Craftsman 139.53696EV User Manual

Garase Door Monitor
Model 139.53696EV
To prevent possible SERIOUSINJURYor DEATHfrom a closing garagedoor:
NEVERpermit children to operate or play with door control push buttons or remote control transmitters.
ActivatedoorONLYwhenit is properlyadjustedandtherearenoobstructionsto doortravel.
NOTICE:To comply with FCCand/or Industry Canada(IC) rules, adjustment or modifications of this transceiver are prohibited.THEREARENOUSERSERVICEABLEPARTS.
Thisdevicecomplieswith Part15of the FCCrulesand IC RSS-BIO.Operationis subject tothe following two conditions: (1) this device may trot cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must acceptany interference received,including
nterferencethat maycauseundesred operaton.
Thegarage door monitor indicatesthe status of your garagedoor from inside the home. Thegarage door monitor can be programmed with upto four garage door openers. The garagedoor monitor is compatible with AssureLinkTM enabled garagedoor openers only.
Volume Control Button
)eaker Port
Close Door Button
TheVolumeControlbuttonallowsyouto setthevolumeto low, medium,high,or off.
TheClose Door button will close all open doors. Both LEDswill blink simultaneously as the doors are closing. A long beepwill be heard confirming the doors are closed.
Red Green Blinking Off At least one garage door is open
Off Solid ALL doors are closed Solid Off No signal has beenreceived from a programmed garage
door openerwithin the last 20 minutes (implies a power outageor a garagedoor opener malfunction)
Solid Solid Thegarage door monitor has been successfully
Redandgreen LEDsblink Thegarage door(s) is closing after pressing the Close Door simultaneously button
Redandgreen LEDsblink Thegarage door monitor is not programmed to any garage
alternately and slow door opener
Redandgreen LEDsblink Thegarage door monitor is in programming mode
alternately fast
Off Off No powerto the garagedoor monitor
Audible tones alert you of the garagedoor(s) status. TheVolume Control button allows
_outo setthe volume to low medium, high, or off.
Oneshort beep* * Initiated Programming
initiated EraseMemory
Memory has beenerased
Close Door button has beenpressed
Two short beeps* Thegarage door monitor has been
successfully programmed Failedattempt to program fifth garage door opener Agarage door(s) is opening
Agarage door(s) is open No communication with the garagedoor opener
Door closes successfully afterpressing Close Door button
Thesebeepswill not be heard if thevolume is setto OFF.
Two long beeps* Three short beeps*
Oneshort beep repeating* Onelong beep repeating*
Onelong beep*
Connectthe adapterto the garage door monitor and a standard 110 Vac outlet.
NOTE"Depending on theplanned location
of the monitor within the home, it may be
more convenient to temporarily place the monitor near the GarageDoor Opener
during programming. Onceprogramming is completeplace themonitor in the desired location.
1. Press and releasethe Learn button on the back of the garagedoor monitor.
Within 60 seconds, pressand release the Learn button on the garagedoor opener. Two short beepswill confirm the garagedoor monitor has been successfully programmed.
NOTE:To program additional garagedoor
openers, repeat the stepsabove on each
individual garagedoor opener. Thegarage door monitor can beprogrammed with up
to four garage door openers.
To eraseaii programmed garagedoor openers from the garage door monitor, pressand hold the Learn button on the garage door monitor for at least six seconds. One short beep will be heard at the beginning, one short beepwill confirm that all codes have been
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