Control Techniques Unidrive SP1203, Unidrive SP1201, Unidrive SP1202, Unidrive SP1204, Unidrive SP2201 Installation Manual

Installation Guide
Low Voltage DC
Part Number: 0471-0060-01 Issue Number: 1
General Information
The manufacturer accepts no liability for any consequences resulting from inappropriate, negligent or incorrect installation or adjustment of the optional operating parameters of the equipment or from mismatching the variable speed drive with the motor.
The contents of this guide are believed to be correct at the time of printing. In the interests of a commitment to a policy of continuous development and improvement, the manufacturer reserves the right to change the specification of the product or its performance, or the contents of this guide, without notice.
All rights reserved. No parts of this guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electrical or mechanical including photocopying, recording or by an information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
Copyright © October 2005 Control Techniques Drives Ltd Issue Code: 1
Unidrive SP Low Voltage DC Installation Guide 3
Issue Number: 1
1 Safety Information ..........................................................4
1.1 Warnings, Cautions and Notes ................................................................4
1.2 Electrical safety - general warning ..........................................................4
1.3 System design and safety of personnel ..................................................4
1.4 Environmental limits ................................................................................5
1.5 Compliance with regulations ...................................................................5
1.6 Motor .......................................................................................................5
1.7 Adjusting parameters ..............................................................................5
2 Introduction ....................................................................6
2.1 Advantages of Low Voltage DC operation ..............................................6
2.2 Principles of operation .............................................................................6
2.3 Operating modes .....................................................................................7
2.4 Low Voltage DC speed limitation ............................................................7
3 Product information .......................................................9
3.1 Ratings ....................................................................................................9
4 System design ..............................................................11
4.1 Required connections for Low Voltage DC operation ...........................11
4.2 Low Voltage DC power supply ..............................................................11
4.3 Low Voltage DC supply types ...............................................................12
4.4 External softstart resistor .......................................................................12
4.5 Important considerations and information .............................................13
4.6 System configurations ...........................................................................14
4.7 Power circuit control logic and sequencing ...........................................24
4.8 External soft start circuit control ............................................................27
4.9 Running the motor .................................................................................29
5 Component data ...........................................................30
5.1 Fusing ....................................................................................................30
5.2 Discharge resistor and protection ..........................................................32
5.3 Brake resistor ........................................................................................33
5.4 External soft start resistor ......................................................................37
5.5 Blocking diode (D1) ...............................................................................39
5.6 Supply capacitor (C1) ............................................................................39
5.7 Supplier websites ..................................................................................40
4 Unidrive SP Low Voltage DC Installation Guide Issue Number: 1
1 Safety Information
1.1 Warnings, Cautions and Notes
1.2 Electrical safety - general warning
The voltages used in the drive can cause severe electrical shock and/or burns, and could be lethal. Extreme care is necessary at all times when working with or adjacent to the drive.
Specific warnings are given at the relevant places in this User Guide.
1.3 System design and safety of personnel
The drive is intended as a component for professional incorporation into complete equipment or a system. If installed incorrectly, the drive may present a safety hazard.
The drive uses high voltages and currents, carries a high level of stored electrical energy, and is used to control equipment which can cause injury.
Close attention is required to the electrical installation and the system design to avoid hazards either in normal operation or in the event of equipment malfunction. System design, installation, commissioning and maintenance must be carried out by personnel who have the necessary training and experience. They must read this safety information and this User Guide carefully.
The STOP and SECURE DISABLE functions of the drive do not isolate dangerous voltages from the output of the drive or from any external option unit. The supply must be disconnected by an approved electrical isolation device before gaining access to the electrical connections.
With the sole exception of the SECURE DISABLE function, none of the drive functions must be used to ensure safety of personnel, i.e. they must not be used for safety-related functions.
Careful consideration must be given to the functions of the drive which might result in a hazard, either through their intended behaviour or through incorrect operation due to a fault. In any application where a malfunction of the drive or its control system could lead to or allow damage, loss or injury, a risk analysis must be carried out, and where necessary, further measures taken to reduce the risk - for example, an over-speed protection device in case of failure of the speed control, or a fail-safe mechanical brake in case of loss of motor braking.
A Warning contains information, which is essential for avoiding a safety hazard.
A Caution contains information, which is necessary for avoiding a risk of damage to the product or other equipment.
A Note contains information, which helps to ensure correct operation of the product.
Unidrive SP Low Voltage DC Installation Guide 5
Issue Number: 1
Safety Information
Introduction Product information System design Component data Index
The SECURE DISABLE function has been approved as meeting the requirements of EN954-1 category 3 for the prevention of unexpected starting of the drive. It may be used in a safety-related application. The system designer is responsible for
ensuring that the complete system is safe and designed correctly according to the relevant safety standards.
1.4 Environmental limits
Instructions in the Unidrive SP User Guide regarding transport, storage, installation and use of the drive must be complied with, including the specified environmental limits. Drives must not be subjected to excessive physical force.
1.5 Compliance with regulations
The installer is responsible for complying with all relevant regulations, such as national wiring regulations, accident prevention regulations and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) regulations. Particular attention must be given to the cross-sectional areas of conductors, the selection of fuses or other protection, and protective earth (ground) connections.
The Unidrive SP User Guide contains instruction for achieving compliance with specific EMC standards.
Within the European Union, all machinery in which this product is used must comply with the following directives:
98/37/EC: Safety of machinery. 89/336/EEC: Electromagnetic Compatibility.
1.6 Motor
Ensure the motor is installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Ensure the motor shaft is not exposed.
Standard squirrel cage induction motors are designed for single speed operation. If it is intended to use the capability of the drive to run a motor at speeds above its designed maximum, it is strongly recommended that the manufacturer is consulted first.
Low speeds may cause the motor to overheat because the cooling fan becomes less effective. The motor should be fitted with a protection thermistor. If necessary, an electric forced vent fan should be used.
The values of the motor parameters set in the drive affect the protection of the motor. The default values in the drive should not be relied upon.
It is essential that the correct value is entered in parameter 0.46 motor rated current. This affects the thermal protection of the motor.
1.7 Adjusting parameters
Some parameters have a profound effect on the operation of the drive. They must not be altered without careful consideration of the impact on the controlled system. Measures must be taken to prevent unwanted changes due to error or tampering.
6 Unidrive SP Low Voltage DC Installation Guide Issue Number: 1
2 I ntroduction
Before reading this document it is assumed that the user has familiarised themselves with the Unidrive SP User Guide.
Any Unidrive SP can be configured for Low Voltage DC (LVDC) operation, however there are differences in the electrical connections and operating voltage range depending on the frame size of the drive.
This installation guide covers the following:
Principles and advantages of Low Voltage DC operation
Safety information
Detailed information on required external components
System design
Electrical Installation
2.1 Advantages of Low Voltage DC operation
Low Voltage DC operation is intended for motor operation in an emergency back-up situation following failure of the AC supply, for example in elevators, or to limit the motor speed of servo motors during commissioning of equipment, for example a robot cell.
Even though Low Volt age DC operation is intended for an emergency back-up situation, it is also possible to run the drive permanently in this mode. In the case were the Low Voltage DC power supply is in the form of a battery the length of time that the drive will run is limited by the battery capacity.
2.2 Principles of operation
The Unidrive SP is normally operated from a 3-phase AC supply (200V, 400V etc.) or a DC supply of the equivalent rectified voltage. This provides power for all control circuits via the SMPS (Switch Mode Power Supply), and power for the motor via the inverter.
Instead of powering the drive from a 3-phase AC supply it is also possible to operate the Unidrive SP from an external Low Voltage DC supply, the supply voltage is dependant on the drive frame size as detailed in Table 2-1.
Note that this method of drive operation will be referred to as Low Voltage DC (LVDC) operation through the remainder of this document.
Table 2-1 Low Voltage DC operating range
*Size 4 200V drives have a continuous Low Voltage DC range of 48V to 72V. The values given in Table 2-1 above are for a typical battery supplied system, this
includes charging of the battery. If no regen energy is present it is possible to use slightly higher voltage levels. The AC supply and DC supply must not be connected at the same time, seamless
Drive size
Continuous operating range of a drive
supplied by low voltage DC (Vdc)
148 248-72 348-72 4 48-96* 548-96 648-96
SPMA/D 48-96
Unidrive SP Low Voltage DC Installation Guide 7
Issue Number: 1
Safety Information
Product information System design Component data Index
change-over from AC to DC or DC to AC is not possible. See Chapter 4.7 Power circuit control logic and sequencing on page 24.
For Low Volt age DC operation, as well as the main Low V olt age DC supply the following external supplies are required.
For Unidrive SP sizes 1 to 6, a 24Vdc supply must be connected to the +24V external input on the green control terminal block of the drive (see Chapter 4 System design ). This supplies the control circuitry and may be connected permanently.
For Unidrive SP4 SP5 SP6 a 24V external supply needs to be connected to the 24V Low Voltage DC mode enable terminal of the drive. This supply should only be connected when in Low Voltage DC operation (this supply is in addition to the +24V external input).(see Chapter 4 System design )
2.3 Operating modes
Low Voltage DC operation can be used in any of the following modes:
1. Open loop mode
Open loop vector
Fixed V/F mode (V/Hz)
Quadratic V/F mode (V/Hz)
2. RFC mode
3. Closed loop vector
4. Servo
2.4 Low Voltage DC speed limitation
When set up for Low V oltage DC operation, the drive can provide rated torque to the motor at low speeds. The maximum speed that can be achieved whilst operating from this supply is dependent on the type of motor connected to the drive as described below.
2.4.1 Operation with an induction motor
When operating with an induction motor the drive will effectively start to field weaken at the point that the output voltage requirement (based on the programmed V/F) reaches the maximum that the DC bus voltage of the drive can support (about 34V based on a DC bus of 48V). e.g. The drive would begin to field weaken the motor at around 4Hz for a 50Hz 400V motor.
The drive may continue to rotate the motor up to base speed. However, even with no external load (just a bare motor shaft) the motor could stall due to the reduced torque available whilst so far into field weakening.
Be aware that reduced torque may be experienced in instances where the motor requires significant volts to magnetise; the reasons for this are listed below.
The external Low Voltage DC power supply has reached it's maximum supply voltage to the drive.
The drive has reached the maximum allowable output voltage available in this mode of operation.
Low Voltage DC operation CANNOT be used to limit the speed of an induction motor.
The drive can only provide rated torque at low speeds as described above. It is very important to consider this when operating with an overhauling load such as lift applications, even with the correct braking resistor selection, the drive may not be able to maintain control of the load if the drive goes into field weakening.
8 Unidrive SP Low Voltage DC Installation Guide Issue Number: 1
2.4.2 Operation with a servo motor
The speed of a servo motor is limited based on the Ke (voltage constant) value as shown in the example below: -
A Unidrive SP with a Low Voltage DC supply of 48V running a 3000rpm unimotor which has a Ke value of 98V/Krpm.
Calculate rpm per Volt.
Calculate drive output voltage.
From the above calculations the motor speed will be limited to:
When in Low Voltage DC operation the Unidrive SP may NOT be able to limit the speed of a servo motor with an overhauling load.
If a permanent magnet motor is made to rotate at a high enough speed by an external torque, the DC bus of the drive and its associated wiring could rise above the lo wer voltage DC operating level.
1000rpm 98V 10.2rpm per volt=
48V 2() 34V=
10.2 34× 347rpm=
The calculation above gives an estimated value and does not take into account motor volt drops etc.
Unidrive SP Low Voltage DC Installation Guide 9
Issue Number: 1
Safety Information Introduction
Product information
System design Component data Index
3 Product information
3.1 Ratings
3.1.1 Drive output current ratings
For drive output current ratings please refer to the Unidrive SP User Guide.
3.1.2 Low Voltage DC rating
On all but size 1, the applied Low Voltage DC supply level is set by the user in Pr 6.46. On the size 1 drive this value is non adjustable. The value set by the user will be within
limits as detailed below. The default setting is 48V for all the drive sizes. The over voltage trip threshold and braking
IGBT turn on voltage are scaled from this value as follows :
Brake IGBT turn on = 1.325 x Pr 6.46 (V)
Over voltage trip = 1.45 x Pr 6.46 (V)
Table 3-1 Low Voltage DC drive rating
Minimum and maximum voltage values include ripple and noise. Ripple and noise levels must not exceed 5%.
Minimum start up voltage
This is the minimum voltage that is required to initially start up the drive.
Maximum braking IGBT turn on voltage
This is the voltage level that the drive braking IGBT will turn on.
Maximum over voltage trip threshold
This is the voltage level that the drive will trip OV. (Over Voltage).
The maximum supply voltage is governed by the 0V trip level and brake turn-on level. The drive may be supplied with a greater voltage than the nominal continuous operating voltage, providing there is suitable headroom between the applied DC voltage and the brake IGBT turn-on voltage and that regen energy has been taken into account.
trip level
start up
operating voltage
(Pr 6.46)
Maximum braking
IGBT turn on voltage
(Pr 5.05)
Maximum over
voltage trip
(Pr 5.05)
current rating
of low
voltage DC
200V drive
690V drive
200V drive
690V drive
200V drive
690V drive
135 40 48 48 63 63 69 69
2 x drive
output current
(heavy duty
current rating)
2 35 40 48 to 72 48 to 72 95 95 104 104 3 35 40 48 to 72 48 to 72 95 95 104 104 4 35 40 48 to 72 48 to 96 95 127 104 139 5 35 40 N/A 48 to 96 N/A 127 N/A 139
6 35 40 N/A 48 to 96 N/A 127 N/A 139 SPMA 35 40 N/A 48 to 96 N/A 127 N/A 139 SPMD 35 40 N/A 48 to 96 N/A 127 N/A 139
10 Unidrive SP Low Voltage DC Installation Guide Issue Number: 1
3.1.3 Drive control 24V rating
The table below shows the specification of the control +24V external input terminal that the user supply should meet.
Table 3-2 Drive control 24V rating
Minimum and maximum voltage values include ripple and noise. Ripple and noise levels must not exceed 5%.
3.1.4 24V Low Vo ltage DC mode enable rating
Table 3-3 shows the specification of the 24V Low Voltage DC mode enable terminal that the user supply should meet.
Table 3-3 Low voltage DC mode enable rating
Minimum and maximum voltage values include ripple and noise. Ripple and noise levels must not exceed 5%.
operating voltage
Operating voltage
start up
All 30 19.2 24 21.6 500
Drive size
Maximum continuous
operating voltage
Minimum continuous
operating voltage
operating voltage
1 to 3 N/A 4 to 6 30 19.2 24 500
SPMA/D 30 19.2 24 500
A common supply can be used for the drive control 24V and 24V Low V oltage DC mode enable.
Unidrive SP Low Voltage DC Installation Guide 11
Issue Number: 1
Safety Information Introduction Product information
System design
Component data Index
4 System design
4.1 Required connections for Low Voltage DC operation
Table 4-1 illustrates what connections and voltage supplies are required for Low Volt age DC operation.
Table 4-1 Required connections for Low Voltage DC operation
4.2 Low Voltage DC power supply
The supply should meet the requirements set out in section 3.1.2 Low Voltage DC rating on page 9.
If the Low Voltage DC supply is in the form of a battery and the voltage drops below 36V a UV trip will occur. A UV trip automatically resets if the DC bus is back within specification, which means it is possible for the drive to cycle in and out of the trip state if the drop in voltage only occurs under load.
I.e. The drive is in the 'rdy' condition and the DC bus is within specification. The drive is given the run command, which enables the output causing current to flow. The DC bus drops and a UV trip is seen, the drive output is thus disabled. The DC bus then rises back to the previous level and the UV trip resets. If the run command is still present the drive output is enabled, which causes current to flow etc.
One of the following should be implemented to prevent this loop from occurring:
1. SM-Applications module not used: A threshold from menu 12 should be used to monitor the DC bus and trip the drive should it drop below normal operating levels with a charged battery.
2. SM-Applications module used: A software trap should be added to prevent this loop from occurring.
Control +24V
external input
24V Low Voltage DC mode enable
to 48V
LVDC supply
+DC/ -DC
External soft start resistor
1 3 x 33 x 2 3 x 33 x 3 3 x 33 x 4 33x 33 5 33x 33
6 33x 33 SPMA 33x 33 SPMD 33x 33
12 Unidrive SP Low Voltage DC Installation Guide Issue Number: 1
4.3 Low Voltage DC supply types
The DC supply may be connected to ground or left floating. In the event of a contactor sticking, high voltage would be present at the negative terminal of the drive.
The instructions below ensure user safety in both cases.
4.3.1 Systems with an isolated DC supply
The supply can be floating with respect to ground, although it may have a high impedance ground to drain leakage currents.
In the event of a fault where AC and DC supplies are connected at the same time a high current would have no fault path to ground.
In this case:
The 48V, +DC, -DC terminals of the drive and DC terminals of the Low Voltage DC source must be protected from user contact.
The Low Voltage DC supply must be able to withstand mains potential with respect to ground and be suitable for use in an industrial environment (category 2 supply).
Cables rated for the voltage of the rectified 3-phase AC supply must be used to connect the drive to the Low Voltage DC supply.
4.3.2 Systems with a grounded DC supply
The ground connection for the supply must be a high current connection with an I2t rating greater than the fuses F2a & F2b (see section 5.1 Fusing on page 30).
This is so that in the event of a fault where AC and DC supplies are connected at the same time a high current will flow to ground and blow the fuses in the Low Voltage DC path.
The wiring from the drive to fuses F2a, F2b & F2c must be protected to a voltage rating equal to or exceeding the rectified 3-phase AC supply voltage (see section
5.1 Fusing on page 30).
The wiring from the fuse to the supply must be rated correctly for the supply.
4.4 External softstart resistor
When Unidrive SP size 1 to 3 operates from AC or DC there is a built in soft start resistor to limit the inrush current. However when Unidrive SP size 4 and larger operate from Low Voltage DC there is no inbuilt soft start resistor and therefore an external soft start resistor is required between the Low Voltage DC supply and the drive.
In the event of a fault, the 48V, +DC, -DC terminals of the drive and DC terminals of the Low Voltage DC source (including any wiring in between) could be at a potentially lethal voltage.
If the I2t of the ground connection is not greater than that of the fuses used, then the 48V/ DC terminal and associated wiring could be at a potentially lethal voltage in the event of a fault.
Failure to fit a soft start resistor may damage the drive or/and external components.
Unidrive SP Low Voltage DC Installation Guide 13
Issue Number: 1
Safety Information Introduction Product information
System design
Component data Index
4.5 Important considerations and information
It is possible to run the drive permanently in Low Voltage DC operation.
The AC supply and DC supply must not be connected at the same time, Seamless change-over from AC to DC or DC to AC is not possible.
The drive must be disabled during change over of supplies.
The DC bus must be forcibly discharged to less than the low voltage braking IGBT turn on level or less when changing from one supply to another to ensure that the pre-charge circuits operate correctly. If the load motor is a permanent magnet type, steps must be taken to ensure that it is stationary or rotating slowly enough that the emf induced in the windings is less than 25V rms.
To achieve a reasonably short discharge time an external discharge resistor is normally required.
Software should not be used to interlock the supplies, discharge resistor and drive enable. A software failure could result in hardware damage. Software may however be used for time delays and selection logic
All thermal overload devices used must be connected to the supply selection interlocks, removing AC and DC supplies in the event of a device tripping.
For Low Voltage DC operation under AC supply loss conditions; all relays and contactors must be driven from a maintained supply.
The system design must adhere to one of the system configurations discussed in section 4.6 System configurations .
•Pr 6.44 indicates which supply the drive is currently operating from:
0 = Normal high voltage supply 1 = Low Voltage DC supply.
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