St. • Tempe, AZ 85281 • (480) 33 3-22 00 • Fa x: (480) 33 3-2540 •
SFC1800A Synthesized Frequency Upconverter Warranty Policy
Warranty Policy
Comtech EF Data products are warranted against defects in material and workmanship for a period of two
years from the date of shipment. During the warranty period, Comtech EF Data will, at its option, repair or
replace products that prove to be defective.
For equipment under warranty, the owner is responsible for freight to Co mtech EF Data and all related
customs, taxes, tariffs, insurance, etc. Comtech EF Data is responsible for the freight charges only for return
of the equipment from the factory to the owner. Comtech EF Data will return the equipment by the same
method (i.e., Air, Express, Surface) as the equipment was sent to Comtech EF Data.
All equipment returned for warranty repair must have a valid RMA number issued prior to return and be
marked clearly on the return packaging. Comtech EF Data strongly recommends all equipment be returned
in its original packaging.
Comtech EF Data Corporation’s obligations under this warranty are limited to repair or replacement of failed
parts, and the return shipment to the buyer of the repaired or replaced parts.
Limitations of Warranty
The warranty does not apply to any part of a product that has been installed, altered, repaired, or misused in
any way that, in the opinion of Co mtech EF Data Corporation, would affect the reliability or detracts from the
performance of any part of the product, or is damaged as the result of use in a way or with equipment that
had not been previously approved by Comtech EF Data Corporation.
The warranty does not apply to any product or parts thereof where the serial number or the serial number of
any of its parts has been altered, defaced, or removed.
The warranty does not cover damage or loss incurred in transportation of the product.
The warranty does not cover replacement or repair necessitated by loss or damage from any cause beyond
the control of Comtech EF Data Corporation.
The warranty does not cover any labor involved in the removal and or reinstallation of warranted equipment
or parts on site, or any labor required to diagnose the necessity for repair or replacement.
The warranty excludes any responsibility by Comtech EF Data Corporation for incidental or consequentia l
damages arising from the use of the equipment or products, or for any inability to use them either separate
from or in combination with any other equipment or products.
A fixed charge established for each product will be imposed for all equipment returned for warranty repair
where Comtech EF Data Corporation cannot identify the cause of the reported failure.
Exclusive Remedies
Comtech EF Data Corporation’s warranty, as stated is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed, implied, or
statutory, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The buyer shall pass on to
any purchaser, lessee, or other user of Comtech EF Data Corporation’s products, the aforementioned
warranty, and shall indemnify and hold harmless Comtech EF Data Corporation from any claims or liability of
such purchaser, lessee, or user based upon allegations that the buyer, its agents, or employees have made
additional warranties or representations as to product preference or use.
The remedies provided herein are the buyer’s sole and exclusive remedies. Comtech EF Data shall not be
liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, whether based on contract, tort,
or any other legal theory.
TM111 – Rev. 1.0 iii
Warranty Policy SFC1800A Synthesized Frequency Upconverter
Warranty Repair Return Procedure
Before a warranty repair can be accomplished, a Repair Authorization must be received. It is at this time
that Comtech EF Data will authorize the product or part to be returned to the Comtech EF Data facility or if
field repair will be accomplished. The Repair Authorization may be requested in writing or by calling:
Comtech EF Data Corporation
2114 W 7
Tempe, Arizona 85281 (U SA)
ATTN: C ustomer Support
Phone: (480) 333-2200
Fax: (480) 333-2540
Any product returned to Comtech EF Data for examination must be sent prepaid via the means of
transportation indicated as acceptable to Comtech EF Data. Return Authorization Number must be clearly
marked on the shipping label. Returned products or parts should be carefully packaged in the original
container, if possible, and unless otherwise indicated, shipped to the above address.
Non-Warranty Repair
When a product is returned for any reason, Customer and its shipping agency shall be responsible for all
damage resulting from improper packing and handling, and for loss in transit, not withstanding any defect or
nonconformity in the product. By returning a product, the owner grants Comtech EF Data permission to
open and disassemble the product as required for evaluation. In all cases, Comtech EF Data has sole
responsibility for determining the cause and nature of failure, and Comtech EF Data’s determination with
regard thereto shall be final.
iv TM111 - Rev. 1.0
SFC1800A Synthesized Frequency Upconverter Preface
This manual provides inst allation and operation information for t he Radyne SFC1800A
Synthesized Frequency Upconverter. This is a technical document intended for use by
eng i neers, technicians, and operators r espon sible for the op er ation and maintenance of the
SFC1800A. Throughout this manual, The SFC1800A Synthesized Frequency Upconverter may
be ref fered to as “the SFC1800A”, “the upconverter”, or “ the unit” .
Whenever the information within this manual instructs the operator to press a pushbutton switch
or keypad key on the Fr ont P anel, the pushbutton or key label will be shown enclosed in "less
than" (<) and "great er than " (>) br ackets. For example, the Reset Alarms Pushbutton will be
shown as <RESET ALA R M S>, while a co mmand that calls for t he entry of a ‘7’ foll owed by
‘ENTER’ Key will be represented as <7,ENTE R>.
Cautions and Warnings
A caution icon ind icates a hazard ous si tuation that if not avoided, may result in mi nor or moder ate
injury. Caution m ay also be used to i ndicate other unsafe pr actices or risks of pr operty damage.
A warning icon indicates a potentiall y hazardous situat i on that if not avoided, could result i n death
or serious i njury.
TM111 – Rev. 1.0 v
Preface SFC1800A Synthesized Frequency Upconverter
Reason for Change
Initial Release
A n ote icon id entifies information for the proper operation of your equipment, in cluding helpful
hints, shortcuts, or important reminders.
Product n am es ment ioned in this manual may be trad emarks or r egist er ed trademarks of their
respective comp anies and are hereby acknowled ged.
2008, Comtech EF Data This manual is proprietary to C omtech EF Data and i s inten ded for the
exclusive use of Comtech EF Data’s customers. N o part of this docu ment may in whole or i n
part , be copied, reproduced, distributed, transl ated or reduce d to an y electron i c or magnetic
storage medium without the express writt en consent of a duly au thorized offi cer of Comtech EF
This manual has been thoroughly reviewed for accurac y. All statements, technica l inform ation,
and r ecommendations contained herein and in any guides or relat ed docu ments are believed
reliab le, but the accuracy and com pleteness thereof ar e not guaran teed or war r anted, and they
are not intended t o be, nor should they be underst ood to b e, representations or warrant i es
concerning the products described. Comtech EF Data assumes n o r espon sibil i ty for use of any
circuitry other than the cir cuit r y employed in Comtech EF Data syst ems an d equipm ent.
Furthermore, si nce Comtech EF D ata is constantly improving its products, r eserves the r ight to
make chang es in th e specifications of products, or in this manual at an y t ime without notice and
without obligation to notify any person of such changes.
Record of Revisions
Comments or Suggestions Concerning this Manual
Comments or sugg estion s regarding the content and design of this manual are appreciat ed.
To sub mit comments, please contact the Comtech EF Data Corporation Customer Servic e
vi TM111 - Rev. 1.0
SFC1800A Synthesized Frequency Upconverter Table of Contents
7.8 Environmen tal Charact eris tics _______________________________________ 7-4
x TM111 - Rev. 1.0
SFC1800A Synthesized Frequency Upconverter Table of Contents
Appendix A - Remote Operations
A.1 SFC1 800A Upconver ter Opcode Command Set _________________________ A-1
A.2 Conver ter Queries ________________________________________________ A-2
A.3 Sw itch Q ueries ___________________________________________________ A-5
A.4 Conver ter C omman ds______________________________________________ A-7
A.5 Sw itch Commands ________________________________________________ A-8
Appendix B - SN MP MIB ______________________________________________ B-1
Appendix C - Remote ASCII
C.0 C ontrol Commands ________________________________________________ C-1
C.1 Remote Hel p M enu ( Al l) ____________________________________________ C-2
C.2 St atu s Command (Al l) _____________________________________________ C-5
C.3 Data ( Al l)________________________________________________________ C-7
C.4 Show Received Signal Strength Command (Upconverter Only)(S, P1: 1, P1:8) _ C-8
C.5 Show Priority Command (B1: 8) ______________________________________ C-9
C.6 Set Current Channel Frequency Comm and (S, P1:1, P1:8) _________________ C-9
C.7 Set Current Channel Gain Command (S, P1:1, P1:8) ____________________ C-10
C.8 Set Channel Command (S, P1:1, P1:8) _______________________________ C-11
C.9 Set Pr iority (B1: 8) _______________________________________________ C-12
C.10 Store C urr ent Chan nel S ettings ( S, P1: 1, P1: 8 ) _______________________ C-12
C.11 RF On/Off Command (Upconverter Only) (All) _________________________ C-13
C.12 Change Input Attenuation Command (Upconverter Only)(S, P1: 1, P1: 8) ___ C-13
C.13 Clear Faults Command (Al l) _______________________________________ C-14
C.14 Auto Mode C omman d (P1: 1, B1: 1, B1: 8) ___________________________ C-14
C.15 Manual Mode Command (P1: 1, B1: 1) ______________________________ C-14
C.16 Manual Backup Command (B1: 8) __________________________________ C-15
C.17 Set Stored Gain For a Speci fied Ch ann el (S, P1: 1, P1: 8) _______________ C-16
C.18 Set Stored Frequ enc y For a Sp ecified Chan nel (S, P 1: 1 , P1: 8) __________ C-16
C.19 Er ase (All) _____________________________________________________ C-16
C.20 Res tar t (Al l)____________________________________________________ C-16
C.21 Learn (B1: 1, B1: 8) _____________________________________________ C-16
C.22 Read DAC Value by Index (All) ____________________________________ C-18
C.23 Writ e DAC Val ue by Index (All) ____________________________________ C-18
C.24 Get Gai n Offset (Upc onv erter Only) _________________________________ C-19
TM111 – Rev. 1.0 xi
Table of Contents SFC1800A Synthesized Frequency Upconverter
C.25 Set Gain Offset (Upc onv ert er On ly) _________________________________ C-19
C.26 Dump Chan nel Table (All) ________________________________________ C-19
C.27 Dump Calibration Table Set (All) ___________________________________ C-20
C.28 Get Current DAC Value (All)_______________________________________ C-20
C.29 Get DAC Value for Frequency and Gain (All) __________________________ C-20
C.30 E rror M essages ________________________________________________ C-21
SFC1800A Synthesized Frequency Upconverter Introduction
1.0 Description
This manual discusses the Radyne SFC1800A Synthesized Frequency Upconverter (Figure 1-1).
This high-qu al ity, rack-mountable sa tellit e upco nverter is intended for use in medi um-to-large
earth station installations where multiple carrier uplinks need to be established . The SFC1800A
Upconverter is ready to be configured into a variety of backup switch configurations, which
include 1:1, and 1:N (where N is a maximum 8) configurations.
Figure 1-1. SFC1800A Upconverter Front Panel
The SFC1800A Upconverter is a DBS-Band, 125 kHz reso lution synthesi zed satellite upconverter
capable of converting either a 3 6 MHz bandwidth, 70 MHz IF inpu t or optionally a 72 MHz
ban dwidth, 140 MHz input to a DBS-Band uplink i n the range of 17.30 - 18.40 GHz.
All of the configu r ation, monitor, an d contr ol functions are available at the front panel. Operat ing
parameters such as frequency, channel, gain, gain offset, and switch settings (backup only) can
be readily set and changed at the front panel. Additionally, all functions can be accessed with a
terminal or personal com puter via a serial li nk (RS-232, RS-485, or Ethernet) for complete remote
monitoring and control ( M &C) capabili ty. Extensive fault monitoring wit h masking capability,
along with time and date stamped event st or age is ava i lable.
The units m onitor l ocal oscillato r ( LO) phase-locked loop faults in the converter at all times dur i ng
operat ion. If a fault i s detected, the converter immediately g oes int o the S tandb y Mode. If
multiple converters are configured t o provide backup protection switching, a summar y fau lt will
sig nal the backup, which will put itself online and r estore the failed circu it.
The RF Hardwar e consists of a broadb and synthesizer, a fi xed freq uency phase l ocked oscillator,
and the first and se cond converter modules. The broadband syn thesizer provides the
synt hesized local oscillator for the conversi on from L-Ban d to RF output. The LO that tunes from
14.80 - 15.9 0 GHz performs this conversion. The second mi xer co nvert s the 70 or 140 MHz IF
input to L-Band. A fixed frequency First IFLO performs this frequency conversion.
A 20 dB gain co ntrol attenu ator at t he L-Band of the second m i x module controls the power out of
the converter. This attenuator is capable of 0. 1 dB reso lution through a software li near
interpolat ion of 1 dB cal i bration values.
TM111 – Rev. 1.0 1-1
Introduction SFC1800A Synthesized Frequency Upconverter
The SFC1800A Upconverter have been designed to provide performance that meets or exceeds
all in dustry standards i n effect today for satell i te com muni cation s earth stati on frequency
converter eq uipment fou nd worldwide. In addition to providing robust performance , th e
SFC1800A Upconverter are loaded with feat ures t hat will provide ease of integration and
1.1 Protection Switch Versatility
Radyne SFC converters featur e ‘plu g-and-play’ ease of installation wit h th e RCU101 1:1 or th e
RCU1 08 1:8 Redundancy Control Units. All convert er s can be plugged in to the b ackup slot and
assume the r ol e of protection switch con troller. The backup converter l earns and stores the
frequ ency, gain and channel settings of the p r imary conver ters. The backup converter can be
operat ed automatically, in which case an automatic backu p of a fault ed, online C onverter occurs
after a user-programmed delay. The Backup may also be operated manually, all owing the user
to m anually switch i n the B ack up Uni t. The Fron t Panel controls and indica tors p r ovide for
automatic/man ual configurat ion, as well as display of onlin e/offline status information. In the
event the stored settings of the Prim ar y Converter are changed, th e backup co nverter will not i fy
the user.
All circu i ts are p r otected upon installation of the swit ch an d completion of the lear ning process.
This eli min ates the need for complicated soft ware configurations that m i ght oth er wise lea ve a
circuit vu l nerabl e. Likewise, rep l acing a failed converter is as sim ple as plugging in a
1.2 Chain Switching (Optional)
Chain Switching is availab l e as an op tion for the SFC1800A Upconverter. This unit can be
delivered with t he optional Chai n Switching Module in place, or may be purchased separ ately and
installed by the customer (no tools are required). When equipped with thi s module, in the event
of a unit failure (in a 1:1 or 1:N Configuration where N is less than or eq ual to 8), the upconverters
themselves perform the switching. This elimi nates the need for a separate converter protection
switch such as the Radyne RCU101 or RCU108.
1-2 TM111 - Rev. 1.0
SFC1800A Synthesized Frequency Upconverter Installation
2.0 Installation Requirements
The SFC1800A Upconverter is desig ned to be installed within any standard 19 inch eq uipm ent
cabi net or rack, an d requi r es 1 Rack Unit (1RU) mounting space (1.75 inches, 4.44 cm) vertically
and 19 inches (48.26 cm) of depth. Including cabling, a minimum of 20 i nches (50.8 cm ) of rack
dep th is required. The rear panel is has power enter from the left and cab ling en ter from the
center and right as viewed from the rear of the unit. Dat a and con trol cabling can enter from
either side. The unit can be placed on a table or suit able st able surface if requir ed.
Before initially applying power to the unit, it is a good idea to disconnect
the transmit output from the operating station equipment. This is
especially true if the current SFC1800A Upconverter configuration
settings are unknown, where incorrect setting could disrupt existing
comm u nica tions traffi c.
There are no user-serviceable parts or configuration settings located
inside the SFC1800A Upconverter chassis. There is a potential shock
hazard internally at the power supply module. DO NOT open the SFC
Chassis under any circumstances.
The SFC1800A Upconverter contains a Lithium Battery. DANGER OF
EXPLOSION exists if the battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only
with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer.
Dispose of used batteries in accordance with local and national
TM111 – Rev. 1.0 2-1
Installation SFC1800A Synthesized Frequency Upconverter
2.1 Unpacking
The SFC1800A Upconverter was carefull y packag ed to avoid damage and should arrive
complete wit h the followin g items for pr oper in stallation:
SFC1800A Upconverter Unit
Power Cor d, 6 foot with applicable AC Connector ( for North Ameri ca)
Installation and Operation Manual
2.2 Removal and Assembly
The unit is shipped fully asse mbl ed. It does not r equire removal of the covers for any purpose in
Carefully unpack the un it and ensure that all of the above items ar e in the carton. If avail able AC
mains power available at the installation si te requires a different cord set form the one incl uded in
the packag e, then a suitab l e and approved cordset (for the country where t he equipment is to be
installed) will be required before proceeding with the installation.
Sh ould the Power Cabl e/AC Connector be of the wrong type for the in stallation, either the cable
or th e power connector end should be repl aced. The power su pply itself is desig ned for universal
AC applica tion. See specifications for the appropriate voltages an d cu r r ents.
2.3 Mounting Considerations
When mounted in an equipm ent rack, adequate ventilation must be provided. The ambient
tem perature in the rack should be between 10°C and 35°C, and held co nstant for best equipment
operat ion. Th e ai r available to the r ack should be clean and relati vely dr y.
2.4 Initial Power-Up
Turn the unit ‘ON’ by pl acing th e r ear panel swi tch ( above the power entry connector) to t he ‘ON ’
position. Upon initial and subsequent power-ups, the SFC1800A Upconverter w i ll test itsel f and
several of its components before beginning i ts main Monitor & Control Program. The Event
Buffer LED will illuminate and the unit will log setup events upon power-up. This allows the user
to tel l if there was an accidental power failure or i f the power was manually cycled for any reason
while the unit was left unattended. These events can be cleared after setup. If any failure is
detected, an Alarm LED will illuminate.
2-2 TM111 - Rev. 1.0
SFC1800A Synthesized Frequency Upconverter Theory of Operation
Theory of Operation
3.0 Theory of Operation
The SFC1800A Upconverter has been desig ned to minim i ze the am ount of hardware in the
system, while maximizin g performance . Spurious per formance in t he upconverter is criti cal and
in particular, LO related spur i ous in-band is nonexistent .
The unit is a double conversion microwave upconverter. Th e basic block diagr am is shown in
Figure 3-1.
Figure 3-1. SFC1800A Upconverter Block Diagram
TM111 – Rev. 1.0 3-1
Theory of Operation SFC1800A Synthesized Frequency Upconverter
3.1 Converter Configuration
The SFC1800A Upconverter has three basic operating configurations. These are: S tand-Alone,
1:1 Sw it ch, and 1:8 S witch.
The upconverter automatically detect s the equipm ent to which it is conn ected, and adjusts its
operat ion accor dingly. S ome user menus, most notably the switch Men u, are only avail able if the
up converter i s connected as the backup unit in a Redundancy Switch System.
The Switch Systems may be referred to as either a Redundancy Switch, a
Protection Switch, or simply a Switch. In addition, in all switch
configurations, the Backup Unit acts as the master (it controls all switch
3.1.1 Stand-Alon e Opera t io n
If J5 on the Back Pan el of the SFC1800A Upcon vert er (B.U. SWI TCH INTERFACE) is n ot
connected to a Switch, th e unit will automatically configu r e i tself for Stan d-Alone Operati on. The
user can set up all configurabl e param eters using one of t he four differen t In terfaces described in
Section 4.
3.1.2 1:1 Switch
In the case of a 1 :1 Switch System, the upconverter detects to which connector on the switch it is
The Primary is also sometimes referred to as the Prime.
If the upconverter is conn ected as the backup, then al l the switch con trols are available to t he
user on that unit.
Figure 3-2 illustrates a typical interconn ection of a SFC1800A Upconverter with an RCU101 1:1
Prot ection Switch.
3-2 TM111 - Rev. 1.0
SFC1800A Synthesized Frequency Upconverter Theory of Operation
3.1.3 1:8 Switch
In a 1:8 Switch, the Converter detects whet her it is con nected as PRIM ARY1 through
PRI M ARY8, or as the BACKUP. The RCU108 is flexible in that it can be set up with anywhere
from 1 through 8 Pri mary SFC 1800A Upconverters. H ow ever, there is only on e backup. Thus,
only one Prime can be backed up at one time.
Figure 3-3 illustrates a typical interconn ection of a SFC1800A Upconverter with an RCU108 1:8
Protection Switch. The configuration shown is a 1:2 Switch.
3.2 Optional Chain Switching Operation
For Ch ain Swit ching, each convert er in a 1:N configurat i on (where N is less than or equal to 8)
will co ntain an op tional C hain Switching Module. Duri ng set up, one of the con verters will be
considered the backup. This is u sually th e converter at t he bot tom of th e r ack. Once the system
is set up and proper l y wi r ed, each con verter t hen has an ID Address and can be programmed
from t he Fron t Panel to set the priority level of each converter in the rack. If no priority is set from
the Front Panel then th e priority will default to level one with the converter cl osest to the back up
having the highest prior i ty and priorities incrementall y decreased the furt her from the back up.
Figure 3-2. RCU10 1 Typ ic al In t er co n nectio n w it h S FC 1 800A Upco nverter
TM111 – Rev. 1.0 3-3
Theory of Operation SFC1800A Synthesized Frequency Upconverter
After al l of the converters have been programmed, th e back up co nverter is then set into a “Learn
Mode. ” The backup poles each converter on a continuous basis, and learns then stores the
setting s of each con verter. Because the swi tch m odules are on a common pr otection bus, each
converter knows the address (position in th e r ack), and the faul t status of all of the converter s in
the r ack. In the event of multiple fail ures, the highest priorit y co nvert er that fails is backed up fir st.
The chain switch provides the primary through path between the converter RF output and the
output of the switch module without bei ng powered . It i s provided with redundant power from all
converters co nnected in the chai n. In the event that a Upconvert er needs to be replaced, th e
Chain Switching Module ca n be removed from the back of t he converter and left in place with out
breaking the interconnecti ons to adj acent converters in t he ch ai n.
Refer to Figure 3-4 for Chain Switching Operation in a 1:1 configuration, and Figure 3-5 for a 1:N
3-4 TM111 - Rev. 1.0
SFC1800A Synthesized Frequency Upconverter Theory of Operation
Figure 3-3. RCU108 Typical Interconnection with SFC1800A Upconverter
TM111 – Rev. 1.0 3-5
Theory of Operation SFC1800A Synthesized Frequency Upconverter
Figure 3-4. Chain Switching Operation in a 1:1 Configuration
3-6 TM111 - Rev. 1.0
SFC1800A Synthesized Frequency Upconverter Theory of Operation
Figure 3-5. Chain Switching Operation in a 1:N Configuration.
TM111 – Rev. 1.0 3-7
Theory of Operation SFC1800A Synthesized Frequency Upconverter
3-8 TM111 - Rev. 1.0
SFC1800A Synthesized Frequency Upconverter User Interfaces
User Interfaces
4.0 User Interfaces
There ar e four User Interfaces avai l able for the S FC1800A Upconverter. These are:
Front Pan el
Remote Port
Term i nal Port
Ethernet Port
4.1 Front Panel User Interface
The Fron t Panel of the SFC1 800A Upconverter allow f or complete monit or and control (including
bu t not limited to operation, cali bration, and testing) of al l param eters and functions via Monit or i ng
Ports, a Keypad, LCD Display and Status LEDs.
The front panel layout is shown in Figure 4-1, sh owing th e l ocation and l abeling of the front panel.
The front panel is divided into fou r functional ar eas: Mon itoring Ports, LC D Displ ay, Cursor
Control Arrows, Numeric Keypad, and LED Indicators. Each is described below. Tabl e 4-1 lists
each of these areas. Th ey are fu r ther described below.
Figure 4-1. SFC1800A Upconverter Front Panel Controls and Indicators
Table 4-1. Front Panel User Interface
Item No. Description Function
1 Monitoring Port s Allow monitoring of the RF an d IF Signals.
2 LCD Display Displays SFC 1800A Upconverter operating
parameters and configuration data.
3 Cursor Control Arrows Controls the left, r i ght, up, and down motion of t he
cursor in the LCD Display window.
4 Numeric Keypad Allows entry of numeric d ata and Clear and Enter
Function Keys.
5 LED Indicators Displays SFC1800A Upconverter operating status.
TM111 – Rev. 1.0 4-1
User Interfaces SFC1800A Synthesized Frequency Upconverter
The Left/Right Arrow Keys are used to move through the Menu structure. The
4.1.1 Monitorin g P orts
Refer to Sect ion 5.12.
4.1.2 LCD Display
The front panel display is a 2 line by 16-character LCD display. The display is lighted and the
brightn ess can b e set to in crease when the front panel is currently in use. The LCD display
automatically dims after a period of inactivity. The display has two distinct fields showing current
information. The upper field shows the current parameter b eing m onitored, such as
'FREQUENCY (GHz)' or 'CHNL G AIN (dB)' . The lower field shows the curr ent value of that
parameter. Th e LCD displ ay is a single entry window into the large matrix of para meters that can
be monit or ed and se t from the front panel.
4.1.3 Cursor Control Arrows
Table 4-2. Cursor Control Arrow Keys
Key Function
Arrow Keys
), (←)
Left/Right Arrow Keys are al so used to m ove the cursor to a specifi c digit in a
number field. No changes i n the values or status can be execu ted from the
left/r i ght cursor movem ent.
Arrow Keys
), (↓)
The Down Arrow K ey is used to move from a Menu screen to the selections or
submenus b eneath that Menu. The Up Arrow does the reverse, moving from a
submenu or selection to a higher-level Menu.
The Up/Down Ar r ow Keys ar e also used to change the value of some
parameters. Some Menu items, su ch as SYSTEM<CON TROL MO D E, contain
a list of possible set tings. The Ar r ow K eys are used to scroll through the list
until the desired settin g is displayed. Similarly, these keys togg l e the ± si gn of
any signed param eters. <ENTER> is then u sed to execute th e selecti on.
For numerical parameters, such as CONVERTER<FREQ UE N CY(GHz), the
Arrow Keys can be use d to scrol l through th e possi ble values of each
part icular digit. The Left/Right Keys ar e used to move the cursor to th e desired
digit. To execute a change, <ENTER> must be pressed.
4-2 TM111 - Rev. 1.0
SFC1800A Synthesized Frequency Upconverter User Interfaces
4.1.4 Front Panel Keypad
The front panel keyp ad consists of two areas: a 10 -ke y numeric en try with 2 addit ional keys for
the ‘Enter’ and ‘C lear’ fun ction. The second ar ea i s a set of ‘Arrow’ or ‘Cur sor’ ke ys (
←), used to navigate the p ar ameter currently bei ng moni tored or co ntrolled. Tab le 4-3 describes
the key functions available at the front panel .
Table 4-3. Front Panel Keypad
Key Function
0 to 9 The Number Keys are used to change numeric values in the value field of the
LCD display.
CLEAR If pressed before <ENTER> d urin g a param eter change, t he CLEAR Key will
cause that par ameter to return to its original value.
ENTER The E nter Key will cause changes to Frequency, Status, and other operator-
selected par ameters to be executed. It also causes the status of the co nverter
to be saved into non-volatile mem or y.
↑), (↓), (→),
4.1.5 LED Indicators
There ar e twelve (12) LE D s on the SF C1800A Up converter Front Panel to indicate the operation
status (refer to Tabl e 4-3).
Table 4-3. Front Panel LED Indicators
LED Color Function
POWER Green When illum inated, indicates the presence of prim ar y power
and that the On/Off S witch located on the rear of the chassis
is in the On Position .
FAULT Red When illum inated, Indi cates a co m mon fault (internal
EVENT Yellow When illumin ated, indicates that an event (may be a faul t or
startup sequence) has occurred and is stored i n the Event
Bu ffer along with a date/time st am p.
REMOTE Green When illum inated, indicates that th e converter is in R emote
Mode. In this mode, the unit settings can only be modified
and contr ol led via a remote in terface.
ONLINE Green W hen illuminated, indicates that the backup converter has
been placed online to backu p a Prime Converter ( backup
converter Only).
SW FAUL T Red When illum inated, indicates that an error has occurred dur i ng
a Backup Process. (backup converter Only). If a SW Fault
does not exist but a Learned or a Backup Test Fault exists,
this LED will flash at one-second intervals.
BACKUP Yellow Not use d.
MANUAL Yellow When illum inated, indicates that th e backup converter has
been Manually placed Online (backup converter Only).
TM111 – Rev. 1.0 4-3
User Interfaces SFC1800A Synthesized Frequency Upconverter
STANDBY Green When il luminated, indicates th at the converter h as been taken
offline and backed up by the Backup (Converter Prime
Converter in a 1:1 or 1:N Switch Only).
LO FAULT Red If the Synthesized LO or IFLO System of the converter
indicates an out-of-lock condition, th e LO Fau lt LED will
illu min ate. At this time, the Summary Fault Relay Contacts
will latch. If the LO Fault was du e to an Inter mittent Fault
Condition, the LO Fault will flash at one-seco nd intervals, and
fault checked may b e r eset.
SIG FAULT Yellow S ignal Fault s are used in switch configuration t o indicate
switch status (when in the Backup Mode).
EXT REF Yellow This LED i l luminates when an external 10 MHz reference
sig nal has been applied to the converter. A LO fault may
occur when t he extern al refer ence is applied or removed.
This indicates t hat a change in the reference has occurr ed.
This fau lt can be clear ed with a soft reset.
4.2 Front Panel Control Screen Menus
The complet e set of SFC1800A Upconverter Front Panel C ontrol Screen s are contained within
the following Main Menus:
4.2.1 Main Menus
Converter Menu Options and Parameters
Switch Menu Options and Parame ters
Monitor Menu Options and Parameters
Alarms Menu Options and Parameters
System Menu Options and Parameters
Test Menu Options and Parameters
4-4 TM111 - Rev. 1.0
SFC1800A Synthesized Frequency Upconverter User Interfaces
4.2.2 Converter Menu Options and Parameters
FREQUENCY (GHz): {17.30 – 18 .40 GHz}
Sets the RF output frequency.
CHNL GAIN (dB): {-20.0 to +30.0, dependent upon input attenuation}
Sets the Cha n ne l Gai n in 0. 1 dB st e ps.
Allows the u ser to turn the carrier on/off.
INPUT ATTEN: {0 - 30}
Sets the input attenuation in 1 dB steps.
CURRENT CHNNL: {01 – 30}
Selects the current channel of the unit. Each channel
allows enter i ng of an ind ependent set of param eters
(Freq uency, Gain , etc.). For example, Chann el 1
Frequency might be set to 5.9 GHz and Channel 2 could
be set to 6.0 GHz. Any of the oth er parameters could be
differ ent as well. The advantage is that by chan ging the
channel number, a co mpletely diff er ent setup can be
4.2.3 Switch Menu Options and Parameters
This Menu is only available when the upconverter is conn ected i n a 1:1 or 1:N Switch
configuration as the Backup Unit.
Sets the Backup Mode of the swi tch.
Manual: A Prime Con verter can be backed up t hrough
manual control onl y.
Auto-Nonrevertive: A Prime C onverter will be backed
up if it fails. It will remain backed up until it is manually
Auto-Revertive: A P r i me Con verter will be backed up i f
it fails. If a second Converter, which has been deemed
higher prior i ty (see Monitor Backup S tate below) fails,
the switch will unback the first and backup the second
Converter. If the first Con verter recovers after it has
been backed up (i.e., no l onger has a fault) , and a
second Con verter fails, the recovered unit will be put
back on line and the new faulted unit will be backed up.
When i n Manual Backup Mode, this selection will force
the selected Prime to be backed up. Unback will release
any Prime that is currently backed up.
TM111 – Rev. 1.0 4-5
User Interfaces SFC1800A Synthesized Frequency Upconverter
Cause s the Backup Unit to "Learn" all the sett ings of the
selected Pr imes. The Backup Upco nverter can only
backup a Prime that it has l ear ned. A backup test i s
performed as the unit is learned.
FAULT DELAY: {00050 - 10000}
Sets the del ay between the t ime a Fault occurs in a
Prime Uni t and th e time it is acknowledged by the
Backup. The unit is Milliseconds (ms).
Enables or disabl es the Compensation control descri bed
in Prime Setup below.
PRIORITY: {0 - 8}
Sets the switching priority of a Prime Un it. If more than
one u nit fail s at the same ti me, the higher priorit y unit will
be backed up. Also, if one unit is currently backed up
and a second unit with a higher priority fails, the first unit
will be unbacked and the second unit will be backed up
(but only if Backup Mode is Auto-Revertive, see Backup
Mode above). The priority is se t as fol l ows:
0 = No p r iority (the switch will ignore the upconverter). If
at any time a Prime’ s priority is set t o 0, t he
Backup will p urge any learned parameters of
that Prime.
1 = Highest priority.
8 = Lowest prior i ty.
COMPENSATION: {- 5.0 - +5.0}
Offsets the gain of the Backup Uni t to account for
variations in loss through the system. This allows the
user to ensure that the signal path of a particu lar Prime
Converter maintain s the same outp ut power wh en
backed up.
Reports the current Backup Stat e of the swit ch. If no
Prime is backed up , then the state is reported as
<NONE>. If a unit is currently backed up, then its
number is reported.
4-6 TM111 - Rev. 1.0
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