Craftsman 139.53225SRT User Manual

Model No.
For Residential Use
Caytion: Read and follow all safety ryles and ope-ratlng instryctlons fciefore first yse of this product
Fasten the manyat near the garage door after instaflation.
Safety PrecautloRS
■ Assembly
Care and Maintenance
■ Operation
■ Troybteshootinf
■ Parts List
Complies with UL, 325 fefubticris effective January 1. 1993
Sears. Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A,
Contents Page
A rriviuw (if nuicty aii'il ijyinl.iiii;!.... .............................2
Y(!u‘!I need looi;; Safety irtP)im.'ition rugnidirnj garaye d-oor locks
artd ropes
Testing your garage door for otioking, binding
and balance..,.,.,..
iiluntration of sectionai door installatfon- ...„..,...,.......„4
liii istrtiiion of ono-piece dmr installation ...„..„..„„....5
Cation invfentoty Hard«afe inventory. Assembiy section - pages 8-11
Asaembie i -faii
Attach cable puSloy firaoket......................
fmlloy Fn.c'cn Taail to i>j)oncn
Insiall diairi/c.:ib!f;...................................................... 10
Attach sprrxtKot covoi , .,..„....,...10
Tightori Ihe chain and ciljle
Installation section - pages 11 -- 2.7
Installaljon safely iriciructioi'is..............,..,.„„.........„....11
Doiormino bender br.icknt lotr-alion
SoetK >naJ 1.1'jCif.............................................. ....12
Onc-pi«;e dwjr
iiH ‘■■■ifi th,.. [n.l.t-ii.l , ,...,.......,..,,„..„....14
Ailivdi the: T-raii to hfjader bsdckfct.. F'osition the opener Hang the ;>penor
Install ttii; wall conlroi .............................................. 18
..................................................... ,3
. . ...................
Iffiila!! the lyjlit oi'fiJ lens Aitacfi cnicrgency release rope and handle.. F loc.lrical reiiuiretnernfs Safety revf'Ciirifj sensirr
Insiull ihe oafety revarsing sertGor......................
Fasten dcor bracket (sectional door) Fasten door bracket (one-piece door) Corinect door asm to truiicy (sectionai door).. Connect cICKX arm !o trolley (one-piece dryyr)
Ad|ustment section - pages 28 “ 30
Trav€:l limit ailjusiments.......................................
i'Vfrce adjustrnente
Tost tfic rvjioiy reversing .senr,or
1 est the iXJfC'ty revenvo system OfXìraiiirn safety instructioi e;
Càie of yoiit opener.......
Mainlc-rìance schcKitile................
Opemlion of yuur opener RtKieHcf and roiiiote control progiammH-iQ .
Having a protiiorn? .. ........... .
Kopotr prirts, rail asfs.;inbiy..........
Repair parts, inotallation Repair parte, oponor a.Gsembly Afxessones
How to order repair parts.. Maintenartce agreement.
.......................... . .
.,22„ 23
. „„„,33.
.34, 35
„38 ..„„„.39
.„„„..40 .
Start by re¥iewlng these ¡mp«'rta.nt safety alert Sfm.bols
When you see these Safety Symbols on the following pages, they will alert you to the possibility of
serious Iniury or death Ifyo« cfo not comply wilt the corresponding instriictions. The hazard may
come from something mechanical or from electric shoclc Read the Imtmetiom emefully.
When you see this Safety Symbol ®n the following pages, it will alert you to the possibility of damage to your garage door anctfor the garage door opener If you do not coinptf with the corresponding .Instroctlofis. fieacf the instmetiom eamfulty.
This garage door opener Is desif ned and tested to offer safe service prowided It is installed, operated* m.aintaineci and tested-lii strict'accordance with the safety instructions contained'tri this manual
You'll Need Tools
D'uring assembly, installation and adjustment of the opener, instructions will call for hand toots shown below.
Pia« d«
Taladro eiécirie*
3/tr. ШШ. f
Ища cortada«
Mm &m seguete
ишшй cié «¡а
Ля unbalanced garage dom might not remrse when required and someom under the door could Ш seriomiy irtjumd or kilted,
ff your garage door binds, sticks or Is out of balance, call for professional garage door­service. Garage doors, door springs, cables,,
pulleys, tmcksts and their hardware are under extreme teaslon and mn muse serious iniury
or death. Do not t.ry to loosen, move or adjust,
them yourself!
Hopes left on. a garage door could cause someone to- be-co-me e-.nMfig.led and kH-led. Remove all ropes coreiected to the do.or before Installing and operating the opener.
Identify the type and height of your door and any special conditions that exist and any additional materials that -may be required by referring to the lists on page 4 or page 5.
To avoid damage to the garage door and opener, disable locks before Installtag and. operating the opener, U-se a wmtd scre-w or nail to hold loc-ks In the "O'pen." funlocked) position.
Operation at other than 120V 60 Hz will cause opener malfu-nctlon and damage.
Before you begin, complete the following test to make sure your door is balanced, and is not sticking or binding;
»t rft the 'i 'or '(bout haii/ray a., shown R<4e I'-.e the
boor !t otmulij Slav :n pia< f, .uppcxted f nerelv by
lía aprifigC.
• Raise and lowe.r the door to see if there is any binding or sticking.
i !
' SEC-llOf"’iAI„,0odr ínstallaííosi'
Before you begin, survey your farag-e area to see whether any of the conditions ijelow apply
to your Installation.
Hortzorit*! and v»fiical rwnfofcsm««
Is r»«jed lot !lf hiwBí^íit 'gaiag« émm
(fttxirglass, sS»«!, abiwnum, cfcof with glass p«r*ts. ete.|,
S«^ fmg» 24 Im detals.
- Safety ftsviirsirtg S#awf on yr,ur porhculos rC't|usrC'rnc'*nlo, there art íViverai instalLition step'.» which rnighi call >or rnatiinals arnJ'''rjr hardware; not incliidod tn itie ccirtttn
• Gle;'( 1, parjo id ■ Ltiok a! it>e wall of ceiiinq al.'ove )iie garage '.íoor. Tire header bracket rnuGl be íiíK-Lifoly lastooed to stfuolural supports.
• oiep 5, payo 17 - Do you have a finiíthed coiiing in youf garage? ff so, i\ support bracket and additional lastoning hardware may be re(¡uired.
• Safety reversirig sensor, page 21 - Depending upon garage construction, wood blocks may rirt'd to be facionod to mounting Socatfons before sortGoro art! inst.ilierl
• Step 10, page 22 Alterrtaic floor rnounfirtg of the safety reversing senscjt will retiuire fiardware not provided.
• Step 11. page ,?4 - Do you have a steel, aiutninum. fibcrgltiSG or glass panel dottr? if so, fwn/onlal and vertical feiriforoemcnt is requirc-d.
» Look at the gamge door wftere it nieeis the floor
It must close on the floor all the way across. Other-wise, the safety reverse system may not work properly. See page 30. Floor or door shouki he repaired.
Closed Position
■ ^Brar'líiíít C >\
I rní'ífy
, . Cúiingf'
¡’ Dí>’'í / I
A ' ¡ I
/?/ ''-"'‘"i"“
f<-¿ (Zar^í^i
ÍVv)<' fifiickcü
Hie opener can bo inistaliifri within 2 ferrl of the left or right of the door cenler if thtrre ic a torsion Gprlng or center bearing plate in the way of ifte header bracket or door bracket area. It your ciorm has
extension springs, the opeiier must be insislloci
in the center of the da» Sec pages 12 and 24.
’ Do you have an access door in addition to iftc
garage door'? If not, Model 53702 Emergency
Key Release is required. See page 38.
’ if your door is more than 7 feet high, see the longer
rails available on page 3H
You may find it helpful to refer bade to this page as you proceed with the Instaftatlon of your opener.
LìciCfi" -CHI bnCir,, curv'-y your garagi^ Hfi-a to
see whether any of the canditioas Deievr oppiy to your Insîaiation,
Slack in ctaifi tens«»
is fWfi«»l when
gafage ikm is ctesecl.
- y'' . S4>i!'
'if rj'Xjf mus; 1/“^"
Bi'iced on youf p;jrticulai ferjuifernents, there am
rnyeral snnîcïlîiition steps which might C3!i fur nuhenais emeVof harily^are not included in the cadon.,
» otep 1, pi-jge 13 ■• Look at the wait or coiling above
!t:e q.iritge dour The lieadof bracket mus? be i.ecurely faslenftcJ to ■‘.îr'ucturrai suppofts.
• -SLip t). page 17 * Do you tiavo a fimched coilinn in your (¡.ifage-'’ If so. a support brrjoket and
sKlditional fasteniny ti.ardwaro («not uufipiietj) rn.iy be required
• Dafoty reverainy fienaor, p,iqc PI - D’Pponding on
garage cwnetrudion, wood blockr. may nf;ed to be seciirely Jaatoned to mounting locuiicrtc before sensors <arc; instailed.
• Step 1Ü. page 22 ~ Alîernaie floor mounting uf the
safoty leversing sanfior will rer|uire harriwaro thaï
ÎS not provicJe-d.
• Step 11. piige 25 - Cseneraliy, a one piece door
doers not require reinforcement. If your door is
ligimveighî, you atn refer to the information relating In cectiona! doors on page 24,
• Step 11, page 25 - Depending on your door's
construction, you might need addiitonai mounting
hardware for the door bracket.
• Do you have an access door in addition to the garage door? If not, Mode! 53702 Emergency Key Release is required. See page 38,
• The gap between the bottom of the garage door and the floor cannot exceed 1/4". Otherwise, the safety reverse system may not work properly. See page 30. The floor or the door stiould be repaired.
Ss<3}»« .briicto
S fasi suing
hg/rfwart » r«|ttiii»d
Se«»^ 17,
Closed Position
G. i&ln
Gti(î*jW CurrftKl
ÎAK-r rxx)i
Ann Arris
Rope S Mandli
One-Piece Door With Track
k ■' •■•lTv '
uD, .^"31 i
mus? t>? tev®!
Closed Position
'vy\ " Dwi Stfasght
8rackb“l Ooor
You may find It helpful to refer back to this page as you proceed with the instailation of your O'pener.
hr-. ......
E * n]
' ■ Sô'OîY
'AVj'tfï O?
Rpp® & Htrsdl#
Opener Carton Inwentory
Your garag-e -door O'pener is pacicaged tn two cartons which contain all parts illustraled below. If anything is missing, carefully check the packing materia!. Parts may be 'stuck* in the foam. Hafcfware for assembly and installation is shown ofi page 7.
UmMM SM24 (f|. S3637 {2!,
S363S (2}, S3629 (t.53626 (2'}.
S34.2:5 P), 5332,5 {1}'
Three-Functitm fterndte Cwtroi
wiffi Visor Clip ('f'J
Modal 53623 Oflif
Compaa ftmnam Gixitrof
Myipi' -,:uvr~,
5 « VI * V.'rt 'i HP's 5'. V'
M&del S3S2S only
Singte-Fufxaion. atiw-i# Controt
witfi Vis«' Qiu m
MI Wif*
tf W
M'i i«rl 1 VW •^r, y
K()yl*'‘4a i ¡«ly
o'c;' 1.
•V: y;w/ii,k,;"i ¡.f
,,jri>L>d S!,;v,n
W;j|l :,<ii (('}!
Jin* H,irW.,)ia
End Seciions
Py-ltef Btiii*«
Maim 53637, .53635. & S342S,
IJfhtiij Con»fci
Wall Co«fOl
IWsjM Wai CortliOl
n I
■ isip
Safety Re¥«rffl:ng ■Sm»Sf
Youning Bfack,et
With Square H<J*s (2)
Safely Rave-fSin,g Sensor
Motinli-ng Braoleet
WWh Slol (2}
!*■ Jiji ’ S<
Cufved Dom
Aim Smskm.
Door Plal#
•C* Wrap (2}
Oiain mnd CabI»
in D)'sp«ns.infl Canon
(2) Sa.f»t R«f«is«9 Sensor*
11 S«f>#ng Eye m41 RacirMng Eye)
2-Condii«« Wh«.i! S Whluffifai* B«l Wir#
y*.'» r 1,'t t’Vjrfiji
Maftsift'g Btacksis
Sirai-ghi 0<w
Aim Socllof!
Separate all hardware from the packages in the rail carton and the opene-r carton, as shown below, for the assembly and instaliatlon procedures.
Assembly Section: Pages 8-11
To avoid installation difficulties, not run the garage door opener yntH instructed to- dO' so.
Assembly Step 1
Assemble the T~raii & Attach the Cable Pulley Bracket
Align the 3 T rait secnons on a flat surface exactly as showiu The end sections are identical, Make sure the “arrov^ label* on tfre center sedion is
oosntinrj lov/ard ttw door,
In.'aat tfie carnrifjt- boit-C so ii-:o square brjit nocks
seat in Ific- .'■rquaro holes in the Tsai! end sections
and pass fhruug.h ttiO round holes m T-rail cerrter
sndiuri. Assemble lock nuts, ensure alignment and
If Tmaii is not assembled
EXACTLY as shown, trolley wilt not travel snsoolhly along length of rail or It will
his against tfie nuts.
■Hake S'lire i»ft weeks are seated in the square holes and rails are atlffiecl before yöw tif iiteii lock nute. ($e# right and wmm§ views). Impro^r assem&lf -can cause feity »alley of».ralon, iioiss aftcKsr nul«rice- reversals.
Right Wrong
• Position tie cable pulley bracket on -ftie front end of the T-rail as shown. Fasten SKurely with the hardware.
/ ' -
CaKe Put«iv
1 T
toe!« m'&mm
Hardware Shown Actual Size
wr - 20 * ?m‘
■HB* SCfW¥
5/16* - 13 X 7/8*
When tightenliif the screws, be sure to keep
braclcet parallel
to the rail.
Otherwise, the rail 'Btaf bow when opener Is operated.
Assembly Step 2
install the Tmliey on the 'Tornii
Hardware Shown
Actual Size
Attach the threaded shaft to the trolley with the lock washer and nuts as shown.
Irsfler Hyi
r' .J
Loc'k Wash«f
' As a temporary stop, msert a screwdriver into the
hole in the front end of the T~rail.
• Slide the trolley assembly along the rail to the screwciriver stop,
If trolley hits against any nuls en the T-rall, the tjolts and nuts were atttched from the wrong side and must t» repositioned. Review' Step 1.
Assembly Step 3
Fasien the T-rail to the Opener
Place the opener on packing materiai tO: protect
the cover. For convenience, put a support under the cable pulley bracket.
• Remove the (2) 5/16*«l8x1/2‘ washerecl screws moynied in the top of the opener.
• Align the hoi-es in the back section of the T-rail with the holes in the opener.
• Fasten the rail with the (2) wasiiered. screws pnevtously removeci. Tighten securely.
Remember to- use only these screwsl Any other
screws will cause serio-us damage to the opener.
• Insert', a 5/16*-18x7/8* hex screw iii'to- the trolley
stop hole iri: the T-rail as shown. Tighten securely
with a 5/16* lock washer and nui This screw limits
trolley travel in the UP direction.
To fasten rail, use only those screws meiinted
in the top of the opener. Any other screW'S wit cause serious damage to the opener.
Washefiid Siittm
Hix Screw
Assembly Step 4
Install the Chsin/Caüíe &
Attach the Sprocket Cower
II n , ,i .1
SertO'ys ln|urf can result If fttigers b-ecom# entangled In moving opener sproctet. Attach sprockei cover securely. Never operate opener while yoyr hand is near the opener sprocket.
dv# Chain arttfCaW«
,n',Cf fH‘ ffftnsing
3 ( Anr.u V, ¡Jíf/i- rt Knhmg.
1 mVfI ' ' )i n ÌCIf *f<
• D.-t.rh t;if 1.,'iiíií- !nu(. from the cartoli and íaMoTí it to tht- {folfi-/ wítÍ! il íii.i'jrif link fíOíTi the hardwrjte bag bet .Twclm ImK piocedure, f-'tguro 1
• W'tbi tito dt'tlcy ag-iin it the ecr»>wdnver, diepenoo the rabit around !ííh pulSoy.
• f’i(x of'd book tifound tfie opefrfif sprocket,
F igu.’f 2 Uo auf" rprockot toiith crigage bin chain Continui' forwtiid to the trolley thre,idofj sliah, Figurr,- 2
*' b , ‘ [ i f > j- M J « t <1. Í if i O ’ji H I
th*’ ciifiin P) ttio flat end of the phaf!
Check to make sure the chain is
not twisted.
• Remove the scfewdrtver.
f b|‘ ■- *p SiJii
! I» k
FIgyfe 2
Figure 3
!ns.laJl Chain and Cab»
Ffonf Tab SW
in. This 0if*ctiOf>
Baci« Tab Sfot
Tep of 0|jen«r
Master LJnls Proe^eiiur»;
Push pins of masfef ink to ftfoygh «ijle hxip and hole i.o front end of trolley. Push ca.p over pins anc! Into notches. Slide ctip-on spring over cap and ito .notches until both pins are sasorely locked.
To attach the sproctet cover.:
• Insert the back tab in the opener slot. Squee-ze the cover slightly and insert the front tab in H-m '.tot on
the mounting plate.
Assembly Step 5
Tighten the Chain S Cable
• fjpin tho ir.hor fiut and lock •ooshcf dovvtt ttv tKro ifiO'l .haft, a'.va/ titan îtio UnlO'/
• io liijhien !l(0 chain, turn outof nut in the fiiritction iuhawn As you turn the nut, keep the chain from twisting.
• When the chain is approximately 1/2* above the base of the T-rait at its midpoint, re-tighten the inner nut to secure the adjustment.
Sprocket noise- -can result ff chain Is either too
loose o-r too tight.
When installation is complete, you may notice some chain droop with the door closed. This is normal If the chain returns to the position shown when tiie
■door is open, do not the chgiii. NOTE: During future iiialntenaiice, ALWAYS
pyll the emergency release handle io disconnect trolley before adjustin-g chain.
Outer Nut
B»» o< T-riljf
Ifinef Mrt
You ha¥e now finished assembling your garage d-o-or opener. Please read the fo-llowlrig warnings befo-re proceedin-g to the instaiiation section:
Wm Y '
lo redyce the risk of se¥ere injury or deatli to persons;
2. Install only on t properly bafance-d and'lubricated garage door. An improperiy balanced door may not fewfS'-t and could result in severe Infury or death.. Repairs to cables, spring asscmbiies
and other hardware must be made by a professional service person before Instaiiing opener,
3. Disable all lo-cks and .reroo've alt ropes cörmected to the garage- door before Instaiiing the opener. Ropes conriecfed' to a garage- door can cause entanglement and death.
4. If possible, Install door opener 7 feet or more ab-ovt floor with the emergency release handle
moyn-ted 6 feet above the floor.
-5. Do not connect the opener to po-wer so'yrce yntil Instructed to do so,
6. Lo-cat-e the Wall Control within sight of the door at a minlnium height of 5 feet where small children cannot reach and away fro-ro. all rrtO'vin:-g parts of the -door.
7. Install the User Safety instru-ctlon Label on the wall adjacent to the contro-l button, art-d the M-alnlenance Instruction Label in a prominent fo-cat'lon on the- Inside of the garage door.
8. -Upon corop-letiori: of the installation, the door must reve-rse when it c-o-mes In contact with a one-inch high object or a 2x4 laid flat on the floo'f»
9. Do no-t wear watches, rings or loose clothing while Installing -or servicing m o-pen-er. Jewelry or
loose clothing can be caught in the rRechanlsm of th® garage door -or the opener.
Installation Section: Pages 12-27
Installatioo Step 1
Determine Header Bracket Location
Instaliaiion procedures vary according to garage door types. Follow the ¡nstruclionij which apply to your door.
SECTIONALDooratid ■: ■■ i ' ONE-PIECE D'Od'rWitfvTrack!
If the header bracket Is not rIgWIy fastened to a structural support on the header wall or ceiling, the safety reverse system may not work properif (see page 30|. The dom might
not rewerse when requireéf Bnd eúulá cause
serious infuty or death.
The garage door springs, cables, puileys,
b-raclcets and their hardware are under extreme
tension, D& not affeinpf to- loosen, move or
adjust them yourself. Serious perso-ml m/urf or death could result. Call for professional
garage door service.
• Close the doto and nuuk ttie irisido vertical centf.ifiint* * oí the tpiraqo tJoor
• Etxierid the imo or,to ttio hcrrider wait above the
Remember, you can fasten the header bracket within 2 feet of the left or right of the door center only if a torsion spring or center bearing plate is ill the way; or you can attach II to the ceilinq defer to page 14) v/hen clearance is minima!. (!l may be mounted on the wal! upside down
if necessary, to gain approximately
ft you nviH to :пШ11 !hn hcadof Ьпчскс! on ¿1 Px-t (ibi wuli <>i oaHmc}). use ¡ap
SCfCnv: (fluí t.ltSHPn'CÍ! U) oncufely hvjfnn
ihi} Px4 to r.Uuutiiu! curpotts ,}>■' shown hern ,inij on fury - ÍP.
*Opon '/ou< to the- higfti-'ol
fiufnt ut iritvel -io '"tiMwn Draw ¿in intur'.,<.;;'tsng t;frri/jfital lino
ofi “!o- hoador wiill ?' atiovo
tiro tiifjh pnfot rtsi','. naight wiSi
provida travo'l oioarrH'ice for tfici top cdgii <'i t!if; door.
Door .olraranco brackets mr, avaiiaWo fra sor.tKrnat doors wbon treadriioni cioarance is
less shall ?“ See acctisoon/
page yp.
Proceed to Step 2, page 14.
Ь n'l
2‘- Trac*
а'Л' '
у Sr
Higbtsi Pant
Sectional doo-r
with curved track
One-piece door
with horizontal track
+ 28 hidden pages