COSA Xentaur Xentaur XPDM User Manual

When calling for technica l su pport.....
........ please have your serial numbers ready.
The Sensor and Instrument Serial Numbers are on the rear of the instrument, also see sec­tion 5.2.4.
Sens o r Serial No .: _______________ Instrument Serial No.: _______________
Your Representativ e is:
55 Oak Street, Norwood, NJ 07648
Tel.: (201) 767-6600 - Fax.: (201) 767-6804
Except as may be provided by contract, this document and all specifica-
tions and drawings contained are the p roperty of COSA INSTRUMENT
Corporation, are issued in strict confidence, and shall not be reproduced
or copied, in any form or by any means, or used as the basis for the man-
ufacture or sale of apparatus, programs, or services without permission.
Check the Internet for updates; The latest revision of this manual is available in Adobe Acrobat format at:
Rev.1 Document No. XD0.01.D.0000
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The customer agrees that in accepting and using this instrument Xentuar Corporation’s liability arising from or in any way connected with this instrument shall be limited exclusively to perform­ing a new calibration or replacement or repair of the instrument or sensor, at Xentaur’s sole option. In no ev ent s hall Xentaur be liable for any incidental, consequential or special damages of any kind or nature whatsoev er, including but not limited to lost profits arising from or in any way connected with this instrument or items hereunder, whether alleged to arise from breach of con­tract, express or implied warranty, or in tort, including without limitation, negligence, failure to warn or strict liability.
VCO is a trademark of Cajon. Swagelok,Cajon are trademarks of SWAGELOK Co. Acrobat is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated HTF is a trademark of Xentaur Corporation TheXentaur Logo is a trademark of Xentaur Corporation
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XPDM Manual Table of Contents

1. Introduction................................................................................................................... 1
2. Precautions................................................................................................................... 2
3. Principle of Operation................................................................................................... 3
4. Operating the XPDM..................................................................................................... 5
4.1. Sample Hook-up........................................................................................................ 5
4.1.1. Fittings .................................................................................................................... 5
4.1.2 Recommended Pipes........... .......................................................... .......................... 5
4.1.3. Sample conditioning................................................................................................ 5
4.2. Measuring.................................................................................................................. 5
5.0 The User Interface...................................................................................................... 7
5.1 Display Conventions................................................................................................... 7
5.2 Operating State........................................................................................................... 8
5.2.1 Viewing Dewpoint Mode ................. .......................................................... ............... 8
5.2.2 Viewing Temperature at the Sensor ................. ................................................ ....... 9
5.2.3 Start Autocal Mode .................................................................................................. 9
5.2.4 Viewing Serial Number Mode .......................................... ........................................ 9
5.3 Set-up State .............................................................................................................. 10
6. Options........................................................................................................................ 11
6.1 RS-232C................................................................................................................... 11
6.2 Current Loop Output................................................................................................. 12
6.3 Operating from an external Power Supply................................................................ 13
7. Automatic Calibration.................................................................................................. 14
8. Changing desiccant cartridge and/or battery.............................................................. 15
9. Special messages, warnings and error indications..................................................... 16
Appendix A: Flow diagram of User Interface in the Operating State .............................. 17
Appendix B: Flow Diagram of User Interface in the Set-Up State.................................. 18
Appendix C: Relationship of Instrument Reading and 4-20mA output when lbs of H20/million stan-
dard cft or ppmv engineering units are selected............................................................. 19
Appendix D: Uncertainty in LBS and PPMV calculations................................................ 20
Appendix E: Battery Life............... ............................................... ................................... 21
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1. Introduction

The XPDM is a portable, hand-held, microprocessor controlled, battery operated dew­point meter with buil t in dry-storage for the sensor. The instrument is ideally suited for all applications, where quick and precise measurements are required.
Standard Equipmen t:
1. XPDM Portable Instrument with sensor, desiccant cartridge and lithium battery.
2. 2VCO® to Swagelok® fittings and 2 Swagelok® to barbed hose fit­tings.

3. Calibration bulb.

4. Shoulder strap.

8 6
Optional Equipment:

5. VCO® to VCO® Fittings.

6. Pig tail.

7. Flexible stainless steel hose.

8. Pressure regulator, all stainless steel, (preset at 1.5 atm) with mounting bracket.
9. Coalescing filter, all stainless steel with mounting bracket.(not shown)
10.Wall transformer (with factory installed I/O option).

11.Replacement desiccant cartridge.

12.Padded transport case.

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2. Precauti on s

Warranty limitation: The XPDM’s sample cell/piston assembly should not be disas­sembled except by factory trained personnel. The warranty is voided, if the sample cell piston assembly is disassembled by the customer.
Avoid contaminated sample streams: The XPDM has been designed to allow for fast and precise mea surem ents o f de w po ints as lo w as -1 00 °C. Therefore, a ll surfaces in contact with the sample stream are made from electropolished stainless steel. This minimizes the time for the instrument to reach equilibrium with the sample stream, thus speeding up the measurement. The introduction of corrosive gases or gases contaminated with oils, solvents etc. may damage or coat the electropolished sur­faces and slow down the measurement. Surfaces contaminated with oils etc. can be cleaned by factory trained personnel (please contact your sales representative). Sur­faces damaged by corrosive gases are damaged permanently, causing longer response times. Gases containing chlorine, ammonia, HCl or SO2 may also cause
damage to the sensor. SO2 can be monitored when the moisture content is low.
Avoid liquid water: Avoid the introduction of liquid water into the sample cell, as this may damage the sensor. Do not breathe directly into the instruments sample ports, as condensation may form which could damage the sensor element. If liquid water can not be av oided, order the XTR-6 5W sensor which is water proof , but has a limited range, and a slower dry down response.
Avoid high pressure: The XPDM has been designed for operation at pressures slightly above atmospheric, however each sample cell, sensor, piston, dry-storage assembly has been tested for pressures up to 120 PSI. Do not introduce sample streams, whi ch could cause pr essure rises abo ve 100 PSI. Mak e y our measu rements at atmospheric pressures, and use the pressure calculation feature to calculate dew­points at higher pressures. Ask your representative for a regulator installation kit.
Exercise Caution with Hazardous Gases: Please use appropriate precautions if the sample yo u ar e ab out t o me asure i s haza rdou s. Pla ce the unit i n a sa f e area , i f it is to be used with hazardous gases. Please be aware that the possibility of a small leak always exists. Such a leak will not influence the accuracy of the measurement, but may represent a risk if the sample gas is of hazardous nature.
Avoid Extreme temperatures: Do not install the unit near heat sources such as radia­tors or air ducts. The instruments’ operating temperature range is -10°C to 50°C.
Avoid Mechanical Vibration: Do not install the unit in places subject to extreme mechanical vibration or shock. Use resilient mounting, if shock and vibration are not avoidable. Call your representative if in doubt.
Avoid long exposures of sensor element to room air: For reasons explained later in this manual (section 7), do not expose the sensor to room air for longer then neces­sary (1 - 2 Minutes). The sensor is exposed to room air, when the sensor actuator is in the out position and no samp le line is connect ed, or the samp le gas is shut off. It is best to push the sen sor bac k into dry-storage, afte r a measurement is completed and whenever the instrument is not in use.
Do not force the Actuator: Remove any port obstructions (such as shipping caps) before operating the Actuator.
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3. Principle of Operation

Dewpoint sensors, like all hygroscopic materials, adsorb much faster than they desorb. Therefor e, an accurate measurement will be obtained much faster, if at the beginning of the measurement, the sensor is at a dewpoint drier than the gas to be measured. The XPDM design all ows the sensor to be mo ved directly betw een dry-storage and the sample cell, without any exposure to ambient air.
Sensor in Sensor In
dry-storage position measuring position
2 2
1 1
1. Sample Gas In 7. Sensor Actuator
2. Sample Gas Out 8. Desiccant Chamber
3. Piston 9. Filter Mesh
4. Sample Cell 10.Electronic Board
5. Sensor 11.Instrument Case
6. Spring loaded PTFE seals
The dra wing on the lef t show s the XPDM with the sens or in dry-storage position . The se n­sor is enclosed in a gas-tight container and surrounded by desiccant. The sample gas passes through the sample chamber and prepares the environment for measurement. Blocking of the outlet port will pressurize the sample chamber and move the piston into the position sho wn on the right. The sensor is no w exposed to the sample gas without e ver having been exposed to ambient air. After the measurement is taken, pushing in the sen­sor actuator will return the sensor into dry-storage, where it will dry down and re ady itself for another fast measurement.
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A note about dry-storage The dry-storage consist of a stainless steel container filled with desiccant. The elec­tropolished stainless steel sensor guard slides between the dry-storage and the sample cell through a spring energized PTFE seal, assuring maximum possible gas tightness and minim um gas tr ansport between the two chambers when the sensor is moved. When in dry-storage, the sensor guard is separated from the desiccant b y a stainless steel wire mesh with a thickn ess of 127 µ (0.005”) and a m esh siz e of 100µ. Th is keeps the distance between the sensor and the d esiccant t o a m inim um, whi ch is critica l f or fast and low dry­downs, while protecting the sensor from contamination with desiccant particles. The factory supplied desiccant provides dry-storage dewpoints as low as -80°C when fresh. When the sensor is pushed into dry-storage it will take some time to dry down completely and reach equilibr ium with the dewpoint in the dry-storage. The dry-down time to equilibrium depends on how wet the sensor was before it was returned to dry­storage, and in case that it was completely wet, how long it had remained in wet condi­tion. To take full advantage of the dry-storage, ma ke sure, that the dry-storage dewpoint is below the expected dewpoint of the sample gas by periodically checking the indicated dewpoint after the sensor has remained i n dry-storage for an e xte nded period of time, f or exam ple o v e r nig ht. R epla ce the desi ccan t cartridge, if the dry-stora ge d e wpoint is m uch higher than -80°C and above your expected sample dewpoints.
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4. Operating the XPDM

4.1. Sample Hook-up

4.1.1. Fittings

The XPDM can be hooked up to the sample gas using a variety of fitt ings , depend in g on the application. The instruments’ sample ports are 1/4” VCO® female, to assure proper seals for even the lowest dewpoint measurements. Depending on the application and needs, we recommend the use of one of the following methods of attachment:
•VCO® ➜ VCO®: This method is i de al f or all applicati o ns , incl uding th e use of flexible stainless steel hoses, available optionally.
•VCO® ➜ Swagelok®: This method is suitable for all applications where rigid pipe connections are acceptable.
•VCO® ➜ Swagelok® ➜ Barbed Hose Fitting: This method is acceptable for dew­points above -65°C and should in all cases be used only with PTFE tubing.

4.1.2 Recommended Pipes

Stainless steel pipes should be used exclusively, for dewpoints below -65°C. Your repre­sentative has a fle xib le stainless stee l hose a v ailabl e. The l ength of t he sample line to the instrument should be k ept as short as possible, to assure f ast equilibrium. W e recommend the attachme nt of at least 12" long stainless steel p ipe at the outle t port to av oid ba ck flow of ambient air when sampling at low flow rates, ask your representative for the optional pigtail. PTFE tubes are perfectly accep table , a nd off er ad v antages d ue to their flexibility , f or de w­points above -65°C. However, PTFE tubes should be kept as short as possible. Under no circumsta nces use rubber or plastic tu bes, which are both, hyg roscopic and per­meable. No valid measurements can be expected when such materials are used.

4.1.3. Sample conditioning

Pre-filters: Do not use any pre-filters for oil, particles or liquid water when measuring dewpoints b el o w -65 °C. Pre-filters store and release w a ter vapor, and slo w do wn a nd distort the measurement at low dewpoints.
Pressure regulators: Do not use a pressure regulator containing any materials other than stainless steel, for dewpoints below -65°C. To ensure the use of the right prod­uct, use regulators provided by your sales representative.

4.2. Measuring

Turn the unit on by pushing the Power button.
Select the desired engineering units, using the up or down buttons.
Take note of the indicated dewpoint while the sensor is still in dry-storage.
Introduce the sample gas i nto the u nit whil e the outpu t port is unobstructed. Wait one minute, for every 20°C below 0°C of expected dewpoint, to allow the interconnecting hose or tube as well as the sample chamber to adapt to the sample dewpoint (eg. if expecting -60°C, wait for 3 minutes).
Block the outlet port. The small pressure build-up in the sample chamber should be sufficient to push out the piston and move the sensor into the sample chamber. If no t
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