Craftsman 103.0404, 103.0403 Parts List

FOBM I08-2
- -2 -
Number Name of Part
486-18 Protractor Clamp Pin Spring 486-25 Shaft Collar Assembly
592-36 Wrench
6864 _'ig Saw Blade .Replaced by X-1125
68:)9 Motor Support' Clip .....
10511 Protractor Lock Wrench
12321 Protractor Clamp Nut
12455 Chuck Housing--Lower ......................
12456 Blade Centering Cover 12457 Socket Head Clamp Screw 12460 Chuck Assembly--Lower 12462 Slotted Head Set Screw 12464 Threaded. Plug
12504 Table Insert 12512 Chuck Jaw Housing Lock Nut 12513 Chuck Jaw Stationary
Upper ..... Replaced by 15172
Lower Replaced by 12460 plus 12464
12514 Chuck Jaw Movable
Upper .... Replaced by 15172
Lower .................. Replaced by 12A60 plus 12464
_251_uck Jaw Pilot
Upper _Replaced by 15172 V"
Lower ........................... Replaced by 12460 plus 12464
12554 Machine File Jaw Screw ..... Replaced by 12460 plus 12464
12555 Chuck Jaw Clamp Screw
Upper .............................. Replaced by 15172
Lower Replaced by 13460 plus 12464
12556. J'aw Clamp Screw Pin . _;
Upper ....................................... Replaced by 15172
Lower ....................... Replaced by 12460 plus 12464
13030 Protractor ........................................ Replaced by 130_0
13035 Table Protractor Guide Screw, Short
13037 Protractor Guide--Front ........... Replaced by 15113
Rear ............. Replaced by 151_8
13038 Table Protractor Clamp Replaced by 14021
13039 Table Stop Link __.Not Used !
13041 Protractor Scale "-
13050 Protractor Assembly ...........................................
14021 Table Protractor Clamp "
14048 Mitre Gage Pointer
14059 "Table Protractor Lock Screw .... Replaced by X-316 []
14069 Protractor Clamp Pin--Rear" I 14082 Mitre Gage Plunger Assembly '_!
15001 Base ................................................................. [
15002 Arm ....................................................
15003 Table II
15006 Table Support ................................. Replaced by 15173 !i
151;07 Boot Retainer ........................ _ ........................... i
15008 Lower Guide Rod Bracket ........................
15009 Yoke ................................................................
15011 Yoke Pin ................................................. ._ ................ I
15013 Lower Guide Rod ............. Replaced by 15107 _i
15015 Pulley Shaft ............................... Replaced by 15145 ,,
15017 Crank Case Cover ...............................
15018 Mounting Insulator ...............................................
i_._-_ Pump Tube ........................................Replaced by 15085 i,
15023 Pbtmp Tube Cap ...............................................
15024 PumI¢ Leather ...................................................
15025 Pump S'_ring ..................................
15026 Lower Gtfide Rod Spring .._'-_.',.----'._.'_.Z,.'_..._ .............. Not Useo
15030 Upper Go(de Tube Assembly ...........................................
15031 Pump Tube Support ............................... i
15032 Pump Tube Sopport Pilot ...............................
15033 Pump Tube Support Pilot Lock Screw .......
15034Saw Guide Rod ............................... I
15035 Thrust Roller Holder Guide )
15036 Saw Thrust Roller ..............................
15037 Thrust Roller Holder
15038 Hold Down Spring ............................
15043 Thrust Roller Pin 15044 Crank Case Gasket
15049 Boot Spring ................................ 7,....... .L__
15050 Protractor Lock Plunger Housing _crew
15051 Boot
15053 Motor Pulley .....................................
15054 Jig Saw Pulley .........................................
15055 Thrust Roller Holder Support .....................
15056 Motor Support
15057v Belt _,,_32",'---?.s'Z?..Z__ZT.-Z.'_..-Z-:._'_i,'ia_'%-_,_l_55
15059 Pump Spring Guide ._.
15062 .law Clamp Screw Pin--Upper ............... Replaced by 15172 ii
--Lower Replaced by 12460 pins 12464 r 15066 P_Imp Leather Washer'
15072 Motor Adjustment Bracket .............................
15074 Motor Adj. Bracket Thumb Screw ...... Replaced by 15114
15075 Saw Guide Rod Lock Knob Assembly .....................
15076 Crank Case Assembly Includes 15004 (1) X-8!4 (1)
Crank Assembly .- ...... Replaced by 15145
Sleeve ......................................
Assembly ....... Replaced by 15172 j/
.law Assembly ................ Replaced by 15172
Assembly Replaced by 12460 plus 12464
includes 15022. (I) 15070 (!)
15073 (1) ---_ ..........................................
All parts are shipped prepaid,
This sheet is intended for instruction and repair parts onJy and is not a pac_ting _np. The parts shown and listed may include accessories
not necessarily part of this tool.
.............. Replaced by 12460 p_us 12454
15094 Lower Chuck Jaw Housing Assembly
...................................................... Replaced hy 19.2460 plus 12464
15 I.d..6 LO'>/_ R BLADE _;l.; I DE ASS?!.,. ,it'.;. '_,_)t,I,_?_.R A'!-' ! I.A _LE
Number Name of Part
15095 Lower Guide Rod Spring 15096 Baffle Plate 15097
15098 15102- 15104 15107
15114 15116
X-131 X -132 X-135
X- 146 X-201
X- 2"24
_-307 X ,31(I
-_.Not Use-d
..... Not Used
Baffle Plate Washer Not Used
Lower Guide Rod Washer ........ Not Used
Thumb Screw Bumper .Replaced by 15114
Pump Tube Assembly Complete Replaced by 15138 Lower Guide Rod Assembly
Lamp Shade
Table Support ........
Protractor Guide--Front Motor Adjusting Bracket Thumb Screw Assembly_
Crank Case Assembly Complete (Not Illus.)
Replaced by 15139
15117 Lower Roller Guide Assembly 15123 Tensioner Screw Crank Assembly 15134 Chuck Jaw Housing--
Upper _Replaced by 15172
Lower Replaced by 12460 plus 12464
151"_ Chuck Jaw Clamp Screw
Upper ...... Replaced by 15172
Lower Replaced by 12460 plus 12464
15126 Chuck Jaw Stationary--
Upper .... Replaced by 15132
Lower ............... Replaced by 12460 plus 12464
15127 Chuck Jaw Pilot Screw--
Upper .Replaced by 15172 Lower Replaced by 12460 plus 12464
15128 Chuck Jaw Movable--
Upper _Replaced by 15172.
Lower ............... Replaced by 12460 plus 12464
15129 Tensioner Collar 15130 Upper Chuck `law Assembly Includes 15124 (1),
151_ (I), 15126 (I), 15127 (I.
15128 (I), X-2902 (2) ........................ Replaced by 15172
15131 Lower Chuck Jaw Assembly Includes 15124 (I),
15125 (1), 15126 (1) 15127 (1,
15128 (1), X-_)02 (2) .................... Replaced by 12460
plus 124_4
15134 Pulley Shaft .......................................... Replaced by 13145
13135 Lamp Ilracket ................................................ Replaced by 15151
15137 Pulley _haft Crank Assembly .............. Replaced by 15145
15138 Pump Tube Assembly Contptete Includes 15023 (I),
15024 (1), 15025 (1), 15030 1l), 19k66 (1), 15085 (1), 15162 (2), 15050 IlL 151€k4 IIL
X-311 (I), X-540 (21, X-(_ (1), X-620 (1) ............
15139 Crank Case Assembly Complete Includes Boot and
Chuck Less Pulley ..........................................
15140 Lamp Assembly ................................... Replaced by 15151
15143 Pump Tube Clamp Knob Assembly ............................
15145 Pulley Shaft and Crank Assembly .............................
"_,5151 Lamp Assembly Complete
15154 Socket, Cord & Plu_ ...........................................................
I5155 Upper Head Assembly (Model 10,L0404) Not Illus. 15159 ;.amp Bulb
I5!61 Lamp Bracket ....................................................
15162 Upper Guide Tube Spae_'r- .....................................
15163 Chuck Housi,g--Uppor .........................................
15164 Chuck Assembly--Upper ............................................
15172 Upper Chuck Replacement for All Square Chucks--
Not Hlustrated .................................
15173 Table Support Assembly ..........................
X-184 Pulley Shaft Bearing ................ Replaoed by X.814
X-814 Pulley Shaft Bearing .................... :...........
X1125 Jig Saw Blade _" Wide. 5" Long, 15 Teeth per
incb. Purcbase from Die. 9 in nearest retail store
XlI50 Lamp ...........................................Repla_'d by 15t51
XI151 Lamp Socket ................................ Replaoed by 15151
X1152 Lamp Shade ............................... Replaced by 15151
X1153 Lamp Bulb .................................................... Replaced by _3151
X1455 V Belt -- ½"x32". Purchase from Die. 9. in
nearest retail store ...........................................
Shakeprooi' Lock Washer ................................
Chuck Screw Th'd Cutting--
Upper ............................................ Replaced bY 15172
Lower ............................................ Replaced by 12_60
Plus 12464
Yoke Set Scrcw ./_.'p_ecd by X-138 Tensioner Collar Set Screw 3/16-24xSA
Collar Set Screw _/_-20x_
Motor Pulley Set Screw a&-20x!4 _ hd_ .....
Jig Saw Pulley Set Screw 5tl6-1$X_i
.li_ Saw Pulley Set Screw 5t16-1_x_ .................
Voke Screw 5t16-18-t4 sq. hd.
Crank Disc Set Screw 5116-18x_j Crank Ca_e and Guide Rod BraCket _creg"_)_:'-_
Thrust Roller Guide ._pport :qcrew _x/_-20-1 _ __
Table Mounting Screw 5rl&!8-_ ................
Table Supgort Mo,tnt'ing Screw $/16-18-1 ...........
Tab!e Stop Link Screw .................... Not Used
Ho!d Down Sprinlt .%err 141-21}-_t ....................
.Motor Rail Clln Serew t_-20.M ..........................
Thrust Roller Holder Ca{de Screw t_t-20 1 1/_ .....
Pl:mp T-be Clamp Screw ......... Replaced by 15143
Pomp T,,_e Sttpl_rt Pilot Screw _-16-2 t_ ..........
Thrust Roller Holder Screw 1,_-20-_4 ......................
Motor Svpport Screw ........................ Repl ced by X-"
.M_t¢_r ,q-pport Screw 5q6-_Sxl_6 ....................................
Table Protractor Lock Scr_w,,S_-24x2 .........................
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