Compuprint 4247-Z03 Programmer Manual

Compuprint 4247 Serial Matrix Printers
Compuprint 4247 Model X03/Z03 Printers: Programmer Manual
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 357.
First edition (October 2011)
This edition applies to the Compuprint 4247 X03-Z03 printers and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new edition.
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ii Programmer Manual
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Figures ....................................xiii
Tables ....................................xv
The 4247 Model X03/Z03 Serial Matrix Printers ....................xvii
Printer description ................................xvii
Print speeds .................................xvii
Paper paths .................................xvii
Print qualities ................................xviii
Printer interfaces ...............................xviii
Printer datastream emulations ..........................xviii
How to Use This Manual..............................xix
Chapter 1. Personal Printer Data Stream (PPDS) ....................1
Print Job Processing................................1
Page Printing Concept ...............................1
Page Presentation ................................1
Graphic and Control Character Sequences .......................3
PPDS Compatibility ................................4
One-Byte Controls ................................4
Null (NUL) ..................................4
Bell (BEL)...................................4
Backspace (BS) ................................5
Horizontal Tab (HT) ...............................5
Line Feed (LF) .................................5
Vertical Tab (VT) ................................5
Form Feed (FF) ................................5
Carriage Return (CR) ..............................5
Shift Out (SO) / Double-Wide Print .........................6
Shift In (SI) / Condensed Print ...........................6
Device Control 1 (DC1) / Select ..........................6
Device Control 2 (DC2) / Select ..........................6
Device Control 3 (DC3) / Select ..........................6
Device Control 4 (DC4) / Select ..........................7
Cancel (CAN) .................................7
Escape (ESC) .................................7
Space ....................................7
Escape Sequence Controls .............................7
Null (ESC NUL) ................................9
Bell (ESC BEL).................................9
Backspace (ESC BS) ..............................9
Horizontal Tab (ESC HT) .............................9
Line Feed (ESC LF) ...............................9
Vertical Tab (ESC VT) ..............................10
Form Feed (ESC FF) ..............................10
Carriage Return (ESC CR) ............................10
Shift Out (ESC SO) / Doube-Wide Print .......................10
Shift In (ESC SI) / Condensed Print.........................10
Device Control 1 (ESC DC1 / Select) ........................11
Device Control 2 (ESC DC2) / Select 10 CPI
Device Control 3 (ESC DC3) / Deselect .......................11
Device Control 4 (ESC DC4) / Cancel Double-Wide Print .................11
Cancel (ESC CAN) ...............................11
Auto Underscore (ESC -) ............................12
Set 1/8 Inch Line Spacing (ESC 0) .........................12
Set 7/72 Inch Line Spacing (ESC 1) ........................12
Invoke Text Line Spacing (ESC 2) .........................12
Set Graphics Line Spacing (ESC 3) .........................12
Set Top of Form (ESC 4).............................13
Set Auto Line Feed (ESC 5) ...........................13
Select PC Character Set 2 (ESC 6) .........................13
Select PC Character Set 1 (ESC 7) .........................13
Set 12 CPI (ESC :) ...............................13
Unidirectional Printing (ESC <) ..........................13
Character Font Image Download (ESC =) ......................14
Select n/72 Inch Line Spacing (ESC A) .......................15
Set Vertical Tabs (ESC B) ............................15
Set Page Length (ESC C) ............................15
Set Horizontal Tabs (ESC D) ...........................16
Begin Emphasized Print (ESC E)..........................16
End Emphasized Print (ESC F) ..........................16
Begin Double-Strike Print (ESC G) .........................16
End Double-Strike Print (ESC H) ..........................16
Change Font (ESC I) ..............................16
Relative Move Baseline (ESC J) ..........................17
Normal Density Bit Image Graphics (ESC K) .....................18
Dual Density Bit Image Graphics Type 1 (ESC L)....................18
Begin Skip Perforation (ESC N) ..........................18
End Skip Perforation (ESC O) ...........................18
Proportional Space Mode (ESC P) .........................19
Deselect on Positive Query Reply (ESC Q) ......................19
Set Default Tabs (ESC R) ............................19
Begin Subscript/Superscript (ESC S) ........................19
End Subscript/Superscript (ESC T) .........................20
Set Print Direction (ESC U) ............................20
Double-Wide Continuous Mode (ESC W).......................20
Set Horizontal Margins (ESC X) ..........................20
Dual Density Bit Image Graphics Type 2 (ESC Y) ...................21
High Density Bit Image Graphics (ESC Z) ......................21
Print All Characters (ESC \)............................21
Reverse Line Feed (ESC ]) ............................21
Print Single Character (ESC ^) ..........................22
Continuous Overscore (ESC _) ..........................22
Relative Move Right (ESC d) ...........................22
Relative Move Left (ESC e)............................22
Select Line Scoring (ESC [ -) ...........................22
Set Presentation Highlight (SPH) (ESC [ @) .....................23
Set Font Global (SFG) (ESC [ I) ..........................23
Set Initial Conditions (SIC) (ESC [ K) ........................24
Select Code Page (SCP) (ESC [ T) .........................26
Set Print Quality (SPQ) (ESC [ d) .........................27
4247 Commands ................................28
Select EAN-8 Bar Code (DC4 DC4 ESC ! NN 1 PP EM) .................29
Select EAN-13 Bar Code (DC4 DC4 ESC ! NN 2 PP EM)
Select UPC-A Bar Code (DC4 DC4 ESC ! NN 3 PP EM) .................29
Select MSI Bar Code (DC4 DC4 ESC ! NN 4 PP EM) ..................30
Select UPC-E Bar Code (DC4 DC4 ESC ! NN 5 PP EM) .................30
Select UPC 2-Digit Bar Code (Magazine) (DC4 DC4 ESC ! NN 6 PP EM) ..........30
Select UPC 5-Digit Bar Code (Magazine) (DC4 DC4 ESC ! NN 7 PP EM) ..........31
iv Programmer Manual
Select 2 of 5 INTERLEAVED Bar Code (DC4 DC4 ESC ! NN 17 PP EM) ...........31
Select 2 of 5 INDUSTRIAL Bar Code (DC4 DC4 ESC ! NN 18 PP EM)............31
Select 2 of 5 MATRIX Bar Code (DC4 DC4 ESC ! NN 19 PP EM) .............32
Select CODE 3 of 9 Bar Code (DC4 DC4 ESC ! NN 20 PP EM) ..............32
Select CODABAR Bar Code (DC4 DC4 ESC ! NN 22 PP EM) ...............32
Select CODE 128 Bar Code (DC4 DC4 ESC ! NN 23 PP EM) ...............33
Select POSTNET Bar Code (DC4 DC4 ESC ! NN 24 PP EM) ...............33
Print Bar Code Selection (DC4 DC4 ESC ( GS {N1} {DATA1} GS {N2} {DATA2} EM).......34
Reinitialize Printer (DC4 DC4 ESC @) ........................34
Set Vertical Spacing n/144 Inch (DC4 DC4 ESC 1 NN) .................34
Set Vertical Spacing 12 Lines/30mm (DC4 DC4 ESC 3 1) ................34
Set Vertical Spacing 3 Lines/30mm (DC4 DC4 ESC 3 3) .................34
Set Vertical Spacing 4 Lines/30mm (DC4 DC4 ESC 3 4) .................35
Set Vertical Spacing 6 Lines/30mm (DC4 DC4 ESC 3 6) .................35
Set Vertical Spacing 8 Lines/30mm (DC4 DC4 ESC 3 8) .................35
Eject Single Sheet or Form Feed (DC4 DC4 ESC 5) ..................35
Set 15, 17.1, 20 CPI (DC4 DC4 ESC A) .......................35
Load or Park Fanfold from a Rear Path (DC4 DC4 ESC N) ................35
Load or Park Fanfold from a Front Path (DC4 DC4 ESC T) ................36
Select Emulation (DC4 DC4 ESC Y) ........................36
Select AFTA in Column (DC4 DC4 ESC Z) ......................36
Select Resident Font (DC4 DC4 ESC g) .......................36
Request to Read Configuration (DC4 DC4 ESC h) ...................36
Printer Configuration Response (DC4 DC4 ESC h) ...................37
Write Configuration Response (DC4 DC4 ESC i) ....................37
Write Configuration Acknowledgement (DC4 DC4 ESC i) .................37
Select Print Quality (DC4 DC4 ESC p)........................37
Buffer Terminating Conditions ............................38
Chapter 2. Epson FX-1050 Data Stream .......................39
Print Job Processing ...............................39
Page Printing Concept ..............................39
Page Presentation ................................39
One-Byte Controls ................................41
Null (NUL) ..................................41
Bell (BEL) ..................................41
Backspace (BS) ................................42
Horizontal Tab (HT)...............................42
Line Feed (LF) ................................42
Vertical Tab (VT)................................42
Form Feed (FF) ................................42
Carriage Return (CR) ..............................42
Shift Out (SO) / Double-Wide Print .........................43
Shift In (SI) / Condensed Print ...........................43
Device Control 1 (DC1) / Select ..........................43
Device Control 2 (DC2) / Cancel Condensed Print ...................43
Device Control 3 (DC3) / Deselect .........................43
Device Control 4 (DC4) / Cancel Double-Wide Print ...................44
Cancel (CAN) .................................44
Space (SP) ..................................44
Delete Character (DEL) .............................44
Escape Sequence Controls
Escape (ESC).................................46
Null (ESC NUL) ................................46
Bell (ESC BEL) ................................46
Backspace (ESC BS) ..............................47
Contents v
Horizontal Tab (ESC HT).............................47
Line Feed (ESC LF) ..............................47
Vertical Tab (ESC VT) ..............................47
Form Feed (ESC FF) ..............................47
Carriage Return (ESC CR) ............................48
Shift Out (ESC SO) / Double-Wide Print .......................48
Shift In (ESC SI) / Condensed Print.........................48
Device Control 1 (ESC DC1) / Select ........................48
Device Control 2 (ESC DC2) / Cancel Condensed Print .................48
Device Control 3 (ESC DC3) / Deselect .......................48
Device Control 4 (ESC DC4) / Cancel Double-Wide Print .................49
Cancel (ESC CAN) ...............................49
Set Intercharacter Spacing (ESC SP) ........................49
Master Select (ESC !) ..............................49
Cancel MSB Control (ESC #) ...........................49
Set Absolute Print Position (ESC $) .........................50
Select User-Defined Set (ESC %) .........................50
Define User-Defined Characters (ESC &).......................50
Select Graphics Mode (ESC *) ..........................51
Auto Underscore (ESC –) ............................51
Select Vertical Tab Channel (ESC /).........................51
Set 1/8 Inch Line Spacing (ESC 0) .........................51
Set 7/72 Inch Line Spacing (ESC 1) ........................52
Set 1/6 Inch Line Spacing (ESC 2) .........................52
Set n/216 Inch Line Spacing (ESC 3) ........................52
Select Italic Mode (ESC 4) ............................52
Cancel Italic Mode (ESC 5) ............................52
Printable Code Area Expansion (ESC 6) .......................53
Cancel Printable Code Area Expansion (ESC 7) ....................53
Copy ROM into Ram (ESC : NUL) .........................53
Select Unidirectional Mode (one line only) (ESC <) ...................53
Set MSB to 0 (ESC =)..............................53
Set MSB to 1 (ESC >)..............................53
Reassign Graphics Mode (ESC ?) .........................53
Initialize Printer (ESC @) ............................54
Select n/72 Inch Line Spacing (ESC A) .......................54
Set Vertical Tabs (ESC B) ............................54
Set Page Length (ESC C) ............................55
Set Horizontal Tabs (ESC D) ...........................55
Begin Emphasized Print (ESC E)..........................55
End Emphasized Print (ESC F) ..........................55
Begin Double-Strike Print (ESC G) .........................55
End Double-Strike Print (ESC H) ..........................56
Printable Code Area Expansion (ESC I) .......................56
Perform n/216 Inch Line Feed (ESC J) .......................56
Select Single Density Graphics Mode (ESC K).....................56
Select Double Density Graphics Mode (ESC L) ....................56
Select 12 CPI (ESC M)
Begin Skip Perforation (ESC N) ..........................57
End Skip Perforation (ESC O) ...........................57
Select 10 CPI (ESC P) .............................57
Select Right Margin (ESC Q) ...........................57
Select Character Set (ESC R) ...........................57
Begin Subscript/Superscript (ESC S) ........................58
End Subscript/Superscript (ESC T) .........................58
Set Print Direction (ESC U) ............................58
vi Programmer Manual
Double-Wide Continuous Mode (ESC W).......................59
Dual Density Bit Image Graphics Type 2 (ESC Y) ...................59
High Density Bit Image Graphics (ESC Z) ......................59
Set Relative Position (ESC \) ...........................60
Set Letter Quality Justification (ESC a) .......................60
Select Vertical Tabs in Channels (ESC b).......................60
Relative Move Right n/120 (ESC d) .........................60
Relative Move Left n/120 (ESC e) .........................60
Set 15 CPI (ESC g) ..............................61
Feed Paper n/216 Reverse (ESC j) .........................61
Select NLQ Font (ESC k) ............................61
Set Left Margin (ESC l) .............................61
Turn Proportional Mode On/Off (ESC p) .......................61
Quiet Printing (ESC s)..............................61
Select Character Table (ESC t) ..........................62
Double High Printing (ESC w) ...........................62
Select NLQ or DP Print Quality (ESC x) .......................62
4247 Commands ................................62
Select EAN-8 Bar Code (DC4 DC4 ESC ! NN 1 PP EM) .................63
Select EAN-13 Bar Code (DC4 DC4 ESC ! NN 2 PP EM) ................64
Select UPC-A Bar Code (DC4 DC4 ESC ! NN 3 PP EM) .................64
Select MSI Bar Code (DC4 DC4 ESC ! NN 4 PP EM) ..................64
Select UPC-E Bar Code (DC4 DC4 ESC ! NN 5 PP EM) .................65
Select UPC 2-Digit Bar Code (Magazine) (DC4 DC4 ESC ! NN 6 PP EM) ..........65
Select UPC 5-Digit Bar Code (Magazine) (DC4 DC4 ESC ! NN 7 PP EM) ..........65
Select 2 of 5 INTERLEAVED Bar Code (DC4 DC4 ESC ! NN 17 PP EM) ...........66
Select 2 of 5 INDUSTRIAL Bar Code (DC4 DC4 ESC ! NN 18 PP EM)............66
Select 2 of 5 MATRIX Bar Code (DC4 DC4 ESC ! NN 19 PP EM) .............66
Select CODE 3 of 9 Bar Code (DC4 DC4 ESC ! NN 20 PP EM) ..............67
Select CODABAR Bar Code (DC4 DC4 ESC ! NN 22 PP EM) ...............67
Select CODE 128 Bar Code (DC4 DC4 ESC ! NN 23 PP EM) ...............67
Select POSTNET Bar Code (DC4 DC4 ESC ! NN 24 PP EM) ...............68
Print Bar Code Selection (DC4 DC4 ESC ( GS {N1} {DATA1} GS {N2} {DATA2} EM).......68
Reinitialize Printer (DC4 DC4 ESC @) ........................69
Set Vertical Spacing n/144 Inch (DC4 DC4 ESC 1 NN) .................69
Set Vertical Spacing 12 Lines/30mm (DC4 DC4 ESC 3 1) ................69
Set Vertical Spacing 3 Lines/30mm (DC4 DC4 ESC 3 3) .................69
Set Vertical Spacing 4 Lines/30mm (DC4 DC4 ESC 3 4) .................69
Set Vertical Spacing 6 Lines/30mm (DC4 DC4 ESC 3 6) .................69
Set Vertical Spacing 8 Lines/30mm (DC4 DC4 ESC 3 8) .................70
Eject Single Sheet or Form Feed (DC4 DC4 ESC 5) ..................70
Set 15, 17.1, 20 CPI (DC4 DC4 ESC A) .......................70
Load or Park Fanfold from a Rear Path (DC4 DC4 ESC N) ................70
Load or Park Fanfold from a Front Path (DC4 DC4 ESC T) ................70
Select Emulation (DC4 DC4 ESC Y) ........................71
Select AFTA in Column (DC4 DC4 ESC Z) ......................71
Select Resident Font (DC4 DC4 ESC g) .......................71
Request to Read Configuration (DC4 DC4 ESC h) ...................71
Printer Configuration Response (DC4 DC4 ESC h)
Write Configuration Response (DC4 DC4 ESC i) ....................72
Write Configuration Acknowledgement (DC4 DC4 ESC i) .................72
Select Print Quality ...............................72
Buffer Terminating Conditions ............................72
Unsupported Command Processing..........................73
Chapter 3. Intelligent Printer Data Stream ......................75
Contents vii
Overview ...................................75
Physical Medium.................................75
IPDS Coordinate Systems .............................76
X and Y Medium Coordinate System ........................76
Logical Page Layout ..............................77
I and B Coordinate System ............................78
Processing IPDS Commands ............................79
IPDS Command Format ..............................80
Acknowledge Requests and Replies .........................81
Acknowledge Reply (ACK) ............................82
Host Acknowledgment Requests ..........................83
Printer Acknowledgment Replies ..........................83
IPDS Data ...................................84
Mixing Rules ..................................85
IPDS Operating States ..............................86
Home State .................................86
Page State ..................................86
Overlay State .................................87
Page Segment State ..............................88
A Summary of the IPDS States and Commands .....................89
A Typical IPDS Command Sequence .........................91
Printer Initialization and Preparation Sequence.....................93
Page Segment Sequence ............................94
Overlay Sequence ...............................95
Page Sequence ................................96
Error Handling .................................97
Chapter 4. IPDS Programming Information ......................99
IPDS Initialization Defaults .............................99
Parameter Values ...............................100
Command Format ................................100
Supported IPDS Command Codes for the 4247 Printer ..................101
Command Function Sets .............................102
Device Control Function Set Commands .......................102
No Operation (NOP) ..............................103
Sense Type and Model (STM) ..........................103
Set Home State (SHS) .............................106
Acknowledge Reply (ACK)............................106
Load Font Equivalence (LFE) ..........................107
Code Page ID Values .............................109
Load Copy Control (LCC) ............................110
Logical Page Descriptor (LPD) ..........................111
Logical Page Position (LPP) ...........................113
Deactivate Font (DF) ..............................114
End Page (EP) ................................114
End (END) .................................114
Execute Order Home State (XOH) .........................114
Execute Order Any State (XOA)..........................124
Text Function Set Commands ...........................133
Load Equivalence (LE) .............................133
Write Text (WT)................................134
Image Function Set Commands
Write Image Control (WIC) ...........................142
Write Image (WI) ...............................144
End (END) .................................144
Graphics Function Set Commands..........................144
viii Programmer Manual
Drawing Order Coordinate System.........................144
Graphic Medium Presentation Space ........................145
Graphic Window ...............................146
Graphic Block Area ..............................146
Positioning the Graphic Window in the Graphic Block Area................147
Write Graphics Control (WGC) ..........................148
Write Graphics (WG)..............................159
Related Drawing Orders .............................177
Bar Code Function Set Commands .........................180
Write Bar Code Control (WBCC) .........................181
Write Bar Code (WBC) .............................190
Code 128 Character Set (EBCDIC) .........................192
Overlay Function Set Commands ..........................193
Begin Overlay (BO) ..............................194
Delete Overlay (DO) ..............................194
Include Overlay (IO) ..............................194
Page Segment Function Set Commands .......................195
Begin Page Segment (BPS) ...........................195
Include Page Segment (IPS) ...........................195
Deactivate Page Segment (DPS) .........................196
Loaded Font Function Set Commands ........................196
Load Symbol Set (LSS) .............................196
Chapter 5. IPDS Exception Reporting Codes .....................199
Command Reject - X'80' .............................199
Intervention Required - X'40' ............................199
Equipment Check - X'10' .............................200
Data Check - X'08' ...............................200
Specification Check-Bar Code - X'04'.........................200
Specification Check-Graphics - X'03' .........................202
Specification Check-General - X'02' .........................204
Conditions Requiring Host Notification - X'01' ......................213
Chapter 6. Print Samples and IPDS Coding Example ..................215
Text Print Samples ...............................215
Bar Codes ..................................216
Graphics Patterns ................................217
Graphics Example ................................218
IPDS Coding Example ..............................223
Appendix A. Code Pages ............................231
EBCDIC Code Pages ..............................231
USA/Canada/Canadian Bilingual .........................233
Canadian French ...............................234
Austrian/German ...............................235
Belgian Old .................................236
Brazilian ..................................237
Finnish/Swedish ...............................239
Italian ...................................240
Japanese English ...............................241
Portuguese .................................242
Spanish/Spanish Speaking ...........................243
English (UK)/Ireland
Japanese Katakana ..............................245
French/French Azerty .............................246
Contents ix
Arabic ...................................247
Greek (Old) .................................248
Hebrew Bulletin................................249
International 5/Swiss/Belgian ...........................250
Greek/Latin (ISO 8859-7) + euro .........................251
Korean ...................................252
Thai ....................................253
Latin 2/ROECE ................................254
Icelandic ..................................255
Greek New + euro ..............................256
Cyrillic ...................................257
Yugoslav (Old) ................................258
OCR-A ...................................259
OCR-B ...................................260
Latin 9 (ISO 8859) + euro ............................261
Cyrillic Multilingual...............................262
Latin-5 Turkey ................................263
Baltic Multilingual ...............................265
Estonian ..................................266
USA/Canada + euro ..............................267
Austrian/German + euro ............................268
Danish/Norwegian + euro ............................269
Finnish/Swedish + euro .............................270
Italian + euro ................................271
Spanish/Spanish Speaking + euro .........................272
English/UK + euro...............................273
French + euro ................................274
International 5/Belgian New + euro ........................275
Icelandic + euro ...............................276
ASCII Code Pages ...............................277
USA (Personal Computer) A-54 ..........................278
Greek (MS DOS) ...............................279
Greek/Latin (ISO 8859-7) ............................280
Latin 1 (ISO 8859-1) ..............................281
PC Multilingual ................................282
Old Greek ..................................283
Latin 2/ROECE ................................284
Latin 3 (PC) .................................285
Cyrillic (PC) .................................286
Latin 5-Turkey + euro .............................287
PC Multilingual + euro .............................288
Portuguese .................................289
Icelandic ..................................290
Canadian French ...............................292
Arabic ...................................293
PC Data, Cyrillic, Russian ............................295
Greek New + euro ..............................296
OCR-A ...................................298
OCR-B ...................................299
Latin 2 (ISO 8859-2) ..............................300
Latin 3 (ISO 8859-3) ..............................301
Latin 4 (ISO 8859-4) ..............................302
x Programmer Manual
Cyrillic (ISO 8859-5) ..............................303
Latin 8 (ISO 8859-8) ..............................304
Latin 5 (ISO 8859-9) ..............................305
Baltic Multilingual ...............................306
Estonian ..................................307
Latin 9 (ISO 8859-15) + euro...........................308
Arabic Extended ...............................310
Latin 6 (ISO 8859-6) ..............................311
Farsi (Personal Computer)............................312
Estonian (Personal Computer) ..........................313
Latvian (Personal Computer) ...........................314
Lithuanian (Personal Computer)..........................315
Central Europe Latin 2 .............................316
Cyrillic Windows + euro .............................317
Epson FX-series Code Pages ...........................318
Extended Graphics Character Table ........................318
Italic Character Table..............................319
Epson Extended Character Variables ........................320
Appendix B. Application Paper Source Selection ...................321
Application-controlled paper-source selection ......................321
PSF usage - z/OS and System i .........................321
System i media selection (other than FORMDEF) ...................321
Use of 'FORMS' parameters - z/OS and System i ...................322
Using 4247 with System i Host Print Transform ....................322
Appendix C. 4247 Bar Code and OCR Printing Options .................323
Bar Code Printing Options Charts ..........................323
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Printing .....................325
OCR Symbols ................................325
OCR Scanning ................................326
Appendix D. Configuration Menu Lockout ......................327
Appendix E. Interfaces .............................329
The Parallel Interface ..............................329
Signals Description ..............................329
Operating Phases ...............................329
Parallel Interface Signals ............................330
Parallel Interface Signals Behaviour ........................331
The Serial Interface ...............................335
Serial Interface Signals .............................336
LAN Interface Port ..............................336
USB Interface Port ..............................336
Appendix F. Network Interface Technical Reference ..................337
4247 Network Configuration Parameters .......................337
Managing a Single Printer Configuration Using the 4247 Internal Webpage ...........339
Configuration Password.............................339
Storing and Saving Settings ...........................339
Managing Multiple Printers Using the 4247 Remote Printer Management Utility .........339
4247 Network Interface Summary ..........................339
IBM systems - LAN printing technical support documents on the world-wide-web ........342
32815, Configuring a *LAN 3812 SNMP Device Description ...............342
19934440, Recommended SNMP Port Number Values for *LAN 3812 SNMP Device Descriptions 343
Contents xi
8983237, Configuring a Remote Output Queue (RMTOUTQ) ...............343
18762910, Configuring a *LAN 3812 Device Description that Uses the LPR Print Driver
(TSPLPRD) Exit Program ...........................343
IPDS Services Facility (PSF) printing ........................343
Appendix G. LAN Interface MIB Support ......................345
Appendix H. The Remote Printer Management Utility..................355
Operating System Compatibility ...........................355
Software Installation and Documentation .......................355
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
xii Programmer Manual


1. The Physical Medium .............................76
2. The X
3. The Physical-Logical Page Relationship ......................77
4. The X and Y Coordinate System and the Logical Page .................78
5. The I and B Coordinate System on the Logical Page .................79
6. An Example of the IPDS Data Stream .......................79
7. A Sample Page Constructed on an IPDS Printer ...................85
8. The Relationship between Home State, Page State, and Block States ...........87
9. The Relationship between Home State, Overlay State, and Block State...........88
10. The Relationship between Home State, Page Segment State, and Block States .......89
11. The Complete IPDS State Diagram ........................91
12. Using the Load Page Descriptor Command to Specify the Logical Page ..........113
13. Using the Logical Page Position Command to Position ................113
14. Using the Set Media Size Command to Specify the Physical Medium ...........116
15. Exception Handling Control ..........................130
16. The Graphics X and Y Coordinate System .....................145
17. The Graphic Medium Presentation Space and Its Limits ................146
18. The Graphic Window within the Graphic Medium Presentation Space ...........146
19. The Graphic Block Area on the Physical Medium ..................147
20. Graphic Block Area Position Control and the Graphic Block Area.............149
21. Graphic Output Control and the Graphic Block Area .................151
22. Graphic Data Descriptor and the Graphic Medium Presentation Space ..........153
23. Scale-to-Fit Mapping .............................154
24. Center-and-Trim Mapping ...........................155
25. Position-and-Trim Mapping...........................156
26. Specifying the Bar Code Block Using the Bar Code Area Position Field ..........182
27. Specifying the Bar Code Block Size Using the Bar Code Output Control ..........184
28. Specifying the Bar Code Medium Presentation Space Size. Using the Bar Code Data Descriptor 188
29. An Example of Overlay Nesting .........................193
30. Print Sample from an IPDS Application Program ...................223
31. Mode Centronics ..............................334
32. Mode IEEE 1284 ..............................335
Medium Coordinate System ......................77
xiv Programmer Manual


1. Valid IPDS Command Codes for the 4247 Printer ...................81
2. IPDS Command Code Summary for the 4247 Printer .................89
3. An Example of an IPDS Command Sequence ....................92
4. IPDS Initialization Defaults ...........................99
5. Front and Rear with no linking .........................115
6. Related Drawing Order ............................177
7. Code 128 Character Set (EBCDIC) .......................192
8. Exception Reporting Group Codes ........................199
9. IPDS Coding Example ............................223
11. Bar Code Printing Options for Non-UPC Family Bar Codes ...............323
12. Bar Code Printing Options for UPC Family Bar Codes ................325
13. OCR Symbol Subsets ............................326
14. SYSTEM GROUP - RFC 1213 .........................345
15. INTERFACE GROUP - RFC 1213 ........................345
16. ADDRESS GROUP - RFC 1213.........................345
17. HOST RESOURCES - RFC 1213 ........................346
18. PRINTER - RFC 1759 ............................347
xvi Programmer Manual

The 4247 Model X03/Z03 Serial Matrix Printers

The 4247 Model X03/Z03 printers are professional, industrial impact-matrix printers. The 4247 Model X03/Z03 printers are rugged printers designed for harsh environments and demanding applications. Each of the 4247 models offers user-installable interface cards.
The 4247 Model X03/Z03 printers can have either one or two straight continuous-forms paper paths. One paper path is standard, and the second path is an optional feature. The printer operator panel is common with these models and includes the same full-function, full-size, 2 line by 24 character display, making messages and menus easy to understand.
Print-quality choices are Fast Draft mode (Model Z03 only), Data Processing mode (DP), DP Text mode (DP Text), and Near Letter Quality mode (NLQ). Versatile paper-handling capability provides printing on up to 8-part forms. Typical applications include transaction processing for invoices, office or internal business documents, as well as barcodes, labels, and multipart forms.

Printer description

The 4247 Model X03/Z03 printers build on the strengths of previous models of the 4247 family while providing a Fast Draft mode for the Model Z03 and a faster print speed for the Model X03.

Print speeds

The 4247 Model X03/Z03 printers print speeds (in characters per second):
Print Quality 4247 X03 4247 Z03
Fast Draft N/A 1100 Data Processing (DP) 800 800 DP Text 400 480 Near Letter Quality 200 240
Note: Print speed (CPS) at 10 CPI.

Paper paths

The 4247 Model X03/Z03 printers provide exceptional forms-handling flexibility. The base printer includes one front continuous-forms tractor paper path, and an optional second continuous-forms tractor paper path. Both continuous-form paper paths are front loading. Paper path linking is available when the optional second tractor is installed.
Paper path nomenclature
Front continuous-forms tractor: The first tractor visible when opening the front tractor cover is called the front continuous-forms tractor. In the standard (one tractor) configuration the installed tractor is called the front continuous-forms tractor.
In the optional (two tractor) configuration the forward most installed tractor is called the front continuous-forms tractor.
Rear continuous-forms tractor: In the optional (two tractor) configuration the tractor behind the front continuous-form tractor is called the rear continuous-forms tractor.

Print qualities

Fast Draft is a print quality available only for the 4247 Model Z03 printer. The Data Processing (DP), Data Processing Text (DP Text), Near Letter Quality (NLQ), OCR-A, and OCR-B print qualities on the 4247 Model X03 printer is equivalent in character size, shape, and resolution to the print qualities available on the 4247 Models Z03 printer.
Print quality selection
Print quality can be selected using program control or through the printer operator panel. Program control datastream commands take precedence over operator panel settings and can not be overridden.
Available printer operator panel settings are:
Print Quality = Fast Draft (Model Z03 printer) Fast Draft is the default setting for the Model Z03 printer.
Print Quality = DP
DP is the default setting for the Model X03 printer.
Print Quality = DP TEXT
Print Quality = NLQ
Print Quality = OCR-A
Print Quality = OCR-B
An 4247 Model Z03 printer operator panel feature, Host Fast Draft, is a setting that allows application programs written for earlier printers in DP mode to print in Fast Draft mode without changes to the application program. If Host Fast Draft is enabled then DP mode applications print in Fast Draft mode. If Host Fast Draft is disabled then DP mode applications print in DP mode.
The following table summarizes the print quality for Fast Draft (model Z03 only), DP, DP Text, and NLQ:
Horizontal character
Print quality Horizontal DPI Vertical DPI
Fast Draft 45 72 9 9 (Model Z03 only)
DP 60 72 12 9 DP Text 100 72 20 9 NLQ 100 144 20 18
cell size (dots)
Vertical character
cell size (dots)

Printer interfaces

There are three Controller Board options:
v Allows a host connection to Parallel, Serial, and USB 2.0 interfaces v Allows a host connection to Parallel and ASCII Ethernet 10/100 BaseT LAN Network interfaces. v Allows a host connection to Parallel and ASCII-IPDS Ethernet 10/100 BaseT LAN Network interfaces.

Printer datastream emulations

v ASCII emulations for the IBM®4202 Proprinter III XL, IBM 2381 Personal Printer, and Epson FX printers
v IPDS v IBM 4247 mode (native mode) extensions to ASCII and IPDS datastream emulations
emulations for the IBM 4224 and IBM 4230 printers
xviii Programmer Manual

How to Use This Manual

The following lists describes the contents of each chapter and the appendixes:
Chapter 1, “Personal Printer Data Stream (PPDS),” on page 1 describes the Personal Printer Data Stream (PPDS) programming commands for use when your printer is attached and emulation mode is set to 4247, 4202 III XL, or 2381 Personal Printer.
Chapter 2, “Epson FX-1050 Data Stream,” on page 39 describes Epson FX printers Data Stream commands for use when your printer is attached and emulation mode is set to Epson FX.
Chapter 3, “Intelligent Printer Data Stream,” on page 75 explains the concepts and basic principles of the Intelligent Printer Data Stream
Chapter 4, “IPDS Programming Information,” on page 99 contains the technical details of IPDS commands that the 4247 receives and sends.
Chapter 5, “IPDS Exception Reporting Codes,” on page 199 contains the exception reporting codes the printer sends to the host in the NACK reply.
Chapter 6, “Print Samples and IPDS Coding Example,” on page 215 contains samples showing the printing capabilities of the 4247 Printer.
Appendix A, “Code Pages,” on page 231 contains the code pages (both EBCDIC and ASCII) available on this printer.
Appendix B, “Application Paper Source Selection,” on page 321 describes the differences between the 4247 Printer and other IBM compatible printers.
Appendix C, “4247 Bar Code and OCR Printing Options,” on page 323 describes the bar codes available for the printer and describes the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) printing options.
Appendix D, “Configuration Menu Lockout,” on page 327 describes the Menu Lock function of the operator panel.
The 4247 Model X03/Z03 Serial Matrix Printers xix
xx Programmer Manual

Chapter 1. Personal Printer Data Stream (PPDS)

The 4247 Model X03/Z03 printers implement a subset of PPDS. The environment in which the printer data stream processor operates is described below.

Print Job Processing

There are no PPDS controls that explicitly define print job boundaries. A print job for the 4247 is established by the host system and consists of any set of related print objects. A print job could be as short as one character or could be many pages long.
As an aid to the printer operator, the printer provides a PROCESSING indicator on the operator panel. When the PROCESSING indicator is flashing, it indicates that data is currently being received, processed, or printing, or that data is buffered in the printer but cannot be immediately printed. If the PROCESSING indicator is not lit, then all print jobs have been completed.
Configuration parameter values can be changed at any time; however, to obtain predictable results, changes to operator panel configuration parameter values should be made before the print job is sent to the printer and after the previous print job has completed printing. Changing configuration parameter values while a print job is in progress may cause unpredictable results.
We recommend the following to ensure that your print jobs run correctly: v Establish a known print environment, and end any previous print job. Start each print job with a Set
Initial Conditions control. This control resets the printer environment to the default settings. You can then set additional controls depending on your print job environment.
v End each print job with a FORM FEED control. This control causes all data to be printed, and the
current position is set to the top-of-form position.
v If a print job is abnormally terminated, the job should be canceled. See “Cancel Print” in “Chapter 2.
Understanding the Operator Panel” in the User's Guide for your printer.

Page Printing Concept

The 4247 processes print jobs in terms of pages, as well as in lines and columns. A page is a logical entity whose boundaries are defined by the width and the page length. These boundaries are established during printer initialization using the printer defaults, and can be changed using the Configuration Menu or by issuing the appropriate data stream controls.
As a job prints, the printer controller maintains both the logical position and the physical position on the page. If a print job does not end with a proper job terminator (for example, FORM FEED), then:
v All data for the current page may not print v The next print job may be misaligned on the form v Residual data from a previous job could print with the new job.

Page Presentation

Many PPDS commands (tabs, margins, line spacing, for example) are described in terms of the presentation surface. A presentation surface is a two-dimensional surface upon which the printer positions symbols according to controls embedded in the incoming data stream. The presentation surface is defined in absolute terms by the width and depth parameters of the page size control commands (Set Page Length, Set Horizontal Margins, for example). The physical print position does not move outside the range of these two parameters. The left margin (LM) and right margin (RM) are variable parameters within the presentation surface. The logical print position does not move outside the range of the vertical margins nor outside the horizontal margins + 1. The following figure shows the presentation surface and the
relationships of some of these parameters.
CPP Current Print Position (LM CPP RM). CPL Current Print Line MPP Maximum Print Position (in characters at current CPI) PMPP Physical Maximum Print Position. The largest number of characters that can be placed on one line
of the surface (the largest value that MPP can assume).
LM Left Margin RM Right Margin MPL Maximum Page Length (in lines at current LPI)
1. The host should set the limits of the presentation surface if the default or previous values are not acceptable.
2. The operator should align the physical paper so that it matches the logical presentation surface.
Also created with this surface is a pair of numbers (CPL and CPP) which specify the line number and column number where the next graphic will be printed. These internal values are the logical position on the presentation surface.
The variable parameters have default values which are established when the printer is initialized. The standard power-on defaults are:
MPP (width) Operator panel setting MPL (depth) Operator panel setting CPI Operator panel setting LPI Operator panel setting LM 0 inches (Column 1)
2 Programmer Manual
RM Equal to MPP HT Horizontal tabs are set at each 8th column, starting with column 9 (9, 17,
25, 33, and so on.)
VT Vertical tabs are all cleared

Graphic and Control Character Sequences

PPDS uses an ASCII encoding scheme to define controls and printable graphics. Multiple code pages for printable graphics are supported. Control characters are interpreted based on the environment established by any preceding control characters and signals.
The 4247 supports several ASCII code pages. Within a code page, a code point can be treated as a printable character (including space) or as a control code. The following data stream controls affect how a code point is interpreted:
ESC 6 Select PC Character Set 2 ESC 7 Select PC Character Set 1 ESC \ Print All Characters ESC ^ Print Single Character ESC[K
Set Initial Conditions
The following code points are interpreted as control characters: v PC Character Set 1
X'00' to X'1F' X'7F' (treated as NULL) X'80'' to X'9F'
v PC Character Set 2
X'00' to X'02' X'07' to X'1F' X'7F' (treated as NULL)
Note: No characters are treated as controls when they are part of a Print Single Character or Print All
Characters control.
The following code points are interpreted as printable graphic characters: v PC Character Set 1
X'20' (space) X'21' to X'7E' X'A0'' to X'FE' X'FF' (required space)
v PC Character Set 2
X'03' to X'06' X'20' (space) X'20' to X'7E' X'80' to X'FE' X'FF' (required space)
Note: All characters are treated as printable graphic characters when they are part of a Print Single
Character or Print All Characters control.
Chapter 1. Personal Printer Data Stream (PPDS) 3

PPDS Compatibility

PPDS is supported in 4247, 2381 Personal Printer, and 4202 Proprinter III XL emulation modes. When 4247 is selected, PPDS control codes are supported in the same manner as if emulating the 2381 Personal Printer. The Emulation Mode can be selected from the Configuration Menu using the operator panel. Emulation mode may also be selected using the Set Initial Conditions (ESC [ K) control sequence, if the printer is set to 4247 or 2381 Personal Printer emulation mode.

One-Byte Controls

The printer uses the following one-byte controls:
Control Hex Name
NUL 00 (80) Null (no operation) BEL 07 (87) Bell BS 08 (88) Backspace HT 09 (89) Horizontal Tab LF 0A (8A) Line Feed VT 0B (8B) Vertical Tab FF 0C (8C) Form Feed CR 0D (8D) Carriage Return SO 0E (8E) Shift Out (Double-Wide Print) SI 0F (8F) Shift In (Condensed Print) DC1 11 (91) Device Control 1 (Select) DC2 12 (92) Device Control 2 (Select 10 CPI) DC3 13 (93) Device Control 3 (Deselect) DC4 14 (94) Device Control 4 (Cancel Double-Wide Print) CAN 18 (98) Cancel ESC 1B (99) Escape (Multiple-byte control prefix) SP 20 Space
Note: Control hex values within parentheses (nn) are recognized only within PC Character Set 1.

Null (NUL)

This control terminates the Set Horizontal Tab and Set Vertical Tab control codes. The printer ignores NUL by itself.

Bell (BEL)

This control causes the audible alarm to sound, if enabled. The alarm may be disabled or enabled from the Configuration Menu.
4 Programmer Manual

Backspace (BS)

This control moves the print position horizontally one character width to the left. If the current print position is at the left margin, the printer ignores this command.

Horizontal Tab (HT)

This control moves the print position to the next horizontal tab stop. If there are no tab stops to the right, or if the next tab stop is beyond the current right margin, the control is ignored.

Line Feed (LF)

This control advances the paper one line. The horizontal position does not change unless automatic carriage return mode is activated from the operator panel Configuration Menu. If the paper advance crosses the bottom margin, the printer completes all deferred printing on the current page and then does an automatic form feed.
If skip perforation mode is active and the bottom margin is crossed, the vertical position on the new page following the automatic form feed will be the top-of-form position. If skip perforation is not active, the vertical position on the new page is the point immediately following the previous print line.

Vertical Tab (VT)

This control causes the vertical print position to be advanced to the next vertical tab stop. The horizontal position is not affected unless automatic carriage return mode is activated from the operator panel Configuration Menu. If there are no tab stops past the current vertical print position, Vertical Tab is treated as a Line Feed.

Form Feed (FF)

This control causes a new page to be started. Form Feed is a line end and page end control; it causes all deferred printing that may have been buffered for the current page to be completed and the form physically advanced to eject the current page. The vertical print position advances to the top margin and the horizontal print position is set to the left margin for subsequent printing.

Carriage Return (CR)

Chapter 1. Personal Printer Data Stream (PPDS) 5
This control moves the current horizontal print position to the left margin. The vertical print position does not change unless automatic line feed mode is active (see “Set Auto Line Feed (ESC 5)” on page 13).

Shift Out (SO) / Double-Wide Print

This control causes the printer to start double-width printing. Double-width printing prints the characters twice as wide as the current character spacing. This results in half as many characters per inch. Each character takes up the space of two single-width characters. A Carriage Return, Line Feed, Form Feed, Vertical Tab, Double-Wide Continuous Mode, or Cancel Double-Wide Print with vertical movement specified cancels the Shift Out control code.

Shift In (SI) / Condensed Print

This control prints graphic characters in condensed pitch (15 CPI, 16.7 CPI, 17.1 CPI or 20 CPI).
Shift In is a buffer terminating control; if printable data at a different character-per-inch setting is buffered, that data is printed before the setting is changed. The current print position becomes the next printable column at the new character-per-inch setting. CPI can be changed within a print line, and this control changes the maximum number of characters that can be printed on one line.
When Printer Compatibility 7 – Condensed Print option in the ASCII Configuration menu is set to 15 CPI, then 15 CPI is selected, otherwise, 16.7 CPI or 17.1 CPI is selected.
A combination of 12 CPI and Condensed Print sets the printer to 20 CPI when Printer Compatibility 9 (20 CPI) option is set to Enabled in the ASCII Configuration menu. A combination of 12 CPI and Condensed Print sets the printer to 12 CPI when Printer Compatibility 9 (20 CPI) option is set to Disabled in the ASCII Configuration menu.

Device Control 1 (DC1) / Select

This control selects the printer.

Device Control 2 (DC2) / Select

This control sets 10 characters per inch. DC2 is a buffer terminating control; if printable data at a different characters-per-inch setting is buffered, that data is printed before the setting is changed. The current print position becomes the next printable column at the new character-per-inch setting. CPI can be changed within a print line.

Device Control 3 (DC3) / Select

6 Programmer Manual
This control is treated as a NUL.

Device Control 4 (DC4) / Select

This control cancels double-wide printing if double wide was selected with the Shift Out control. The characters-per-inch setting returns to the previous value.

Cancel (CAN)

This control purges all buffered data. All data received after the most recent buffer terminating control is discarded. For a list of buffer terminating controls, see “Buffer Terminating Conditions” on page 38. Any data received after Cancel is processed normally. Cancel does not change the current print position.

Escape (ESC)

This control is a prefix used in combination with supplementary control bytes to provide an extended set of control functions.


This control moves the print position one character space to the right.

Escape Sequence Controls

Escape sequence controls have an ESC followed by one or more control parameters. Supported escape sequence controls are:
Control Hex Name
ESC NUL 1B 00 Null (no operation) ESC BEL 1B 07 Bell ESC BS 1B 08 Backspace ESC HT 1B 09 Horizontal Tab ESC LF 1B 0A Line Feed ESC VT 1B 0B Vertical Tab ESC FF 1B 0C Form Feed ESC CR 1B 0D Carriage Return ESC SO 1B 0E Shift Out (Double-Wide Print) ESC SI 1B 0F Shift In (Condensed Printer) ESC DC1 1B 11 Device Control 1 (Select) ESC DC2 1B 12 Device Control 2 (Select 10 CPI)
Chapter 1. Personal Printer Data Stream (PPDS) 7
Control Hex Name
ESC DC3 1B 13 Device Control 3 (Deselect) ESC DC4 1B 14 Device Control 4 (Cancel Double-Wide Print) ESC CAN 1B 18 Cancel ESC EM 1B 19 Turn Auto Sheet Feeder On or Off ESC - 1B 2D Auto Underscore ESC 0 1B 30 Set 1/8 Inch Line Spacing ESC 1 1B 31 Set 7/72 Inch Vertical Spacing ESC 2 1B 32 Invoke Text Line Spacing ESC 3 1B 33 Set Graphics Line Spacing ESC 4 1B 34 Set Top of Form ESC 5 1B 35 Set Auto Line Feed ESC 6 1B 36 Select PC Character Set 2 ESC 7 1B 37 Select PC Character Set 1 ESC : 1B 3A Set 12 CPI ESC < 1B 3C Unidirectional Printing ESC = 1B 3D Character Font Image Download ESC A 1B 41 Select n/72 Inch Spacing ESC B 1B 42 Set Vertical Tabs ESC C 1B 43 Set Page Length (Lines or Inches) ESC D 1B 44 Set Horizontal Tabs ESC E 1B 45 Begin Emphasized Print ESC F 1B 46 End Emphasized Print ESC G 1B 47 Begin Double-Strike Print ESC H 1B 48 End Double-Strike Print ESC I 1B 49 Change Font ESC J 1B 4A Relative Move Baseline ESC K 1B 4B Normal Density Bit Image Graphics ESC L 1B 4C Dual Density Bit Image Graphics, Type 1 ESC N 1B 4E Begin Skip Perforation ESC O 1B 4F End Skip Perforation ESC P 1B 50 Proportional Space Mode ESC Q 1B 51 Deselect on Positive Query Reply ESC R 1B 52 Set Default Tabs ESC S 1B 53 Begin Subscript/Superscript ESC T 1B 54 End Subscript/Superscript ESC U 1B 55 Set Print Direction ESC W 1B 57 Double-Wide Continuous Mode ESC X 1B 58 Set Horizontal Margins ESC Y 1B 59 Dual Density Bit Image Graphics Type 2 ESC Z 1B 5A Dual Density Bit Image Graphics ESC \ 1B 5C Print All Characters
8 Programmer Manual
Control Hex Name
ESC ] 1B 5D Reverse Line Feed ESC ^ 1B 5E Print Single Characters ESC _ 1B 5F Continuous Overscore ESC d 1B 64 Relative Move Right ESC e 1B 65 Relative Move Left ESC [ - (See Note) 1B 5B 2D Select Line Scoring ESC [ @ 1B 5B 40 Set Presentation Highlights (SPH) ESC [ I (See Note) 1B 5B 49 Set Font Global (SFG) ESC [ K 1B 5B 4B Set Initial Conditions (SIC) ESC [ T (See Note) 1B 5B 54 Select Code Page (SCP) ESC [ d (See Note) 1B 5B 64 Set Print Quality (SPQ)
Note: Commands are only available in 4247 or 2381 emulation mode.

Null (ESC NUL)

1B 00
The printer ignores the NUL control by itself.

Bell (ESC BEL)

1B 07
This control causes the audible alarm to sound, if enabled. The alarm may be disabled or enabled from the Configuration Menu.

Backspace (ESC BS)

1B 08
This control moves the print position horizontally one character width to the left. If the current print position is at the left margin, the printer ignores this command.

Horizontal Tab (ESC HT)

1B 09
This control moves the print position to the next horizontal tab stop. If there are no tab stops to the right, or if the next tab stop is beyond the current right margin, the control is ignored.

Line Feed (ESC LF)

1B 0A
Chapter 1. Personal Printer Data Stream (PPDS) 9
This control advances the paper one line. The horizontal position does not change unless automatic carriage return mode is activated from the operator panel Configuration Menu. If the paper advance crosses the bottom margin, the printer completes all deferred printing on the current page and then does an automatic form feed.
If skip perforation mode is active and the bottom margin is crossed, the vertical position on the new page following the automatic form feed will be the top-of-form position. If skip perforation is not active, the vertical position on the new page is the point immediately following the previous print line.

Vertical Tab (ESC VT)

1B 0B
This control causes the vertical print position to be advanced to the next vertical tab stop. The horizontal position is not affected unless automatic carriage return mode is activated from the operator panel Configuration Menu. If there are no tab stops past the current vertical print position, Vertical Tab is treated as a Line Feed.

Form Feed (ESC FF)

1B 0C
This control causes a new page to be started. Form Feed is a line end and page end control; it causes all deferred printing that may have been buffered for the current page to be completed and the form physically advanced to eject the current page. The vertical print position advances to the top margin and the horizontal print position is set to the left margin for subsequent printing.

Carriage Return (ESC CR)

1B 0D
This control moves the current horizontal print position to the left margin. The vertical print position does not change unless automatic line feed mode is active (see “Set Auto Line Feed (ESC 5)” on page 13).

Shift Out (ESC SO) / Doube-Wide Print

1B 0E
This control causes the printer to start double-width printing. Double-width printing prints the characters twice as wide as the current character spacing. This results in half as many characters per inch. Each character takes up the space of two single-width characters. A Carriage Return, Line Feed, Form Feed, Vertical Tab, Double-Wide Continuous Mode, or Cancel Double-Wide Print with vertical movement specified cancels the Shift Out control code.

Shift In (ESC SI) / Condensed Print

1B 0F
This control prints graphic characters in condensed pitch (15 CPI, 16.7 CPI, 17.1 CPI or 20 CPI).
10 Programmer Manual
+ 350 hidden pages