Installation Instructions
Rev A, July 2019
1 General product information ������������������������������������������������ 1
2 Product image������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1
3 Warnings and caution ������������������������������������������������������������ 2
4 Kit content ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2
5 Closure preparation ���������������������������������������������������������������� 2
6 Splice application ������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
6.1 Feeder cable preparation and installation ............................................3
6.2 Drop cable preparation, routing and splicing at tray 1 .....................4
6.3 Feeder/ Drop cable preparation, routing and splicing at tray 2 .....5
6.4 Drop connections ....................................................................................... 6
7 Organizer installation in housing ����������������������������������������� 8
1 General product information
The OFDC-A4 Splice/Patch is an Outdoor Fiber Distribution Closure for micro sheath cable constructions.
Also suitable for loose tube cable, providing all tubes are shaved and removed for storage.
Fiber types: All ITU-T G657.
- IP68, 2m Water head sealing level.
- Micro sheath loop storage up to 13 m/511 inches. (0.9-1 mm tubes)
- Splice capacity: 24/48
- Patch capacity: 4 SC/8LC
- Cable range: 2 feeders: 4.5-12 mm/0.17-0.47 inch
4 Drops: 0-6 mm/0-0.23 inch
8 Drops: 0-4.5 mm/0-0.17 inch
4 Flat drops: 8x4.5 mm/0.3x0.17 inch
2 Product image
8 Patch application �������������������������������������������������������������������� 8
8.1 Cable preparation, routing and splicing at tray 2 ............................. 8
8.2 Drop connections ...................................................................................... 9
9 Extra features ������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9
9.1 Splitter or TAP in tray 2 ............................................................................. 9
9.2 ANT splice holders ..................................................................................... 9
9.3 Demarcation cover ................................................................................... 10
9.4 2 cables per port ...................................................................................... 10
10 Mounting options����������������������������������������������������������������� 10
11 Trademarks and patents ����������������������������������������������������� 10
12 Contact information ������������������������������������������������������������� 10
Rev. A
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3 Warnings and caution
3.1 Fiber optic cables may be damaged if bent or
curved to a radius that is less than the recommended
minimum bend radius. Always observe the recommended
bend radius limit when installing ber optic cables and patch
3.2 Exposure to laser radiation can seriously damage
the retina of the eye. Do not look into the ends of any optical
ber. Do not assume the laser power is turned o or that the
ber is disconnected at the other end.
4 Kit content
The kit content is dierent for the splice and patch
5 Closure preparation
Tray 2
Splice: tray 1 and 2 are not connected when delivered (wraparound function).
Tray 1
5.1 Open the closure by lifting the latches using a
screw driver.
5.2 Install the 2 screws (3 turns) and the wedge (If
Patch: tray 1 (with patch panel) and tray 2 are connected
when delivered.
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5.3 Slide the gel block on to the organizer (tray
1). Verify the correct orientation: Make sure the screw is
underneath the tray.

6 Splice application
6�1 Feeder cable preparation and
6.1.1 Make a window cut /midspan opening of 1 m/39.37
inches. If aramid is present, cut to a length of 100 mm/4 inches.
6.1.4 Pre-install the 4 cable ties.
6.1.2 Clean the jacket and apply 2 layers of foam: 1
almost ush with the jacket end and 1 at 60 mm/2.36 inches
from the jacket end.
6.1.3 Open the gel block.
6.1.5 Bring in the cables. Secure externally with the hose
clamps, internally with the cable ties. Secure the aramid with
the screw (1 turn around the screw and then tighten). Cut the
excess aramid.
6.1.6 Route the bundle(s) to be spliced to the back of
tray 1 by using the wrap-around slots. With this feature uncut
bers can be routed and stored in the splicing zone.
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