system or power source, and do not use any tool attachment on the power handle
that is not intended for use with this system.
WARNING: When using this tool,
basicsafetyprecautionsshouldalways befollowedtoreducetheriskoffire,
electricshock,andpersonalinjury, includingthefollowing:
Toreduceriskofinjury: Beforeanyuse,besureeveryone
usingthiselectricproductreadsand understandsallsafetyandoperation instructionscontainedinthismanual.
SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS and review frequently prior to use. Store in
wall charger slot.
ENVIRONMENTS and weather conditions when using this tool.
DO NOT USE battery operated appliance in the rain.
KEEP CHILDREN AWAY - All visitors should be kept at a safe distance from
not in use, the unit should be stored indoors in a dry location - out of reach
of children. DON'T FORCE THE TOOL - It will do
the job better and with tess likelihood of a risk of injury at the rate for which it
was designed. USE RIGHT TOOL - Do not use the
tool for any job except that for which it is intended.
KEEP HANDS AND FEET away from cutting area.
DRESS PROPERLY = Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry. They can
be caught in moving parts. Use of gloves and substantial footwear is
recommended when working out- doors. Wear protective hair covering to contain long hair.
DON'T OVERREACH - Maintain proper footing and balance at all times.
Use both hands to operate unit safely. USE SAFETY GLASSES - Always
wear proper eye protection, and use a face or dust mask if operation is dusty.
MAINTAIN UNIT WITH CARE - Keep the unit clean for best performance and to reduce the risk of injury. Follow instructions for service. Keep handles dry, clean, and free from oil and grease,
- Don't carry the appliance while holding the switch area. The unit is shipped partly charged, and may start
any component of the appliance experiences a hard impact, check that no parts were damaged and verify that
the unit operates properly. Check for misalignment or bending of moving parts, breakage of parts, and any other condition that may affect operation. A part that is damaged should be
properly repaired or re-placed by an authorized service center.
STAY ALERT - Watch what you are doing. Use common sense. Do not operate the tool when you are tired.
DON'T GRASP MOVING LINE of the line trimmer. Do not attempt to remove
cut material or hold material to be cut when the line is moving. Make sure the
unit's switch is off and the battery pack is removed before clearing or changing line.
ATTACH LINE GUARD - Before use, attach the line guard correctly. See instructions on how to attach line guard
in the operation section of the line trimmer manual. Failure to attach the
line guard may pose a risk of injury, may cause motor damage and wilt void the warranty.
Store these instructions by folding in half and sliding into the slot in the back of the walt charging rack.
e" - A
Be sure to follow the following safety precautions when attaching and detaching tools from the power handle.
Remove the battery from the handle before attaching or detaching tools.
Never touch the control switches on the power handle when attaching and
detaching tools
To attach a tool:
1. Twist the lock ring on the power handle to the unlocked position. (see
figure 1)
Figure 2
3. Grasp the tool attachment firmly with one hand (note, do not grasp on
a rotating part such as the auxiliary handle), and twist the lock ring on the power handle to the locked position with the other hand. (see figure 3)
Figure 1
2. Insert the male end of the power handle interface into the female socket
in the end of the tool attachment making sure that it is firmly seated.
(see figure 2) The interface is keyed so that it will only go together one
way. The handle and tool should go together easily. If you experience resistance in putting them together, check that the keys on the handle are properly aligned with the slots in the
Figure 3
To detach a tool:
1. Grasp the tool attachment firmly with one hand (note, do not grasp on
a rotating part such as the auxiliary handle), and twist the lock ring on the power handle to the unlocked position with the other hand. (see figure 4)
2.Pullthepowerhandleandtool attachmentapart.Thepowerhandle
andtoolattachmentshouldseparate easily.Iftheydonot,checktobe surethatthelockringisinthefully unlockedposition.
1.Aligntheribonthebatterypackwith thecorrespondingslotintheendofthe powerhandle.(seefigure5)
Figure 5
2. Insert the battery fully into the handle making sure that the spring-
loaded buttons on each side of the battery pack snap into place in the
Removing the Battery
1. Depress the spring-loaded buttons on both sides of the battery
simultaneously. (see figure 6)
Figure 6
2. Pull the battery pack straight out from the handle.
To turn the tool on:
1. Grip the control grip firmly with one hand and grip the auxiliary handle on the tool attachment (if provided) with
the other hand.
2. Push the switch that your thumb rests on straight forward; this is the safety release. (see figure 7)
Figure 7
3. While holding the switch under your thumb in the forward position, use your fingers to pull upward on the control trigger. (see figure 8) This will energize
the tool and allow you to do your work. It is NOT necessary to keep pressure
on the thumb switch after the tool has started.
Please note that the tool will not start if the lock ring is not in the fully locked
line trimmer stalls or stops turning unexpectedly, release the control
trigger immediately. If, after verifying that the line head turns freely, the line trimmer does not restart, check the fuse to see if it needs replacing. See the section on replacing the fuse. Only
replace the fuse with the same type 15 Amp fuse.
To turn the tool off:
1. Release the control trigger and the tool will turn off. The thumb switch wilt
return to the rear position to prevent accidental re-starting of the tool.
The power handle can be operated in two positions, normal and inverted,
depending on the work you are trying to do. Depending on work position, both thumb switch or control trigger wilt release safety or activate tool, so it
is not necessary to contort your hand when using the power handle in the inverted position. (see figure 9)
Figure 9
ATTACH LINE GUARD PRIOR TO USE - Attach the line guard to the
trimmer housing by first aligning both of the side tabs with the slots in the
trimmer housing. Next, press firmly on the rear of the guard until it is firmly
seated against the trimmer housing.
Important - Rotate the edging wheel until the arrow on the wheel lines up exactly with the arrow on the underside of the line guard.
Now, insert the provided screw through the hole in the edging wheel and into the exposed hole in the black housing. Tighten in place with a screwdriver.
(see figure 10) When the screw is properly installed and tightened, the
head of the screw will be recessed and the edging wheel should rotate freely.
OVERLOAD PROTECTION The line trimmer attachment
incorporates a fuse which will protect the line trimmer in the event of an
overload or prolonged stall. The fuse will cause the tool to stop operating
Figure 10
Important:The line guard
incorporates an automatic line cut- off blade, which keeps the cutting
line trimmed to the proper length. Remove the protective tape from
this blade before first use.
Maintain proper balance at all times. Keep hand away from moving line. Wear eye protection when using the unit. Hold the line trimmer firmly when starting and operating. (see figure 11)
line - While the unit is running, gently tap the line head against the ground
off automatically to maintain proper length.
To lengthen the life of the string spool, do not bump feed by tapping the line
head on concrete or asphalt.
LAWN AND FLOWERBED EDGING Holding the front handle, rotate the rest
of the unit to bring the edging wheel into position. (see figure 12)
Figure 11
WEED AND LAWN TRIMMING The unit works best with dry grass, but
it can be used safely in wet grass due to the tow voltage design.
A long sweeping cutting motion will get the greatest amount of trimming per charge.
Watch out for foreign objects in the grass. Avoid trimming near wiring or other objects that could become tangled in the rotation of the string
head. Always inspect area to be trimmed
for objects that could be damaged or tangled during trimming.
During normal operation, the cutting line wilt wear down and need to be
advanced to its full cutting length. Advance (bump feed) the cutting
Figure 12
Locate the edging wheel along the surface to be edged. (see figure 13)
Figure 13
Slowly let the line trimmer roll along the edge of the lawn with the roller
guide wheel supporting the weight of the unit. Stop periodically to advance the cutting line.
When edging an area for the first
time,youwillformagrooveinthe ground.Formingthegroovemay
requirespecialattentionandfrequent lineadvancement.Afterthegroove isformedthefirsttime,regular maintenanceiseasy.
Foroptimumresults,regularlyrotate thelineheaddownandbumpfeedto
advancestring. Watchoutforforeignobjects.
handsawayfromtriggersduring reloading.
METALLIC CUTTING LINE. Tabs are located on each side of the
line spool cover. Press both tabs on the line head cover and remove cover
by pulling upward. It may be easier to press in one tab at a time. After the
tabs are pushed in, lift the spool out of the housing and put spring in a safe place. (see figure 14)
baseofthespool. Evenlyandtightlywindthespoolinthe
directionshownonthebottomofthe spool.
Continuewindinguntilthelineisjust belowtherim,thencutthelinewith
scissors. Donotoverfill.Overfillingcancause
Holdthelinesoitdoesnotunwind; insertthecutendthroughtheeyeletin thelineheadhousing.Donotextend
morethan2"oflineoutsidetheline headhousing.(seefigure15)
Figure 15
Now replace the spring and spool, making sure that the line is not caught under the spool.
Re-install the line head cover. If more than 2" of line is extended
outside the line head, cut the excess off before turning on the trimmer.
Figure 14
Remove and discard any remaining cutting line in the spool.
Clean all debris from inside the line head assembly.
Holding the end of the line, insert 1/4" of the tip into the small hole at the
Clearing Jams CAUTION: To prevent injury, keep
hands away from trigger during clearing of jams. To prevent injury,
do not use the line trimmer with a damaged line head assembly.
Inspect cutting line and spool and clear away debris.
Unwrap the spool several turns and inspect the line for damage.
Cut away damaged line and discard.
Inspectthelineheadassemblyfor cracksordamage.
Whilegentlypullingonthecuttingline, pressthespool(bumphead)untilthe linereleases.Ifthejamiscleared,the spoolshouldspinfreeashortdistance
andthelinewilladvance. Iftheunitcontinuestojamorwill
notspinfreely,call800-539-6455. Failuretostoptheunitwhenthe lineisjammedwiltcauseexcessive batterydrainageandshortenmotorlife
(overheating). FuseReplacement
Toreplacethefuse,youmust firstremovethelineguardfrom
thetrimmer.Turnthelinetrimmer attachmentupsidedown.Alignthe
arrowontheedgingwheelwiththe arrowonthelineguard.Removethe screwthatisexposedintheholein theedgingwheelwithastandard
screwdriver.Removetheguardby pullingawayfromthetrimmerhousing.
Withthelineguardremoved,remove thescrewshowninfigure16fromthe
taboftheredfusecoverontheright sideofthetrimmerhousing.
Pullthefusestraightoutoftheholder. Replacethefusewiththesametype
15ampminiautofuse.Pushthefuse holderbackintothetrimmerhousing. Replacetheredfusecoverbyfirst insertingthetabatthetopofthecover
intothehousingandthensecuringitin placewiththescrewthatyouremoved previously.Attachthelineguardtothe trimmerhousing(seethesectionon attachingthelineguard).
CAUTION:Neveroperatethetrimmer withoutthelineguardattached.
WALLBRACKET Mountthewallbracketsecurelyto
thewall;attachwithscrewstoawall stud.Theuseofwallboardanchors
isNOTrecommended.Placethetool attachmentinthewaltbracketas
shownforconvenientstorage.(see figure18)
Removetheredcoverandsetaside. Pullthefuseholderoutfrominside
thehousingandunsnapitscoveras showninfigure17.
WARNING: Always remove the battery when performing any maintenance on the power handle or a tool attachment that is connected to the power handle.
WARNING: Always keep hands away from the triggers when performing
maintenance on the power handle. LUBRICATION - No periodic
lubrication of the line trimmer attachment is required.
CLEANING OF PLASTIC PARTS =Use only a dry brush or a cloth
with warm water and mild soap to clean plastic parts. Many household
cleaners contain chemicals which could damage the plastic. Never use
gasoline, turpentine, paint thinner or similar fluids. Never spray-wash tool or immerse in water. Water or liquid
inside the tool can cause serious damage to the unit.
DROPPING THE UNiT - If you drop the unit, carefully inspect it for any damage before using it again. Have the unit professionally repaired if
damage has occurred.
= A
TEMPERATURE = Temperature extremes limit the useful life of the
battery. The best storage place is one that is cool and dry. Store the tool away from direct sunlight, heating pipes, furnaces, etc. Do not store
where temperatures go below +40 F or above +120 F.
PREVENTING CORROSION = Fertilizers and other garden chemicals
contain compounds that greatly accelerate the corrosion of metals. Do
not store the appliance on or adjacent to fertilizers or chemicals.
e =
REPLACEMENT PARTS - For optimum cutting results and the
assurance of top performance, it is recommended that only Sears Craftsman replacement blades and
cutting line be used. WARNING: Use only Craftsman
accessories and replacement parts available from Sears. Use of non- Craftsman accessories could be
hazardous. Call 1-800-366-PART. BATTERY RECYCLING =To preserve
natural resources, please recycle or dispose of this product's NICKEL- CADMIUM (NiCd) BATTERY properly. Local, state and federal laws
prohibit disposal of NiCd batteries in ordinary trash. The manufacturer is a participant in the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation (RBRC) recycling program. We have paid
a fee to allow for these batteries to be properly disposed of via a RBRC
collection site (various retailers are also RBRC participants). Please call the RBRC toll free number at (800)
822-8837 or visit the RBRC web site at to find a battery
collection center near you.
If you see any condition that may affect safe operation, or if you have any questions, contact our customer
service number at:
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