Craftsman 113176110 Owner’s Manual

Serial Number
Model and serial numbers may be
found on the drum latch and top of motor
cover. You should record both model and serial numbers in a safe
place for future use.
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A.
Part No. SP6771 Printed in China
Espahol- pagina 13
Craftsman One Year Full Warranty
If this Craftsman product fails due to a defect in material or workmanship within one year from the date of purchase, return it to any Sears store or other Craftsman outlet in the United States for free replacement.
This warranty applies for only 90 days from the date of purchase if this product is ever used for commercial or rental purposes.
This warranty does not include bags or filters, which are expendable parts that can wear out from normal use within the warranty period.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights, which vary, from state to state.
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
Safety is a combination of common sense, staying alert, and knowing how your
Wet/Dry Vacuum cleaner ("Vac") works.
Safety Signal Words
DANGER: Indicates a hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
WARNING: Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Ak CAUTION: Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.
When using your Vac, always follow basic
safety precautions including the following:
- To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury:
Read and understand this manual and
all labels on the Vac before operating.
Use only as described in this manual.
Do not leave Vac running while
unattended - you may fail to notice
important signs indicating abnormal operation such as loss of suction, debris/liquid exiting exhaust, or abnormal motor noises. Immediately
stop using Vac if you notice these
Do not leave Vac when plugged in. Unplug from outlet when not in use and before servicing.
Sparks inside the motor can ignite
flammable vapors or dust. To reduce the risk of fire or explosion, do not use
near combustible liquids, gases, or
dusts, such as gasoline or other fuels,
lighter fluid, cleaners, oil-based paints, natural gas, coal dust, magnesium
dust, grain dust, aluminum dust, or gun
Do not vacuum anything that is burning
or smoking, such as cigarettes,
matches, or hot ashes.
Do not vacuum drywall dust, cold
fireplace ash, or other fine dusts, which may pass through the filter bag
and be exhausted back into the air.
To reduce the risk of inhaling toxic
vapors, do not vacuum or use near toxic or hazardous materials.
To reduce the risk of electric shock,
do not expose to rain or allow liquid to enter motor compartment. Store
Do not allow to be used as a toy. Close attention is necessary when used by or near children.
Donotusewithatornfilterorwithout thefilterinstalledexceptwhen
vacuumingliquidsasdescribedinthis manual.Drydebrisingestedbythe impellermaydamagethemotororbe
Toreducetheriskofinjuryfrom accidentalstarting,unplugpowercord beforechangingorcleaningfilter.
Donotunplugbypullingoncord.To unplug,grasptheplug,notthecord.
Donotusewithdamagedcord,plugor otherparts.IfyourVacisnotworking asitshould,hasmissingparts,has beendropped,damaged,leftoutdoors, ordroppedintowater,callcustomer
Donotpullorcarrybycord,usecord ashandle,closeadooroncord,orpull cordaroundsharpedgesorcorners. Keepcordawayfromheatedsurfaces.
Donothandleplug,switch,ortheVac withwethands.
Connectonlytoaproperlygrounded outlet.Seegroundinginstructions.
Useonlyextensioncordsthatarerated foroutdooruseandhaveagrounding conductor.Extensioncordsinpoor
conditionortoosmallinwiresizecan posefireandshockhazards.
Toreducetheriskofthesehazards, besurethecordisingoodcondition
andthatliquiddoesnotcontactthe connection.Donotuseanextension
16gauge(AWG)insize.Toreduce powerloss,usea 14gaugeextension cordif25to50ftlongand12gauge for50ftorlonger.
Donotputanyobjectintoventilation openings.Donotvacuumwithany ventilationopeningsblocked;keepfree ofdust,lint,hairoranythingthatmay
Keephair,looseclothing,fingers,and allpartsofbodyawayfromopenings andmovingparts.
Toreducetheriskoffalls,useextra carewhencleaningonstairs.
Toreducetheriskofpersonalinjuryor damagetoVac,useonlyCraftsman
Toreducetheriskofeyeinjury,wear safetyeyewear.Theoperationofany utilityVacorblowercanresultin foreignobjectsbeingblownintothe eyes,whichcanresultinsevereeye damage.
wearearprotectorswhenusingfor extendedtimeorinanoisyarea.
Staticshocksarecommonwhenthe relativehumidityoftheairislow.
VacuumingfinedebriswithyourVac candepositstaticchargeonthehose
staticshocksinyourhomeorwhen usingthisVac,addmoisturetotheair
Observethefollowingwarningsthat appearonthemotorhousingofyourVac:
For your own safety, read and understand owner's manual.
Do not run unattended.
Do not pick up hot ashes, coals, toxic, flammable or other hazardous materials.
Do not use around explosive liquids or vapors.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of
electric shock - do not expose to rain -
store indoors.
Grounding Instructions
This appliance must be grounded. If it should malfunction or break down,
grounding provides a path of least resistance for electric current to reduce
the risk of electric shock. This appliance is equipped with a cord having an equipment-grounding conductor and grounding plug. The plug must be inserted into an appropriate outlet that is properly installed and grounded in
accordance with all local codes and ordinances.
&WARNING: ,mproper
connection of the equipment grounding conductor can result in a risk of electric
shock. Check with a qualified electrician or service person if you are
in doubt as to whether the outlet is properly grounded. Do not modify the
plug provided with the appliance - if it will not fit the outlet, have a proper outlet installed by a qualified
Properly 3-Prong Plug
This appliance is for use on a nominal 120 volt circuit, and has a grounded plug that looks like the plug shown. A temporary adaptor that looks like the adaptor shown may be used to connect this plug to a 2-pole receptacle, as shown. If a properly grounded outlet is not available, the temporary adaptor should be used only until a properly grounded outlet can be installed by a qualified electrician. The green colored rigid ear, lug or the like extending from the adaptor must be connected to a permanent ground such as a properly grounded outlet box cover. Whenever the adaptor is used, it must be held in place by a metal screw.
Green Make sure
Grounding Lug this is
3-Prong O_° a metal
Plug screw
:to a known
NOTE: In Canada, the use of a temporary adaptor is not permitted by the
Canadian Electrical Code.
This Wet/Dry Vac is intended for household use only. It may be used for light vacuuming of wet or dry media and may also be used as a blower. The light weight design allows usage for most small household vacuuming chores.
Table of Contents
Familiarize yourself with the following product features and read the entire owner's manual for specific usage of your new Wet/Dry Vac.
Item Page
Warranty ......................... 2
Important Safety Instructions ......... 2
Grounding Instructions .............. 4
Introduction ...................... 5
Assembly ........................ 5
Carton Contents ................. 5
Vac Assembly ................... 6
Hose Storage ................... 6
Operation ........................ 7
Vacuuming Dry Materials .......... 8
Remove entire contents of carton. Check each item against the Carton Contents
List. Notify your Sears Store or Sears Service Center immediately if any parts
are damaged or missing.
Carton Contents List
Key Description Qty.
A Vac ....................... 1
B Hose ...................... 1
C Utility Nozzle ............... 1
D Crevice Tool ................ 1
E Owner's Manual ............. 1
Replacement filters and retainer band (already assembled)
Sears retail replacement filters are sold by Stock No. 16949.
Item Page
Vacuuming Liquids ............... 8
Emptying the Drum ............... 9
Blowing Feature ................. 9
Maintenance ..................... 10
Filter Cleaning ................. 10
Filter Removal and Replacement... 10 Cleaning and Disinfecting
the Wet/Dry Vac ............... 11
Storage ....................... 11
Troubleshooting .................. 11
Assembly (continued)
Vac Assembly
Ten Foot Long Cord
Hose Stora¢
Two Easy-to- Open Latches-
2.5 Gallon
Dust Filter and
Retainer Band
4 Foot × 1-1/4 inches Flexible Hose
Handle with On/Off
Switch Conveniently Positioned
Hose Storage
The power head has recesses on each side for hose storage.
Hose Storage
Area_ / Hose
_, WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire, explosion, or damage to Vac:
Do not leave Vac running while unattended - you may fail to notice important signs indicating abnormal operation such as loss of suction, debris/liquid exiting exhaust, or abnormal motor noises. Immediately stop using Vac if you notice these signs.
Do not leave Vac plugged-in when not in use.
Do not continue running when float has cut off suction.
Do not operate Vac in areas with flammable gases, vapors or explosive dust in the air. Sparks inside the motor can ignite airborne flammables. Flammable gases and vapors include: lighter fluid, solvent-type cleaners, oil-based paints, gasoline, alcohol, or aerosol sprays. Flammable dusts include: coal, magnesium, aluminum, grain, or gun powder.
Do not vacuum up explosive dusts, flammable liquids, or hot ashes.
Do not use Vac as a sprayer.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of electric shock or injury:
Do not expose to rain or allow liquid to enter motor compartment. Store indoors.
Do not handle plug, switch, or Vac with wet hands.
Do not service Vac while it is plugged-in. If your Vac is not working as it should, has missing parts, has been dropped, damaged, left outdoors, or dropped into water, return it to an independent service center or call customer service.
When using an extension cord, use only outdoor-rated cords that are in good condition. Do not allow the connection to come into contact with liquid.
Do not vacuum toxic materials to reduce the risk of inhaling the vapors or dust.
After you plug the power cord into the wall receptacle, turn the unit "ON" by pushing the switch from position "O" to position "r'. The symbols used on the switch are international symbols. The "O" is the "OFF" position and the "r' is the "ON" position:
Operation (continued)
Vacuuming Dry Materials
1. The filter must always be in correct position to reduce the risk of leaks and possible damage to Vac. Make sure that the filter is completely covering the filter cage and that the retainer band is as close to the lid as possible. Make sure there are no gaps between the filter and the lid. (See illustration).
It is very important to assemble the filter to the cage without allowing any
possible leaks or tears. Any leaks will allow the picked up media to be blown out of the blower port and back into the surrounding environment.
Retainer Band
Vacuuming Liquids
WARNING: Do not operate without filter cage and float, as they prevent liquid from entering the impeller and
damaging the motor.
1. Removal of the filter is highly recommended for wet pickups.
2. This Wet/Dry Vac isequipped with a float mechanism which will rise automatically to cut off the airflow when the liquid in the drum reaches a predetermined level. When this happens, turn off Vac, unplug the power cord, and empty the dust
drum. You will know that the float has shut the airflow off because the suction ceases and the motor noise becomes
higher in pitch, due to increased motor speed. The liquid capacity may vary with the rate of pickup.
IMPORTANT: To reduce the risk of damage to the Vac, do not run motor with
float in raised position.
2. When using your Vac to pick up very fine dust, it wilt be necessary for you to empty the dust drum and clean or replace the filter at more frequent intervals to maintain peak Vac performance.
NOTE: A dry filter is necessary to pick up dry material. If you use your Vac to pick up dust when the filter is wet, the filter wilt clog quickly and be very difficult to clean.In case the filter gets wet, replace it before continuing to do dry pickups.
Float in Raised
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