Compuprint 6314 CZL User Manual

Programmer Manual
rel. 1.00
CZL – Programmer Manual
Sferal wwt srl Via Martiri d’Italia, 26 10014 Caluso (TO) Italy
©2007 Compuprint – Sferal wwt and the identifying product names and numbers herein are trademarks of Compuprint. Copyright protection claimed includes all forms and matters of copyrightable materials and information now allowed by statutory or judicial law or hereinafter granted, including without limitation material generated from the software programs which are displayed on the screen such as icons, screen display tools, etc. Products names used in this manual may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies and are hereby acknowledged. All non Compuprint brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
CZL – Programmer Manual
1. Contents___________________________________________________________________ 3
2. Introduction _______________________________________________________________ 6
3. Commands ________________________________________________________________ 7
3.1 ^ Commands____________________________________________________________________8
3.1.1 General parameters for the label ________________________________________________________ 8 Start and end format commands ______________________________________________________ 8 ^XA (Start Format) _______________________________________________________________________ 8 ^XZ (End Format)________________________________________________________________________ 8 Positioning commands _____________________________________________________________ 8 ^LHx,y (Label Home)_____________________________________________________________________ 8 ^LLy (Label Length)______________________________________________________________________ 9 ^LSx (Label Shift)_______________________________________________________________________ 10 Rotation commands_______________________________________________________________ 10 ^FWa (Field Orientation) _________________________________________________________________ 10
3.1.2 Field definition ____________________________________________________________________ 11 ^FOx,y (Field Origin) ____________________________________________________________________ 11 ^FTx,y (Field Typeset) ___________________________________________________________________ 11 ^FDaaa (Field Data) ___________________________________________________________________ 13 ^FS (Field Separator) ____________________________________________________________________ 13 ^FHi (Field Hex)________________________________________________________________________ 13
3.1.3 Text formatting ____________________________________________________________________ 13 ^FBl,n,s,g,m (Field Block) ________________________________________________________________ 13
3.1.4 Printer configuration ________________________________________________________________ 15 ^MNa (Media Tracking)__________________________________________________________________ 15 ^MTa (Thermal Media)___________________________________________________________________ 16 ^MDn (Media Darkness)__________________________________________________________________ 16 ^LTn (Label Top) _______________________________________________________________________ 16 ^JZa (Reprint After Error)_________________________________________________________________ 16
3.1.5 Font _____________________________________________________________________________ 17 ^CFt,a,l (Change Default Font)_____________________________________________________________ 17 ^Axr,a,l (Alphanumeric Font)______________________________________________________________ 17 ^A∅r,a,l (Scalable font) __________________________________________________________________ 18
3.1.6 Bar-code _________________________________________________________________________ 18 ^Bx (Bar-code) __________________________________________________________________ 18 ^BYm,r,a (Bar-code default values) _________________________________________________________ 19 ^B2r,a,h,p,c (Interleaved 2/5) ______________________________________________________________ 19 ^B3r,c,a,h,p (Code 39) ___________________________________________________________________ 20 ^B8r,a,h,p (EAN 8)______________________________________________________________________ 21 ^B9r,a,h,p,c (UPC E) ____________________________________________________________________ 21 ^BCr,a,h,p,c,m (Code 128)________________________________________________________________ 22 ^BEr,a,h,p (EAN 13)_____________________________________________________________________ 25 ^BKr,c,a,h,p,s,t (ANSI Codabar) ___________________________________________________________ 26 ^BMr,c,a,h,p,d (MSI) ____________________________________________________________________ 27 ^BSr,a,h,p (UPC/EAN Extensions)__________________________________________________________ 27 ^BUr,a,h,p,c (UPC A)____________________________________________________________________ 28 ^BZr,a,h,p (PostNet)_____________________________________________________________________ 28
CZL – Programmer Manual
3.1.7 Graphic objects ____________________________________________________________________ 29 Boxes _________________________________________________________________________ 29 ^GBl,a,s,c (Graphic Box) _________________________________________________________________ 29 Graphic images__________________________________________________________________ 30 ~DGd:aaa.eee,b,r,xxx (Download Graphic) _______________________________________________ 30 ~DN (Abort Download Graphic) ___________________________________________________________ 32 ^XGs:aaa.eee,mx,my (Recall Graphic)_____________________________________________________ 32
^IMs:aaa.eee (Image Move) _____________________________________________________________ 32 Treating labels as graphic images (saving)_____________________________________________ 33 ^ISd:aaa.eee,p (Image Save)_____________________________________________________________ 33 ^ILs:aaa.eee (Image Load) ______________________________________________________________ 33 Moving and deleting objects________________________________________________________ 33 ^TOs:asas…as.eseses,d:adad…ad.ededed (Transfer Object)______________________________________ 34
^IDs:aaa.eee (Item Delete) ______________________________________________________________ 34 ^EG o ~EG (Erase Downloaded Graphic) ____________________________________________________ 35
3.1.8 Advanced commands________________________________________________________________ 35 Comments______________________________________________________________________ 35 ^FXaaa (Comment) ____________________________________________________________________ 35 Graphic effects __________________________________________________________________ 35 ^FR (Field Reverse Print)_________________________________________________________________ 35 ^LRa (Label Reverse Print) _______________________________________________________________ 36 Serial numerical fields ____________________________________________________________ 36 ^SNaaa,i,z (Serialization Data)___________________________________________________________ 36 Variable fields __________________________________________________________________ 37 ^MCa (Map Clear) ______________________________________________________________________ 37 ^FVaaa (Variable Field Data)____________________________________________________________ 37 Saving the “format” ______________________________________________________________ 37 ^EF o ~EF (Erase Format) ________________________________________________________________ 38 ^DFd:aaa.eee (Download Format) ________________________________________________________ 38 ^FNn (Field Number) ____________________________________________________________________ 38 ^FAn (Field Allocate)____________________________________________________________________ 39 ^XFs:aaa.eee (Recall Format)____________________________________________________________ 39 ^WDs:aaa.eee (Print Directory on Label)___________________________________________________ 39 ^HWs:aaa.eee (Host Directory List)_______________________________________________________ 39 Copies of labels _________________________________________________________________ 40 ^PQt,p,d,c (Print Quantity)________________________________________________________________ 40 Setting printer speed______________________________________________________________ 41 ^PRs,f (Print Rate) ______________________________________________________________________ 41 Backfeed_______________________________________________________________________ 41 ^XB (Suppress Backfeed) _________________________________________________________________ 41 Resolution______________________________________________________________________ 42 ^JMa (Set resolution) ____________________________________________________________________ 42
3.2 ~ Commands __________________________________________________________________ 42
3.2.1 Query commands___________________________________________________________________ 42 ~HM (Memory Status) ___________________________________________________________________ 42 ~HS (Host Status)_______________________________________________________________________ 43 ~JR (Power On Reset) ___________________________________________________________________ 44
3.2.2 Calibration and setting commands______________________________________________________ 44 ~JC (Set Media Sensor Calibration)_________________________________________________________ 44 ~JL (Set Label Length)___________________________________________________________________ 45
3.2.3 Cancel commands __________________________________________________________________ 45 ~JA (Cancel All)________________________________________________________________________ 45 ~JP (Pause and Cancel Format) ____________________________________________________________ 45
CZL – Programmer Manual
~JX (Cancel Current Partially Input Format) __________________________________________________ 45
3.2.4 Control commands__________________________________________________________________ 45 ~PH o ^PH (Slew to Home Position) ________________________________________________________ 45 ~PP o ^PP (Programmable Pause) __________________________________________________________ 45 ~PS (Print Start) ________________________________________________________________________ 45
3.2.5 Prefix replacement commands_________________________________________________________ 46 ~CCx o ^CCx (Change Caret)______________________________________________________________ 46 ~CTx o ^CTx (Change Tilde)______________________________________________________________ 46
3.2.6 Diagnostic commands _______________________________________________________________ 46 ~JD (Enable Dump Mode) ________________________________________________________________ 46 ~JE (Disable Dump Mode) ________________________________________________________________ 46 ~WC (Print Configuration Label) ___________________________________________________________ 46
4. Font and bar-code specifications _____________________________________________ 47
4.1 Fonts _________________________________________________________________________47
4.2 Bar-codes _____________________________________________________________________48
5. Examples_________________________________________________________________ 50
5.1 Example with alphanumeric strings, bar-codes, and boxes_____________________________50
5.2 Example with graphic images_____________________________________________________ 53
5.3 Example of reverse _____________________________________________________________ 55
5.4 Example with serial fields________________________________________________________56
5.5 Example with variable fields _____________________________________________________57
6. ASCII tables ______________________________________________________________ 59
7. List of figures _____________________________________________________________ 61
8. List of tables ______________________________________________________________ 62
CZL – Programmer Manual
2. I
In order to operate, thermal printers need to receive a series of commands sent to them in order according to precise procedures. To address all needs, we have developed the CZL language for its own printers, among others. In general, a CZL command consists of a prefix, a two-character mnemonic code, and a string of parameters. The prefix, the mnemonic code, and the string of parameters are composed of printable characters without any control character (e.g. escape): this guarantees easy loading of the software onto different types of computers. For the same reason, the print file to be sent to the printer may be a simple text file (composed with any editor); alternatively, the instructions may be sent in the form of a programming language (e.g. Basic), or the label may be laid out on the monitor screen with WYSIWIG1 or word processing software that, by means of a driver, converts the label into instructions that can be understood by the printer. In this later case, the user can ignore the programming language described by this manual, even if knowing it is useful to a full understanding of the functions and potential of the machine. This software is extremely powerful and makes it possible for non-expert users to create labels by using just the mouse and the keyboard, while also making it possible to use our printers with any application (database, word processing, and others). On the other hand, if the user wishes to optimize machine performance, the best approach is to program the printer with the CZL language described in this manual.
What You See Is What You Get.
CZL – Programmer Manual
3. C
In the CZL language, all commands can be sent both in upper and lower case characters (or partially in upper case and partially in lower case), which produce the same result and are always preceded by a prefix that identifies their type. The character ^ (
^ commands
and the character ~ (
on the ASCII table) the
on the ASCII table) identifies the
~ commands
(see fig. 1).
Some commands support both the prefix ^ and ~2.
CZL com m ands


G e n era l p ara meters for th e lab e l
Field definition
Text form atting
Printer configuration
Calibration and setting comm ands
Prefix replacemen t com man ds
fig. 1 – Classification of commands
Both prefixes can be replaced with the commands
described on page 46.
Graphic object
Ad vanced comman d s
Query commands
Cancel commands
Control commands
Diagnostic com m and s
(Change Caret) and
(Change Tilde),
CZL – Programmer Manual
The parameters are separated from each other and their respective commands by a separator character, the comma (
Please refer to section 5 on page 50, where several examples illustrate the functions of the commands.
on the ASCII table).
3.1 ^ Commands
3.1.1 General parameters for the label Start and end format commands
^XA (Start Format)
When it receives this command, the printer prepares to receive the ^ commands that will be performed in the order in which they have been received. In other words, all ^ commands are preceded by the command
and followed by the subsequent command
^XZ (End Format)
This is normally the last in a series of commands sent to the printer. It follows all ^ commands, which can thus be inserted between the command only interprets ~ commands or another
. After this command, the printer
^XZ Positioning commands
^LHx,y (Label Home)
This command makes it possible to position the origin of the coordinates, or move the entire bitmap away from zero (the upper left corner) (see fig. 2).
fig. 2 – Origin of the coordinates
CZL – Programmer Manual
is a whole number from
y is a whole number from
to After receiving this command (which must be sent before the first command page 13) the printer keeps these values until it is reset or until it receives another
and expresses the horizontal offset expressed in dots5.
and expresses the vertical offset expressed in dots.
as described on
command. The command only affects the commands that follow it, so it is normally one of the first to be sent, in order for it to affect the entire label. It is useful, for example, in centering text on a pre-printed label.
^LLy (Label Length)
In thermal printers the paper is positioned under the head by means of a reference (the gap between labels, the hole, or the black tick mark on the back). If the paper does not contain any reference marker (meaning that it is a procedure (with the
length command). The command must be sent before the first comes before or after the another
Default value.
Although it is possibl e to insert any whole number up to 9999, the limit is determined by the number of dots on the print head (or its width for the set resolution). A greater number displaces the image outside the useful printing area. See the printer User Manual.
If the printer resolution (see the User Manual) is 203 dpi, one dot corresponds to 1/8 mm, if the resolution is 300 dpi, to 1/12 mm.
Default value.
Although it is possibl e to i nsert a ny whole number up to 9999, the limit is determined by the maximum printing length (in turn limited by the available amount of RAM). A larger number displaces the image outside the useful printing area. See the printer User Manual.
continuous form
) the printer must be informed of the operating
command on page 15) and length of the printing page (using the label
command (page 13) (it does not matter whether it
command) and remains in effect until the machine is reset or receives
CZL – Programmer Manual
is a whole number from
and expresses the length of the printing page in
numbers of
^LSx (Label Shift)
In reference to fig. 2 on page 9, this command shifts the entire image of the label to the left by x dots.
is a whole number from
This command too must be sent before the first the machine is reset or receives the next
and expresses the amount of displacement in
command (page 13) and remains in effect until
numbers of
In practice, the amount (in dots) the label is moved from the origin of the coordinates, illustrated in fig. 2 on page 9, is determined by the following formula:
^LHx + ^FOx - ^LSx13
If the result of this formula is a negative value, it is interpreted as equal to 0 because it is not possible to print farther to the left than the first useful dot on the print head. Rotation commands
^FWa (Field Orientation)
This permits clockwise rotation by 0°, 90°, 180°, or 270° (according to the value assigned to parameter a) of all (and only) those fields which can be assigned a rotation parameter. In other words, the rotation defined by this command is the default setting if another one is not specified. The parameter a may assume the following values:
Normal R: Rotated I: Inverted B: Bottom Up
(0°) orientation (90°) orientation (180°) orientation
(270°) orientation The command affects only those fields which can be assigned a rotation parameter when it is omitted. When the rotation parameter can be assigned and is used, it overrides the Like the others, the or the next
Default value.
See note 7 on page 9.
See note 5 on page 9.
Default value.
See note 5 on page 9.
See pages 8 and 11 respectively for a description of the commands
Default value.
command is sent.
command affects only the commands that follow it until the printer is reset
CZL – Programmer Manual
3.1.2 Field definition
These commands make it possible to define the type and position of the fields (e.g. alphanumeric strings) that comprise the label.
^FOx,y (Field Origin)
This command determines the position of the upper left corner of the field in relation to the zero coordinate set by the command whatever the rotation, the upper left corner of the rectangle surrounding the field is set to the coordinate x, y (see fig. 3). When the field is horizontal (whether its rotation is it is always in the same position as when it is vertical (whether its rotation is
(page 8) and is independent of the rotation. In other words,
bottom up
fig. 3 – Rotation of a field positioned with the ^FO command
is a whole number from
page 9) in the upper left corner of the field, expressed in dots
is a whole number from
and is the horizontal position along the x axis (see fig. 2 on
and is the vertical position along the y axis in the upper left
corner of the field, expressed in dots.
^FTx,y (Field Typeset)
This command, like the previous one, sets the position of the origin of the field (in relation to the zero coordinate set by the
Default value.
See note 4 on page 9.
See note 5 on page 9.
Default value.
See note 7 on page 9.
command described on page 8) consistently with the content of the
CZL – Programmer Manual
field and does not change the rotation. In practice, the field rotates around its origin (generally the lower left corner), as appears in fig. 4.
fig. 4 – Rotation of a field positioned with the ^FT command
x is a whole number from 020 to 999921 and is the horizontal position along the x axis (see fig. 2 on
page 9), expressed in dots22. y is a whole number from 023 to 999924 and is the vertical position along the y axis, expressed in dots. The origin of the field, whose coordinates are set by the parameters x and y, varies according to its type. In text fields, the origin i s located at the intersect ion of the line on which the characters are al igned and the vertical line with which the first character is aligned (in the case of horizontal writing, this is the lower left corner). If the coordinates are omitted (even just one of these), the coordinates of the last field entered are used as if the label image were virtually shifted with a cursor. This is how the fields can be more easily positioned with respect to one of them: by changing the coordinates of the reference field, all the other fields are moved while preserving their relative position with respect to the first field. In th e bar-code fields, the origin is the base of the bar-code, even when there i s a human-readable field beneath them or when the bar-code provides for a line above and below it. The origin of the graphic box fields is the lower left corner. The origin of the images is the lower left corner of the rectangle in which the graphic image is inserted.
Default value.
See note 4 on page 9.
See note 5 on page 9.
Default value.
See note 7 on page 9.
CZL – Programmer Manual
^FDaaa (Field Data)
This command makes it possible to define the string to be entered in the field.
is an alphanumeric string (up to 3072 characters long) of any printable character, with the
exception of the two prefix characters (e.g. ^ and ~). The characters ^ and ~ can be printed if the prefix character is changed with the commands
on page 13.
This last command,
is useful for printing all characters after the 127th on the ASCII table (table
^CC (~CC
) and
^CT (~CT
) or with the command
9 and table 10 on pages 59 and 60) and, in general, all characters that are not directly available on
the keyboard.
Even the characters
<CR> (13
) and
<LF> (10
) can be entered in the field.
^FS (Field Separator)
This command is the separator for each field; in other words, it sets the end of a field and the
beginning of the next one. Therefore, it is obligatory, and every command for rotation, positioning,
etc. in the field takes effect if it is followed by the
^FHi (Field Hex)
This command makes it possible to print any character through its hexadecimal code. In particular,
it is possible to insert the hexadecimal code of the character to be printed directly in the string
of the
Therefore, the
command as long as it is preceded by the character i defined by the Field Hex command.
command must precede every
command (or any other command where a
data field is specified).
can be any printable character as long as its meaning is unambiguous: in the following
string, every appearance of the i character signifies hexadecimal code identifier. Therefore, it makes sense to use a character that is not printed: The default i s the
character _ (
After the i identifier, the machine interprets the t wo subsequent charact ers as the hex adecimal code
of the character to be printed, and thus the two following characters can be any two of the
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, A, a, B, b, C, c, D, d, E, e, F, f.
3.1.3 Text formatting
^FBl,n,s,g,m (Field Block)
This command makes it possible to print different lines of text enclosed in a virtual box that
assumes the properties (origin, font, rotation) of the text field. This makes it possible to move,
enlarge, and otherwise manipulate the entire box without modifying each string of text. This
CZL – Programmer Manual
command incorporates an automatic word wrapping function25 to make operations easier without worrying about the placement of individual strings.
is the width of the box expressed in dots26. It can be any whole number between
However, it must not be smaller than the width of a character or larger than the width of the
printing area (see note 4 on page 9). If the width of the block is not sufficient to contain at least
one character, nothing is printed; if it is not large enough to contain everything, only the text
contained in the block is printed28.
is the maximum number of lines that the box can contain. It can be any whole number between
number of lines
. In practice, this parameter determines the height of the box (which is thus expressed in
). Thus, by changing the font type, the dimensions of the box are automatically
adjusted. If the number of lines is not sufficient to contain all the lines of text that are to be
printed, the last of these is overwritten (thus becoming illegible) until all characters to be printed
are consumed.
è is a whole number between
and indicates the space (in dots31) to add (if the number is positive) or subtract (if the number is negative) between one line and another. The numbers without sign are read as positive.
is a letter that can assume the following value on the basis of the type of justification desired:
for left justification of the text, C to center it in the box, J for full justification, and R for right justification.
is a whole number between
indicating the number of dots that the left margin is
indented for lines after the first. Its function is thus to indent text.
To render formatting of text inside the box easier, the following sequences of special characters can be used:
corresponds to a
corresponds to a word break. If the split word is close to the left margin, the printer adds word-
(Carriage Return) +
(Line Feed), to force a carriage return.
break hyphen. Otherwise, the word break is ignored.
serves to print the character \.
If a word is too long to be contained on a single line (and is not broken by any \ character) a word­break hyphen is automatically added close to the left margin of the block and the rest of the word is printed on the following line. The language does not provide any rule for syllabification of the words: they are split apart according to their length. Therefore, it is necessary to force their break with the \ command to respect the syllabification rules of the word itself. These special sequences of characters also fall within the limit of 3072 characters indicated for the
command. That is, each alphanumeric string
, including special sequences, cannot
be longer than 3072 characters.
Just as in word processing, the text is justified (on the left, center, full justification, or on the right) and returns
automatically inside the box.
See note 5 on page 9.
Default value.
Therefore, the parameter l is mandatory since the default value 0 would be used instead.
Default value.
0 is the default value.
See note 5 on page 9.
Default value.
Default value.
CZL – Programmer Manual
The normal characters (i.e. different from the \& sequence mentioned above) and
<LF> (10
When the Therefore, especially when also using the
) are ignored, just like the spaces (
command is used, the field origin is the lower left corner (see fig. 4 on page 12).
command, it is necessary to check whether, upon
) at the end of the line.
<CR> (13
enlargement of the font size, there could be a change in the dimensions of the box (from bottom to top) that could spill over the top limit for the label. In this case, only the part of the label contained within the printing area is printed, and the excess amount is left out. In fig. 2 on page 9, the origin of the coordinates corresponds to the upper left corner of the label, and thus everything that goes beyond the origin (with, absurdly, negative coordinates) is lost. When the
command is used, upon an increase in font size, the box resizes itself from top to
bottom (the origin of the coordinates is the upper left corner, as appears in fig. 3 on page 11) and, therefore, the risk consists in losing the portion extending below the lower edge of the label. More generally, with the CZL emulation, the useful bitmap is determined by the size of the label: never does it happen that one part of the image is printed on one label and the other part on another. For the
command to take effect, it m ust be preceded by the data string and be followed by the
3.1.4 Printer configuration
Many of the printer configuration parameters (please refer to the User Manual) can also be defined with software. The parameters defined with software override those defined through the machine configuration menu. Or, if one of the configuration parameters is modified with a software command, the current configuration of the machine is modified until it is reset. When the machine is turned on again, the configuration parameters assume the values of the last saved configuration, and those changed with software are lost if they have not been saved.
^MNa (Media Tracking)
Through this command, it is possible to inform the printer of the type of label in use: continuous form (no reference marker) or labels with a reference marker (be it a gap, black tick mark, or hole). In the two cases where the parameter a assumes the following values:
for continuous form
for the reference label.
With the continuous form, it is necessary to define the page length with the described above (page 9); where the label is separated by a reference marker (of any type), the length of the printing page is determined by the paper sensor set up to detect the gap (or black tick mark or hole). The instruction is ignored if the parameter is ignored or different from these two.
command already
See page 13.
CZL – Programmer Manual
^MTa (Thermal Media)
In general, thermal printers can print on different types of media using ink ribbon (this type of printing is called
thermal transfer
) or directly onto thermal paper (this is called
direct thermal
printing). The printing mode is defined with a specific machine configuration parameter or with the following command. In this case, a can assume two different values:
to set the
to set the
thermal transfer
direct thermal
The instruction is ignored if the parameter is omitted or is different from these two.
^MDn (Media Darkness)
Depending on the type of medium that is going to be used, the type of ribbon used, and the printing speed, the print quality is determined by the head temperature. There are 30 possible temperature levels (one of which is set from the panel). By means of this command, it is possible to adjust the head temperature (and thus print density) incrementally according to the value set during configuration. Specifically, the parameter n is a whole number between
and convention of assuming all numbers without sign as being positive. After executing the current command, the number n is added algebraically to the temperature set during configuration; the result of the operation is the new printer temperature. Even when several
commands are sent,
each one of them refers to the value set in the machine configuration. The effect of the commands is not cumulative: it is the one resulting from the last command sent. If the result of the command temperature is assumed to be
produces a temperature value over
and 0 respectively.
or less than
with the
^LTn (Label Top)
In order to define the exact position of the label, this command can be used, where n is a whole number between
. The result is longitudinal displacement of the entire prin ting image
by n dots36 in reference to the origin of the coordinates as indicated in fig. 2 on page 9. Once again, it is assumed that numbers without sign are positive.
^JZa (Reprint After Error)
In general, after resetting following an operating error (e.g. when the paper or ribbon run out), the printer reprints the whole label that was interrupted due to the error. This command is used to disable this function. The parameter a can assume one of the following two values:
reprinting is enabled
printing is disabled.
The default value is 0.
See note 5 on page 9.
Default value.
CZL – Programmer Manual
The instruction is ignored if the parameter is ignored or different from the two allowed, and it only affects subsequent labels.
3.1.5 Font
The language offers a selection of fonts that can be chosen as necessary (see section 4.1 on page 47 for their specifications). It is possible to set a default font: in this case, all alphanumeric fields will be in the font selected if not otherwise specified. Or, it i s possible to set the type of font for each field. The following commands permit you to determine the type of font and some of their features.
^CFt,a,l (Change Default Font)
This command makes it possible to chose the machine default font. After this command, all fields are printed with the selected font (as well as their height and width) until the next command.
is a letter between
and H or zero (
) and identifies the font type (see section 4.1 on page 47). a is a whole number between 0 and 999939 and indicates the height of the character expressed in dots. l is a whole number between 0 and 999940 and indicates the width of the character expressed in dots. If one of the two height (a) or width (l) parameters is omitted, the other is forced proportionately. Thus, if a width double the normal dimension for that font type is specified without indicating the height, the latter is also assumed to be doubled in order to preserve the proportion of the character. If both parameters a and l are omitted, the default values or those of the last ^CF command received are applied. The fact is that the language does not allow all possible heights for non-scalable fonts (those from A to H). Approximations of multiples of the whole numbers closest to standard sizes are used for the dimensions set with parameters a and l. Referring to table 5 on page 47, if the selected height of font A is 16, the language forces the height to 18, which corresponds to double the standard height (9 x
^Axr,a,l (Alphanumeric Font)
This command lets you select the font field by field.
x is a letter between A and H and identifies the font type (see section 4.1 on page 47). r is one of the following four letters and indicates the clockwise rotation of the field:
N normal rotation of 0°41 R rotated by 90° I inverted by 180°
Default value.
The default value is specified, font by font, in table 5 on page 47.
See note 39.
The default value is N or generally the last value received with the ^FW command described on page 10.
CZL – Programmer Manual
B bottom up
is a whole number between 0 and
is a whole number between 0 and
Once again, the same observations made regarding the height and width specified by the
rotation of 270°
indicating the height of the character, expressed in dots.
indicating the width of the character, expressed in dots.
command on page 17 apply, to which the reader is referred.
^A∅r,a,l (Scalable font)
Scalable fonts merit a separate discussion. They can be of any width or height, and their proportion is guaranteed by the algorithm resident in the programming language. Otherwise, the dimensions of the bitmap fonts (those identified by letters
A – H
sizes (even if the number is high). Furthermore, the scalable fonts are proportionately spaced44, which enhances their appearance. Like the bitmap fonts, the parameter r is one of the following four letters and indicates the clockwise rotation of the field:
N normal R rotated I inverted B bottom up
is a whole number between
is a whole number between
) are multiples of the standard. This means that there is a limited number of possible
rotation of 0°45
by 90°
rotated by 180°
rotation of 270°
, indicating the character height in dots.
, indicating the width of the character in dots.
3.1.6 Bar-code ^Bx (Bar-code)
In order to insert a bar-code, its type and characteristics (e.g. rotation, height, etc.) must be specified, where some these are typical (see section 4.2 on page 48 for a summary of these characteristics). Since not all of these paramet ers are mandatory, with others being characteristic of each bar-code, all the one. As is true for all the other CZL commands, when a parameter is expressly omitted because the default value or the previously set value are accepted, the used so that the reader can know which one of the parameters has been “implied.” The separator may be omitted when it is not followed by another parameter.
See note 39.
See note 39.
See note 202 on page 48.
The default value is N or generally the last value received with the
The default value is 15 or the value set with the last
The default value is 12 or the value set with the last
commands are explai ned in detail with the specific parameters for each
separator must nonetheless be
command (page 17).
command (page 17).
command described on page 10.
CZL – Programmer Manual
^BYm,r,a (Bar-code default values)
This command makes it possible to set the width of the module, the ratio and height of all bar-codes included in the label, and affects the bar-codes that follow it up to the next
is a whole number between 1 and
and expresses the width in dots of the narrow bar (the base
module of the bar-code)
is a rational number (with a single decimal-place character) between
of the bar-codes. The actual ratio (according to which the bar-code is printed) is limited by the fact that it is not possible to break up a dot into fractions. Therefore, it depends on the parameter
together with the parameter m in accordance with table 1. In fixed ratio bar-codes, this
parameter has no effect.
is a whole number between 1 and
and indicates the height of the bar-code, expressed in
Ratio (r) Module (m)
2.0 2:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 2:1
2.1 2:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 2.1:1
2.2 2:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 2.2:1 2.16:1 2.1:1 2.12:1 2.1:1 2.2:1
2.3 2:1 2:1 2.3:1 2.25:1 2.2:1 2.16:1 2.28:1 2.25:1 2.2:1 2.3:1
2.4 2:1 2:1 2.3:1 2.25:1 2.4:1 2.3:1 2.28:1 2.37:1 2.3:1 2.4:1
2.5 2:1 2.5:1 2.3:1 2.5:1 2.4:1 2.5:1 2.4:1 2.5:1 2.4:1 2.5:1
2.6 2:1 2.5:1 2.3:1 2.5:1 2.6:1 2.5:1 2.57:1 2.5:1 2.5:1 2.6:1
2.7 2:1 2.5:1 2.6:1 2.5:1 2.6:1 2.6:1 2.57:1 2.65:1 2.6:1 2.7:1
2.8 2:1 2.5:1 2.6:1 2.75:1 2.8:1 2.6:1 2.7:1 2.75:1 2.7:1 2.8:1
2.9 2:1 2.5:1 2.6:1 2.75:1 2.8:1 2.8:1 2.85:1 2.87:1 2.8:1 2.9:1
3.0 3:1 3:1 :31 3:1 3:1 3:1 3:1 3:1 3:1 3:1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
and sets the ratio
table 1 – Relationship between the ratio and width of the module
^B2r,a,h,p,c (Interleaved 2/5)
This is a high-density code, accepts only numerals, and is of variable length with an optional digit check; it accepts ratios from 2 to 3 (see table 8 on page 49). The command accepts up to 100 characters but the limit is determined by the label width (or by the maximum length of the printing area if the bar-code is rotated by 90°/270°51) together with the ratio set by the printing area due its excessive siz e (determined by the number of characters to be coded and/or by the ratio), it could be wrongly interpreted by the reader. In any event, the part that is included in the useful printing area is printed.
The default value is 2.
The default value is
The default value is 10. The upper limit is determined by the greatest length of the label (see note 7 on page 9).
The maximum length of the printing area is in turn limited by the available RAM. Please refer to the User Manual.
command on page 19. In other words, if the bar-code spills over the boundaries of the
. The point is used as the decimal separator.
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