Compuprint POLLUX Users Manual

99007788 pplluuss
D pplluuss
Rev. 001
Compuprint Information
Your printer is a reliable working equipment that will be very useful in your daily job. Our printers have been designed to be compact and respectful of the work environment. They offer
a wide range of features and multiple functions that confirm the high technological level reached by the Compuprint S.p.A.
To maintain these printing performances unchanged in the long run, Compuprint has developed specific consumable accessories for each printer type (for example: ribbon cartridges for dot matrix printers, toner and OPC cartridges for laser printers, bubble ink jet cartridges for inkjet printers) that assure an excellent operation with high printing quality level reliability.
Compuprint recommends to use only its
(identified by its holographic label).
stated in the product characteristics can be assured. All typical usage problems related to not certified consumables may be avoided, such as an overall quality print level degradation and, often, the reduction of the product life due to the fact that the proper working conditions for the print heads, OPC cartridge and other printer parts are not assured.
Moreover, Compuprint does not only certify its consumables in terms of working conditions but also carefully controls their compliance with the international standard rules concerning:
no cancerous materials;
no flammability of the plastic materials;
other standards
for choosing the 9078/78D plus printer.
original consumables with original packaging
In this way, a proper use of the printer at quality level
Compuprint advises the customers not to use products for which the compliance to this safety rules are not warranted.
Finally seek your dealer or contact a Compuprint office and be sure that are provided you the original Compuprint consumables.
mpplliiaannccee SSttaatteemmeennttss
FFCCCC CCoommpplliiaannccee SSttaatteemmeenntt ((UUSSAA))
This equipment complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, i ncluding interference that may cause undesired operation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver in
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
FCC Warning
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could
void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
NNoottee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg::
The use of a non-shielded interface cable with the referenced device is prohibited.
The length of the parallel interface cable must be 3 meters (10 feet) or less.
The length of the serial interface cable must be 15 meters (50 feet) or less.
The length of the power cord must be 3 meters (10 feet) or less.
Compliance Statement (Canada)
This digital apparatus is in conformity with standard NMB-003 of Canada. Cet appareil numérique est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
Übereinstimmungserklärung (Deutschland)
Bescheinigung des Herstellers/Importeurs: Hiermit wird bescheinigt, dass der Drucker der Maschinenlärminformationsverordnung 3. GSGV, 18.01.1991 entspricht: Der höchste Schalldruckpegel beträgt 70 dB (A) oder weniger gemäß EN27779-1991.
Compliance Statement (Europe)
TThhiiss pprroodduucctt mmeeeettss tthhee iinntteerrffeerreennccee rreeqquuiirreemmeennttss ooff EENN5555002222.. IInn aa ddoommeessttiicc eennvviirroonnmmeenntt,, tthhiiss
pprroodduucctt mmaayy ccaauussee rraaddiioo iinntteerrffeerreennccee iinn wwhhiicchh ccaassee,, tthhee uusseerr mmaayy bbee rreeqquuiirreedd ttoo ttaakkee aaddeeqquuaattee
Energy Star
As an ENERGY STAR® Partner, COMPUPRINT has determined that this product meets the ENERGY STAR® guidelines for energy efficiency. The International ENERGY STAR® Office Equipment Program is an international program that promotes energy saving through the use of computers and other office equipment. The program backs the deve lopment a nd disseminati on of the products with functions that effectively reduce energy consumption. It is an open system in which business proprietors can participate voluntarily. The targeted products are office equipment such as computers, displays, printers, facsimiles and copiers. Their standards and logos are uniform among participating nations.
International Compliance
EN55022:1998 Emissions Series EN 61000-3-2:1995 Power line harmonics
EN 61000-3-3:1995 Power line flicker EN55024:1998 Immunity Characteristics EN61000-4-2:1995 E.S.D. EN61000-4-3:1995 Radiated Susceptibility EN61000-4-4:1995 E.F.T
EN61000-4-5:1995 Surge EN61000-4-6:1996 R.F. Common mode EN61000-4-11:1994 Voltage dips and interruptions
SSaaffeettyy IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn
A. Never remove any printer cover unless it is necessary for the installation of a printer accessory
and expressly described in this manual.
B. Please retain the printer covers in a safe place because they should be reinstalled if you
decide to remove any printer accessory.
The following areas of the printer should be covered for safety reasons:
Rear Tractor Area Cover
ASF Installation Area
Tractor Fixing Area Covers
The above openings must always be protected with their cover when the corresponding option is
not installed. Do not touch inside and do not insert any object into these openings or into t he
TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss
Safety Information......................................................... iii
Table of Contents..........................................................iv
Getting to Know Your Printer .......................................1
Printer Features..............................................................................1
Unpacking Your Printer.................................................................2
Printer Parts....................................................................................3
Front View ...................................................................................3
Rear View.....................................................................................5
Setting Up Your Printer ................................................. 6
Choosing a Suitable Location........................................................6
Printer Assembly............................................................................7
Removal of the Shipment Locks................................................7
Ribbon Cartridge Installation....................................................8
Upper Push Tractor Installation (9078D plus model only)..13
Host Computer Connection .........................................................15
Software Driver Selection............................................................16
Power Connection.........................................................................17
Selecting the Display Language.................................19
Configuring the Printer................................................20
Operator Panel Presentation.......................................................20
Display Messages......................................................................21
Indicators ...................................................................................25
Function Keys............................................................................26
Printer Setups...............................................................................31
Entering the Printer Setups....................................................31
Moving within the Printer Setups...........................................31
Leaving the Printer Setups......................................................32
Power-On Configuration..............................................................33
Entering the Power-On Configuration...................................33
Program Setup..............................................................................65
Entering the Program Setup....................................................65
How to Select the Paper Path......................................................89
How to Use the Tear-Off Function..............................................90
Selection of the Paper Size.......................................................90
Adjusting the Tear-Off Position...............................................91
Selection of the Tear-Off Mode................................................92
How to Lock/Unlock the Access to the Printer Setups.............93
How to Handle the Paper Parking..............................................94
Paper Handling............................................................. 99
Paper Paths...................................................................................99
Paper Specifications...................................................................100
Fanfold Paper (9078 plus and 9078D plus models)............100
Envelopes (9078 plus model only).........................................100
Cut Sheets (9078 plus model only)........................................101
Cut Sheets ...................................................................................102
Cut Sheets Loading Modes....................................................102
Loading Cut Sheets.................................................................103
Fanfold Paper..............................................................................105
Loading Paper Using the Lower Tractor..............................105
Loading Paper Using the Upper Tractor..............................112
Loading Paper Using the Lower Push Tractor and the Rear
Pull Tractor (option)................................................................117
Printer Maintenance and Troubleshooting.............. 120
Cleaning the Printer...................................................................120
Replacing the Ribbon Cartridge................................................121
Printing the Self Test.................................................................122
Error Handling............................................................................123
GGeettttiinngg ttoo KKnnooww YYoouurr PPrriinntteerr
PPrriinntteerr FFeeaattuurreess
24 Needle Print Head
136 columns
Draft printing at 700 cps, LQ printing at 133 cps
IBM Proprinter XL24E/XL24,Personal Printer 2391+ and EPSON LQ 1050-2550 emulations
Multiple copies (1 orig inal and 7 copies)
Automatic paper path selection
Easy operability via operator panel menu and S/W commands
Optional Automatic Sheet Feeder (120 sheets capability) which handles cut sheets,
multicopies and envelopes, accepts up to two additional paper bins and incl udes paper stacker
Optional color kit
Optional cutter
Usage of all specific features by means of the Specific Software Driver which is applicable to
the most popular S/W Packages
Plug & Play capability for Windows 95/98/2000®
Bi-directional IEEE 1284 parallel interface and standard serial RS-232/C and RS-422/A
interface for the standard printer. A dedicated model i s available for the network connections
through an integrated Ethernet 10/100 Base-T interface, that coexists with the parallel
interface. Both models support the automatic switching between the available interfaces.
UUnnppaacckkiinngg YYoouurr PPrriinntteerr
Together with the Installation Guide and the CD-ROM with the User Manual, the following items are included in the box:
Notify any damage to your supplier.
Upper P ush Tractor
(9078D plus m odel only)
Power Ca ble
Rib bon Cartridge
PPrriinntteerr PPaarrttss
FFrroonntt VViieeww
9078 plus model
Power Switch
Operator Panel
Paper Kno b
Cut Sheet Support
Push Tractor Cover
Paper G uides
9078D plus model
Paper Kn ob
Operator Panel
P us h Tra c tor s Co v e r
Power Switch
RReeaarr VViieeww
Re ar Tractor A rea
In ter face Con nectors
Rear Paper Slot
To p Co ver
Paper Knob
ASF Area Cover
Power Cable Connector
R ea r Tra cto r Ins ta llatio n
Area Covers
SSeettttiinngg UUpp YYoouurr PPrriinntteerr
CChhoooossiinngg aa SSuuiittaabbllee LLooccaattiioonn
Consider the following points when you choose the location for your printer:
The distance between the printer and
the host computer must not exceed the length of the interface cable;
The location must be sturdy,
horizontal and stable; Your printer must not be exposed to
direct sunlight, extreme heat, cold, dust or humidity (see "Printer Specifications" later);
You need an AC power outlet
compatible with the plug of the printer's power cord. The voltage of the outlet must
match the voltage
shown on the printer's Rating Plate;
Additionally, you must make sure that when you install the printer in the selected location, there are sufficient clearances on all sides for easy operation. The required space is shown in the figure:
80 cm
31.5 in.
PPrriinntteerr AAsssseemmbbllyy
RReemmoovvaall ooff tthhee SShhiippmmeenntt LLoocckkss
Open all the printer covers and make sure that you remove all the shipment locks from the printer.
RRiibbbboonn CCaarrttrriiddggee IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
Two types of black ribbon cartridges are available for this printer, depending on whether the color kit is installed or not.
Make sure that you are using only Compuprint original consumables.
1. Make sure that the printer is turned off.
2. Find the ribb o n cartridge among the accessories.
Ribbon guide
Co lor Kit Guide
Tension Knob
Cartridge Pin
Ribbon gu ide
Tension Knob
C a rtridg e P in
to be used, when the color kit option is not
to be used, when the color kit option is
3. Open the top cover using the small handles on either side of the top cover.
4. Turn the printer on. The print carriage prepares for ribbon cartridge installation.
5. Before installing the ribbon cartridge turn
the ribbon winding knob in the arrow
Ribbon Tension Knob
direction (located on the cartridge) to take up slack in the ribbon.
To avoid damage to the ribbon, do not turn the winding knob in the wrong direction.
6. Align the cartridge pins with the lockin g grooves on the left and right cartridge supports.
The cartridge (black “Long Life” or color) to be used when the color kit is installed has only one
7. Slide and insert the ribbon guide between the print head and the ribbon guide mask holding it
perpendicular to the print head.
Make sure that the ribbon is inserted correctly between the print head and the print head mask.
If the color kit option is installed on your printer insert the white plastic holder onto the color kit as shown in the following figure.
Ribbon G uide
Holder for Color Kit
Color Kit
8. Turn the ribbon winding knob in the
arrow direction (located on the
Ribbon Tension Knob
cartridge) to take up slack in the ribbon.
9. Push the cartridge down gently until it clips into place at all four locking points.
10. Turn the ribbon winding knob again in the direction of the arrow to take up slack in the ribbon.
11. To ensure that the ribbon guide runs freely along the ribbon, manually move the print carriage horizontally .
If you need to replace the used ribbon cartridge, see " Replacing The Ri bbon Cartridge ", later in this manual.
UUppppeerr PPuusshh TTrraaccttoorr IInnssttaallllaattiioonn ((99007788DD pplluuss mmooddeell oonnllyy))
An additional push tractor is provided with the 9078D plus printer. This second push tractor unit can be installed in front position (on the lower push tractor).
1. Find the upper push tractor among
the accessories.
2. Install the upper push tractor
aligning both its hooks with the
Lower Tractor Pin
lower push tractor pins and inserting them into the
Uppe r Tr a c to r Hoo k
corresponding pins. Push the upper tractor until it is fully engaged. Insert the connector cable in the electrical connector located in the lower push tractor.
Co nnector C a ble
Electrical Connector
3. The upper push tractor must be
installed as shown in figur e.
4. If you need to remove the upper push
tractor, turn the printer off. Take the connector cable off and press on the push buttons (located in the upper push tractor hooks) to disengage the tractor.
P u s h Bu tto n
HHoosstt CCoommppuutteerr CCoonnnneeccttiioonn
This printer can be connected to your host computer via two available interfaces. The interface connectors are located on the rear of the printer.
A bidirectional IEEE1284 parallel interface
A RS-232/C or RS-422/A serial interface
Before connecting the interface cable, make sure that the printer and t he host computer are
Insert the parallel interface cable into the parallel connector and fasten it by means of the clips. Insert the serial interface cable into the serial connector, and fasten it by means of the two
screws (use the screwdriver).
turned OFF .
Parallel interface Serial interface
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