COSA Xentaur Xentaur LPDT User Manual

LPDT User’s Manual
When calling your representative for technical support, please have your serial numbers available. The Sensor and Instrument Serial Numbers are on the instrument, also see section
Sensor Serial No.: Instrument Serial No.:
Your Representative is:
Except as may be provided by contract, this document and all specifications and drawings contained are the pr operty of Xe n­taur Corporation, are issued in strict confidence, and shall not be reproduced or c opied or transmitted, in a ny form or by any means, or used as the basis for the manufacture or sale of appa­ratus, programs, or services without permission.
Check the Internet for updates; the latest revision of this manual is available in Adobe Acrobat format at:
Document No.: LDO.01.D.2000 Rev.0 6/1/99
Copyright © 1999 by Xentaur Corporation
LPDT User’s Manual
Xentaur reserves the right to change or modify the product specification and / or appearance at any time without notice. Therefore, the information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Xentaur Corporation.
The customer agrees that in accepting and using this instru­ment Xentuar Corporation’s liability arising from or in any way connected with this instrument shall be limited exclu­sively to performing a new calibration or replacement or repair of the instrument or sensor, at Xentaur’s sole option, as covered by Xentaur’s warranty. In no event shall Xentaur be liable for any incidental, consequential or special dam­ages of any kind or nature whatsoever, including but not limited to lost profits arising from or in any way connected with this instrument or items hereunder, whether alleged to arise from breach of contract, express or implied warranty, or in tort, including without limitation, negligence, failure to warn or strict liability.
Swagelok, Cajon are trademarks of SWAGELOK Co. Acrobat is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated Microsoft Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation HTF is a trademark of Xentaur Corporation SpanCheck is a trademark of Xentaur Corporation The Xentaur Logo is a trademark of Xentaur Corporation
LPDT User’s Manual
Examine the LPDT package for damage or mishan­dling. If any damage is evident notify the carrier and request an inspection.
Unpack the box, it should contain: The LPDT with sensor in desiccant container, connectorized cable, and this manual.
This manual is organized in three sections: Section 1 Section 2
is an overview of the LPDT.
describes the sensor and sampling tech­niques. Section 3
describes the instrument’s electrical, mechanical, and user interfaces.
This manual is intended for those already familiar with the installation, use and maintenance of ana­lytical or process instrumentation.
Those acquainted with other Xentaur dewpoint measurement products such as the XDT or the XPDM, will benefit from the commonality of the user interface.
LPDT User’s Manual
Xen tau r instrument s ar e war r an ted to be free from defects in workmanship and materials. Liability under this warranty is lim­ited to servicing, calibrating, and replacing any defective parts of the instrument returned to the factory for that purpose. Fuses are specifically excluded from any liability. This warranty is eff ective from the date of delivery to the original pur chaser . The equipment must be determined by Xentaur to have been defective for the warranty to be valid. This warranty applies as follows:
one year for electronics
one year for mechanical failures to the sensor
six months for calibrations If damage is determined to have been caused by mis us e or abnor­mal conditions of operation, the owner will be notified and repairs will be billed at standard rates after approval.
Maintenance Policy
In cases when equipment fault is suspected, please notify your representative of the pr oblem, be sure to pr ovide them with model and serial numbers. If the problem can not be resolved, then ask for a Return Authorization Number (RAN) and shipping instruc­tions. Issuance of an RAN does not automatically imply that the equipment is covered by our warranty, that will be determined after we receive the equipment. Pack the equipment in a suitable box with sufficient padding, include the RAN number on your paperwork, and send the equipment, prepaid, to the designated address. Xentaur will not accept equipment returned without an RAN, or with reversed shipping or import/export charges. If the warranty has expired, or the damage is due to improper use or exposure of the equipment; then Xentaur will provide an esti­mate and wait for approval before commencing repairs.
For your convenience a Return Authorization Request Form is provided in appendix J, it must be filled out and sent back to Xen­taur in order to obtain a RAN.
LPDT User’s Manual
LPD T Us er’s Manual Tab le o f Cont ent s
1.0 Overview of the LPDT .................................................1
2.1 Precautions using the sensor .........................................3
2.2 Sensor Technical Specifications ...................................4
2.3 Sensor Installation & Sampling Techniques .................4
2.3.1 In-situ Installation ......................................................5
2.3.2 Extractive Installation ................................................7
2.4 Troubleshooting unexpected readings ..........................9
3.1 Precautions using the LPDT .......................................13
3.1.1 Electromagnetic Compatibility Considerations .......13
3.2 Instrument Technical Specifications ...........................14
3.3 Installation ..................................................................15
3.3.1 Mechanical Installation ............................................15
3.3.2 Electrical Installation ...............................................16
3.4 Operating the Instrument ............................................17
3.4.1 Starting up ................................................................17
3.4.2 Display Conventions ................................................17
3.4.3 Push Buttons ............................................................19
3.4.4 Operating State ........................................................19 Viewing Dewpoint Mode ......................................20 Viewing Temperature at the Sensor ......................20 Start Calibration (SpanCheck™) Mode ................21 Viewing Serial Number Mode ..............................24
3.4.5 SetUp State ..............................................................24
3.5 Troubleshooting the Instrument ..................................28
Appendix A: Operating State User Interface flowchart ....31
Appendix B: Set-Up State User Interface flowchart .........32
Appendix C: LPDT Mechanical Drawing ........................34
Appendix D: LPDT Electrical Connections .....................35
Appendix E: Sensor/SpanCheck™ Theory of Operation .36
Appendix F: Pressure Correction ......................................39
Appendix G: Current vs. Dewpoint ..................................40
LPDT User’s Manual
Appendix H: Uncertainty in LBS & ppmV calculations ..43
Appendix I: Sensor Response Time ..................................44
Appendix J: Return Authorization Request ......................45
Section 1: Introduction

1.0 Overview of the LPDT

The LPDT is a microprocessor based 4-20mA loop powered (2 wire) hygrometer, for measuring moisture content in gases in the range from -100°C to +20°C. The measurement is displayed on the instrument’s custom LCD, and is trans­mitted by varying the current drawn (4-20mA) from the power supply. The current varies linearly proportional to the selected measurement units. An optional digital output is available which modulates/demodulates the 4-20mA loop line without interfering with its operation. With this option the LPDT is capable of communicating with properly equipped Personal Computers or other RS-232 capable con­trollers. Three front panel buttons provide the user with a wide variety of features. The LPDT’s advanced design allows it to be housed in a small stainless steel enclosure behind the sensor probe, thus the instrument and sensor are a single integrated unit. The LPDT uses the Xentaur HTF™ sensor which is encap­sulated in sintered stainless steel, thus it is capable of com­ing into contact with a wide variety of environments. However one should keep in mind that the sensor is a sensi­tive device and it should be handled accordingly.
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LPDT User’s Manual
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Section 2: Sensor and Sampling Techniques

2.1 Precautions using the sensor

The Xentaur HTF™ Al2O3 sensor is designed and field proven to be highly reliable, rugged and maintenance free.
However the user should consider the following precau­tions:
To avoid the need for prolonged dry-down (when
expecting to measure dewpoints dryer than -65ºC), do not expose the sensor to room air longer than necessary (1 - 2 minutes). Thus, do not open the sensor container before you are ready to install the sensor.
The sensor container has desiccant to keep the sensor
dry during shipping and to avoid damage due to conden­sation. Close the container immediately after removing the sensor to avoid degradation of the desiccant.
Do not throw away the sensor container, you may use it
again to transport the sensor between locations, to store it between uses or to ship it back to the factory for certi­fication. The container can be attached to the loop cable, by trapping the cable with the lid strap.
Do not expose the sensor to corrosive gases such as
gases containing chlorine, ammonia or HCl. (SO2 can be monitored when the moisture content is low).
Except for the XTR65W sensor:
1. Do not expose the sensor to liquid water, as it may get damaged.
2. Do not breathe directly onto the sensor, as condensa­tion may form which could damage the sensor element.
Do not install the sensor near heat sources such as radia-
tors or air ducts.
Do not install the sensor in places subject to extreme
mechanical vibration or shock. If this is not avoidable, use resilient mounting. If in doubt, call your representa-
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LPDT User’s Manual
Do not disassemble the porous metal filter encapsula-
tion, as this will damage the sensor and void your fac­tory warranty.
Prior to installation of the probe, ensure that no contam-
inants are present in the system (e.g. oil, liquid water).

2.2 Sensor Technical Specifications

Type: .................................Hyper Thin Film high capacitance Al2O3.
Dewpoint range:
XTR-100........................-148°F to +68°F (-100°C to +20°C)
XTR-65..........................-85°F to +68°F (-65°C to +20°C).
Capacitance:......................15nF to 200nF.
Accuracy:..........................±5.5°F (±3°C).
Repeatability:....................±0.9°F (±0.5°C).
Response time:..................see graph in Appendix I.
Temperature range:. .......... -10°C to +70°C.
Sample Flow range:
(linear velocity @ 1ATM):Static to 100m/s.
Storage temperature:. ........-40°F to+176°F (-40°C to +80°C).
Mechanical:.......................encapsulated in 100µ sintered stainless steel.
Calibration method: ..........SpanCheck™, sensor saturates at dewpoint above
+68°F (+20°C). NIST/NPL traceable multi-point factory calibration available optionally.

2.3 Sensor Installation & Sampling Techniques

Keep in mind that the moisture content at the sensor is not only due to the moisture of the gas being measured, but also due to desorption of water from tubing, trapped moisture (at the interconnection points, valves, filters and other hygro­scopic materials in the system), leaks in the system, and oth­ers. Thus the measurement may vary from the expectation, and therefore care should be taken in choosing the sampling technique utilized in the measurement. Factors such as gas pressure, flow rate, materials of construction, length and
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Section 2: Sensor and Sampling Techniques
diameter of tubing, number of interconnecting fittings, dead space in tubing and manifolds; will influence the measure­ment value and response time. The high capacitance HTF™ sensors can be installed either directly in the line to be sampled (in-situ), or in a slip stream of a sample system (extractive). To assure a long and accurate performance of the sensor, it should be protected from contaminants such as liquids (water, oil etc.), and particulates. The sintered stainless steel sensor encapsulation protects from particulates larger than 100 microns, finer particulates (e.g. from degraded desic­cant or rust) should be filtered with a particulate filter with suitable capability, do not use hygroscopic filter materials.

2.3.1 In-situ Installation

In-situ installation is recommended only for measurements where the gas pressure is expected to vary little, the gas is expected to be free of contaminants, the gas temperature is wit hin the oper a ting s pec if ic at ions of the se nsor , a nd th e re is no chance of liquids coalescing. Examples of applications suited for in-situ installations are: pure gases, output of des­iccant dryers (for instrument air), glove boxes, etc. For most other applications in-situ installation should be avoided for the following reasons:
Sample conditioning is almost always necessary to
avoid exposure of the sensor to liquid water and other contaminants, such as hydrocarbons, which may dam­age the sensor or affect accuracy over time.
Variations in line pressure affect the reading of the sen-
sor because dewpoint varies with pressure.
If the gas line is under pressure, it is more likely that
water condensation occurs which may damage the sen­sor.
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LPDT User’s Manual
Under a pressurized system removal of the sensor with-
out the installation of isolation valves can be dangerous.
If in-situ installation is required, bypass mounting is prefer­able; make sure to install the sensor at the upper surface of the gas line to minimize its exposure to liquid water, should condensation occur, the XTR65W sensor is best suited for these applications. Also consider the need to isolate (depres­surize) before installing or removing the sensor.
4-20mA loop cable
Gas Line
oint Transmitter
In-Line Installation, Sensor
Measuring at Line Pressure
4-20mA loop cable
oint Transmitter
Mo Se
Bypass Installation, Sensor
Measuring at Line Pressure
Safety shut-off Valve
Safety shut-off Valve
Sample Cell
Gas Line
Valve *
* maintain differential pressure to provide adequate flow through sample cell
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Section 2: Sensor and Sampling Techniques

2.3.2 Extractive Installation

For extractive installations we recommend our sample sys­tem ESS, which may be equipped with a variety of features, such as: isolation valve, coalescing or particulate filter, pressure regulator , calibration sample injection or ext raction port, pressure gauge, flow meter, weatherproof enclosure. Refer to the ESS literature for more information. If the resources to make your own sample system are avail­able, the following two diagrams may be used as a guideline to configure a simple system.
4-20mA loop cable
Safety shut-off Valve
oint Transmitter
Mo Se
Regulator or
Needle Valv e
Gas Line
4-20mA loop cable
Regulator or
Needle Valv e
Gas Line
Sample Cell
Extractive Installation, Sensor
Measuring at Line Pressure
oint Transmitter
Mo Se
Sample Cell
Extractive Installation, Sensor
Measuring at Ambient Pressure
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LPDT User’s Manual
It is generally recommended to measure at ambient pressure for the following reasons:
The readings will not be affected by variations in line
The risk of exposing the sensor to liquid water is signif-
icantly reduced.
ppm readings are computed for a pressure of one atmo-
sphere (1 bar); and have to be corrected using software in the instrument, or a pressure nomograph, or calcula-
tor if the sensor is measuring at different pressures. If readings at line pressure are necessary, it is recommended to measure at ambient pressure and to use the instrument’s pressure compensation feature to calculate the dewpoint at line pressure. See appendix F. Please make sure that:
The sample is taken from the upper surface of the main
gas line. This avoids problems with contamination. The
sample should be taken away from pipe line walls where
flow rates may be low, and dewpoint changes may lag.
For dewpoints dryer than -40°F, use stainless steel tub-
ing only. Copper tubing is acceptable for dewpoints wet-
ter than -40°F. Do not use plastic, rubber or tygon tubing
under any circumstances, as measurements would be
incorrect and/or response time slow due to water reten-
tion inside these materials.
Try to run pipes to the sensor upwards, so that contami-
nants tend to fall back into the main line.
Keep the length of the sample line to the sensor as short
as possible.
Use small diameter pipes (1/4” or 1/8” OD).
Use sufficient flow rates (e.g. 1 l/min with 6 feet of 1/8”
piping is adequate). The flow rate will influence the sys-
tems’ response time.
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Section 2: Sensor and Sampling Techniques
Do not install any devices upstream of the sensor, such
as other measuring systems, flow meters etc., which are
not absolutely necessary as these are potential leak
Installation of a coalescing and / or particulate filter
ahead of the sensor is desirable to prevent any liquid or
particulate contamination of the sensor.
If filters are used upstream of the sensor, make sure
these contain non-hygroscopic filter materials only.
If pressure regulators, shut off valves etc. are used
upstream of the sensor, make sure these do not contain
rubber or other hygroscopic materials.

2.4 Troubleshooting unexpected readings

If erroneous readings are suspected on a newly acquired instrument, compare the serial number engraved on the sen­sor sintered filter, to the one stored in the instrument mem­ory. The two should be the same; if they are not, the instrument may not be calibrated with the installed sensor. To troubleshoot other problems, identify the unexpected reading category in the following table, and consider the possible causes and appropriate diagnostic action and rem­edy.
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LPDT User’s Manual
Troubleshooting unexpected readings (table spans 2 pages)
Symptom Possible Cause
Reading is not
Slow Response
Dry Reading SpanCheck™ wrongly set, or faulty sensor.
We t Read ing
Display Shows
Condensation in sample system.
1. Water vapor in the system.
2. Flow rate too low.
3. Sample pipe too large and/or too long.
4. Unsuitable sample pipe ma terial.
5. Leaks
6. Hygroscopic materials in sample system
Leak in system or use of unsuitable pipe.
Comparison of readings with manual cooled­mirror instrument.
Prolonged exposure to wet gas.
Display Shows
1. In strume n t Fa i lure
2.Short circuited sensor.
Display Shows
1. In strume n t fa ilur e .
2. Open circuit on sensor.
For non-sensor related problems (e.g. no reading on instru­ment) refer to section 3.5
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