Compuprint POLLUX User Manual

LLooaaddiinngg PPaappeerr UUssiinngg tthhee LLoowweerr PPuusshh TTrraaccttoorr aanndd tthhee RReeaarr PPuullll TTrraaccttoorr ((ooppttiioonn))
For loading paper in this way, it is necessary to install the optional rear pull tractor. See later
With this paper path confi gura tio n pa per is l oaded contempora neously with the l owe r front push tractor and the rear pull tractor. In this way it is possible to handle stronger paper.
Once the rear pull tractor is installed, the fanfold paper can be loaded only in push-pull mode.
1. To select the push-pull tractor paper path press the
If you have been using a different path, the display shows:
9078 plus model
"Options" section.
9078D plus model
key until the display shows:
If you have been using fanfold paper in the upper tractor paper path, the printer automatically starts the parki ng procedure. The display shows alternately:
Tear off the fanfold loaded with the upper tra ctor (if it is l onger than 18 i nches) and press the
key. The display shows:
followed by
2. To load the fanfold paper on the l ower push tra ctor, foll ow the sequence Loading Paper Using
the Lower Tractor described before.
3. Ta ke up the slack of the paper exiti ng from the rear paper slot an d rotate the sprocket bar to align the sprocket pins of the rear tractor with the paper perforation.
4. Lock the sprocket covers and lower the sprocket levers.
5. Press the
key to confirm that the paper loading is finished. The rear tractor engages.
6. The figure shows the correct paper loading.
PPrriinntteerr MMaaiinntteennaannccee aanndd TTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg
CClleeaanniinngg tthhee PPrriinntteerr
Make sure the printer has been turned off for at least 15 minut es before start ing any cleaning
Periodic cleaning will help keep your printer in top condition so that it will always provide optimal performance.
Use a neutral detergent or water solution on a soft cloth to clean dirt and grease from the
cabinet of the printer.
Do not use an abrasive cloth, alcohol, paint thinner or similar agents because they may cause
discoloration and scratching.
Be especially careful not to damage the electronic and mechanical components.
RReeppllaacciinngg tthhee RRiibbbboonn CCaarrttrriiddggee
1. Make sure that the printer is turned off for at least 15 minutes.
Pay attention to the print head because it becomes hot during operation
2. Open the top printer cover.
3. Slide the ribbon guide out of the print head.
If the color kit is installed on the printer, unlock the white slider pressing and holding the lever on the slider towards the back of the printer and contemporaneously lifting the slider off the color mechanism.
Ribbon Guide
Color Slider
Color Kit
4. Remove the used ribbon cartridge by lifting it up.
Now, you are ready to insert the new ribbon cartridge. See before "Ribbon Cartridge
PPrriinnttiinngg tthhee SSeellff TTeesstt
If you need to know any printer setting, and to check if the printer is working well, print the self­test.
Proceed as follows:
1. Keep the RELEASE KEY.
2. When you release the key, the printer starts the self-test printout.
3. To stop the self-test printi ng, press the
key pressed while powering on the printer until the display shows
key again. The printer is offline.
EErrrroorr HHaannddlliinngg
When an error condition occurs:
the printer is disabled;
the first message on the display indicates the error, while the second message gives more
details concerning the error conditions.
Press always the ON LINE key to reset the error condition.
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