COSA Xentaur 72 User Manual

Feuchte- und Temperatur-Meßtechnik Moselstraße 2 B, D-63452 Hanau,
Version 08 / 05
Series 72 Manual page
1. Fundamental Features of Series 72
2. Preparations before Operating 1
2.1. Unpacking and Checking 1
2.2. Setup for Operation 2
2.3. Instructions for Dispatch 2
3. Dialog orientated Software 2
3.1. Program Structure 2
3.2. Pushbutton Operation 2
4. Measurement Mode "RUN"
4.1. Conditions after Power Connection 3
4.2. Values in the Display 3
5. Software Modul "LIST"
5.1. General Informations about the "LIST" Menu 3
5.2. Entering "LIST" 4
5.3. Data in "LIST" - "MINMAX" 4
5.4. Data in "LIST" - "CONDAT" 5
5.5. Data in "LIST" - "CALDAT" 5
6. Calibration
6.1. General Notes about Calibration Standards 6
6.2. How often Calibrations should be done 6
6.3. Salt Solutions for Calibration 6
6.4. Calibration Chamber 7
6.5. Usage of Saturated Salt Solutions 7
6.6. Temperature Equilibrium 7
6.7. Mounting the Calibration Device 7
7. Program "CALIB"
7.1. Password Protection 8
7.2. Facilities of "CALIB" 8
7.3. Entering "CALIB" 9
7.4. Calibration Procedure ("CHANGE") 9
7.5. Submenu "DELETE" 10
Series 72 Manual page
7.6. Calibration of Temperature ("TEMPER") 10
7.7. Entering the Pressure Factor ("PRESS") 10
8. Configuration of Series 72 Transmitters
8.1. Password Protecion 11
8.2. Possible Configurations 11
8.3. Important Points concerning Configuration 11
8.4. Entering the Program "CONFIG" 11
8.5. Dimensions of Humidity and Temperature ("DIM") 11
8.6. Submenu "ANALOG" 12
8.6.1. "RANGE" does not affect the Resolution 12
8.6.2. Lower Limit of Humidity Range 12
8.6.3. Upper Limit of Humidity Range 12
8.6.4. Behaviour at Sensor Break 12
8.6.5. Limits of Temperature Range 13
8.7. Submenu "OFFSET" 13
8.7.1. Adjustment of Analog Output Humidity 13
8.7.2. Adjustment of Analog Output Temperature 13
9. RS-232 Data Transmission with Series 72 Transmitters 13
9.1. Modus 1 (Hardware Handshake) 13
9.1.1. Protocol 1 14
9.2. Modus 2 (Software Handshake, controled by Host) 15
9.2.1. Control of stand-alone Transmitter 15
9.2.2. Control of Transmitters on BUS 15
9.2.3. Protocol 2 16
9.3. Error Messages via digital Output 17
10. Error Messages
10.1. Tests when Transmitter is set to Power 17
10.2. Error Messages in normal Measurement Mode 17
11. Practical Instructions and Limits
11.1 Direct Contact with Liquids 19
11.2 Filters 19
11.3 Resistance against Chemical Attack 19
11.4 Protection of Transmitter Electronics 20
11.5 Influence of Temperature on Humidity 20
11.6 Humidity Measurements over Ice 20
11.7 Measurements under Pressure or Vacuum 21
Series 72 Manual page
12. Diagrams of Program structure
Main Programs M1 Program "LIST" M2 Submenu "LIST - MINMAX" M3 Submenu "LIST - CALDAT" M4 Submenu "LIST - CONDAT" M5 Program "CALIB" M6 Program "CONFIG" M7 Submenu "CONFIG - DIM" M8 Submenu "CONFIG - SERIEL" M8 Submenu "CONFIG - RELAIS" M9
13. Connection Diagrams and Dimensions
64- or 32 Pin Connectors (19"-Versions) C1 + C2 Connections / Dimensions of type "72 - A" C3 Connections / Dimensions of type "72 - B" Analog C4 Connections of type "72 - B" Digital C5 Connections of special Versions C6 Accu Version of 19"-Transmitters C7
M1 - M9
C1 - C7
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1. Fundamental Features of Series 72
Series 72 Humidity and Temperature Meters detect relative Humidity and Temperature. For this purpose the probes - either fixed mounted or interchangeable ones - are equipped with a capacity type humidity sensor of very small mass. The temperature detection is done by a RTD of type Pt-1000, which is placed very close to the humidity sensor to avoid differences in temperature between the two sensors. To assure rapid response to temperature changes, a thinfilm Pt-1000 on a substrate of ceramic was chosen.
Incoming sensor signals are temperature compensated and transfered into linearized analog or digital outputs by digital electronics. We use a microprocessor for the control of all internal functions. Programing and configurating of the desired ranges and functions is easy due to the dialog orientated software. Only four buttons are required. In addition, the microprocessor provides absolute humidity values by calculating them from relative humidity and temperature, if atmospheric pressure is assumed, or pressure is known and typed in by pushbuttons. As a standard, the dual line display is able to show the temperature in °C or °F and the humidity as:
a) rel. Humidity: in % b) abs. Humidity: in g/m c) Watercontent: in g/kg d) Dewpoint: in °C or °F e) Enthalpy: in Joule
The software of series 72 instruments is divided into 4 modules which can be called by the operator. These are named:
a) "RUN" = normal measuring mode b) "LIST" = display of all actual parameters c) "CALIB" = calibration of a probe d) "CONFIG" = configuration of display and outputs
By using SMD-techniques, it was possible to build in all the electronics for transmitting the temperature and humidity sensor signals into a IP-65 housing of 80 x 82 x 55 mm. Only special options, like RS-232 / V24 output, need a larger housing (80 x 160 x 55 mm).
2. Preparations before Operating
2.1. Unpacking and Checking
Every instrument has been examined before dispatch in respect to its electrical and mechanical functions. After receipt of instrument, please check its operation. In case of any malfunction or damage, return the instrument with a detailed description of faults.
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2.2. Setup for Operation
The instrument is to be connected to main powers either by a connector or by using the terminals inside the housing. The correct voltage is marked on the type label you find on one side of the housing. Do not use voltages other than the marked one! Severe damage would be the result of applying the wrong voltage.
If a type 72B. instrument with screw terminals is used, the cross section of your conductors should meet the dimensions of 0.5 up to 1.5 mm
20) You will find these terminals on the ground PC-board after opening the housing by turning the four screws (quick-release types) with a screwdriver to the left.
Please take care that cable diameter corresponds with PG-dimension and so will guarantee a dense screwing. During operation the housing of the instrument should be closed.
2.3. Instructions for Dispatch
If there any problems you are not able to correct, we ask you to contact our technical department or to return the instrument with a short description of the fault. When returning please do not forget:
a) to add the description of faults b) to pack the instrument safely in a cardboard box and fill up holes with soft packing material to avoid damage.
(AWG 16 to AWG
3. Dialog orientated Software
3.1. Program Structure
For simplier operation, the software of type 72 transmitters is devided into 4 main parts which are:
a) "RUN" = normal operation for measuring Humidity and Temp. b) "LIST" = listing all parameters used for operation c) "CALIB" = calibration of a sensor probe d) "CONFIG" = setup or change of parameters as: ranges of humidity and temperature, lower and upper limits of analog outputs, dimensions of humidity and temperature values
Each of this main programs is devided into submenus to create a better overview of its functions and to simplify the operation.
3.2. Pushbutton Operation:
The four pushbuttons are located on the display board and can only be seen after removing the cover of the transmitter housing. Opening of the cover is
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done by turning the four fast mounting screws 90 degrees to the left with a screwdriver. The red coloured buttons are marked on the display - board with:
1) "E" = enter
2) "M" = mode
3) "
" = encrease
4) "
" = next decimal
The two arrows are the only pushbuttons which have an "enhanced speed" function, which operates after pressing them for a time period of more than 1 second. In the "LIST" submenus the " to the previous display point.
4. Measurement Mode "RUN"
"-button leads to the next, the ""-button
4.1. Conditions after Power Connection
After connecting the Hygrocontrol 72 to power, the transmitter is in its normal measurement mode, called "RUN". First all the segments of the dual line display are tested for a short period, then a variety of tests occur, which give information about the probe connected to the microprocessor. If any test fails, an error message is displayed. See error messages (Chapter 10.).
4.2. Values in the Display
After passing the tests, the display will show in its upper line the actual value of Humidity with a dimension. This dimension may be - depending on configuration:
a) % RF (German for rel. Humidity) b) % RH c) g/kg (Watercontent in 1kg dry air) d) g/m e) °C f ) °F
The lower line of display shows the Temperature of the probe head with dimension according to configuration:
(Amount of water in 1m3)
(Dewpoint in Fahrenheit)
(Dewpoint in Centigrade)
g) °C (Centigrade) h) °F (Fahrenheit)
5. Software Module "LIST"
5.1. General Informations about the "LIST" Menu
Using the "LIST" module, users of series 72 transmitters are able to display ­but not to change - all the actual parameters the instrument has in its memory.
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This is a feature which enables the user, supplier and manufacturer - even after a malfunction - to analyse what has happened with the transmitter.
For better understanding, the "LIST" menu is divided into three submenus which are named according to their content:
a) "MINMAX" = Memory of the Min and Max values b) "CONDAT" = Memory of all the configuration datas c) "CALDAT" = Memory of all the calibration datas
Besides these three submenus of "LIST", there are two ways of jumping out of the "LIST" menu. These are:
d) "RETURN" = jumping back to the begin of "List" e) "RUN" = jumping back to measurement mode
5.2. Entering "LIST"
As shown in the survey diagram of all menus (page M1), the entrance into a menu or submenu allways is done by pressing the "E" (enter - button). The display now shows "LIST" and the next hitting of "E" brings "MINMAX" into the display. As in all other submenus you now may enter the "MINMAX" submenu by pressing "E", or go to other menus by pressing "M". If you once stepped into a submenu, you may jump back by pressing "E" again.
5.3. Data in "LIST" - "MINMAX"
"MINMAX" holds the MIN and MAX values since the last start of the transmitter or the last erasing of this memory. The data is shown in the following order:
1) Minimum of Temperature = "T - min", for example "19.5°C"
2) Maximum of Temperature = "T - max", for example "91.1°C"
3) Minimun of Humidity = "H - min", for example "10.1 %"
4) Maximum of Humidity = "H - max", for example "95.1 %"
After these values, the display shows the last three readings of temperature and humidity. These are kept in memory to enable the transmitter, in case of a sensor break, to decide which values will be given to the outputs if the option "keep steady outputs if sensor break occurs" was chosen.
5) last Temperature value = "T - 1", for example "20.3°C"
6) second last Temp.value = "T - 2", for example "20.4°C"
7) third last Temp. value = "T - 3", for example "20.5°C"
8) last Humidity value = "H - 1", for example "79.3 %"
9) second last Hum. value = "H - 2", for example "79.2 %"
10) third last Hum. value = "H - 3", for example "79.1 %"
Quitting "MINMAX" by pressing the "E" button, leads to the display of "Cl Y N". It is now up to you to decide whether the memory of Min Max Datas should be erased or not. Pressing " cases the program will jump back to "MINMAX", which is the start of the "LIST" submenus.
" will erase, "E" will keep the Min Max Values. In both
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5.4. Data in "LIST" - "CONDAT"
Submenu "CONDAT" displays all data, which describe the actual configuration of the transmitter. After chosing "CONDAT" and pressing "E", you will find the data as follows:
1) lower limit of Humidity range = "H out
2) upper limit of Humidity range = "H out "
3) reaction at sensor break Hum. = "H err" with arrow
4) lower limit of Temp. range = "T out "
5) upper limit of Temp. range = "T out "
6) reaction at sensor break Temp. = "T err " with arrow
7) offset analog output Temp. low = "T SET "
8) offset analog output Temp.high = "T SET "
9) offset analog output Hum. low = "H SET "
10) offset analog output Hum. high = "H SET "
11) Display code = "C CODE" f.e. "0"
12) Baud rate of digital output = f.e. "4800" "RS232"
13) address of digital output = f.e. "4" "ADRESS"
14) software version number = "VS" f.e. "T.21"
15) date of software version = f.e. "29.05.91"
16) serial number of transmitter = f.e. "AT1234"
17) serial number of probe = f.e. "AS4321"
or or
or or
With the " previous point. With "E" you may leave the submenu (at any display!) and jump back to "CONDAT".
5.5. Data in "LIST" - "CALDAT"
After entering "CALDAT", the display will first show the number of calibration points - this is a number inbetween "00" and "11" with an additional "NUM" in the display. Pressing of " which are marked with the letters a) to k):
a) to k) = calibration datas from 0% to 100%.
After that, the socalled "straight line characteristic" is displayed as for example: "-23.4" "1.34455".
The next two data points are the initial calibrations at 0% and 80% done at the factory.
2) and 3) = first and second "initial calibration points".
These two values cannot be erased - not even with the submenu "DELET" of the "CALIB" program. This is to avoid, that after deleting all calibration data the transmitter has no straight line information to calculate humidity values from an actual sensor reading. In addition, the manufacturer may get information about the sensor changes by comparison of actual and initial calibration data.
" button you step to the following point, with the "" button to the
" leads to the calibration values at these points,
After that, the display shows two numbers relating to the current sensor- and reference- oscillations. A letter in the last decimal marks:
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F) = sensor oscillator R) = reference oscillator
Finally the display shows the actual pressure factor, marked by "PRESS". This factor is used to calculate humidity values at atmospheric pressures, if measurement occurs at other pressure conditions.
The calibration data display may be left by pressing "E", the program then jumps back to "CALDAT".
6.1. General Notes about Calibration Standards
There is a lack of international standards for rel. Humidity calibrations, therefore, different countries may have different methods of calibrations. Since the users of humidity meters need a simple method to check the accuracy of their instruments, we are supplying accessories for calibration or testing. As a standard method we have chosen unsaturated salt solutions to create rel. humidities of known amount - but saturated salt solutions may also be used.
Series 72 instruments are to be calibrated with rel. humidity - since their sensors respond to relative, not to absolute, humidity values.
6.2. How often Calibrations should be done
Before dispatch, all probes have been calibrated at 0, 20, 35, 50, 65, 80 and 95%. Changes of sensor characteristic are hard to predict, as they depend on mechanical and chemical attack on the probe. If stresses are high (such as temperature, vibration, dust and aggressive media like acids, solvents and highly reactive gases), we recommend a test within 3 to 12 months. If deviations of more than 2% are found, a recalibration makes sense.
In some cases, when the humidity range the probe has to detect is a narrow one - then a partial calibration may be helpful. If you want the best accuracy over the total range (from 0 to 100%), then as many points as possible should be used for calibration.
6.3. Salt Solutions for Calibration
The solutions we supply for calibration create rel. humidities from 0 to 95%. We are using the following:
0% - drying granulate 10% - mixed LiCl and ZnCl2 solution 20, 35, 50, 65, 80, 95% - unsaturated LiCl solutions
The marked rel. humidities relate to a temperature of 22°C and do have a temperature dependency. The accuracy of the solutions at 22°C is +/- 0.5%, they are not toxic and are not dangerous to the environment.
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To assure the easiest handling and highest accuracy, the solutions are enclosed in glass ampoules, which should be opened only before usage. Opening is simplified by the weakened middle part of the ampoules. Once opened the solutions may catch humidity from or give humidity to their environment - so the time of usage is restricted and they should be used for one calibration only.
6.4. Calibration Chamber
The calibration chambers we are supplying under No. 1810 (or 4716 for 12 mm diameter probes) are hermetically sealed chambers which consist of three parts:
1) main part with thread for coupling with probe tip
2) removeable bottom to put the solution in
3) O-ring to give tight connection between parts 1) and 2).
The chamber is made from Aluminium to achieve
a) temperature equilibrium b) simpliest cleaning procedure.
Mechanical dimensions of the chamber are optimized to form a closed body without edges. By this form a quick and stable atmosphere of the desired rel. humidity over the solution is guaranteed.
6.5. Usage of Saturated Salt Solutions
There exist a number of different salts where the rel. humidity over the surface of their saturated solutions is known and reported by organisations like NBS or DIN. Lately the temperature dependencies and accuracies of this solutions were verified - so series 72 transmitters are able to be tested and calibrated with these solutions too. As preparation and handling of these saturated solutions require knowledge and care, we do not provide these directions in this manual. If you need any help in this matter, please contact our technical staff.
6.6. Temperature Equilibrium
Due to the temperature dependency of rel. humidity over salt solutions, you should assure a constant temperature of 22°C with deviations of not more than 1°C. This can be done by placing the probe in an area free from draughts, direct sunlight, radiators and any other factor that might cause temperature fluctuations. Place the instrument on an insulating base such as polystyrene and assure that the instrument, calibration chamber and solutions are conditioned to the same temperature before starting the calibration.
6.7. Mounting the Calibration Device
First remove the filter from the tip of the probe. The chamber may now be screwed to the thread of the probe. The bottom of the chamber is removeable and it is here that the textile pad and the solution are to be placed. To avoid improper humidity values, always clean the bottom of the chamber thoroughly, use new pads, and new solutions.
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Ensure that the calibration chamber faces downwards, to avoid direct contact of the solution with the sensor. Before inserting the bottom into the chamber, unscrew the chamber slightly, to help escaping air, when you close the chamber. Tighten the chamber again after closing!
7. Program "CALIB"
7.1. Password Protection
To protect series 72 instruments against unwanted changes of their calibration, this part of the program is protected by a password. You should give this password only to trained and authorized personnel. The password has to be calculated by a simple mathematical operation from the numeric last 4 digits of the serial number of the transmitter. This is demonstrated by the following example:
Let the serial number of the transmitter be: T23456
The first two digits of the password are formed by the sum of the digits number 3 and 4 of the serial number, the last two digits of the password are formed by the sum of the last two digits of the serial number. In the above given example of serial number we get:
3 + 4 = 07 for the first two digits, 5 + 6 = 11 for the last two digits.
The password in our example is then: 0711
7.2. Facilities of "CALIB"
The program "CALIB" holds all the facilities to:
a) recalibrate one or more points with menu "CHANGE" b) add more calibrations with "CHANGE" c) erase all humidity calibrations with "DELETE" d) recalibrate temperature with "TEMPER" e) enter a pressure factor, if measurement is done at a constant, but not atmospheric pressure, with "PRESS" f) return to measurement mode with "RUN" g) return to beginning of "CALIB" with "RETURN"
To avoid any "uncertain" or "dubious” calibrations, the program uses two principles, which are:
1) If one of the standard fixpoints is recalibrated, the former value in memory is replaced.
2) If a nonstandard point is calibrated (for example a saturated LiCl-solution), a standard fixpoint closer than 5% to the new calibration point will be replaced.
Two examples should illustrate this rules:
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1) A calibration with saturated LiCl-solution of 11.3% will replace the former 10%-value.
2) A calibration with saturated NaCl-solution of 73.6% will not replace the two former values at 65% and 80%.
7.3. Entering "CALIB"
From normal measuring mode you enter the main program area by pressing "E". The display now shows "LIST". Pressing "M" now switches over to "CALIB" and the first line of the display shows "0000" with a flashing first digit. It is necessary now to enter the password by using " flashing and "" to go to the next decimal. If the displayed number matches the desired password - one digit always flashes - then pressing "E" will bring you into the program. The display shows "CHANGE" as the first submenu of "CALIB". By pressing "M" the other submenus of "CALIB" may be chosen.
7.4. Calibration Procedure ("CHANGE")
If the calibration chamber is fixed to the probe and filled with the solution you want to calibrate with, the calibration is initiated by "E".
The first line of display will show the measured rel. humidity, the second line will propose a standard fixpoint which is closest to the actual measurement. If this proposal does not correspond to the solution, you may change it by hitting "M" as often as necessary to give the display you want.
If a humidity value you want to calibrate, is not in the proposal list, you may choose "OTHER" and acknowledge with "E". Now the humidity value is shown with a flashing first decimal, and adjustment may be done, to achieve the display you need, by using "" and "" buttons. "" increases the flashing decimal, "" steps over to the next one. If the desired value is in the display, press "E". Now a safety check is seen in the form of "N ok Y". Pressing "M" will jump back to "OTHER", pressing "E" will step into the calibration procedure, as explained next.
" to change the digit which is
Now pressing "E" will start the calibration. The display shows in the first line (flashing) the rel. humidity measured, and in the second line (alternating) the chosen point and a number corresponding to the actual oscillator frequency of the sensor. This display allows you to see, when stability of humidity in the chamber is achieved.
When stable conditions are reached, the flashing display ends and you will see the symbols "Y" and "N". If you want to accept this calibration, you hit "E" now, if you want to reject it, you hit "M". In both cases the program jumps back to "CHANGE". If "E" was "E" hit the new calibration is kept in memory. If "M" was hit the former calibration point is still in memory and no change occured. The time to reach sufficient equilibrium varies with the solutions and the environmental conditions and may be 10 minutes or 2 hours.
To calibrate more points you must change the solution in the calibration chamber. After spilling the old solution, the chamber should be cleaned with water, and dried before filling with another solution. After closing the chamber you may start with the next calibration.
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