Compuprint 4051 User Manual

44005511 // 44005511N 44005566 // 44005566N
N pplluuss N pplluuss
Rev. 003
Compuprint Products Information
Your printer is a reliable working equipment that will be very useful in your daily job. Our printers have been designed to be compact and respectful of the work environment. They offer
a wide range of features and multiple functions that confirm the high technological level reached by the printers with Compuprint brand.
To maintain these printing performances unchanged in the long run, Sferal wwt has developed specific Compuprint branded consumables for each printer type (for example: ribbon cartridges for dot matrix printers, toner and OPC cartridges for laser printers, bubble ink jet cartridges for inkjet printers) that assure an excellent operation with high printing quality level reliability.
Sferal wwt recommends to use only its original Compuprint branded consumables with original packaging (identified by its holographic label). In this way, a proper use of the printer at quality level stated in the product characteristics can be assured. All typical usage problems related to not certified consumables may be avoided, such as an overall quality print level degradation and, often, the reduction of the product life due to the fact that the proper working conditions for the print heads, OPC cartridge and other printer parts are not assured.
Moreover, Sferal does not only certify its consumables in terms of working conditions but also carefully controls their compliance with the international standard rules concerning:
no cancerous materials;
no flammability of the plastic materials;
other standards
Sferal advises the customers not to use products for which the compliance to this safety rules are not warranted. Finally seek your dealer or contact a Sferal office and be sure that you are supplied with the original Compuprint branded consumables.
for choosing the 4051/4051plus or the 4051/4051plus printer.
SSaaffeettyy IInnffoorrmmaattiioon
Never remove any printer cover unless it is necessary for the installation of a printer accessory
and expressly described in this manual.
Please retain the printer covers in a safe place because they should be reinstalled if you decide
to remove any printer.
The following areas of the printer should be covered for safety reasons:
Front Cover (AS F )
The above openings must always be protected with their cover when the
corresponding option is not installed. Do not touch inside and do not insert any object
into these openings or into the gears.
FFCCCC NNootteess
This equipment ha s bee n tested and found to com ply with the li mits for a Cla ss B digital devi ce, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receivi ng antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver to outlets on different circuits.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could avoid the user's authority to operate the equipment. The use of a non-shielded interface cable with the referenced device is prohibited. The length of the parallel interface cable must be 3 meters (10 feet) or less. The length of the serial interface cable must be 15 meters (50 feet) or less.
CCaannaaddiiaann DD..OO..CC.. RRaaddiioo IInntteerrffeerreennccee
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emission from digital apparatus as set out in the radio interference regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.
Le présent appareil numérique n'émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de classe A prescrites dans le règlement sur le brouillage radioélectrique édicté par le
ministère des communications du Canada
EEEECC RReegguullaattiioonnss
This equipment conforms to the EEC Directive 89/392 (the sound pressure, me asured according to ISO 7779, does not exceed 70 dBA).
TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss
Safety Information ...............................................iii
FCC Notes.............................................................iv
Canadian D.O.C. Radio Interference Regulationiv
EEC Regulations..................................................iv
Table of Contents .................................................v
Getting to Know Your Printer ..............................1
Printer Features ................................................................1
4051/4051N plus............................................................1
4056/4056N plus............................................................2
Unpacking Your Printer
Printer Parts ......................................................................4
4051/4056 plus Models – Front View..........................4
4051N/4056N plus Models – Front View ...................5
All Models – Rear View................................................6
Setting Up Your Printer........................................7
Choosing a Suitable Location Printer Assembly
Ribbon Cartridge Installation Paper Chute Installation (4051/4056 plus models only)
........................................................................................ 13
Host Computer Connection
Parallel Connection
Serial Connection Software Driver Selection Power Connection
Selecting the Display Language..........................20
Configuring the Printer ........................................21
Operator Panel Presentation
Display Messages
Function Keys
Printer Setups .......................................................36
Entering the Printer Setups
Moving within the Printer Setups
........................................................................ 26
............................................................................ 35
............................................... 15
....................................................... 15
.......................................................... 16
.................................................. 17
.............................................................. 18
............................................. 21
......................................................... 21
................................................................ 27
........................................... 36
.................................. 36
Leaving the Printer Setups
Power on Configuration Setup
Entering the Power-On Configuration
Program Setup
Entering the Program Setup
Paper Handling......................................................68
Paper Specifications
Fanfold Paper Cut Sheets
Cut Sheets
Loading Cut Sheets
Fanfold Paper
Inserting Fanfold Paper Parking Fanfold Paper
Switching From Fanfold Paper to Cut Sheet Top of Form Adjustment Tear Off Line Adjustment
Printer Maintenance and Troubleshooting.........83
Cleaning the Printer Replacing the Ribbon Cartridge Printing the Self Test Error Handling
Options ..................................................................89
LAN Connection Automatic Sheet Feeder (4051/4056 plus models only)
Unpacking Automatic Sheet Feeder
Preparing the Printer
Automatic Sheet Feeder Assembly
Paper Specifications
Paper Loading
How to Keep the Automatic Sheet Feeder Clean
Removing the Automatic Sheet Feeder
Problem Solving
Printer Specifications.........................................112
GGeettttiinngg ttoo KKnnooww YYoouurr PPrriinntteerr
PPrriinntteerr FFeeaattuurreess
44005511//44005511NN pplluuss
Common Features
9 Needle Print Head
Draft printing at 480 cps and in Letter Quality at 120 cps
IBM Proprinter XL III, EPSON FX Series (ESC/P) emulation
High resolution printing at 240 x 144 dots per inch
Operator panel with a Liquid Crystal Display (16 alpha-numeric characters), three leds and
eight function keys to control the operating printer state
Easy usage through the Operator Panel and through software commands
Printing of the commonly used bar codes
Plug & Play capability for 95/98/2000®
Bidirectional IEEE 1284 parallel interface and standard serial RS-232/C-RS-422/A interface.
4051 plus Model Specific Features
136 columns
An Automatic Sheet Feeder (option) that handles large quantities of cut sheets and allows
simultaneous use of fanfold paper
An optional Ethernet 10/100 Base-T interface that coexists with the serial interface.
4051N plus Model Specific Features
100 columns
44005566//44005566NN pplluuss
Models Common Features
24 Needle Print Head
Draft printing at 480 cps and in Letter Quality at 133 cps
IBM Proprinter XL24E, XL24E AGM, EPSON LQ 1050/2550 (ESC/P) emulation
High resolution printing at 360 x 180 dots per inch
Operator panel with a Liquid Crystal Display (16 alpha-numeric characters), three leds and
eight function keys to control the operating printer state
Easy usage through the Operator Panel and through software commands
Printing of the commonly used bar codes
Plug & Play capability for 95/98/2000®
Bidirectional IEEE 1284 parallel interface and standard serial RS-232/C-RS-422/A interface.
4056 plus Model Specific Features
136 columns
An Automatic Sheet Feeder (option) that handles large quantities of cut sheets and allows
simultaneous use of fanfold paper
An optional Ethernet 10/100 Base-T interface that coexists with the serial interface.
4056N plus Model Specific Features
100 columns
UUnnppaacckkiinngg YYoouurr PPrriinntteerr
Together with the Installation Guide and the CD-ROM with the User Manual, the following items are included in the box:
Notify any damage to your supplier.
Paper Chute (4051/4056 plus only)
Ribbon Cartridge Black Ribbon - 3 M crt
Power Cable
PPrriinntteerr PPaarrttss
44005511//44005566 pplluuss MMooddeellss –– FFrroonntt VViieeww
Printer Cover
Interface B oard C ov er
Operator Panel
Drive Se lection Lev er
Pap er Thickness Le ver
44005511NN//44005566NN pplluuss MMooddeellss –– FFrroonntt VViieeww
Printer Cover
Interface Board Cover
Paper Chute
Operator P anel
Drive Selection Lever
Paper Thickness Lever
AAllll MMooddeellss –– RReeaarr VViieeww
Power Switch
Power Socket
Tractor Cov er
Rear Paper Entry Slot
Interface Socket
SSeettttiinngg UUpp YYoouurr PPrriinntteerr
CChhoooossiinngg aa SSuuiittaabbllee LLooccaattiioonn
Consider the following points when you choose the location for your printer:
The distance between the printer and the host computer must not exceed the length of the interface cable;
The location must be sturdy, horizontal and stable;
Your printer must not be exposed to direct sunli ght, extreme heat, cold, humidity or dust
see Printer Specifications section later;
You need a power outlet compatible with the plug of the printer’s power cord. The voltage of the outlet must match the voltage shown on the printers Rating Plate.
After selecting an installation location, install the printer making sure that there is sufficient space for operation.
PPrriinntteerr AAsssseemmbbllyy
RRiibbbboonn CCaarrttrriiddggee IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
It is advisable to insert the ribbon cartridge while the printer is turned off.
However, your printer can be turned on during this procedure, but do not forget that it must be disabled to print (Wait displayed and
1. Remove the printer cover by pressing simultaneously the two buttons in the front part of the cover.
If your printer is the 4051N plus or the 4056N plus model, do not remove but lift the
printer cover.
led turned off).
4051/4056 plus Models 4051N/4056N plus Models
2. If you are inserting the ribbon cartri dge for
the first time, do not forget to complete the unpacking procedure by taking off the plastic hooks that fix the paper ba il.
3. Pull the paper thickness lever tow ards the
front of the printer to facilitate ribbon insertion.
4. Remove the new ribbon cartridge from its
bag. Remove and discard the holdfast (1) that blocks the ribbon. Turn the tension knob (2) to tighten the ribbon.
5. Insert the ribbon (1) between the print
head (2) and the print hea d mask (3). Lay the cartridge over the printer carriage (4).
Make sure that the two pins on each side of the cartridge are positioned over t he retaining clips of
the printer carriage.
6. Push the cartridge gently down while
turning the tension knob (1). Make sure that the cartridge clicks into place (2).
7. To tighten the ribbon, turn the tension
knob in the direction shown by the arrow on the ribbon cartridge
8. Replace the pri nter cover by first inserting
the hooks (1) into the appropriate grooves (2) and then lower the cover ensuring that clicks in place.
If your printer is the 4051N plus or the 4056N plus model, simply lower the printer cover to close it.
9. Move the paper thickness lever according to the paper type:
If a cut sheet is loaded move the lever
towards the back of the printer.
If a multicopy-chemical paper is
loaded, first move the lever completely towards the back of the printer, then 1 notch towards the front of the printer for each copy.
If a carbon multicopy-paper is loaded,
first move the lever completely towards the back of the printer, then 2 notches towards the front of the printer for each copy.
Now, you can load the paper and print your first test document, see Printing the Self Test . If the pattern does not satisfy your expectation, a djust the paper thickness lever again.
When printing on multicopy-paper follow the above instructions to avoid damaging the print head.
PPaappeerr CChhuuttee IInnssttaallllaattiioonn ((44005511//44005566 pplluuss mmooddeellss oonnllyy))
The paper chute is provided with the 4051plus and 4056 plus printers. To install the paper chute in the printer follow this sequence:
To insert the paper chute correctly, make sure that you are in front of the print er and that you hold
the paper chute in the front position.
1. Insert the hook on the left side of the paper chute in the groove situated near the paper entry slot.
The figure shows the back of the printer and the paper chute in the back position for a good view of the hook and groove. For this reason, you will see the left side of the paper chute shown on the right.
2. Flex the paper chute towards the front of the printer and insert the hook on the opposite side of the paper chute in the corresponding groove.
This printer accessory may assume two different positions according to the paper type: down position for fanfold paper (A) and raised position for cut sheet (B).
3. If you wish to position the paper chute down, lift it towards the back of the printer and push it gently down until it stops. If you wish to place the paper chute in the raised position, lift it and hook it firmly.
HHoosstt CCoommppuutteerr CCoonnnneeccttiioonn
This printer can be connected to your host computer via two available interfaces. The interface connectors are located on the rear of the printer.
A bidirectional IEEE1284 parallel interface
A RS-232C/422A serial interface
Make sure that both printer and host computer are switched off.
PPaarraalllleell CCoonnnneeccttiioonn
Insert the parallel interface cable into the parallel connector and fasten it by means of the clips.
SSeerriiaall CCoonnnneeccttiioonn
Insert the serial interface cable into the serial connector, and fasten it by means of the two screws (use the screwdriver).
SSooffttwwaarree DDrriivveerr SSeelleeccttiioonn
At this point it is necessary to configure your printer for your application package. The installation procedures depend upon the host environment:
Follow the instructions in the readme file you find on the CD-ROM. In a WINDOWS® 95/98/2000 environment the printer supports the Plug & Play feature.
The printer drivers of all Compuprint printers can be found at the Internet Address
PPoowweerr CCoonnnneeccttiioonn
Make sure that the power outlet matches the power rating of the printer. See th e name plate of th e
printer, that you find in the rear of the printer.
Always use a grounded outlet.
Make sure that the power outlet is near the printer location and easily accessible.
1. Make sure that the power switch at the rear of the printer is in the "printer off" position. Insert one end of the power cable plug into the printer connector placed on the rear of the printer.
2. Insert the other end of the power cable in a convenient outlet.
3. To turn the printer on, press the part of the power switch that now is up. The print head moves and stops at about 6.5 inches from the left side of the printer and the indicators on the operator panel light up for a few seconds.
Every time the printer is turned off and you need to turn it on again, wait 3 seconds before turning
it on.
SSeelleeccttiinngg tthhee DDiissppllaayy LLaanngguuaaggee
The display messages for this printer can be displayed in two different languages: English (Default) and Italian.
To select the language that y ou prefer, proceed as follows:
1. Enter the Power on Configuration procedure.
Make sure that the printer is turned off.
Keep the
phase the following message will be displayed:
2. Press the → key to select the function.
3. Press the ↓ key until the language first level function is displayed:
4. Press the → key to select the function. The following message will be displayed:
The symbol ‘ * ’ means that the shown parameter is the selected one, in this case it is the default value.
5. Press the → key to select it.
6. Press the message will appear in the selected language.
key pressed while you turn on the printer. After the initialization
* English
key to exit the Power on Configuration procedure. From now the display
CCoonnffiigguurriinngg tthhee PPrriinntteerr
OOppeerraattoorr PPaanneell PPrreesseennttaattiioonn
The operator panel consists of three elements:
Display: you can see on the display various messages usually regarding the printing functions.
Indicators: give information about the operating state of the printer.
Function keys: allow you to change operating state of the printer as necessary.
DDiissppllaayy MMeessssaaggeess
The display messages can be divided into three main groups:
give information about the current operating printer state. are displayed during the printer setup procedure. See " Printer Setups "
later in this section.
signal the printer faults.
Basic Indications on the Display
When turning the printer on, after the message 405x plus, the display indicates the printer status (Ready, Wait, Busy, Quiet), the current macro (M1, M2, M3, M4) and the selected emulation (IBM XL III or EPSON FX for the 4051/4051N plus printers and IBM XL 24E, IBM XL24 AGM and EPSON LQ for the 4056/4056N plus printers) as follows:
Ready M1-EPS
The following list shows y o u the status and error messages in alphab e tical order:
1.Enable path SS
2.Remove paper
1.Tear-off paper
2.Remove paper
2. Park paper
4051 plus or 4051N plus or 4056 plus or
4056N plus
Bin 1
Bin 1/2
Bin 2
Displayed when Bin 1, Bin 2 (4051/4056 plus models only) or Manual paper path loading is not successful. Check the position of the
selection lever (towards the back of the printer for sing le sheets). Displayed when the fanfold paper to pa rk is too l ong. Tea r the printed
paper and press the
key again. Displayed when Park operation is not successful. This message appears on the display immediately after turning the
printer on to indicate that it is initializing to its power on setting. The print head moves to its initial position. The printer is logically disconnected from the host and is disabled to receive data. The
indicator is turned off. Displayed when ASF Bin 1 paper path is selected (4051/4056 plus
models only). Displayed when ASF Bin 1/2 paper paths are selected (4051/4056
plus models only). Displayed when ASF Bin 2 paper path is selected (4051/4056 plus
models only).
Buffer cleared
Displayed after input buffer clearing (all the stored data are erased).
Call Service
Carriage error
Check connection
Check interface
Check its moving
Check line
Comm. failure
Data lost
Enable path FF
Enable path SS
Displayed in rolling mode together with the failure message to indicate a call to Service.
Displayed when there is an unrecoverable carriage error. This means that the printer carriage does not move correctly. When the Carriage error message is displayed, the i ndicator
Check that the ribbon cartridge is not used up neither damaged. Displayed when a DSR, DCD, or CTS signal fault occurs. Displayed when an Input bu ffer overflow occurs Displayed when a carriage fault occurs. Displayed when a communication error occurs. Displayed when a communication error occurs Displayed when an input b u ffer overflow occurs. This message appears on the display immediately after switching
Manual path to Fanfold path. Place the dri ve selection lever in the fanfold position.
This message appears on the display immediately after switching Fanfold path to Manual path. Place the dri ve selection lever in the single sheet position.
This is one of the messages that will be displayed when you press
(Shift function). Press the
key to select the fanfold paper
Fanfold thru ASF
This is one of the messages that will be displayed when you press (Shift function). Press the
key to select the handling of the
fanfold paper with the Automatic Sheet Feeder (option) installed (4051/4056 plus models only).
Invalid keypress
Loading paper
NVM changed
Parking paper
Press any button
Press Park
Printer failure
Displayed while the printer is turned on. An invalid pressing of a key has occurred. This is one of the messages that will be displayed when you press
(Shift function). Press the
key to select the fanfold paper with
adhesive label loading. Displayed when a paper out occurs. Displayed when there is a paper loading request (fanfold or cut
sheet). This is one of the messages that will be displayed when you press
(Shift function). Press the
key to select the manual cut
sheet path. Displayed when NVM contents has been changed. Generic status message for all parking operations. Generic user intervention message.
You are requested to press the
Displayed in case of fault during the initialization.
Printing test
Displayed while the self-test is running. Generic wait message for an operation.
+ 96 hidden pages