Craftsman 13899005 Owner’s Manual

Model No.
138. 99005
NQmero de modelo
138. 99005
WARNING: To reduce the risk of injury, the user must read and understand the operator's manual
before using this product,
ADVERTENCIA: Para reducir el riesge de lesiones, et usuario debe leer
y comprender el manual del operador
Customer Help Line: 1-888-288-7098 Tel_fonodeatenci6n al consumidor: 1-888-266-7096
Sears Brands Management Corporation, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 USA
Visit the Craftsman web page: Visite et sitio web de Craftsman:
antes de usar este producto.
Save this manual for future reference
Guarde este manual para futuras consulta
Warranty ................................................................... 2
Introduction ............................................................... 2
Important safety instructions/Electrical .................. 3-5
Symbols ................................................................... 6
Features .................................................................... 7
Assembly ............................................................... 7-8
Operation ............................................................. 8-11
Maintenance ...................................................... 11-12
Illustrated parts list.................................................. 13
Figure numbers (illustrations) ................................. i-ill
CRAFTSMAN ®TWO YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY FOR TWO YEARS from the date of purchase this product is warranted against any defects in material or
workmanship. With proof of purchase, a defective product will be replaced free of charge. For warranty coverage details to obtain free replacement, visit the web page:
This warranty does not cover the spool of trimmer line, which is an expendable part that can wear out from normal use within the warranty period.
This warranty is void if this product is ever used while providing commercial services or if rented to another person. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
Sears Brands Management Corporation, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
DURANTE DOS ANOS a partir de la fecha de adquisicbn, este producto cuenta con garantia frente a defectos de material o mano de obra. Adjuntando la prueba de compra, se reemplazara gratuitamente el producto defectuoso.
Para detalles sobre la cobertura de la garantia para el reemplazo gratuito, visite la pagina web: www. craftsman.corn/warranty
Esta garantfa no cubre el carrete de hilo de corte, que es una pieza fungible que puede desgastarse por el uso normal dentro del periodo de garantfa.
Esta garantfa se anula si se utiliza este producto durante la prestaci6n de servicios comerciales o si se alquila a otra persona. Esta garantfa le otorga derechos legales especificos y tambien puede tener otros derechos que varfan de
estado a estado.
Garantfa .................................................................... 2
Introducci6n .............................................................. 2
Instrucciones importantes de seguridad ............... 3-5
Sfmbolos .................................................................. 6
Caracterfsticas .......................................................... 7
Montaje .................................................................. 7-8
Funcionamiento .................................................... 8-11
Mantenimiento .................................................... 11-12
Lista de piezas ........................................................ 13
NOmero de imagen (ilustraciones) .......................... i-ill
Sears Brands Management Corporation, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
This tool has many features for making its use more pleasant and enjoyable. Safety, performance, and dependability have been given top priority in the design of this product making it easy to maintain and operate.
Esta herramienta ofrece numerosas caracteristicas para hacer ma.s agradable y placentero su uso. En el dise_o de este producto se ha conferido prioridad a la seguridad, el desempe¢_o y la fiabilidad, por Io cual se facilita su manejo y mantenimiento.
2 -- English
Whenusinganelectricalappliance,basicprecautions shouldalwaysbefollowed,includingthefollowing:
_ll W,,&,RNING.Readandunderstandall
Knowyourstringtrimmer.Readoperator'smanual carefully.Learnitsapplicationsandlimitations,as wellasthespecificpotentialhazardsrelatedtothis stringtrimmer.Followingthisrulewillreducethe riskofelectricshock,fire,orseriousinjury.
Donotleavestringtrimmerunattended. Donotallowchildrenoruntrainedindividualsto
usethisunit. Donotallowtobeusedasatoy.Closeattentionis
necessarywhenusedbyornearchildren. Useonlyaccessoriesthatarerecommendedby
themanufacturerforyourmodel.Accessories thatmaybesuitableforonestringtrimmermay createariskofinjurywhenusedonanotherstring
Do not handle or string trimmer with wet hands.
Do not put any object into openings. Do not use with any opening blocked; keep free of dust, lint, hair, and anything that may reduce air flow.
Do not force tool. Use the correct tool for your application. The correct tool will do the job better and safer at the rate for which it is designed.
Do not operate the equipment while barefoot or when wearing sandals or similar lightweight
footwear. Wear protective footwear that will protect your feet and improve your footing on
slippery surfaces.
Keep hair, loose clothing, fingers, and all parts of body away from openings and moving parts.
Turn off all controls before removing battery.
Do not operate string trimmer in explosive atmospheres, such as in the presence of flammable liquids, gases, or dust. String trimmer create sparks which may ignite the dust or fumes.
Keep your work area clean and well lit. Cluttered benches and dark areas invite accidents.
Keep bystanders, children, and visitors at least 50 ft. away while operating a string trimmer. Distractions can cause you to lose control.
Stay alert, watch what you are doing and use common sense when operating a string trimmer. Do not use string trimmer, while tired, upset, or under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or medication. A moment of inattention while operating string trimmer may result in serious personal injury.
Store idle appliances - When not in use, string trimmer should be stored indoors in a dry, locked place out of the reach of children.
Dress properly. Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry. Keep your hair, clothing, and gloves away from moving parts. Loose clothes, jewelry, or long hair can be caught in moving parts.
Secure long hair above shoulder level to prevent entanglement in moving parts.
Avoid accidental starting.
Use safety equipment. Always wear eye protection that complies with ANSI Z87.1.
Dust mask, non-skid safety shoes, or hearing protection must be used for appropriate conditions.
Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry. Contain long hair. Loose clothes, jewelry, or long hair can be
drawn into air vents.
Do not use on a ladder, rooftop, tree, or other
unstable support. Stable footing on a solid surface
enables better control of the string trimmer in
unexpected situations.
Do not use string trimmer if switch does not turn it on or off. A string trimmer that cannot be controlled with the switch is dangerous and must be repaired.
Such preventive safety measures reduce the risk of starting the string trimmer accidentally.
3 -- English
Checkformisalignmentorbindingofmoving parts,breakageofparts,andanyothercondition thatmayaffectthestringtrimmer'soperation.If damaged,havethestringtrimmerservicedbefore using.Manyaccidentsarecausedbypoorly maintainedstringtrimmers.
Keepthestringtrimmeranditshandledry,clean andfreefromoilandgrease.Alwaysuseaclean
Keep all bystanders, children, and pets at least 50
String trimmer service must be performed only by
clothwhencleaning.Neverusebrakefluids, gasoline,petroleumbasedproducts,oranystrong solventstocleanyourstringtrimmer.Following
Save these instructions. Refer to them frequently
deteriorationoftheenclosureplastic.Alwayswear safetyglasseswithsideshields.Everydayglasses haveonlyimpactresistantlenses.TheyareNOT safetyglasses.Followingthisrulewillreducethe riskofeyeinjury.
Alwaysweareyeprotectionwithsideshields markedtocomplywithANSIZ87.1alongwith hearingprotectionwhenoperatingthisequipment.
Protectyourlungs.Wearafaceordustmaskifthe operationisdusty.Followingthisrulewillreduce theriskofseriouspersonalinjury.
Protectyourhearing.Wearhearingprotection duringextendedperiodsofoperation.Following thisrulewillreducetheriskofseriouspersonal injury.
conditions. Waterenteringastringtrimmerwillincreasethe
riskofelectricshock. Wearheavylongpants,longsleeves,boots,an
gloves.Avoidloosegarmentsorjewelrythatcould getcaughtinmovingpartsofthemachineorits motor.
Donotoperatetheequipmentwhilebarefoot orwhenwearingsandalsorsimilarlightweight
footwear.Wearprotectivefootwearthatwill protectyourfeetandimproveyourfootingon
Keepfirmfootingandbalance.Donotoverreach. Overreachingcanresultinlossofbalance.
Checktheworkareabeforeeachuse.Removeall objectssuchasrocks,brokenglass,nails,wire,or
inthemachine. Donotpointthestringtrimmerinthedirectionof
Neverruntheunitwithouttheproperequipment attached.Whennotinuse,stringtrimmershould bestoredindoorsinadry,lockedupplace--outof
ft. away.
qualified repair personnel. Service or maintenance performed by unqualified personnel may result in a risk of injury.
and use them to instruct others who may use this tool. Ifyou loan someone this tool, loan them these
instructions also.
4 -- English
_, WARNING: This product and some dust created by power sanding, sawing, grinding, drilling, and
other construction activities may contain chemicals, including lead, known to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling.
Some examples of these chemicals are:
1. lead from lead-based paints,
2. crystalline silica from bricks and cement and other masonry products, and
3. arsenic and chromium from chemically-treated lumber.
Your risk from these exposures varies, depending on how often you do this type of work. To reduce your exposure to these chemicals: work in a well ventilated area, and work with approved safety equipment, such as those dust masks that are specially designed to filter out microscopic particles.
When using a power tool at a considerable distance from a power source, be sure to use an extension cord that has the capacity to handle the current the product will draw. An undersized cord will cause a drop in line voltage, resulting in overheating and loss of power. Use the chart to determine the minimum wire size required in an extension cord. Only round jacketed cords listed by Underwriter's Laboratories (UL) should be used.
When working outdoors with a product, use an extension cord that is designed for outside use. This type of cord is designated with "W-A" or "W" on the cord's jacket. Before using any extension
cord, inspect it for loose or exposed wires and cut or worn insulation.
**Ampere rating (on productdata plate)
Cord Length Wire Size (A.W.G.)
**Usedon 12gauge - 20 amp circuit. NOTE:AWG =American Wire Gauge
0-2.0 2.1-3.4 3.5-5.0 5.1-7.0 7.1-12.0 12.1-16.0
25' 16 16 16 16 14 14 50' 16 16 16 14 14 12
100' 16 16 14 12 10 --
,_k WARNING: Keepthe extension cord clear ofthe working area.Position thecord so that it will not getcaught on lumber, tools, or other obstructions while you are working witha power tool. Failure to do so can result inserious personal injury. Check extension cords before each use. If damaged replace
immediately. Never use the product with a damaged cord since touching the damaged area could cause electrical shock resulting in serious injury.
5 -- English
The following signal words and meanings are intended to explain the levels of risk associated with this product.
dl_ Indicates an imminently hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, will result
_1, Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, could result
,_ minor or moderate injury.
DANGER: in death or serious injury.
WARNING: in death or serious injury.
CAUTION: (Without Safety Alert Symbol) Indicates a situation that may result in property
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, may result in
V Volts Voltage
A Amperes Current
Hz Hertz Frequency (cycles per second)
W Watts Power
min Minutes Time
,_, Alternating Current Type of current
Direct Current Type or a characteristic of current
[] Class II Construction Double-insulated construction
No Load Rational load
Speed speed, at no
/min Per Minute Revolutions, strokes, surface speed, orbits etc.,
per minute
O Wet Conditions Alert Do rain in locations
or use
Read The Operator's Manual To reduce the risk of injury user must read and
understand operator's manual before using this product.
Eye Protection Wear eye protection when operating
_i, Alert Precautions that involve
Safety safety.
Long Hair Failure to keep long hair away from the air inlet
Loose Clothing Failure to keep loose clothing from being drawn
Keep Bystanders Away Keep bystanders at away.
this equipment.
could result in personal injury.
into air intake could result in personal injury.
all least 50 ft.
6-- English
Input ....................................................................................................................................... 120V, AC only, 60Hz, 10Amps
String Cutting Width ....................................................................................................................................................... 18 in.
String Diameter ................................................................................................................................................ 0.080 in. max.
Weight ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9.70 Ibs.
See Figure 1, page L
The safe use of this product requires an understanding of the information on the tool and in this operator's manual as well as a knowledge of the project you are attempting. Before use of this product, familiarize yourself with all operating
features and safety rules.
This product requires assembly.
Carefully remove the product and any accessories
from the box. Make sure that all items listed in the packing list are included.
Inspect the product carefully to make sure no
breakage or damage occurred during shipping.
Do not discard the packing material until you have
carefully inspected and satisfactorily operated the product.
If any parts are damaged or missing, please call
1-888-266-7096 for assistance.
,_I_WARNING: Do not use this product if any
parts on the packing list are already assembled to your product when you unpack it. Parts on
this list are not assembled to the product by the manufacturer and require customer installation.
Use of a product that may have been improperly assembled could result in serious personal injury.
Power Head Front Handle Straight
Shaft Trimmer Attachment Grass Deflector
Operator's Manual
,_, WARNING: If any parts are damaged or
missing do not operate this product until the parts are replaced. Use of this product with damaged
or missing parts could result in serious personal injury.
_ILWARNING: Do not attempt to modify this
product or create accessories not recommended for use with this product. Any such alteration
or modification is misuse and could result in a hazardous condition leading to possible serious
personal injury.
_,WARNING: Do not connect to power supply
until assembly is complete. Failure to comply could result in accidental starting and possible
serious personal injury.
,_WARNING: Read and understand entire
Operator's Manual for each optional attachment used on this power head and follow all warnings
and instructions. Failure to follow all instructions may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious
personal injury.
,_I_WARNING: This electric power head is
designed to be only used with the attachment models that are specified in this Operator's
Manual. It is not designed to be used with brush cutters or other attachment models. Use of other
attachments could cause serious personal injuries or property damage.
,_I_WARNING: Never install, remove, or adjust
any attachment while power head is running. Failure to stop the motor can cause serious
personal injury. Never operate power head without an attachment.
71 English
ATTACHMENT (See Figure 2, page ii.)
Unplug the power head.
Loosen the knob on the coupler and remove the
hanger cap from the attachment.
Push in the button located on the attachment
shaft, Align the button with the guide recess on the power head coupler and slide the two shafts together. Rotate the attachment shaft until the button locks into the positioning hole.
NOTE: If the button does not release completely in the positioning hole, the shafts are not locked into place. Slightly rotate from side to side until the button is locked into place.
Tighten the knob securely.
,_, WARNING: Be certain the knob is fully
tightened before operating equipment; check it periodically for tightness during use to avoid
serious personal injury.
(See Figure 3, page ii.)
Unplug the power head.
Press the front handle onto the power head shaft so that the handle is angled toward the rear handle.
Place the front handle along the power head shaft to a position that allows for comfortable operation.
Slide the bolt through the holes in the front handle.
Slide the washer onto the bolt.
Place the wing nut onto the bolt and tighten the wing nut securely.
4, page ii.)
NOTE: Install the grass deflector before the attachment is connected to the power head.
Remove the wing screw from the grass deflector.
Insert the tab on the mounting bracket in the slot on the grass deflector.
Align the screw hole in the mounting bracket with the screw hole in the grass deflector.
Insert the wing screw through the mounting bracket and into the grass deflector.
Tighten the screw securely.
,_, WARNING: Read and understand entire
Operator's Manual for each optional attachment used on this power head and follow all warnings
and instructions. Failure to follow all instructions may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious
personal injury.
,_ WARNING: Do not allow familiarity with
product to make you careless. Remember that a careless fraction of a second is sufficient to inflict
serious injury.
_, WARNING: Always wear eye protection with
side shields marked to comply with ANSI Z87.1. Hearing and/or head protection may also be
required depending on the type of attachment used and as prescribed in the attachment's
Operator's Manual. Failure to do so could result in objects being thrown into your eyes and other
possible serious injuries.
,_ WARNING: Do not use any attachments
or accessories not recommended by the manufacturer of this product. The use of
attachments or accessories not recommended can result in serious personal injury.
page ii.
The power head is designed with a cord retainer that prevents the extension cord from being pulled loose while using.
Form a loop with the end of the extension cord.
Insert loop portion of extension cord through pening in the bottom of the rear handle and place over cord
Slowly pull loop against cord retainer until the slack is removed.
Plug power head into extension cord.
8 -- English
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