Control Techniques Commander C200, Commander C300, Unidrive M, Unidrive HS Installation Manual

Power Installation Guide
Commander C200 & C300 Unidrive M / HS Frame 7 to 10
Issue: 9
Original Instructions
the Original Instructions. Manuals in other languages are Translations of the Original Instructions.
rmation contained in this manual is believed to be correct at the time of printing and does not form part of
The info any contract. The manufacturer reserves the right to change the specification of the product and its performance, and the contents of the manual, without notice.
Warranty and Liability
In no event and under no circumstances shall the manufacturer be liable for damages and failures due to misuse, abuse, improper installa ion, or abnormal conditions of temperature, dust, or corrosion, or failures due to operation outside the published ratings. The manufacturer is not liable for consequential and incidental damages. Contact the supplier of he dive for full details of the warranty terms.
Environmental policy
Control Techniques Ltd operates an Environmental Management System (EMS) that conforms to the International Standard ISO 14001.
Further information on our Environmental Policy can be found at:
Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS)
The products covered by this manual comply with European and International regulations on the Restriction of Haz­ardous Substances including EU directive 2011/65/EU and the Chinese Administrative Measures for Restriction of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Products.
Disposal and Recycling (WEEE)
When electronic products reach the end of their useful life, they must not be disposed of along with domes ic waste but should be recycled by a specialist recycler of electronic equipment. Control Techniques products are designed to be easily dismantled into their major component parts for efficient recycling. The majority of materials used in the product are suitable for recycling.
Product packaging is of good quality and can be re-used. Large products are packed in wooden crates. Smaller products are packaged in strong cardboard cartons which have a high recycled fibre content. Cartons can be re-used and recycled. Poly hene, used in protective film and bags for wrapping the product, can be recycled. When preparing to recycle or dispose of any product or packaging, please observe local legislation and best practice.
REACH legislation
EC Regulation 1907/2006 on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals (REACH) requires the supplier of an article to inform the recipient if it contains more han a specified proportion of any substance which is considered by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to be a Substance of Very High Concern (SVHC) and is therefore listed by them as a candidate for compulsory authorisation.
Registered Office
Nidec Control Techniques Ltd The Gro Newtown Powys SY16 3BE UK
Registered in England and Wales. Company Reg. No. 01236886.
The contents of this publication are believed to be correct at the time of printing. In the interests of a commitment to a policy of continuous development and improvement, the manufacturer reserves the right to change the specification of the product or its performance, or the contents of he guide, without notice.
All rights reserved. No parts of this guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electrical or mechanical including photocopying, recording or by an information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
Copyright © November 2018 Nidec Control Techniques Ltd
1 Safety information .....................................................................................12
1.1 Warnings, Cautions and Notes ..............................................................................12
1.2 Important safety information. Hazards. Competence of designers and installers ..12
1.3 Responsibility ......................................................................................................... 12
1.4 Compliance with regulations ..................................................................................12
1.5 Electrical hazards ...................................................................................................13
1.6 Stored electrical charge .........................................................................................13
1.7 Mechanical hazards ............................................................................................... 13
1.8 Access to equipment ..............................................................................................13
1.9 Environmental limits ...............................................................................................13
1.10 Hazardous environments .......................................................................................13
1.11 Motor ......................................................................................................................14
1.12 Mechanical brake control ....................................................................................... 14
1.13 Adjusting parameters ............................................................................................. 14
1.14 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) .....................................................................14
2 Product information ..................................................................................15
2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 15
2.2 Model number ........................................................................................................15
2.3 Nameplate description ...........................................................................................16
2.4 Ratings ...................................................................................................................17
2.5 Drive features .........................................................................................................20
3 Mechanical installation .............................................................................22
3.1 Safety information .................................................................................................. 22
3.2 Planning the installation .........................................................................................23
3.3 Terminal cover removal .......................................................................................... 25
3.4 Dimensions and mounting methods .......................................................................27
3.5 Enclosure for standard drives ................................................................................32
3.6 Enclosure design and drive ambient temperature ..................................................38
3.7 Heatsink fan operation ...........................................................................................38
3.8 Enclosing standard drive for high environmental protection ..................................39
3.9 External EMC filter ................................................................................................. 43
3.10 Terminal size and torque set ings ..........................................................................48
3.11 Routine maintenance .............................................................................................49
4 Electrical installation .................................................................................54
4.1 Power and ground connections ..............................................................................55
4.2 AC Supply requirements ........................................................................................58
4.3 Supplying the Unidrive M / Unidrive HS size 7, 8 and 9A drives
4.4 24 Vdc supply .........................................................................................................63
4.5 Low voltage opera ion ............................................................................................65
4.6 Heatsink fan supply ................................................................................................66
4.7 Ratings ...................................................................................................................66
4.8 Output circuit and motor protection ........................................................................67
4.9 Braking ................................................................................................................... 70
4.10 Ground leakage ......................................................................................................74
4.11 EMC (Electromagnetic compatibility) .....................................................................75
5 Technical data ............................................................................................92
5.1 Drive technical data ................................................................................................92
5.2 Optional external EMC filters ...............................................................................118
with DC / DC bus paralleling ..................................................................................63
Unidrive M / HS Frame 7 to 10 Power Installation Guide
Issue Number: 9
6 UL listing information .............................................................................120
6.1 UL file reference .................................................................................................. 120
6.2 Op ion modules, kits and accessories ................................................................. 120
6.3 Enclosure ratings ................................................................................................. 120
6.4 Mounting .............................................................................................................. 120
6.5 Environment ........................................................................................................ 121
6.6 Electrical Installation ............................................................................................ 121
6.7 Motor overload protection and thermal memory retention ................................... 121
6.8 Electrical supply ................................................................................................... 122
6.9 External Class 2 supply ....................................................................................... 122
6.10 Requirement for Transient Surge Suppression ................................................... 122
6.11 Group Installation and Modular Drive Systems ...................................................122
Unidrive M / HS Frame 7 to 10 Power Installation Guide Issue Number: 9
EU Declaration of Conformity
G Williams Vice President, Technology Date: 17th March 2016
Control Techniques Ltd The Gro Newtown Powys SY16 3BE UK
This declaration is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer. The object of the declaration is in conformity with the relevant European Union harmonization legislation. The declaration applies to he variable speed drive products shown below:
aaaa Basic series
bb Frame size 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11
c Voltage rating 1 = 100 V, 2 = 200 V, 4 = 400 V, 5 = 575 V, 6 = 690 V
ddddd Current rating Example 01000 = 100 A
e Drive format
The model number may be followed by additional characters that do not affect the ratings.The variable speed drive products listed above have been designed and manufactured in accordance wi h the following European harmonized standards:
EN 61800-5-1:2007
EN 61800-3: 2004+A1:2012
EN 61000-6-2:2005
EN 61000-6-4: 2007+A1:2011
EN 61000-3-2:2014
EN 61000-3-3:2013
EN 61000-3-2:2014 Applicable where input current < 16 A. No limits apply for professional equipment where input power 1 kW.
These products comply with the Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (2011/65/EU), the Low Voltage Directive (2014/35/EU) and the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (2014/30/EU).
Interpretation Nomenclature aaaa - bbc ddddde
M100, M101, M200, M201, M300, M400, M600, M700, M701, M702, F300, H300, E200, E300, HS30, HS70, HS71, HS72, M000, RECT
A = 6P Rectifier + Inverter (internal choke), D = Inverter, E = 6P Rectifier + Inverter (external choke), T = 12P Rectifier + Inverter (external choke)
Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 5-1: Safety requirements ­Electrical, thermal and energy
Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 3: EMC requirements and specific test methods
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-2: Generic standards - Immunity for industrial environments
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-4: Generic standards - Emission standard for industrial environments
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-2: Limits for harmonic current emissions (equipment input current 16 A per phase)
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-3: Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker in public, low voltage supply systems, for equipment with rated current 16 A per phase and not subject to conditional connection
These electronic drive products are intended to be used with appropriate motors, controllers, electrical protection components and other equipment to form complete end products or systems. Compliance with safety and EMC regulations depends upon installing and configuring drives correctly, including using the
specified input filters. The drives must be installed only by professional installers who are familiar with requirements for safety and EMC. Refer to the Product Documentation. An EMC data sheet is available giving detailed information. The assembler is responsible for ensuring that the end product or system complies with all the relevant laws in the country where it is to be used.
6 Unidrive M / HS Frame 7 to 10 Power Installation Guide
Issue Number: 9
EU Declaration of Conformity
Jon Holman-White Director of Research and Development Date: 9th October 2018
Nidec Control Techniques Ltd The Gro Newtown Powys SY16 3BE UK
This declaration is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer. The object of the declaration is in conformity with the relevant European Union harmonization legislation. The declaration applies to he variable speed drive products shown below:
aaaa Basic series C200, C300,
bb Frame size 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09
c Voltage rating 1 = 100 V, 2 = 200 V, 4 = 400
ddddd Current rating Example 01000 = 100 A
e Drive format
The model number may be followed by other characters that do not affect the ratings. The variable speed drive products listed above have been designed and manufactured in accordance with he
following European harmonized standards:
EN 61800-5-1:2007
EN 61800-3: 2004+A1:2012
EN 61000-6-2:2005
EN 61000-6-4: 2007+A1:2011
EN 61000-3-2:2014
EN 61000-3-3:2013
EN 61000-3-2:2014 Applicable where input current < 16 A. No limits apply for professional equipment where input power 1 kW.
These products comply with the Restriction of Hazardous Substances Direc ive (2011/65/EU), the Low Voltage Direc ive (2014/35/EU) and the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (2014/30/EU).
Interpretation Nomenclature aaaa - bbc ddddde
A = 6P Rectifier + Inverter with internal choke, E = 6P Rectifier + Inverter (external choke)
Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 5-1: Safety requirements ­Electrical, thermal and energy
Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 3: EMC requirements and specific test methods
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-2: Generic standards - Immunity for industrial environments
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-4: Generic standards - Emission standard for industrial environments
Electromagnetic compa ibility (EMC) - Part 3-2: Limits for harmonic current emissions (equipment input current 16 A per phase)
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-3: Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctua ions and flicker in public, low voltage supply systems, for equipment with rated current 16 A per phase and not subject to conditional connection
These electronic drive products are intended to be used with appropriate motors, controllers, electrical protection components and other equipment to form complete end products or systems. Compliance with safety and EMC regulations depends upon installing and configuring drives correctly, including using the specified input filters.
The drives must be installed only by professional installers who are familiar with requirements for safety and EMC. Refer to the Product Documentation. An EMC data sheet is available giving detailed information. The assembler is responsible for ensuring that the end product or system complies with all the relevant laws in the country where it is to be used.
Unidrive M / HS Frame 7 to 10 Power Installation Guide 7 Issue Number: 9
Dec lar ati on of C on for mit y
(including 2006 Machinery Directive)
Control Techniques Ltd The Gro Newtown Powys SY16 3BE UK
This declaration is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer. The object of the declaration is in conformity with the relevant European Union harmonization legislation. The declaration applies to he variable speed drive products shown below:
aaaa Basic series
bb Frame size 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11
c Voltage rating 1 = 100 V, 2 = 200 V, 4 = 400 V, 5 = 575 V, 6 = 690 V
ddddd Current rating Example 01000 = 100 A
e Drive format
The model number may be followed by additional characters that do not affect the ratings.
This declaration relates to these products when used as a safety component of a machine. Only the Safe Torque Off function may be used for a safety function of a machine. None of the other functions of the drive may be used to carry out a safety function.
These products fulfil all the relevant provisions of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC and the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (2014/30/EU).
EC type examina ion has been carried out by the following notified body: TUV Rheinland Industrie Service GmbH Am Grauen Stein D-51105 Köln Germany EC type-examination certificate numbers: 01/205/5270.01/14 dated 2014-11-11 01/205/5387.01/15 dated 2015-01-29 01/205/5383.02/15 dated 2015-04-21
Notified body identification number: 0035
The harmonized standards used are shown below:
EN 61800-5-1:2007
EN 61800-5-2:2007
EN ISO 13849-1:2008
EN ISO 13849-2:2008 Safety of machinery, Safety-related parts of control systems. Validation
EN 61800-3: 2004+A1:2012
EN 62061:2005
Interpretation Nomenclature aaaa - bbc ddddde
M300, M400, M600, M700, M701, M702, F300, H300, E200, E300, HS30, HS70, HS71, HS72, M000, RECT
A = 6P Rec ifier + Inverter (internal choke), D = Inverter, E = 6P Rectifier + Inverter (external choke), T = 12P Rectifier + Inverter (external choke)
Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 5-1: Safety requirements
- Electrical, thermal and energy
Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 5-2: Safety requirements
- Functional
Safety of Machinery, Safety-related parts of control systems, General principles for design
Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 3: EMC requirements and specific test methods
Safety of machinery, Functional safety of safety related electrical, electronic and programmable electronic control systems
8 Unidrive M / HS Frame 7 to 10 Power Installation Guide
Issue Number: 9
Person authorised to complete the technical file:
G. Williams Vice President, Technology Date: 17th March 2016 Place: Newtown, Powys, UK
P Knight Conformity Engineer Newtown, Powys, UK
IMPORTANT NOTICE These electronic drive products are intended to be used with appropriate motors, controllers, electrical
protection components and other equipment to form complete end products or systems. Compliance with safety and EMC regulations depends upon installing and configuring drives correctly, including using the specified input filters.
The drives must be installed only by professional installers who are familiar with requirements for safety and EMC. Refer to the Product Documentation. An EMC data sheet is available giving detailed information. The assembler is responsible for ensuring that the end product or system complies with all the relevant laws in the country where it is to be used.
Unidrive M / HS Frame 7 to 10 Power Installation Guide 9 Issue Number: 9
EU Declaration of Conformit y
(including 2006 Machinery Directive)
Nidec Control Techniques Ltd The Gro Newtown Powys SY16 3BE UK
This declaration is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer. The object of the declaration is in conformity with the relevant European Union harmonization legislation. The declaration applies to he variable speed drive products shown below:
aaaa Basic series C300
bb Frame size 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09
c Voltage rating 1 = 100 V, 2 = 200 V, 4 = 400 V
ddddd Current rating Example 01000 = 100 A
e Drive format
The model number may be followed by additional characters that do not affect the ratings.
This declaration relates to these products when used as a safety component of a machine. Only the Safe Torque Off function may be used for a safety function of a machine. None of the other functions of the drive may be used to carry out a safety function.
These products fulfil all the relevant provisions of the Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC) and the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (2014/30/EU).
EC type examina ion has been carried out by the following notified body: TUV Rheinland Industrie Service GmbH Am Grauen Stein D-51105 Köln Germany
Interpretation Nomenclature aaaa - bbc ddddde
A = 6P Rec ifier + Inverter with internal choke, E = 6P Rectifier + Inverter (external choke)
EC type-examination certificate numbers: Frame sizes 1 to 4: 01/205/5383.03/18 dated 2018-08-16 Frame sizes 5 to 9: 01/205/5387.02/18 dated 2018-08-16
Notified body identification number: 0035 The harmonized standards used are shown below:
EN 61800-5-2:2007
EN 61800-5-1:2007 (in extracts)
EN 61800-3: 2004+A1:2012
EN ISO 13849-1:2008 + AC:2009
EN 62061:2005 + AC:2010 + A1:2013
IEC 61508 Parts 1 - 7:2010
Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 5-2: Safety requirements
- Functional
Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 5-1: Safety requirements
- Electrical, thermal and energy
Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 3: EMC requirements and specific test methods
Safety of Machinery, Safety-related parts of control systems, General principles for design
Safety of machinery, Functional safety of safety related electrical, electronic and programmable electronic control systems
Functional safety of electrical/ electronic/programmable electronic safety­related systems
10 Unidrive M / HS Frame 7 to 10 Power Installation Guide
Issue Number: 9
Person authorised to complete the technical file:
Jon Holman-White Director of Research and Development Date: 9th October 2018 Place: Newtown, Powys, UK
P Knight Conformity Engineer Newtown, Powys, UK
These electronic drive products are intended to be used with appropriate motors, controllers, electrical
protection components and other equipment to form complete end products or systems. It is the responsibility of the installer to ensure that the design of the complete machine, including its safety-related control system, is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Machinery Directive and any other relevant legislation. The use of a safety-related drive in itself does not ensure the safety of the machine. Compliance with safety and EMC regulations depends upon installing and configuring drives correctly, including using the specified input filters. The drive must be installed only by professional installers who are familiar with requirements for safety and EMC. The assembler is responsible for ensuring that the end product or system complies with all relevant laws in the country where it is to be used. For more information regarding Safe Torque Off, refer to the Product Documentation.
Unidrive M / HS Frame 7 to 10 Power Installation Guide 11 Issue Number: 9
1 Safety information
1.1 Warnings, Cautions and Notes
A Warning contains information which is essential for avoiding a safety hazard.
A Caution contains information which is necessary for avoiding a risk of damage to the product or other equipment.
A Note contains information, which helps to ensure correct operation of the product.
1.2 Important safety information. Hazards. Competence of designers and installers
This guide applies to products which control electric motors either directly (drives) or indirectly (controllers, option modules and other auxiliary equipment and accessories). In all cases the hazards associated with powerful electrical drives are present, and all safety information relating to drives and associated equipment must be observed.
Specific warnings are given at the relevant places in this guide.
Drives and controllers are intended as components for professional incorporation into complete systems. If installed incorrectly they may present a safety hazard. The drive uses high voltages and currents, carries a high level of stored electrical energy, and is used to control equipment which can cause injury. Close attention is required to the electrical installation and the system design to avoid hazards either in normal operation or in the event of equipment malfunction. System design, installation, commissioning/start-up and maintenance must be carried out by personnel who have the necessary training and competence. They must read this safety information and this guide carefully.
1.3 Responsibility
It is the respons bility of the installer to ensure that the equipment is installed correctly with regard to all instructions given in this guide. They must give due consideration to the safety of the complete system, so as to avoid the risk of injury both in normal operation and in the event of a fault or of reasonably foreseeable misuse.
The manufacturer accepts no liability for any consequences resulting from inappropriate, negligent or incorrect installation of the equipment.
1.4 Compliance with regulations
The installer is responsible for complying with all relevant regulations, such as national wiring regulations, accident prevention regulations and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) regulations. Particular attention must be given to the cross-sectional areas of conductors, the selection of fuses or other protection, and protective ground (earth) connections.
This guide contains instructions for achieving compliance with specific EMC standards.
All machinery to be supplied within the European Union in which this product is used must comply with the following directives:
2006/42/EC Safety of machinery.
2014/30/EU: Electromagnetic Compatibility.
12 Unidrive M / HS Frame 7 to 10 Power Installation Guide
Issue Number: 9
1.5 Electrical hazards
The voltages used in the drive can cause severe electrical shock and/or burns, and could be lethal. Extreme care is necessary at all times when working with or adjacent to the drive. Hazardous voltage may be present in any of the following locations:
AC and DC supply cables and connections
Output cables and connections
Many internal parts of the drive, and external option units
Unless otherwise indicated, control terminals are single insulated and must not be touched.
The supply must be disconnected by an approved electrical isolation device before gaining access to the electrical connections.
The STOP and Safe Torque Off functions of the drive do not isolate dangerous voltages from the output of the drive or from any external option unit.
The drive must be installed in accordance with the instructions given in this guide. Failure to observe the instructions could result in a fire hazard.
1.6 Stored electrical charge
The drive contains capacitors that remain charged to a potentially lethal voltage after the AC supply has been disconnected. If the drive has been energized, the AC supply must be isolated at least ten minutes before work may continue.
1.7 Mechanical hazards
Careful consideration must be given to the functions of the drive or controller which might result in a hazard, either through their intended behaviour or through incorrect operation due to a fault. In any application where a malfunction of the drive or its control system could lead to or allow damage, loss or injury, a risk analysis must be carried out, and where necessary, further measures taken to reduce the risk - for example, an over-speed protection device in case of failure of the speed control, or a fail-safe mechanical brake in case of loss of motor braking.
With the sole exception of the Safe Torque Off function, none of the drive functions must be used to ensure safety of personnel, i.e. they must not be used for safety-related functions.
The Safe Torque Off function may be used in a safety-related application. The system designer is respons ble for ensuring that the complete system is safe and designed correctly according to the relevant safety standards.
The design of safety-related control systems must only be done by personnel with the required training and experience. The Safe Torque Off function will only ensure the safety of a machine if it is correctly incorporated into a complete safety system. The system must be subject to a risk assessment to confirm that the residual risk of an unsafe event is at an acceptable level for the application.
1.8 Access to equipment
Access must be restricted to authorized personnel only. Safety regulations which apply at the place of use must be complied with.
Safety information
Product information Mechanical installation Electrical installation Technical data UL lis ing information
1.9 Environmental limits
Instructions in this guide regarding transport, storage, installation and use of the equipment must be complied with, including the specified environmental limits. This includes temperature, humidity, contamination, shock and vibration. Drives must not be subjected to excessive physical force.
1.10 Hazardous environments
The equipment must not be installed in a hazardous environment (i.e. a potentially explosive environment).
Unidrive M / HS Frame 7 to 10 Power Installation Guide 13 Issue Number: 9
1.11 Motor
The safety of the motor under variable speed conditions must be ensured.
To avoid the risk of physical injury, do not exceed the maximum specified speed of the motor.
Low speeds may cause the motor to overheat because the cooling fan becomes less effective, causing a fire hazard. The motor should be installed with a protection thermistor. If necessary, an electric forced vent fan should be used.
The values of the motor parameters set in the drive affect the protection of the motor. The default values in the drive must not be relied upon. It is essential that the correct value is entered in the Motor Rated Current parameter.
1.12 Mechanical brake control
Any brake control functions are provided to allow well co-ordinated operation of an external brake with the drive. While both hardware and software are designed to high standards of quality and robustness, they are not intended for use as safety functions, i.e. where a fault or failure would result in a risk of injury. In any application where the incorrect operation of the brake release mechanism could result in injury, independent protection devices of proven integrity must also be incorporated.
1.13 Adjusting parameters
Some parameters have a profound effect on the operation of the drive. They must not be altered without careful consideration of the impact on the controlled system. Measures must be taken to prevent unwanted changes due to error or tampering.
1.14 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
Installation instructions for a range of EMC environments are provided in the relevant Power Installation Guide. If the installation is poorly designed or other equipment does not comply with suitable standards for EMC, the product might cause or suffer from disturbance due to electromagnetic interaction with other equipment. It is the responsibility of the installer to ensure that the equipment or system into which the product is incorporated complies with the relevant EMC legislation in the place of use.
14 Unidrive M / HS Frame 7 to 10 Power Installation Guide
Issue Number: 9
2 Product information
Identification Label
Electrical Specifications
Frame Size:
Voltage Rating:
Current Rating:
Heavy Duty current rating x 10
Power Format:
Optional Build
Customer Code
A B 1 00
Customer Code:
00 50 Hz 01 60 Hz
Conformal Coating:
0 Standard
IP / NEMA Rating:
1 IP20 / NEMA 1
Brake Transistor:
B N No
A Air
2 200 V (200 240 ± 10 %) 4 10 %) 400 V (380 480 ± 5 10 %) 575 V (500 575 ± 6 10 %) 690 V (500 690 ±
M600 - 03 4 00078 A
A AC in AC out (wth internal choke) D DC in AC out (Inverter) C AC in DC out (Rectifier) E AC in AC out (without internal choke) T AC in AC out (12P rect fier plus inverter)
1 Standard U No Control M Master F Follower
0 Supplied separately 1 English 2 French 3 Italian 4 German 5 Spanish
Unidrive M200 Unidrive M201 Unidrive M300 Unidrive M400 Unidrive M600
Unidrive M700
Unidrive M701 Unidrive M702
Product Line:
Unidrive HS70 Unidrive HS71
Unidrive HS72 Commander C200 Commander C300
2.1 Introduction
This guide provides the information necessary to install the following drive models:
Unidrive M200 to M400 frame 7 to 9
Unidrive M600 to M702 frame 7 to 10
Unidrive HS70 to HS72 frame 7 to 10
Commander C200 to C300 frame 7 to 9
This guide focuses on the drive power section, for example: electrical installation of the supply / motor cables and mechanical installation of the drive.
For information about the drive control section, for example: parameter set up information, control and encoder connections, please refer to the Control User Guide.
2.2 Model number
The model numbers for the Unidrive M/HS and Commander product range are formed as illustrated below:
Figure 2-1 Model number
Safety information
Product information
Mechanical installa ion Electrical installa ion Technical data UL lis ing information
* Only shown on frame 9E and 10 identification label
For simplicity a Frame 9 drive with no internal choke (i.e. Model 09xxxxxxE) is referred to as a Frame 9E and a Frame 9 drive with an internal choke (i.e. Model 09xxxxxxA) is referred to as a Frame 9A. Any reference to Frame 9 is applicable to both sizes 9E and 9A. All Frame size 10 drives are supplied with no internal choke.
Unidrive M / HS Frame 7 to 10 Power Installation Guide 15 Issue Number: 9
2.3 Nameplate description
M600-094 02240 E10
Heavy Duty
current rating
Power format
Control pod fitted
Fan power supply fitted
Refer to
User Guide
Normal/Heavy Duty power rating
Input phases & input current
Output phases & Heavy Duty/Normal Duty rating
Serial number
Input voltage
Output voltage
Date code
110/132kW 1710
Input phases & input current
Output phases & Heavy Duty/Normal Duty rating
Serial number
Input voltage
Output voltage
Date code
M600-094 02240 E10
Input frequencyInput frequency
Key to approvals
CE approval Europe
RCM regulatory compliance mark
UL / cUL approval USA & Canada
RoHS compliant Europe
Functional safety USA & Canada
Eurasian conformity Eurasia
Figure 2-2 Typical drive rating labels
Refer to Figure 2-1 Model number on page 15 for further information relating to the labels.
Date code format
The date code is four numbers. The first two numbers indicate the year and the remaining numbers indicate the week of the year in which the drive was built.
A date code of 1710 would correspond to week 10 of year 2017.
16 Unidrive M / HS Frame 7 to 10 Power Installation Guide
Issue Number: 9
2.4 Ratings
The AC supply to the drive must be installed with suitable protection against overload and short-circuits. The following section shows recommended fuse ratings. Failure to observe this requirement will cause risk of fire.
Nominal cables sizes below are based on the cable installation method B2 (ref: IEC60364­5-52:2001) unless otherwise specified, and are provided as a guide only. Ensure cables used suit local wiring regulations.
Table 2-1 200 V drive ratings, cable sizes and fuse ratings
Max. cont. input
3ph Nom
07200610 67 80 07200750 84 100 100 35 35 1 1 94 22 30 75 18.5 25 07200830 105 125 125 70 70 1/0 1/0 117 30 40 83 22 30 08201160 137 200 08201320 166 200 225 2 x 70 2 x 70 2 x 1 2 x 1 180 45 60 132 37 50
09201760 205 250
09202190 260 315 300
10202830 305 400
10203000 361 450 450
J or T*
Table 2-2 400 V drive ratings, cable sizes and fuse ratings
3ph Nom
07400660 74 100 07400770 88 100 100 50 50 2 2 94 45 60 77 37 60 07401000 105 125 125 70 70 1/0 1/0 112 55 75 100 45 75 08401340 155 250 08401570 177 250 225 2 x 70 2 x 70 2 x 1/0 2 x 1/0 184 90 150 157 75 125
09402000 232
09402240 267 350
10402700 332 400
10403200 397 450 450
* These fuses are fast acting. ** These ratings are for 2 kHz switching frequency. For ratings at 3 kHz switching frequency refer to the Power and
current ratings in section 5.1.2
on page 94.
315 gR
Power and current ratings (Derating for switching frequency and
Nominal cable size
European USA
Input Output Input Output
2 x 70
2 x 95
2 x 120
2 x 150
Input Output Input Output
CC, J or
2 x 50 2 x 50 2 x 1 2 x 1 155 75 100 134 55 100
2 x 70
2 x 95
2 x 120
2 x 150
95 95 3/0 3/0 149 37 50 116 30 40
2 x 95
2 x 120
2 x 120
Nominal cable size
European USA
35 35 1 1 79 37 60 66 30 50
2 x 95
2 x 120
2 x 120
2 x 150
2 x 2/0 216 55 75 176 45 60
2 x 4/0 266 75 100 219 55 75
2 x
2 x 250 325 90 125 283 75 100
2 x
2 x 300 360 110 150 300 90 125
2 x 3/0 2 x 2/0 221 110 150 200** 90 150
2 x 4/0 2 x 4/0 266** 132 200 224** 110 150
2 x 300 2 x 250 320 160 250 270 132 200
2 x 350 2 x 300 361 200 300 320** 160 250
Normal Duty Heavy Duty
AkWhp A kWhp
Max. cont.
AkWhpA kWhp
230 V
230 V
Normal Duty Heavy Duty
400 V
460 V
Max. cont.
230 V
400 V
Motor power
230 V
460 V
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Unidrive M / HS Frame 7 to 10 Power Installation Guide 17 Issue Number: 9
Table 2-3 575 V drive ratings, cable sizes and fuse ratings
cont. input
07500440 45 50 07500550 62 80 80 25 25 3 3 73 55 60 55 37 50 08500630 83 125 08500860 104 160 150 50 50 1 1 108 90 100 86 55 75
09501040 166 150
09501310 166 200 175 HSJ
10501520 197
10501900 218
3ph Nom
250 gR 250 HSJ
J or T*
150 HSJ
* These fuses are fast acting.
Nominal cable size
European USA
Input Output Input Output
2 x 70
2 x 70
2 x 95
AWG AWG A kW hp A kW hp
2 x 35
2 x 50
2 x 70
2 x 3 125 110 125 104 75 100
2 x 1
2 x 1 155 110 150 131 90 125
2 x
2 x
Normal Duty Heavy Duty
575 V
575 V
200 130 200 152 110 150
200 150 200 190 132 200
575 V
Table 2-4 690 V drive ratings, cable sizes and fuse ratings
Max. cont. input
07600190 20 25 07600240 26 32 30 10 10 6 6 30 22 30 24 18 5 25 07600290 31 40 35 10 10 6 6 36 30 40 29 22 30 07600380 39 50 50 16 16 4 4 46 37 50 38 30 40 07600440 44 50 50 16 16 4 4 52 45 60 44 37 50 07600540 62 80 80 25 25 3 3 73 55 75 54 45 60 08600630 83 125 08600860 104 160 150 70 70 1/0 1/0 108 90 125 86 75 100
09601040 149 150
09601310 171 200 200
10601500 202 225 gR
10601780 225 250 gR
3ph Nom
250 HSJ
* These fuses are fast acting.
Nominal cable size
European USA
Input Output Input Output
10 10 8 8 23 18.5 25 19 15 20
CC, J or
50 50 2 2 86 75 100 63 55 75
2 x 50
2 x 70
2 x 70
2 x 95
AWG AWG A kW hp A kW hp
2 x 35
2 x 1 2 x 3 125 110 150 104 90 125
2 x 50
2 x 1/0 2 x 1 155 132 175 131 110 150
2 x 2/0 2 x 1/0 172 160 200 150 132 175
2 x 70
2 x 3/0 2 x 2/0 197 185 250 178 160 200
Normal Duty Heavy Duty
690 V
690 V
690 V
Motor power
575 V
690 V
Refer to Chapter 5.1 Drive technical data on page 92 for maximum fuse rating, maximum cable size and peak currents.
Table 2-5 Protective ground cable ratings
Input phase conductor size Minimum ground conductor size
10 mm
> 10 mm2 and 16 mm
> 16 mm
> 35 mm
and 35 mm
Either 10 mm2 or two conductors of the same cross-sectional area as the input phase conductor
The same cross-sectional area as the input phase conductor
16 mm
Half of the cross-sectional area of the input phase conductor
18 Unidrive M / HS Frame 7 to 10 Power Installation Guide
Issue Number: 9
Typical short term overload limits
The maximum percentage overload limit changes depending on the selected motor. Variations in motor rated current, motor power factor and motor leakage inductance all result in changes in the maximum possible overload. Typical values are shown in the table below:
Table 2-6 Typical overload limits
Operating mode RFC from cold RFC from 100 %
Normal Duty overload with motor rated current = Maximum drive normal duty rated current
Heavy Duty overload with motor rated current = Maximum drive Heavy duty rated current (size 8 and below)
Heavy Duty overload with motor rated current = Maximum drive Heavy duty rated current (size 9 and 10)
Open loop
from cold
110 % for 165 s 110 % for 9 s 110 % for 165 s 110 % for 9 s
200 % for 28 s 200 % for 3 s 150 % for 60 s 150 % for 7 s
175 % for 42 s 175 % for 5 s 136 % for 81 s 136 % for 11 s
Open loop
from 100 %
Generally the drive rated current is higher than the matching motor rated current allowing a higher level of overload than the default setting.
The time allowed in the overload region is proportionally reduced at very low output frequency on some drive ratings.
The maximum overload level which can be attained is independent of the speed.
Output current
The continuous output current ratings given on the rating label are for maximum 40 C (104 F), 1000 m altitude and 3 kHz switching frequency (except where shown). Derating is required for higher switching frequencies, ambient temperatures >40 C (104 F) and higher altitude. For derating information, refer to Chapter 5 Technical data on page 92
Input current
The input current is affected by the supply voltage and impedance. The input current given on the rating label is the typical input current and is stated for a balanced supply.
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2.5 Drive features
9E / 10E
Figure 2-3 Features of the drive (size 7 to 10)- Unidrive M700 shown
1. Ground connec ions 2. AC supply connec ions 3. DC bus + 4. DC bus -
5. Rating label 6. Braking terminal 7. Motor connec ions
20 Unidrive M / HS Frame 7 to 10 Power Installation Guide
Issue Number: 9
2.5.1 Items supplied with the drive
The drive is supplied with a copy of the Power Installation Guide and a copy of the Control Getting Started Guide / Quick Start Guide, a safety information booklet, the Certificate of Quality and an
accessory kit box including the items shown in Table 2-7.
Table 2-7 Parts supplied with the drive
Description Size 7 Size 8 Size 9A / 9E Size 10E
Safety information
Control connectors (1 to 11 and 21 to 31)
Control connector (1 to 13)
Relay connector
24 V power supply connector
Grounding bracket
Surface mounting brackets
x 2 x 2
* Supplied with Unidrive M700 / M701 / M600 only.
** Supplied with Unidrive M702 only.
*** Supplied with Unidrive M600 to M702 only.
x 1* x 1*
x 1**
x 1***
x 1***
x 1
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Unidrive M / HS Frame 7 to 10 Power Installation Guide 21 Issue Number: 9
3 Mechanical installation
3.1 Safety information
Follow the instructions
The mechanical and electrical installation instructions must be adhered to. Any questions or doubt should be referred to the supplier of the equipment. It is the responsibility of the owner or user to ensure that the installation of the drive and any external option unit, and the way in which they are operated and maintained, comply with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act in the United Kingdom or applicable legislation and regulations and codes of practice in the country in which the equipment is used.
Stored charge
The drive contains capacitors that remain charged to a potentially lethal voltage after the AC supply has been disconnected. If the drive has been energized, the AC supply must be isolated at least ten minutes before work may continue.
Normally, the capacitors are discharged by an internal resistor. Under certain, unusual fault conditions, it is possible that the capacitors may fail to discharge, or be prevented from being discharged by a voltage applied to the output terminals. If the drive has failed in a manner that causes the display to go blank immediately, it is possible the capacitors will not be discharged. In this case, consult Nidec Industrial Automation or their authorized distr butor.
Competence of the installer
The drive must be installed by professional assemblers who are familiar with the requirements for safety and EMC. The assembler is responsible for ensuring that the end product or system complies with all the relevant laws in the country where it is to be used.
The drive is intended to be mounted in an enclosure which prevents access except by trained and authorized personnel, and which prevents the ingress of contamination. It is designed for use in an environment classified as pollution degree 2 in accordance with IEC 60664-1. This means that only dry, non-conducting contamination is acceptable.
22 Unidrive M / HS Frame 7 to 10 Power Installation Guide
Issue Number: 9
3.2 Planning the installation
The following considerations must be made when planning the installation:
3.2.1 Access
Access must be restricted to authorized personnel only. Safety regulations which apply at the place of use must be complied with.
The IP (Ingress Protection) rating of the drive is installation dependent. For further information, refer to section 3.8 Enclosing standard drive for high environmental protection on page 39.
3.2.2 Environmental protection
The drive must be protected from:
Moisture, including dripping water or spraying water and condensation. An anti-condensation heater may be required, which must be switched off when the drive is running.
Contamination with electrically conductive material
Contamination with any form of dust which may restrict the fan, or impair airflow over various components
Temperature beyond the specified operating and storage ranges
Corrosive gasses
During installation it is recommended that the vents on the drive are covered to prevent debris (e.g. wire off-cuts) from entering the drive.
3.2.3 Cooling
The heat produced by the drive must be removed without its specified operating temperature being exceeded. Note that a sealed enclosure gives much reduced cooling compared with a ventilated one, and may need to be larger and/or use internal air circulating fans.
For further information, refer to section 3.5 Enclosure for standard drives on page 32.
3.2.4 Electrical safety
The installation must be safe under normal and fault conditions. Electrical installation instructions are given in Chapter 4 Electrical installation on page 54.
3.2.5 Fire protection
The drive enclosure is not classified as a fire enclosure. A separate fire enclosure must be provided.
For installation in the USA, a NEMA 12 enclosure is suitable.
For installation outside the USA, the following (based on IEC 62109-1, standard for PV inverters) is recommended.
Enclosure can be metal and/or polymeric, polymer must meet requirements which can be summarized for larger enclosures as using materials meeting at least UL 94 class 5VB at the point of minimum thickness.
Air filter assemblies to be at least class V-2.
The location and size of the bottom shall cover the area shown in Figure 3-1. Any part of the side which is within the area traced out by the 5° angle is also considered to be part of the bottom of the fire enclosure.
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Unidrive M / HS Frame 7 to 10 Power Installation Guide 23 Issue Number: 9
Figure 3-1 Fire enclosure bottom layout
Not less than 2 times ‘X’
Baffle plates (may be above or
below bottom of enclosure)
Bottom of fire enclosure
The bottom, including the part of the side considered to be part of the bottom, must be designed to prevent escape of burning material - either by having no openings or by having a baffle construction. This means that openings for cables etc. must be sealed with materials meeting the 5VB requirement, or else have a baffle above. See Figure 3-2 for acceptable baffle construction. This does not apply for mounting in an enclosed electrical operating area (restricted access) with concrete floor.
Figure 3-2 Fire enclosure baffle construction
3.2.6 Electromagnetic compatibility
Variable speed drives are powerful electronic circuits which can cause electromagnetic interference if not installed correctly with careful attention to the layout of the wiring.
Some simple routine precautions can prevent disturbance to typical industrial control equipment.
If it is necessary to meet strict emission limits, or if it is known that electromagnetically sensitive equipment is located nearby, then full precautions must be observed. In-built into the drive, is an internal EMC filter, which reduces emissions under certain conditions. If these conditions are exceeded, then the use of an external EMC filter may be required at the drive inputs, which must be located very close to the drives. Space must be made available for the filters and allowance made for carefully segregated wiring. Both levels of precautions are covered in section 4.11 EMC (Electromagnetic compatibility) on page 75.
3.2.7 Hazardous areas
The drive must not be located in a classified hazardous area unless it is installed in an approved enclosure and the installation is certified
24 Unidrive M / HS Frame 7 to 10 Power Installation Guide
Issue Number: 9
3.3 Terminal cover removal
terminal cover
Motor / Braking
terminal cover
Control terminal
terminal cover
Motor / Braking
terminal cover
Control term nal
9A 9E 10E
terminal cover
Motor / Braking terminal cover
Control terminal
Isolation device The AC and / or DC power supply must be disconnected from the drive using an approved isolation device before any cover is removed from the drive or before any servicing work is performed.
Stored charge
The drive contains capacitors that remain charged to a potentially lethal voltage after the AC and / or DC power supply has been disconnected. If the drive has been energized, the power supply must be isolated at least ten minutes before work may continue.
Normally, the capacitors are discharged by an internal resistor. Under certain, unusual fault conditions, it is possible that the capacitors may fail to discharge, or be prevented from being discharged by a voltage applied to the output terminals. If the drive has failed in a manner that causes the display to go blank immediately, it is possible the capacitors will not be discharged. In this case, consult Nidec Industrial Automation or their authorized distr butor.
3.3.1 Removing the terminal covers
Figure 3-3 Location and identification of terminal covers
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Figure 3-4 Removing the size 7 to 10 terminal covers (Unidrive M600 to M702 size 7 shown)
When replacing the terminal covers, the screws should be tightened to a maximum torque of 1 N m (0.7 lb ft).
3.3.2 Removing the finger-guard and DC terminal cover break-outs
Figure 3-5 Removing the finger-guard break-outs
All sizes: Place the finger-guard on a flat solid surface and hit relevant break-outs with hammer as shown (1). Pliers can be used to remove the breakouts, grasp the relevant break-out with pliers and twist it as shown (3). Continue until all the required break-outs have been removed (2). Remove any flash / sharp edges once the break-outs have been removed.
26 Unidrive M / HS Frame 7 to 10 Power Installation Guide
Issue Number: 9
Grommets must be installed to ensure ingress protection to IP20 and to avoid the risk of
fire in the event of a major internal failure.
Grommet kits are available for size 7 to 10 finger guards. For size 8 to 10, two versions are available
allowing for either single or double cable entries.
Table 3-1 Grommet kits
Drive size Part number Picture
Size 7 - Kit of 8 x single entry grommets 3470-0086
Size 8 - Kit of 8 x single entry grommets 3470-0089
Size 8 - Kit of 8 x double entry grommets 3470-0090
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Size 9 and 10 - Kit of 8 x double entry grommets
3.4 Dimensions and mounting methods
Drive sizes 7 to 10 can be either surface or through-panel mounted using the appropriate brackets.
If the drive has been used at high load levels for a period of time, the heatsink can reach temperatures in excess of 70 °C (158 °F). Human contact with the heatsink should be prevented.
Many of the drives in this product range weigh in excess of 15 kg (33 b). Use appropriate safeguards when lifting these models. A full list of drive weights can be found in Table 5-14 Overall drive weights on page 106.
Unidrive M / HS Frame 7 to 10 Power Installation Guide 27 Issue Number: 9
3.4.1 Drive dimensions
Figure 3-6 Drive dimensions (Unidrive M700 size 8 shown)
H1 H2 W D
mm in mm in mm in mm in
7 557 21.93 508 20 270 10.63 280 11.02 8 804 31.65 753 29.65 310 12.21 290 11.42
9E and 10E 1069 42.09 1010 39.70 310 12.21 290
9A 1108 43.61 1049 41.30 310 12.21 290 11.42
28 Unidrive M / HS Frame 7 to 10 Power Installation Guide
11. 42
Issue Number: 9
3.4.2 Surface mounting
220 mm (8.66 in)
9mm (0.35 in)
538 mm (21 18)
25 mm
(0.98 in)
10 mm (0.39 in)
784 mm (30.87 in)
259 mm (10.20 in)
(0.35 in) x 4 holes
9 mm (0.35 in)
26 mm
(1.02 in)
9.0 mm
9.5 mm (0.37 in)
259 mm (10.20 in)
(0.35 in) x 4 holes
9 mm (0.35 in)
26 mm
(1.02 in)
9.0 mm
1090 mm (42 91 in)
9.0 mm (0.35 in) x 4 holes
259 mm (10.20 in)
1051 mm (41 38 in)
9E / 10E
Figure 3-7 Surface mounting dimensions (size 7 to 10)
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3.4.3 Through-panel mounting
310 mm (12 20 in)
252 mm (9 92 in)
220 mm (8 66 in)
Æ9 mm (0 35 in) x 6 holes
278 mm (10.95 in)
488 mm (19.21 in)
538 mm (21.18 in)
328 mm (12 91 in)
287±1 mm (11 3±0 04 in)
259 mm (10 20 in)
794 mm (31.26 in)
730 mm (28.74 in)
240 mm (9.45 in)
240 mm (9.45 in)
146 mm
(5.75 in)
Æ9 mm (0 35 in)
(4 holes)
166 mm
(6.54 in)
240 mm (9.45 in)
240 mm (9.45 in)
32 mm
(1 26 in)
Æ5 mm (0 21 in)5 (6 holes)
252 mm (9.92 in)
259 mm (10 20 in)
287±1 mm (11 3±0 04 in)
327 mm (12 87 in)
883 mm (34.76 in)
586 mm (23.07 in)
406 mm (15.98 in)
231 mm (9.09 in)
9 0 mm (0 35 in) x 4 holes
5 5 mm (0 22 in)
x 8 holes
1051 mm (41.38 in)
863 mm (33.98 in)
566 mm (22.28 in)
386 mm (15.20 in)
211 mm (8.31 in)
31 mm
(1 22 in)
328 mm (12 90 in)
287±1 mm (11 3±0 04 in)
259 mm (10 18 in)
Æ9 mm (0 35 in) x 4 holes
Æ5 mm (0 21 in)5 x 8 holes
1058 mm (41.66 in)
923 mm (36.33 in)
714 mm (28.10 in)
471 mm (18.54 in)
211 mm (8.30 in)
32 mm
(1 24 in)
231 mm (9.09 in)
491 mm (19.32 in)
734 mm (28.89 in)
942 mm (37.08 in)
The drive can be through panel mounted using appropriate brackets.
Figure 3-8 Through-panel mounting dimensions (size 7 to 10)
30 Unidrive M / HS Frame 7 to 10 Power Installation Guide
Issue Number: 9
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