.....:,,,,,,,:....... i, , i i J ii i,ii ,,, .......
Model Number
The above Model Number will be found on a plate attached to
your sa_, at the back, near the bottom of the base. Always men-
tion the Model Number when communicating with us regarding
your saw or when ordering parts,
.... Ordering Information tor ................... •
Retail and Mail Order Stores
Printed in U S A
1. Send all ol:rdersfor parts listed herein direct to:
.... 7% ......
A minimu_ ,_?, source on any
order amou _:¢ ,_:,_ __. ,,,i/._:_ i! s to be charged
the actual F___. _ ........ '_ :¢'
Markut_: Selling prices on the parts listed produce a markalp of
approxtmately AO.
Filing Instructions
File this parts list immediately behind parts list nttmber 113.22411
in the DIVISION 9 Standard Nomenclature GREY BINDER Vol, II

for Assemblingand
Figure 1
Your Craftsman Saw is shipped complete (without
motor) in one crater To open crate, remove lid and un-
fold sides-- then unbolt saw from wood base. The crate
bolts, in some cases, may be used for mounting the motor
to the motor' mount assembly (N). Before discarding
packing material, examine it carefully for loose parts_
Your saw is shipped with the following loose parts wrap-
ped separately and packed in same crate with the saw
(see figure 1) : Rip fence rack (J), three screws and lock
washers (D), rip fence (F), miter gage (K), motor
mount (N), motor pulley (S), V-belt (T), arbor nut
wrench (M), and Alien wrench (U)o Thoroughly clean
the saw and these loose parts with a dry cloth. Remove
the rust-preventive coating on the saw table by"wiping
it off with a cloth soaked in kerosene,
The saw guard assembly and splitter blade brac-
ket (Part 72, Fig° 4) are not furnished with the
saw because of Government orders restricting
the use of aluminum. The above assembly may
be purchased when available, from Sears, Roe-
buck and Company under Catalog Noo 9-279io
CHECK ARBOR NUT- Remove two screws (B, fig, 1)
and lift out the insert (A, fig. 1). Check tightness of
saw arbor* nut (part 6362, fig,. 5_, :
using wrench (M, fig. 1)_ Re-
place insert and screws_ " *.......
TABLE GROOVES _i.Using ele-
vation hand wheel (A, fig. 2),
set saw blade for deepest 'cut.
Make pencil mark Qn tooth that
is just above table top at front of
blade. Measure distance from this
tooth point to right-hand table
groove (L, fig_ I). Rotate blade by hand to place this
same tooth just above table top at rear wthen again
measure distance .from tooth point to right-hand groove°
The two measurements must be :exactly equal, iIf not,
loosen the three screws (part S-860, fig. 4) in each trun-
nion which secure the table trunnion (part 13, fig. 4) to
the table. Shift the two trunnious until the two measure-
ments are equal, then retighten the screws. Again Check
INSTALL RIP FENCE--Secure the rack (J, fig. 1) to
the front skirt of the saw,tabIe, using the three screws
and. _l°ck'washers (D, fig.. 1). Be sure to position rack
with gear teeth facing downward M-and with top edge of
rack parallel with the top of table. Pull the rip fence knob
(G, fig. 1) out to permit the guide of the rip fence(F,
fi I to slide over rack ( ,fi 1)--then lacetheri
g.) (J g. p .....:...... v
fence on the saw table as shown in figure 2. A Slight
pressure must be exerted On the rip fencelo :cause itt0
seat properly on the rack. This is necessary because there
are two bar alignment springs which act on the :inner !iP
of the rack to hold the fence in continuous alignment.
Slide fence along rack, noting clearance between fente
and table top. If an), part of the fence (other :then the
sliding pad at the rear) drags on the table top, or if the
clearance between fence and table varies appreciably, as
fence is moved,..rack (J, fig. 1) must then be readjusted.
This can be done by again loosening screws (D, fgg 1)
to reposition the rack.
BLADE _ Place the rip fence next to the right-hand
_able groove (L, fig. 1) and clamp
it in place by pushing down on
the cam clamp lever (H, fig. 1).
Fence should be perfectly parallel
to the groo,,eo If not, loosen the
four screws (parts S-1264 and
S-1265, fig,. 4) which secure the
guide to the fence. Align fence
with groove then retighten
Before attempting to use your saw; assemble the parts as
instructed below _ and be sure to make all of the checks
and adjustments given in these instructions° This is im-
portant! Even though all adjustments are carefully
checked before saw is shipped, rough handling in transit
may make some readjustments necessary. Unless saw is
maintained in proper adjustment throughout, you cannot
do the fast, accurate work for which it is designed.
MOUNTING THE MOTOR _ Mount the motor (see
Motor Specifications) to the motor mount assembly (N,
fig, 1) _ then mount the motor support assembly tO the
saw by sliding the two pins (O, fig. 1) into th e mounting
holes at the rear of the cradle. Place pulley :(S, fig. i)
on the motor shaft, line it up with the pulley on the saw
arbor, then tighten the pulley set screws. Install V-belt
(T, fig. I) over pulleys and adiust the belt tension by

moving the motor support assembly towards or away from
the cradle. Motor should be allowed to rest or hang
against the belt to obtain the automatic belt tightening
feature--and belt should be snug. If adjustment ,s cor-
rect, clamp the motor support in place by tightening the
two square head set screws (part S-1267, fig. 4)_
is adjusted by tightening the nut (part S-!2!5, fig 4)
against the steel washer (part S-1261) and the spring
washer (part 6423). Nut should be tightened just enough
to reduce motor vibration when saw is operating. Do
NOT tlghten'mat to a ibcked position, o_ the studwill, be
sheared off when blade is raised or lowered.. A slklmg
action is necessary because mount changes position as
blade is raised or lowered Operate the saw by hand to
make certain that the belt has p_opet tension and that
mount changes position as it should.
If saw is to be driven by a large frame motor that cannot
be mounted on the motor support assembly, mount the
motor on moto_ rails. Use a 1!2dnch wide belt with a
minimum length of 80 inches. Adjust the position of the
motor until belt clears al! obstructions through all po-
sitions of the saw blade,,
If saw is to be driven from a line shaft, use a belt at least
100 inches long_
PLACEMENT OF MITER GAGE--The miter gage as-
sembly (K, fig. 1) can be used in either one of the two
table grooves.
This saw is designed to be used with a 3450 rpm motor.
Motor should be 3/4 hp (for light duty) or one hp (fox
heavy duty)--in either an AC motor of a repulsion-
induction or capacitor type, or a compound-wound DC.
The motor shaft center should be approximately 4 inches
above the bottom of the motor base,. If this dimension
varies appreciably from 4 inches, it may be necessary to
obtain a belt of a different length,. If a 1750 rpm motor
with a 4.5/8-inch shaft center height is used, a 5-inch
motor pulley and a 46-inch belt must be purchased. If
the motor shaft center height varies greater or smaller
than the above dimension, a correspondingly greater or
smaller belt length should be used. These may be ordered
through any Sears Retail Store or Mail Order House°
Figure 2
EIEVATION HAND WHEEL (A)--on the front of
the saw, controls elevation of the blade (depth of
cut) as indicated on the DEPTH DIAL (B)°
CLAMP SCREW HAND1[E (E) _ on front of saw, locks
the tilt mechanism in any desired position. The
clamp screw handle operates like a socket wrench.
Tilt mechanism should always be locked before start-
ing work _ and should always be unlocked before
attempting to change the angle of tilt.
TIIT HAND WHEEL (C)_ on left side of saw, con-
trois the angle of tilto The saw blade can be tilted
from 0° to 45 °, as indicated on the TILT GAGE-
(D). If the angle of cut (tilt) must be extremely
accurate, the angle of the saw blade should be
checked with a protractor or with a board which is
known to be cut at the exact angle required.
RIP FENCE (F) _ is operated by pushing in the FENCE
KNOB (G) so that it engages a pinion gear with
the teeth on RACK (J), Turning the knob (G),
after pushing it in, will cause the rip fence to move
accurately across the table_ When the knob (G) is
pulled out to disengage pinion gear, the rip fence
can be moved across the table by hand. Keep the
saw table and rip fence clean Dirt may prevent the
rip fence from obtaining proper alignment, Tapping
the fence lightly to assist the mechanism to find its
natural position, will help to maintain alignment of
the fence with the blade,
CAM CI,AMP 1lEVER (H)_ is used to clamp the rip
fence in place after it has been moved to the position
Under no circumstances should a 5-inch motor
pulley be used with a 3450 rpm motor. The saw
blade speed resulting from such a pulley ratio
would be dangerous. Do not use a 21/z-inch
motor pulley with a 1750 rpm motor--this will
not give satisfactory saw performance_
The following controls should be tested until the opera-
tot is thoroughly familiar with their uses. See figure 2,
MITER GAGE (K) _ is used in table grooves as a guide
for the wo_kpiece when the fence is not used_ The
angle of the gage can be adjusted by loosening
C1[.AMP KNOB (1[,) and positioning gage as indi-
cated by the dial and pointer (K).
bIITER GAGE STOP ROD (M)_ can be adjusted in
length by loosening WING NUT (N). This rod is
used as a positioning guide for the end of the work-
Under' no circumstances should a blade with a
diameter greater than 10 inches be used with
this saw.