Craftsman 103.24280 Operating And Parts Manual

-- Model Number 103.24280 ......................._......
This _ the mode! number of your Band Saw. It will be found on a plate on the back cover, mention
model number when communicatJ-ng wlth us _ga._g
"four Band _w or when o_ering parts.
All p_s listed herein must be ordered through a Sears
retail store or mali order house_ Parts are shipped p_-
paid. _en ordering repair par_s, always _ve _e _ollow-
ing information:
t. The Part Nun'Lber.
2. The Part Name and Price.
3. _e Mode! Number 103.24_3.
_ l_t _ v_u_le. It w_l _u_ your being _le to' obta_ proof parts _ice_ We sugg_t you _ep it _th
oth_ v_u_le paper.
You now own a Band Saw which is the product of extensive engineering research and thorough test_
ing_ Accurately machined parts built to high in- spection standards are carefully assembled to make sure this Band Saw will deliver top quality perform_
ance. These features have all been combined with an attractive appearance to create a tool that is a pleasure to operate and a welcome addition to your
shop. This Band Saw can be used for cutting curves,
circles, or any irregular shape as well as straight rip- ping or cutoff.
To prevent damage in shipment some of the parts
were disassembled from the tool, These parts are
listed below, Be sure they are all accounted for be-
fore discarding any of the packing material.
I. Saw Blade; item 3 see page 5_
2. Table and Mounting Bracket Assembly com-
plete; items 4, 6, 7, 11 (4), 12, 13, 14,
15, I6, 17, 18, 19 (2), 20 (4), 31, 32, 33,
34, 36, 73, 74, 77, 78 and 79,
3. Bag of miscellaneous small parts consisting
of items 5, 30_ 38 (4), 49 and 76,
Remove the 4 cover knobs and slMe the cover off studs, see Fig. I,
Place the 4 mounting bol_, No.
38_ in the four holes of the trunnion support bracket
and mount the _bh and suppo_ bracket assembly to the frame as shown in Fig_ 2. Leave thee 4 bolts
loose enough to a|Iow the entire assembly to be
shifted. Place the blade _ntst rolle_ Nos. 30 and 49, in tool as shown in Fig. 2_ .
Before proceeding wi_ ass_bllng be sure the
table is locked so that the _ stop v:.rew, No_ 4, is
resting on the support bracket, No_ 14. Locking of _e table h accomplished _th the _ble
flit lock handle as shown in Fig. I.
install the saw blade with the teeth pointing
down_ and away from d_e saw blade guides. Apply
enough tension to the blade to take up the slack by turning the blade adjus_ kn_, see Fig. I.
With an accurate _uare resting on the table sur_
face, see Fig_ 2, square the ruble and mounting
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