Small all-rounder. Because space is precious.
Less is more
Convotherm mini
The areas of application for combi ovens are extremly versatile.
And the Convotherm mini series is just as varied. There are more
than ten versions, so everyone can nd the mini that perfectly
meets their needs. Whether system caterer, bakery, or convenience
store – our tiny winners are guaranteed to shine everywhere with
their customized advantages.
At a width of
only 51.5cm, the
Convotherm mini sets
standards in terms
of the ratio between
footprint and the
usable cavity space.
More than 10 versions
in 3 dierent sizes:
6.06, 6.10 and 10.10
– always with a
minimalistic footprint.
Whether baking,
grilling, stewing,
roasting, steaming,
defrosting or more:
the types of preparation are maximized
for every area of
Whenever speed and
high throughput are
needed, Convotherm
mini combi ovens
win hands down over
conventional units.
Whether behind the counter or in the kitchen:
Wherever space is limited, every inch counts.
The Convotherm mini scores double here. It works
wonders in small spaces with its minimalistic
footprint. Where you used to need a whole series
of units, such as a deep-fryer, microwave, contact
grill, toaster or oven, now you only need one:
the Convotherm mini.
Replaces 6–9 other
units, like a deepfryer, microwave,
contact grill, toaster
or oven
Versatile and future-proof
In spite of its minimal dimensions, the Convotherm
mini provides you with the full performance range
of a professional combi oven. Even when the
expectations of your customers rise and the range
of fare you oer changes or expands – you’ll be
prepared for whatever may come with the mini.
It’s versatility, top quality and speed are always
persuasive. And you get it all in one single unit.
Simply unbeatable
The versatile mini series – the right unit for
every application
A width of 51.5 cm means it can t anywhere,
even when space is at a premium
Functional, appealing design.
Also as the mini black with a matte black
coated surface.
easyStart*, Press&Go and the ConvoLink
software solution ensure unrivaled ease of use
Automatic cooking functions for roasting,
grilling, steaming, au gratin cooking,
convenience deep-frying, baking, and
A large variety of accessories
Durable “Made in Germany” quality
and worldwide service
* For easyTouch® units only
647 mm
Behind the counter or
in a professional kitchen
No matter whether in the convenience sector for
operationally reliable processes with consistent
results from “frozen” to “ready-to-serve,” or in the
high-end cuisine sector as a powerful additional
unit – the mini always guarantees you fresh and
appetizing results in the blink of an eye.
Scalable, future-proof
599 mm
515 mm
Smart cooking with hot air and steam.
Steam or hot air? The Convotherm mini provides you with both
– and especially with both in combination. That makes professional
food preparation exceptionally fast, exible, reliable and healthy.
Using steam for getting food out fast
Cooking with steam means decisive advantages
in all applications. Steam transfers the heat to the
food not only exceptionally gently, but also very
quickly. The result is that, compared to conventional
cooking methods, three times the quantity can be
cooked in the same time. It’s exactly what you need
at the peak times in the morning, at noon and in the
evening. What’s more, the Convotherm mini gets
you to the starting line signicantly faster and more
economically as an injection with its noticeably
shorter warm-up time and dramatically reduced
water consumption as compared to boiler units.
Healthy cooking with steam
Even though the Convotherm mini reduces cooking
times to a minimum with steam, the product
moistness is preserved ideally. Gentle cooking with
steam retains vitamins and other valuable
constituents. In addition, it ensures more freshness
for longer in your foods.
Steam, hot air – or both
The Convotherm mini combi oven gives you the
choice: Depending on the type of food, you can
cook with either steam, hot air or with a smart
combination of both. In the temperature range of
30° to 120 °C, cooking with steam alone provides
maximum exibility. On the other hand, the
combination of steam and hot air is perfect for
roasting: With steam, the meat remains succulent
inside and afterwards, hot air makes the outside
perfectly crispy. With grilling or au gratin cooking,
the mini consistently achieves the best results with
pure hot air and single-digit temperature accuracy.
Thanks to its intelligent mix of cooking methods,
the Convotherm mini delivers another convincing
argument minimal energy consumption.
Rapid variety thanks to mixed loads
When the pressure mounts at breakfast, noon
or evening mealtimes, many dierent foods are
in demand at the same time. With the option of
exible mixed loads, the Convotherm mini oers
the perfect solution: A dierent food on each
sheet pan, all prepared optimally and fast with
individualized timing – and, of course, with no
avor or aroma transfer. That avoids stressful
situations and ensures happy customers.
The persuasive versatility of steam
120 °C to
250 °C
100 °C
30 °C to 250 °C
30 °C to
90 °C
Combi-steam ensures the best
results in professional quality
with gratins and lasagna, for
Ideally suited for largevolume foods, such as
The low-temperature range
of 30 to 90 °C, which is sometimes referred to as sous-vide
cooking, is perfectly suited for
gently poaching things like sh
or eggs.
Hot air
(quantity per hour)
Steaming cooking method:
18 kg basmati rice / hour*
Hot air cooking method:
7 kg French fries / hour*
Combi-steam cooking method:
48 croissants 70 g ea. / hour
Bread, ne baked goods
and desserts
You can bake up to 24
baguettes at the same time
in the mini. With the BakePro
extra func tion, croissants and
Danish pastries succeed in
handmade quality whether
fresh (pre-proofed) or frozen.
Gratins, pizzas and snacks
Even the smallest mini takes
only a few minutes to bake six
pizzas. With the Crisp&Tasty
extra func tion, they will always
be tasty and crispy!
* Data relates to the 6.10 mini
under ideal conditions