Save This Manual
For Future Reference
Model and serial numbers
may be found at the rear of
the base,
You should record both
model and serial number in
a safe place for future use.
MODEL 113.198611
MODEL 113.198411
• Assembly
• Operating
Sold by SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO., Chicago, IL. 60684 U.S.A.
Part No. SP5105 Printed in U.S.A.
• Repair parts

If within one year from the date of purchase, this Craftsman Radial Saw fails due to a defect in material or
workmanship, Sears will repair it, free of charge.
This warranty applies only while this product is used in the United States.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from slate to state.
SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO., DEPT. 698/731A Sears Tower, Chicago, IL 60684
i i
Table of Contents
SectionTitle Page Numbers
Safety Information ............................................................................................ 3-6
Putting Your Saw Together .......................................................................... 7-30
Location and Function of Controls ........................................................... 31-34
Alignment of the Blade ............................................................................... 35-49
Digital Display .............................................................................................. 50-55
Electrical Connections ................................................................................ 56-57
Crosscutting ................................................................................................... 58-64
Ripping ........................................................................................................... 65-73
Cutting Accessories ...................................................................................... 74-77
Recommended Accessories .............................................................................. 78
Glossary ............................................................................................................... .79
Helpful Hints ................................................................................................ 80-81
Maintaining Your Saw ................................................................................. 82-88
Changing Motor Voltage .................................................................................. 89
Trouble Shooting .......................................................................................... 90-95
Parts Lists .................................................................................................... 96-114

Safety Information
The operator's manual contains safety infor-
marion, instructions and signs for your protec-
tion against serious injuries, including:
Loss of fingers, hand, arm or leg from contact
with the saw blade.
Eye injuries, including being blinded from
being hit by a thrown workpiece, workpiece
chips or pieces of the saw blade.
Impact injuries, including broken bones and
internal organ damage, from being hit by a
thrown workpiece, workpiece chips or pieces
of the saw blade.
Shock, electrocution, or burn injuries from
contact with wires, motor or other saw parts.
Safety Symbol and Signal Words
The safety information in this manual is high-
lighted by the following safety alert symbol.
Major Hazards
1. Workpiece Kickback
Kickback is an uncontrolled grabbing and
throwing of the workpiece during ripping. If
kickback occurs, the workpiece can hit
you hard enough to cause broken bones, in-
ternal organ injury or death. To reduce or
prevent kickback, read and follow the safety
information in the Ripping section of the
Internal injury can
Use anti-kickback
Fig. 2 Kickback Safely Sign
Fig. 1Safety Alert Symbol
The following signal words are used to indi-
cate the level of risk.
DANGER: Means that if the safety infor-
mation is not followed, someone will be
seriously injured or killed.
WARNING: Means that if the safety in-
formation is not followed someone could be
seriously injured or killed.
CAUTION: Means that if the safety in-
formation is not followed someone may be in-
All of the safety information and cutting
steps are critical to the safe operation of the
radial arm saw.
2. Kickback Followed by Blade Contact
Kickback followed by blade contact can hap-
pen when the saw blade is pinched or bound
by the workpiece during ripping. Kickback
can happen if you reach around the blade to
the end with the anti-kickback pawls, (out-
feed end), and try to hold-down or pull the
workpiece through to complete the cut. Your
fingers, hand, or arm can be cut off by the
blade if the workpiece kicks back.
Kickback, Blade
Fingers, hand, arm
can be cut off.
Follow instructions
for Ripping
Fig. 3 Blade Contact Safely Sign

3. Wrong Way Feed
Wrong way feed is feeding the workpiece
into the end of the saw with the anti-kickback
pawls. The workpiece can be grabbed by the
blade and pull your hands into the blade
before you can let go or pull back. Fingers,
hand or arm can be cut off.
Wrong Way Feed.
Fingers,ban.d, arm
can De cut on.
Feed into infeed
end of saw.
Fig. 4 Wrong Way Feed Safety Sign
If a workpiece is fed into the end of the saw
with the anti-kickback pawls, it can take off
like a missile. Anyone hit by the workpiece
can be killed. Feed the workpiece into the in-
feed end of the saw blade, the end that does
not have the anti-kickback pawls.
can be blinded.
Wear safety
Fig. 6 Safety Goggles Safety Sign
_lb DANGER: Follow the 8 steps listed
below to reduce or eliminate the risk of
being injured when using the radial arm
saw. Failure to do so can result in a life
threatening injury or death.
1. Lower the anti-kickback pawls and
spreader when crosscutting and ripping.
2. Set blade guard in horizontal position
when crosscutting.
Wrong Way Feed.
Workpiece impact
can kill others.
Feed into infeed
end of saw.
Fig. 5 Wrong Way Feed Safety Sign
4. Thrown Workpiece Chips and Blade
The saw can throw the workpiece, workpiece
chips or pieces of the blade violently. You
can be blinded. Wear safety goggles labeled
"ANSI Z87.1" on the package.
3. Lower blade guard nose only when rip-
4. Keep hands as far away from the blade
as possible when cutting.
5. Return the saw to its rearmost position
after each crosscut.
6. Wait until the blade has stopped turn-
ing before reaching for the workpiece or
anything else on the table.
7. Read and follow the safety information
and safety instructions in the operator's
manual and in the safety labels on the
radial arm saw.
8. Know location and function of all con-
trois before using saw. See the Location
and Function of Controls section.

Personal Safety
Saw Safety
1. Wear safety goggles labeled "ANSI Z87.1"
on the package. Do not wear regular glasses,
they are not safety glasses.
2. Wear snug fitting clothes, short sleeve
shirts and nonslip footwear. Cover up or tie
long hair. Do not wear loose, baggy clothes,
gleves, neckties, rings, watches or any other
3. Wear a dust mask, with your safety gog-
gles, if cutting operation is dusty.
4. Wear hearing protectors, ear plugs or
muffs, if you use the saw daily.
5. Keep good footing and balance. Don't over-
Work Area Safety
1. Keep children, pets and visitors out of the
work area.
2. Make the work area child proof. Remove
the yellow key from the red switch and place
it out of reach and sight. Lock work area.
1. Keep guards and anti-kickback pawls in
place and in working order.
2. Check for broken or damaged parts before
using saw. A damaged guard or other saw
part should be checked for alignment, bind-
ing, breakage and correct mounting to make
sure they are working properly. Repair or
replace damaged guards or other saw parts.
3. Unplug saw before doing maintenance,
making adjustments, and changing blades and
4. Use clamps or vice to hold workpiece
when practical. It's safer than using your
hands and frees them to operate the saw.
5. Do not force the saw, saw blade or acces-
sories to do jobs they are not designed to do.
6. Make sure the yellow key is removed and
the red switch is in the off position before
plugging in the power cord.
7. Cut only wood, woodlike or plastic
materials. Do not cut metal materials.
3. Keep floors dry and free from sawdust, wax
or other slippeu materials.
4. Keep work area clean, uncluttered and
well lighted.
5. Use the saw in a dr), area. Do not use in
wet or damp area. Do not use outside.
6. Clear the table of all ebjects (adjusting
wrenches, tools, scraps of wood etc.) except
the workpiece to be cut, fixtures or clamps
before turning the saw on.
7. Do not do layout, assembly or setup work
on the table while the blade is turning.
8. Store items away from the saw. Do not
climb on the saw to reach items. Do not
stand on the table; the saw can tip over.
8. Secure the saw to floor, wall, bench or
table if it slides, tips or walks during use.
9. Feed the workpiece against the direction
of rotation of the blade when ripping.
10. Turn the saw off before leaving work
area. Do not leave the saw until the blade
has stopped.
11. Lock the rip and miter locks before
moving the saw from one location to another.
12. Turn the saw off and remove yellow key if
the blade jams. Do not try to free a jammed
workpiece with the saw on.
13. Turn the saw off if it vibrates excessively
or makes an unfamiliar noise. Correct any
problems before restarting saw.

14.Rip workpiecesthat arelonger than the
diameter of the blade beingused.Do not rip
aworkpiece that is shorter than the diameter
of the bladebeing used.
15.Cut only oneworkpiece at atime. Do
not cut stackedworkpiecesor laythem edge
to edgefor cutting.
Workpiece Support Safety
Safety Labels on the Radial Arm Saw
The following labels are on your radial arm
saw. Locate, read and follow the safety in-
structions and information contained in these
1. Wrong way feed label located on the out-
feed end of the blade guard.
1. Use additional supports for workpieces
which extend beyond the saw table. Large
workpieces can shift, twist, rise from table or
fall after they are cut.
2. Helpers can be hit by a thrown workpiece,
workpiece chips or pieces of the blade. Use
table extensions or other supports. Do not
use helpers.
3. Helpers can cause the workpiece to kick-
back. Do not use other people to support or
assist in feeding or pulling the workpiece.
Use table extensions. See Recommended Ac-
cessories section of the manual.
4. When table extensions over 24 inches wide
are added to either side of the saw, make
sure you either bolt the saw to the floor or
support the outer end of the extension from
the floor with sturdy legs or an outrigger.
Blade Safety
Fig. 7 Wrong Way Feed Labe/
2. Safety instruction label located on the
front of the saw near the handwheel.
t. Read and understand owner's manual
before operating machine.
2. Wear safety goggles complying with
ANSI Z87,1.
3. Keep hands out of path of saw blade.
4. Know how to avoid "KICKBACKS:'
5. Use "PUSH STICK" for narrow work,
6, Never reach around the saw blade.
7. Never perform any operation
8. Return carriage to the full rear position
after each cross-cut type operation.
9. Shut off power and allow saw blade to
stop before adjusting or servicing.
Fig. 8Safety Instruction Label
1. Use blades marked for 3450 rpm or higher.
2. Do not use blades larger than 10 inches in
3. Keep blade sharp and clean.
4. Do not cycle motor switch on and off rapid-
ly; the blade can loosen.
5. Do not overtighten the blade; the blade
collar can be warped.
3. Ripping safety label located on the motor.
1. R4HId =nd undlrltlnd OW._,eCS n_l_ ugl 5. UI_ "PUSH s'ncK" for narrow work.
before ng m.aehlne.
ANS_ Z87.r. "FRIErH_A_, "
3, Klmp hands out of path of imw binde. 8. Shut off power ar)d allow saw binde to
l, Know how to avoid "KICK BACKS;' stop before IKIJustir_j or _rvlclng.
Motor Connected For 120 V,12 A, 60 HZ, 3450 RP M. Part816845
For 240 V, 6 A. Connect, See Own er's Manu_l. MOdel C48HX-273
Fig. 9 Ripping Safety Label
7_ NeVK rm any operatlo_
cut_ t,o,_ _ THIS END ONLY
pull han_l_ into and under _ t_

Putting Your Saw Together
Your radial arm saw is easy to put together,
however it will take time. Ask a friend to
help, and follow these assembly instructions.
It is important for your safety, and for the
quality of your cuts, that the saw be put
together with care.
This manual was written for two different
models of the radial arm saw: model
113.198611 has drawers for the cabinet, and
model 113.198411 has doors.
The following assembly sections should be fol-
lowed for both models:
Unpacking / Set up
Attaching Handwheel
Mounting Motor
Mounting Saw
Attaching Trim Ledge and Trim Caps
Mounting Table Locks
Mounting the Front Table
All other sections are labelled with the cor-
rect model number. Follow ONLY instruc-
tions that are meant for your model saw.
Both models work in the same way once they
are put together.
of each of the smaller boxes together and
separate from the others. This will help you
identify and locate the parts you need during
The following parts are included with model
Basic Saw Assembly ............... 1
Operator's Manual ................ 1
Cabinet Box ...................... 1
Drawer Box ...................... 1
Caster/Foot Box .................. 1
Loose Parts Bags ................. *8
Trim Caps ....................... 2
Trim Ledge ...................... 1
Rear Table ....................... 1
Spacer ........................... 1
Fence ........................... 1
Front Table ...................... 1
"This is the total number of loose parts bags.
Two of these are packed inside the
Caster/Foot Box, and four are packed inside
a larger loose parts bag.
WARNING: Plugging the saw in
during assembly can result in electrical
shock or your fingers, hand, or arm
being cut off from blade contact. Do not
plug in the saw at any time during as-
sembly. The saw should only be
plugged in when it is to be used.
Unpacking/Set up
Both Models
1. Some parts of your radial arm saw are
packaged in small boxes according to func-
tion. As you unpack, try to keep the contents
Fig, 10 - Parts for Model 113.198611

The following parts are included with model
Basic Saw Assembly ............... 1
Operator's Manual ................ 1
Cabinet Box ...................... 1
Loose Parts Bags ................. *7
Trim Caps ....................... 2
Trim Ledge ...................... 1
Rear Table ....................... 1
Spacer ........................... 1
Fence ........................... 1
Front Table ...................... 1
*Note: This is the total number of loose parts
bags. One of these is packed inside the
Cabinet Box, and four are packed inside a
larger loose parts bag.
7/16" Wrench
1/2" Wrench
9/16" Wrench
3/4" Socket
9/16" Socket
7/16" Socket
Socket Extension
Socket Wrench
Fig. 12 -Tools Required
Medium Screwdriver
#2 Phillips Screwdriver
Framing Square
1/8" Hex "L" Wrench
3/16" Hex "L" Wrench
Fig. 11- Parts for Model 113.198411
2. Identify the large parts of your saw before
beginning each section. Your task will be
easier if you are familiar with these parts.
3. Identify the tools required for assembly.
Make sure that you have all of the tools you
will need. (Figure 12)
4. Open the loose parts bags, and sort the
contents into piles on the floor or table. This
will make it easier for you to find the part(s)
you need during assembly.
The following loose parts are included with
model 113.198611:
Drawer Fasteners ................ 48
Truss Head Bolts 1/4-20xl/2 ....... 82
Hex Nuts 1/4-20 ................. 82
Lockwashers 1/4 ................. 82
Phillips Head Screws 1/4xl/2 ....... 8
Rods ............................ 2
Levers ........................... 2
Washers ......................... 2
Springs .......................... 2
Smooth Pins ...................... 2
Grooved Pins ..................... 2
Retaining Plates .................. 2
Actuator Boxes ................... 2
Phillips Itead Screws 10-32x3/8 ..... 4

Slotted Screws 1/4-20x7/16 ......... 4
Truss Head Bolts I/4-20x7/16 ........ 20
Hex Nuts 1/4-20 ................. 18
Lockwashers 1/4 ................. 18
Spacers .......................... 2
Truss Head Bolts 1/4-20xl ......... 2
Leveling Feet ..................... 2
Hex Nuts 3/8-16 .................. 2
The following loose parts are included with
model 113.198411:
Leveling Feet ..................... 4
Hex Nuts 3/8-16 .................. 8
Truss Head Bolts 1/4-20xl/2 ....... 66
Lockwashers 1/4 ................. 66
Hex Nuts 1/4-20 ................. 66
Phillips Head Screws 1/4xl/2 ....... 8
G. Plastic Covers for J-Slots ........... 2
° I
Pan Head Screws 6 ................ 4
Pan Head Screws 6-32x3/8 ......... 4
Plastite Screws 10 ................. 8
Magnetic Catches ................. 2
Hinges ........................... 4
Fig. 13 - Loose Parts, Model 113.198611
Fig. 14 - Loose Parts, Model 113.198411

The following loose parts are included with
both models:
Handwheel ....................... 1
Arbor Wrenches .................. 2
Yoke Plug ....................... 1
Yellow On/Off Key ............... !
Battery 6V, alkaline, size J ......... 1
Motor Support Cap ............... !
Pan Head Screw 10-32xl/2 ......... 1
Lockwasher 10 .................... 1
Battery Cover .................... 1
Locknuts 1/4-20 ................... 2
Washers 17/64x5/8x1/32 ............ 4
Hex Head Bolts 1/4-20x5/8 ......... 4
Lockwashers 1/4 .................. 4
Hex Nuts 1/4-20 .................. 2
Mounting Screws 1/4-20xl-3/4 ...... 5
Washers 17/64x5/8x1/32 ............ 5
Rubber Grommets ................ 5
U-Clips 1/4-20 .................... 5
Tee Nuts ......................... 3
Leveling Screws 1/4-20x7/8 ......... 3
Pan Head Screws 1/4 x 1-1/4 ........ 4
Washers 17/64x3/4xl!16 ............ 4
White Buttons .................... 2
Right Table Rail .................. 1
Left Table Rail ................... 1
Lock Handles with Rods .......... 2
I}i; R
._ z %
Fig. 15- Loose Parts, Both Models
Both Models
1. If you are missing any part while putting
your saw together, do not continue assembly.
Contact your Sears Service Center or Retail
Store and get the missing part before continu-
ing assembly or trying to use the saw.
Complete parts lists are located at the end of
this manual. Use these lists to identify the
number of any missing part.
2. Sometimes small parts get lost in packag-
ing materials. Do not throw away any packag-
ing until your saw is put together. If you are
missing a part, check the packaging before
contacting Sears.
II, o=
3. Most parts of your radial arm saw will be
fastened together using truss head bolts, lock-
washers, and hex nuts of the sizes shown.
(Figure 16) When different sizes are needed,
the instructions will include a sketch to help
you locate the correct size.

Fig. 16- Truss Head Bolt, Lockwasher, Hex Nut
4. As you assemble your radial arm saw,
some of the holes in the parts will line up
and others will not. This happens because
some parts are used in other equipment or
for other purposes. Follow the instructions
carefully. The figures will show which holes
should line up in each step.
Model 113.198611
Beginning the Cabinet
The following parts are used in the cabinet as-
sembly for model 113.198611:
Right Side Panel .................. 1
Left Side Panel ................... 1
Shelf ............................ 1
Under Support ................... 1
Skirts ............................ 2
Front Shelf Stiffener .............. 1
Corner Brackets .................. 4
Lower Support ................... 1
Rear Supports .................... 3
Upper Support ................... 1
Front Support .................... 1
Rear Shelf Stiffener ............... 1
1. Turn the shelf upside down on the floor.
The wide edge should point down, and the
three narrow edges should point up.
(Figure 18)
Rear Shelf T
Stiffener _ '_
, /-___ I Under Support
Front Shelf Stiffener
Angled End Of
Lower Support
* tt /
Lower Support
Fig. 18
2. Place the front shelf stiffener inside and
against the front edge of the shelf so that all
six holes line up. (Figure 18)
3. Place the under support on the shelf, so that
the two holes on one end line up with the
center holes on the other two parts.
(Figure 18)
4. Place the lower support under the shelf. It
should rest directly below the under support,
with the angled end sticking out. Line up the
four holes in these three pieces. (Figure 18)
Fig. 17 - Cabinet Ass embly - 113.198611
Note: The angled end of the lower support is
a useful way to tell the front of the cabinet
from the back. The angled end is at the front
of the cabinet.
5. Place the rear shelf stiffener on the shelf so
that the two ends fit beween the edges of the
shelf, and the two center holes line up with
the holes at the end of the under support.
(Figure 18)

6.Put trussheadbolts through the eight
holesindicated. Put alockwasherandhexnut
on eachbolt tighten usinga 7/16 inchwrench
or socket.
7.Put a comer bracket in each corner of the
shelf (Figure 19)
Long End Of Shelf
Long End Of Shelf
_r Bracket
Fig. 19
8. PUt two truss head bolts through the shelf
and each comer bracket to hold the brackets
in place. Only put bolts through holes in the
long edges of the shelf, not the narrow ends,
as shown. (Figure 19)
9. PUt a lockwasher and hex nut on each bolt
and hand-tighten.
Attaching Casters / Building Foot Assemblies
The following parts are used in the caster and
foot assemblies for model 113.198611:
Casters .......................... 4
Actuator Boxes ................... 2
Levers ........................... 2
Rods ............................ 2
Retaining Plates .................. 2
Grooved Pins ..................... 2
Smooth Pins ...................... 2
Washers ......................... 2
Springs .......................... 2
Hex Nuts 3/8-16 .................. 2
Leveling Feet ..................... 2
Phillips Head Screws 10-32x3/8 ..... 4
Fig. 20 - Parts for Caster / Foot Assembfies
1. Put the casters" (wheels) on the shelf and
comer brackets. Since the shelf is upside
down, the wheeL_ will point up. Line up four
holes in each corner. (Figure 21)
Corner Bracket_
Caster (Wheel)
Fig. 21
2. Put bolts through the four holes in each
corner. Put a lockwasher and hex nut on each
bolt and tighten using a 7/16 inch wrench or
3. Separate all of the parts for the foot as-
semblies into two groups. There are two sets

of identical parts. These will be put together
into left and right foot assemblies which are
mirror images of each other. (Figure 22)
Fig. 22 - Left and Right Foot Assemblies
4. Place an actuator box in front of you with
the C-shaped slot facing you and the closed
surface of the box to the left. This will be-
come the left foot assembly. (Figure 23)
6. Put a groovedpin through the hole in the
7. Put a washer and spring in place on the bot-
tom of the rod, and then slide the rod all the
way down. (Figure 24)
Grooved Pin
"Washer And
Actuator Box
Fig. 24 - Building Left Foot Assembly
Actuator Box
Fig. 23
5. Slide a rod halfway down into the actuator
box. Make sure that the threaded end of the
rod is down, and that the smaller square open-
ing in the rod is facing you.
8. Slide a lever through the C-shaped slot in
the actuator box, through the square hole in
the rod, and through the square opening in
the back of the actuator box. Make sure that
the lever bends toward the left. (Figure 25)
Lever - Bends
Toward Left
_'_ Actuator Box
Smooth Pin
Fig. 25 - Building Left Foot Assembly

9. Apply a few drops ofoil (SAE No. 10W-30
automotive engine oil) to the lever where it
passes through the square hole in the rod.
10. Put a smooth pin through the hole in back
of the lever. (Figure 25)
11. Pull the lever forward so that the smooth
pin is in the groove on the actuator box.
12. Place a retaining plate over the smooth pin
with the smaller two holes on top.
13. Place two Phillips head screws in the top
two holes and tighten using a Phillips
screwdriver. (Figures 26 & 27)
15. Screw the leveling foot into the rod until
the hex nut reaches the bottom of the rod.
(Figure 29)
Retaining Plate-
Small Holes On Top
Fig. 26
Fig. 27 - Phillips Head Screw
Smooth Pin In Groove
Fig. 29 - Left Foot Assembly
16. Place the second actuator box in front of
you with the C-shaped slot facing you and the
closed surface of the box to the right. This
will become the right foot assembly.
17. Repeat steps 5-15 to put together the
right foot assembly. The lever should bend
toward the right in the right foot assembly
(see step 8).
Attaching Foot Assemblies
1. Find the right and left side panels. Look
carefully to find the "R" and "L" stamped in
the metal near the center of the rear edges
(opposite the J-shaped slots). These stamps
are the easiest way to tell the right panel from
the left. (Figure 30)
14. Put a hex nut on one of the leveling feet
and hand-tighten. (Figure 28)
Fig. 28 - Hex Nut for Leveling Foot
Fig. 30

2. Lock the lever on the right foot assembly in
the down position.
3. Attach this foot assembly to the right side
panel by sticking the lever through the J-
shaped slot in the side panel, and screwing in
two slotted screws.
(Figures 31 & 32)
Right Foot Assembly
"_ J-Shaped Slot
Right Side Panel
Leveling Foot
Lever- Locked Down
2. Grease the twelve center slides on top and
bottom using the grease packets included with
your saw.
3. Slide each center slide into an outer bracket.
There are two notches on each center slide
that stick out on opposite sides. Make sure
that you insert the notch sticking out toward
the outer bracket first. This notch should stop
the center slide from sliding off the outer
bracket. (Figure 33)
4. Hold a rear support with the long tabs
down, short tabs up, and the solid surface
facing you.
5. Attach three slide brackets to the left side
of this rear support with three truss head
bolts. Make sure that you attach the larger
hole in the slide bracket to the rear support.
Put a lockwasher and hex nut on each bolt
and tighten using a 7/16 inch wrench or sock-
et. (Figure 34)
Fig. 32 - Slotted Screws
4. Repeat steps 2-3 with the left foot assembly,
left side panel and left lever.
Finishing the Cabinet
1. Find the twelve outer brackets and twelve
center slides that will be put together to form
the slide brackets. (Figure 33)
Center Slide Outer Bracket
\ / /
Stop Tab Stop Tab Rear StopStop Tab
Fig. 33
i[_ _-----Short Tabs
tl ---Rear Support- Solid
H S°r'a e
er Hole
Long Tabs--------, _]
Fig. 34
6. Attach this rear support to the right side
panel with two truss head bolts. Make sure
that the long tabs are on the bottom and the
short tabs are on top. Make sure that the
solid surface is facing front. Put a lockwasher
and hex nut on each bolt and tighten using a
7/16 inch wrench or socket. (Figure 35)

Right Side Panel
Long Tabs
Inside Edge Of Side Panel
Fig. 35
7. Repeat steps 4 - 6 with another rear sup-
port and the left side panel. Attach the slide
brackets to the right side of this rear support
8. Attach the front end of each slide bracket
to a hole on the inside edge of the sidepanels
with six truss head bolts. Put a lockwasher
and hex nut on each bolt and tighten with a
7/16 inch wrench or socket. (Figure 35)
11. Put bolts through the four holes along the
bottom edge of the Hght side panel. Put a
lockwasher and hex nut on each bolt and
tighten using a 7/16 inch wrench or socket.
(Figure 36)
Note: It is sometimes difficult to get bolts
through these four holes. You may need to
use a Phillips screwdriver to help shift the
parts into place.
12. Repeat steps 10 - 11 with the left side
panel and the left side of the shelf.
13. Turn the cabinet so that it is on the
wheels. Attach the skirts to the top of the side
panels, with one on the front of the cabinet
and the other on the back. (Figure 37)
Side Panel
9. Lay the shelf on the rear edge with the bot-
tom side toward you. The angled end of the
lower support should point up.
10. Place the fight sidepanel on the right side
of the shelf. The slide brackets should be on
the inside of the cabinet. (Figure 36)
Angled End Of
Bottom Side Of Shelf
Fig. 36
Right Side Panel
Left Side Panel Front
Fig. 37
14. Use eight truss head bolts to hold the
skirts in place. Put a lockwasher and hex nut
on each bolt and hand-tighten. (Figure 37)
15. Put a truss head bolt through the hole at
the back, right corner of the shelf. This hole
goes through the shelf and right side panel.
(Figure 38)

Right Side
Fig. 38
16. Put a lockwasher and hex nut on the bolt
and hand-tighten.
17. Repeat steps 15 - 16 on the left side of
the shelf.
18. Unlock the levers on the foot assemblies.
19. Turn the cabinet upside down so that the
leveling feet and wheels are pointing up.
Fig. 40 - Truss Head Bolt
22. Put a lockwasher and hex nut on the bolt
and tighten using a 7/16 wrench or socket.
23. Repeat steps 20 - 22 with the left foot as-
24. Turn the cabinet back over onto the
25. Move the cabinet to the location where
you will use your saw and push down on foot
levers to lock leveling feet in place.
_1_ WARNING: Saw blade can roll
forward toward you if the leveling feet are
not correctly adjusted. Workpiece or saw
can move unexpectedly if cabinet rocks.
Fingers, hand or arm can be cut off from
blade contact. Adjust leveling feet before
using your saw so arm slopes to the rear.
20. Put a spacer between the shelf and the
right foot assembly.
21. Put a truss head bolt through the foot as-
sembly, spacer, and shelf to hold the spacer in
place. (Figures 39 & 40)
1/4-20xl _-----_._ Spacer
26. If the leveling feet lift the front two wheels
slightly off the floor and the cabinet does not
rock, go to step 28, or
If the leveling feet do not lift the front two
wheels off the floor, or
If the cabinet rocks, go to step 27.
27. Loosen the the hex nut on each leveling
foot and rotate until the front wheels are
slightly off the floor or until the cabinet does
not rock. Then tighten the hex nuts using a
9/16 inch wrench.
28. Put the last rear support in front of you
with the long tabs down, short tabs up and
solid surface facing you. Attach two slide
brackets to each side of this rear support using
four truss head bolts. Attach these slide brack-
ets to the holes shown in the figure. Make
Fig. 39

surethat you attach the larger hole in each
slide bracket to the rear support. Put a lock-
washer and hex nut on each bolt and tighten
using a 7/16 wrench or socket. (Figure 41)
Slide Bracket Short
Support -
Solid Surface
S L!ler
; Hole
i,l Long Tabs
\L Rear Support - Solid Surface
Fig. 41
29. Attach the front support to the four slide
brackets using four truss head bolts. Make
sure that the solid surface of the front support
is facing front. Put a lockwasher and hex nut
on each bolt and tighten with a 7/16 inch
wrench or socket. (Figure 41)
er Hole
31. Put the last two slide brackets in place on
each side of the front and rear supports. Make
sure that the larger holes in the slide brackets
are in line with the rear support. (Figure 42)
32. Attach these sfide brackets using four truss
head bolts. These bolts will go through the
slide bracket, rear or front support, and the
upper support. Put a lockwasher and hex nut
on each bolt and tighten using a 7/16 inch
wrench or socket.
33. Tilt this whole assembly and slide it into
place on the cabinet. Make sure that the front
support extends between the front s/drt and
the angled end of the lower support, and that
the rear support is inside the cabinet.
(Figure 43)
Left Side Panel
Upper Support
Rear Skirt
Front Skirt
30. Put the upper support in place between
the rear and front supports. Make sure that
the upper support is inside the surfaces of the
other two parts. (Figure 42)
Larger Ho_e
Last Two Slide Brackets
Rear Support
Fig. 42
Upper Support
Angled End Of Lower Support
Fig. 43
"Rear Support
34. Attach the upper and front supports to the
front skirt using two truss head bolts, lock-
washers, and hex nuts. Make sure the heads
of the bolts point down as shown. (Figure 43)
35. Attach the upper support to the rear skirt
using two truss head bolts, lockavashers and
hex nuts. Make sure the heads of the bolts
point down as shown. (Figure 43)
36. Attach the front and rear supports to the
lower support using four truss head bolts, lock-
washers, and hex nuts. (Figure 43)

37. Tighten all screws, except those on the
front and rear skirts, using a 7/16 inch wrench
or socket.
Putting Drawers Together
The following parts are used to assemble the
drawers in model 113.198611:
10 inch Drawers .................. 2
6 inch Drawers ................... 2
3 inch Drawers ................... 2
10 inch Drawer Fronts ............. 2
6 inch Drawer Fronts .............. 2
3 inch Drawer Fronts .............. 2
Center Slide Brackets ............ 12
Stand Slide Brackets ............. 12
Grease Packets ................... 2
_Drawer Fastener .................... 48
Note: The center slide brackets and stand
slide brackets have already been put together
in the Finishing the Cabinet section.
Drawer Front
Fig. 45
3. Push a plastic drawer fastener into each of
the holes to hold the drawers together.
(Figure 45)
4. Put the drawers aside. Do not put the
drawers into the cabinet until after you mount
the saw.
Fig. 44 - Parts for Drawer Assembly
1. Find the six metal drawers and plastic
drawer fronts.
2. Slide the drawer fronts onto the drawers.
Make sure that the tabs on the plastic drawer
fronts slide over the metal drawers to help
hold them in place. (Figure 45)
Model 113.198411
Building the Cabinet
1. The following parts are used in the cabinet
assembly for model 113.198411:
Right Side Panel .................. 1
Left Side Panel ................... 1
Shelf ............................ 1
Under Support ................... 1
Skirts ............................ 2
Front Shelf Stiffener .............. 1
Corner Brackets .................. 4
Lower Support ................... 1
Spacers .......................... 2
Upper Support ................... 1
Front Support .................... 1
Doors ........................... 2
Rear Shelf Stiffener ............... 1

Fig. 46 - Cabinet Assembly - 113.198411
1. Turn the shelf upside down on the floor.
The wide edge should point down, and the
three narrow edges should point up.
(Figure 47)
4. Place the lower support under the shelf. It
should rest directly below the under support,
with the angled end sticking out. Line up the
four holes in these three pieces. (Figure 47)
Note: The angled end of the lower support is
a useful way to tell the front of the cabinet
from the back. The angled end is at the front
of the cabinet.
5. Place the rear shelf stiffener on the shelf so
that the two ends fit beween the edges of the
shelf, and the two center holes line up with
the holes at the end of the under support.
(Figure 47)
6. Put truss head bolts through the eight
holes indicated. Put a lockwasher and hex nut
on each bolt and tighten using a 7/16 inch
wrench or socket..
7. PUt a comer bracket in each corner of the
shelf. (Figure 48)
Angled End Of
Lower Support
Fig. 47
Lower Support
2. Place the front shelf stiffener inside and
against the front edge of the shelf so that all
six holes line up. (Figure 47)
3. Place the under support on the shelf so that
the two holes on one end line up with the
center holes on the other two parts.
(Figure 47)
Long End Of Shelf
Corner Bracket
Fig. 48
Long End Of Shelf
8. Put two truss head bolts through the shelf
and each comer bracket to hold the brackets
in place. Only put bolts through holes in the
long edges of the shelf, not the narrow ends,
as shown. (Figure 48)
9. Put a lockwasher and hex nut on each bolt
and tighten using a 7/16 inch wrench or

10.Find the right and left side panels. Look
carefully to find the "R" and "L" stamped in
the metal near the center of the wide edge.
These stamps are the easiest way to tell the
right side panel from the left. (Figure 49)
Fig. 49
11. Turn the right side panel so that the J-
shaped slot is at the bottom and facing you.
13. Put two truss head bolts through right side
panel and spacer, one on each side.
14. Put a lockwasher and hex nut on each
bolt and tighten using a 7/16 inch wrench or
15. Put aplastic cover over the J-shaped slot
in the side panel (Figure 50)
16. Attach two hinges to the right side panel
above the spacer, using four truss head bolts,
lockwashers, and hex nuts. Tighten with a
7/16 inch wrench. (Figure 51)
12. Put a spacer inside the right side panel as
shown. The side of the spacer with two round
holes should be opposite the J-shaped slot in
the sidepanel, and the side with one larger
hole should be on the bottom. (Figure 50)
Right Side Panel
-Shaped Slot
Two Round Holes
One Larger
Plastic Cover
.----- Right Side
Fig. 51
17. Repeat steps 11-16 with the left sidepanel.
18. Lay the shelf on the rear edge with the
bottom side toward you. The angled end of
the lower support should point up.
19. Place the right side panel on the right side
of the shelf. The spacer should be on the in-
side of the cabinet. (Figure 52)

Angled End Of
J Lower Support
Bottom Side Of Shelf
Right Side Panel
Fig. 52
20. Put bolts through the four holes along the
bottom edge of the right side panel. Put a
lockwasher and hex nut on each bolt and
tighten using a 7/16 inch wrench or socket.
(Figure 52)
23. Use eight truss head bolts, lockwashers,
and hex nuts to hold the skirts in place. Hand-
tighten. (Figure 53)
24. Put a truss head bolt through the hole at
the back, right corner of the shelf. This hole
goes through the shelf and the right side
panel. (Figure 54)
Right Side Panel
Note: It is sometimes difficult to get bolts
through these four holes. You may need to
use a Phillips screwdriver to help shift the
parts into place.
21. Repeat steps 19-20 with the left side panel
and the left side of the shelf
22. Turn the cabinet right side up. Attach the
skirts to the top of the side panels, with one
on the front of the cabinet and the other on
the back. (Figure 53)
Skirt ,_ Rear
Right Side Panel
Fig. 54
25. Put a lockwasher and hex nut on the bolt
and tighten using a 7/16 inch wrench or sock-
26. Repeat steps 24-25 on the left side of the
27. Put a truss head bolt through the back of
the right spacer and front edge of the shelf.
(Figure 55)
1 i
i l
l l
Spacer 1
Left Side Panel
Fig. 53
Shelf Front
Side Panel
Fig. 55

28. Put a lockwasher and hex nut on the bolt
and tighten using a 7/16 inch wrench or sock-
37. Adjust the lower nut with the 9/16 inch
wrench until the leveling foot is at the desired
29. Repeat steps 27-28 with the left spacer.
30. Move the cabinet to the location where
you will use your saw.
31. Put a hex nut on each of the leveling feet.
(Figure 56)
Fig. 56 - Hex Nut for Leveling Foot
32. Put the leveling feet through the holes in
the bottom of the side panels, at the four
corners of the shelf.
33. Put another hex nut on each of the level
ingfeet and hand-tighten until they are
agairkst the side panels.
38. Tighten the top nut by hand.
39. Repeat steps 35-38 for the other three
leveling feet if necessary.
40. Tighten all four bottom nuts using a 9/16
inch wrench.
41. Slide the upper support into the front sup-
port to form an inverted L-shaped unit. Four
holes in each part should line up: two holes
at the top of the "L", and one hole on each
side. (Figure 57)
, Upper Support
WARNING: Saw blade can roll for-
ward toward you if the leveling feet are
not correctly adjusted. Workpiece or
saw can move unexpectedly if cabinet
rocks. Fingers, hand, or arm can be cut
off from blade contact. Adjust leveling
feet before using your saw.
34. If the leveling feet raise the front of the
saw slightly higher than the rear, and if the
cabinet does not rock, go to step 40, or
If the leveling feet do not raise the front of
the saw slightly higher than the rear, go to
step 35, or
If the cabinet rocks, go to step 35.
35. Loosen the bottom hex nut on the desired
leveling foot using a 9/16 inch wrench.
nt Support - Solid Surface
Fig. 57
42. Put two truss head bolts through the holes
on the sides of the "L". Put a lockwasher and
hex nut on each bolt and hand-tighten.
43. Put the L-shaped assembly into place in
the cabinet. The upper support should extend
between the front and rear skirts, and the
front support should extend between the front
skirt and the angled end of the lower support.
(Figure 58)
36. Loosen the top nut by hand.

Front Skirt
Rear Skirt
1. Lay the two doors side by side.
2. Put a magnetic catch on the inside edge of
each door. (Figure 60)
Fig. 58
44. Put two truss head bolts through the rear
skirt and the upper support. Make sure the
heads of the bolts point down. Put a lock-
washer and hex nut on each bolt and tighten
using a 7/16 inch wrench or socket.
45. Put two truss head bolts through the front
support, upper support, and front skirt. Make
sure the heads of the bolts point down. Put a
lockwasher and hex nut on each bolt and
tighten using a 7/16 inch wrench or socket.
46. Tilt the cabinet back and put two truss
head bolts through the front support and the
angled end of the lower support. Put a lock-
washer and hex nut on each bolt and hand-
Attaching Doors
Angled End Of Lower Support
Magnetic Catch
Magnetic Catches
3. Fasten using four pan head screws. Tighten
with a Phillips screwdriver. (Figures 60 & 61)
Fig. 61 - Pan Head Screw
4. Attach a rnagnetic stop plate to the two
small holes on each side of the front support
using four pan head screws. Tighten with a
Phillips screwdriver. (Figures 62 & 63)
Magnetic Stop Plate
Fig. 59 - Parts for Door Assembly
Front Support
/ Magnetic Stop Plate
Pan Head Screw
Fig. 62

Mounting the Motor
Both Models
Fig. 63 - Pan Head Screw
5. Attach the doors to the hinges on the side
panels using eight plastite screws. Tighten
with a Phillips screwdriver. (Figure 64)
Fig. 64 - Plastite Screw
Attaching Handwheel
Both Models
1. Place the handwheel on the front of the
saw. The front of the saw has a D-shaft that
fits into a D-slot in the handwheeI.
2. Attach the handwheel using a screw and ex-
ternal lockwasher. (Figures 65 & 66)
_lh WARNING: Plugging the saw in
during assembly can result in electrical
shock or your fingers, hand, or arm
being cut off from blade contact. Do not
plug in the saw at any time during as-
sembly. The saw should only be
plugged in when it is to be used.
1. Loosen the guard clamp screw and remove
the guard from the motor.
2. Use the arbor wrenches to remove the
blade from the saw. The arbor shaft has left-
handed threads, so you will have to turn the
nut clockwise to loosen.
3. Lock the rip lock.
4. Raise the radial arm about 2 inches and
remove the styrofoam packing blocks.
5. Clean the small pieces of styrofoam off the
6. Place the motor on the center channel of
the saw and remove the three table boards
and fence.
7. Remove the lock nut and flat washer from
the motorpivot support. (Figure 67)
Motor Pivot
Fig. 65 Motor
Fig. 66 - Screw and External Lockwasher
Bevel Encoder

8. Slide the beve! encoder to the top center
position so it will fit into the notch on the
motor support bracket. (Figure 67)
13. Repeat steps 10-11 until the bevel lock
will not touch the left side of the yoke, and
the gap is not more than 1/16 inch.
9. Slide the motor onto the motor pivot sup-
port. Make sure that the motor is firmly in
10. Put the flat washer and locknut back in
place and tighten using a 3/4 inch socket
wrench. Move the bevel lock back and forth
as you tighten the locknut. Do not over-
11. Push the bevel lock to the left as far as it
will go. (Figure 68)
14. Lock the bevel lock.
15. Snap the yoke plug into place. The yoke
plug is in the loose parts bag.
Mounting the Saw
Both Models
1. Hold the saw by the front edge and the
back of the column support, and lift it onto
the cabinet. Make sure that eight holes in the
bottom of the saw line up with eight holes in
the top of the cabinet.
2. Fasten the saw to the cabinet with eight
truss head bolts. Put a lockwasher and hex
nut on each bolt and tighten using a 7/16 inch
wrench or socket. (Figure 69)
Fig. 68
12. If there is a 1/16 inch gap or less between
the bevel lock and the left side of the yoke
(and they are not touching), go to step 14, or
If the bevel lock touches the left side of the
yoke, unlock the bevel lock and tighten the
locknut on the motorpivot support. Then go
to step 10 and repeat, or
If there is more than a 1/16 inch gap between
the bevel lock and the left side of the yoke, un-
lock the bevel lock and loosen the locknut on
the motorpivot support. Then go to step 10
and repeat.
Truss Head Bolt
,u, ,g-
Hex Nut
Fig. 69
-e- 41_
3. Check all the nuts holding the cabinet
together and tighten them using a 7/16 inch
wrench or socket.

Attaching Trim Ledge and
Trim Caps
4. Reach through the top of the saw and use
two screws to hold the trim cap in place.
Tighten using a Phillips screwdriver.
Both Models
1. Hold the trim ledge against the front of the
2. Reach through the top of the saw and use
four screws to fasten the trim ledge in place.
Tighten using a Phillips screwdriver.
(Figures 70 & 71)
5. Repeat steps 3-4 with the left trim cap.
Mounting Table Locks
Both Models
The following parts are used in mounting the
table locks:
Lock Handles with Rods ........... 2
Right Table Rail .................. 1
Left Table Rail ................... 1
Hex Head Bolts 1/4-20x5/8 ......... 4
Lockwashers 1/4 .................. 4
Pan Head Screws 1/4x1-1/4 ......... 4
Hex Nuts 1/4-20 .................. 2
Washer 17/16-9/16xl/32 ............ 4
Locknuts 1/4-20 ................... 2
Slide Button ...................... 2
Trim Ledge
Fig. 70
Fig. 71- Phillips Head Screws
3. Hold the right trim cap in place on the
front right side of the cabinet. (Figure 72)
Fig. 73 - Parts for Table Locks
1. Put a lockwasher on a hex head bolt.
(Figure 74)
Fig. 74 - Lockwasher, Hex Nut, and Hex Head Bolt
2. Lift a lock handle and put the bolt through
the hole in the mounting plate as shown.
(Figure 75)
Fig. 72
Trim Cap

Square Hole
Eccentric Circle
Circle Tab
Slide Button
Lock Handle With
Mounting Underneath
Fig. 75
3. Slide the rod through one of the square
holes in the front of the saw. Then put the
hex head bolt through the round hole above
it. (Figure 75)
4. Put another lockwasher and a hex nut on
the bolt and tighten with a 7/16 inch wrench
or socket.
5. Repeat steps 1 - 4 on the other side of the
6. Turn the front table (44" x 17") upside
down. The top of the front table has five large
holes and seven smaller ones. This side
should be toward the floor.
Front Table - Upside Down
Fig. 76
8. Push a slide button through the small hole
in front of the eccentric circle on each table
9. Fasten the table rails to the front table
using four pan head screws and flat washers.
Tighten with a Phillips screwdriver.
(Figures 76 & 77)
Fig. 77 - Pan Head Screws and Washers
Mounting the Front Table
Both Models
7. Place the two table rails on the front table
as shown. The tabs should point toward each
other when both rails are in place, and the ec-
centric circles should be toward the floor.
(Figure 76)
The following parts are used to mount the
front table:
Tee Nuts ......................... 3
U-Clips 1/4-20 .................... 5
Mounting Screws 1/4-20xi-3/4 ...... 5
Rubber Grommets ................ 5
Hex Head Bolts 1/4-20x5/8 ......... 2
Washers 17/64-5/8xl/32 ............ 5

1 E
/U-Clip On
_Center Channe
Fig. 80
3. Slide one U-clip over the hole in the left
side of the center channel as shown.
(Figure 80)
Fig. 78 - Parts for Mounting Table
1. Place a tee nut over each of the leveling
holes and hammer them into place.
(Figure 79)
Leveling Holes
Leveling Hole
Fig. 79 - Leveling and Mounting Holes
Front Table - Upside Down
Mounting Holes
4. Put a washer on each of the mounting
screws. (Figure 81)
Fig. 81 - Mounting Screw and Washer
5. Stand the front table on one edge.
6. Put a mounting screw through each of the
mounting holes. Then put a rubber grommet
on the bottom of each mounting screw.
(Figure 82)
_,.._,. Table Rail _/
Rubber _-% Table Rail -----"lll_
GrommetIt,I _ /
_'_ __nti £g Holes/
2. Slide four U-clips over the holes in the saw
as shown. (Figure 80)
t _Moon,ing .o,e_J _
I Holes o \
'_Front Edge
Fiq. 82

7. Place the front table on the saw so that the
mounting screws' line up with the U-clips. The
front table should extend about one inch
beyond the trim caps.
8. Start the mounting screws into the U-clips
using a Phillips screwdriver. Tighten the
screws until the heads are just touching the
table. Make sure that the table is not squeez-
ing the rubber grommets.
9. Start the leveling screws into the leveling
holes using a 1/8 inch Hex-L wrench. Tighten
the screws until they are flush with the table.
Putting Drawers in Place
Model 113.198611
1. Slide each drawer in place on the slide
brackets and push them all the way in.
2. Then pull each drawer out as far it will go.
The drawers should not come all the way out.
3. If any of the drawers do come all the way
out, use a screwdriver to bend out the stop
tabs on the slide brackets. (Figure 84)
10. Attach the left rod to the left table rail
with a hex head bolt and flat washer. Then
put another washer and a locknut on the bolt, I "_"
and tighten using two 1/2 inch wrenches or
sockets. (Figure 83)
Stop Tab
Left Table Rail
4. Try the drawer again.
5. Repeat until none of the drawers fall out.
Fig. 83
11. Repeat step 10 with the right table rail.
Model 113.198611
If you need to remove a drawer for any
reason, do the following:
1. Use a screwdriver to push in one of the
stop tabs on the right slide bracket. Pull the
drawer out slightly as you do this.
Center Slide Outer Bracket
1 1
Stop Tab Stop Tab Rear Stop
Fig. 84 - Stop Tabs
Removing Drawers
12. Ifyou have model 113.198611, go to next
section, or
If you have model 113.198411, go to Location
and Function of Controls section.
2. Repeat with the left slide bracket and pull
the drawer all the way out.