1.1 Features .................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 System Requirements.............................................................................................................................................. 2
Chapter 3 – System Setup ..................................................................................... 4
3.1 System Setup ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
3.2 System Setup – Device/Layout/Sequence .............................................................................................................. 6
3.3 System Setup – Discovery ..................................................................................................................................... 11
3.4 System Setup – Schedule ...................................................................................................................................... 15
3.5 System Setup – Disk .............................................................................................................................................. 17
3.6 System Setup – Layout ......................................................................................................................................... 18
3.7 System Setup – Emap ........................................................................................................................................... 18
3.8 System Setup – Sequence ...................................................................................................................................... 21
4.4 Event Setup – Relay Out ...................................................................................................................................... 26
Chapter 5 – User Setup ....................................................................................... 27
5.1 User Setup – User .................................................................................................................................................. 27
5.2 User Setup – Authority ......................................................................................................................................... 28
6.1 Option Setup – System .......................................................................................................................................... 30
6.2 Option Setup – Video ............................................................................................................................................ 33
Chapter 7 – Main/Sub Menu ............................................................................... 35
7.1 Main Menu ............................................................................................................................................................ 35
7.2 Sub Menu ............................................................................................................................................................... 37
7.3 Tray Menu ............................................................................................................................................................. 38
Chapter 10 – Live View ....................................................................................... 48
10.1 Live View.............................................................................................................................................................. 48
10.3 Live Toolbar ......................................................................................................................................................... 52
10.4 Event List ............................................................................................................................................................. 55
Chapter 11 – Local Playback ............................................................................... 57
11.1 Date and Time Search ......................................................................................................................................... 57
12.1 Date and Time ..................................................................................................................................................... 70
14.3 Event List ............................................................................................................................................................. 81
Chapter 15 – Status View .................................................................................... 82
15.1 Status Toolbar ...................................................................................................................................................... 82
15.2 Device Status ........................................................................................................................................................ 83
15.3 System Status ....................................................................................................................................................... 85
16.2 Open Local File ................................................................................................................................................... 89
16.3 Playback Control ................................................................................................................................................. 89
16.7 Previous Split Group / Next Split Group .......................................................................................................... 90
FIGURE 3 SYSTEM SETUP MENU ................................................................................................................................. 5
FIGURE 16 SYSTEM SETUP - WEEKLY SCHEDULE ................................................................................................ 16
FIGURE 17 SYSTEM SETUP - SPECIAL DAY SCHEDULE ....................................................................................... 17
FIGURE 18 DISK ............................................................................................................................................................. 18
FIGURE 32 MAIN MENU/SUB MENU .......................................................................................................................... 35
FIGURE 34 MAIN MENU ............................................................................................................................................... 36
FIGURE 35 SUB MENU .................................................................................................................................................. 37
FIGURE 36 TRAY MENU ............................................................................................................................................... 38
FIGURE 50 MAIN ............................................................................................................................................................ 48
FIGURE 51 SET EVENT CHANNEL ............................................................................................................................. 50
FIGURE 52 PTZ CONTROL PANEL .............................................................................................................................. 50
FIGURE 53 PTZ IN SCREEN .......................................................................................................................................... 51
FIGURE 54 ZOOM CONTROL OF PTZ IN SCREEN ................................................................................................... 51
FIGURE 55 LIVE VIEW TOOLBAR .............................................................................................................................. 52
FIGURE 56 LIVE SCREEN TITLE AND TOOLBAR .................................................................................................... 54
FIGURE 57 EVENT LIST ................................................................................................................................................ 55
FIGURE 63 PLAY SPEED CONTROL ........................................................................................................................... 61
FIGURE 64 TIME OVERLAPPED PLAYING ................................................................................................................ 62
FIGURE 68 LOCAL FILE PLAYBACK ......................................................................................................................... 66
FIGURE 69 LOCAL EXPORT ......................................................................................................................................... 67
FIGURE 70 TIME BAR .................................................................................................................................................... 67
FIGURE 71 LOCAL PLAYBACK TOOLBAR ............................................................................................................... 68
FIGURE 72 PLAYBACK VIEW SPLIT CONTROL ...................................................................................................... 68
FIGURE 73 PLAYBACK SCREEN TITLE AND TOOLBAR ....................................................................................... 69
FIGURE 83 STATUS VIEW ............................................................................................................................................ 82
FIGURE 84 STATUS TOOLBAR .................................................................................................................................... 82
FIGURE 85 DEVICE STATUS TABLE .......................................................................................................................... 84
FIGURE 86 SPLIT STATUS ............................................................................................................................................ 84
FIGURE 87 SYSTEM STATUS ....................................................................................................................................... 85
FIGURE 88 SYSTEM LOG FILTER ............................................................................................................................... 85
FIGURE 89 LOG SEARCH RESULT .............................................................................................................................. 86
Before installation, shut down and remove any previous installed versions.
Do not install this on a network drives, otherwise the software MAY not work properly.
1. Insert the software CD/DVD; then click the installation link.
Alternatively, if you are installing the file version, run the installation file from the location.
Depending on your security settings, you MAY get one or more security warnings. If that is the case,
click the Run button.
2. When the installation wizard starts, click ‘next’ to continue.
3. Read and accept the EULA (End User License Agreement), then click ‘next’.
4. Select ‘typical installation’ and follow the instructions.
5. Click Finish to complete the installation.
2.2 Upgrade
With the live updating function, the software may be upgraded at your convenience. The old configuration
will be automatically converted to the new format. The previous configuration will be applied to the
updated software.
You don’t need to remove the current version of the software manually. The installation of the new
version will remove the current version automatically.
Do not use the old version of software with the new configuration. The new configuration MAY not work
with the old version of software.
Back up your current configuration
When you install the new version, it will take the configuration from your old version and convert it to the
new format of configuration automatically. However, we recommend that you make regular backups of
your configuration.
1. Create a folder to backup the configuration on a network drive or removable media device.
2. Open ‘My Computer’ with the explorer and C:\ProgramData\Comelit RAS Solution\ (case of Windows 7).
3. Copy the files and folders to your backup folder.
Chapter 3 – System Setup
After installation, access the software by double-clicking the Comelit RAS Solution desktop shortcut.
Alternatively, use Window’s start menu: Start > All Programs > Comelit RAS Solution > Comelit RAS
Figure 1 Login
Enter the User ID and Password when prompted by the Login dialog. The default User ID and Password
are “admin” and “admin”. Local computer is the default computer, and user can add/modify/remove
computer by clicking button if needed.
Figure 2 Add/Modify/Remove Computer
3.1 System Setup
After logging into the software, click the main menu in the title bar and select the System Setup menu.
Figure 3 System Setup Menu
Figure 4 Setup Login
The System Setup requires administrator level authority. Enter the default User ID and Password in the
Setup Login dialog after the first installation.
Figure 5 System Setup
There are 5 categories: ① main setup menu (SYSTEM, MODULE, EVENT, USER, and OPTION). The ②
device tree is to manage the device group, the device and layout, and the channel and layout sequence.
The ③ configuration property tabs contain menus and configurations for the main setup menu.
3.2 System Setup – Device/Layout/Sequence
The System Setup is to configure devices, layouts, channel and layout sequences and recording
schedule and policy.
The device tree is to manage the device group, device, layout, channel and layout sequence.
3.2.1 Device Group/Device
1) Add device group
① Select the Device root item from the tree.
② Click the right mouse button.
③ Select the Add Group menu from the popup menu.
④ Enter the group name.
2) Rename device group
① Select the device group from the tree to rename it.
② Click the right mouse button.
③ Select the Rename Group menu from the popup menu.
④ Enter the new group name.
* Press the F2 key to rename the tree item
3) Remove device group
① Select the device group item(s) to remove from the tree.
② Click the right mouse button.
③ Select the Remove Group menu from the popup menu.
④ Confirm removing group from the message.
* When a group is removed, all devices in the group will also be removed. It affects the layout,
channel and layout sequence.
* The recording data will remain even if the device is removed from the configuration.
* Press the Delete key to remove the selected item(s) from the tree.
4) Add devices from the Discovery tab
① Create a group to add a device.
② Select devices (streams) in the Discovery tab and drag into a group to add.
5) Add devices manually
① Create or select a group to add device.
② Click the right mouse button.
③ Select Add Device menu.
④ Edit the device properties (name, address, port, user ID, password and others).
⑤ Click the ‘Check Verify’ button.
⑥ If it connected successfully, click the ‘Save’ button.
Figure 6 Add Device
3.2.2 Layout
1) Add layout
① Select the Layout root item from the tree.
② Click the right mouse button.
③ Select the Add Layout menu from the popup menu.
④ Enter the layout name and description and select the layout mode in the Add Layout dialog.
Figure 7 Add Layout
2) Rename layout
① Select the layout item to rename from the tree.
② Click the right mouse button.
③ Select the Rename Layout menu from the popup menu.
④ Enter the new layout name.
* Press the F2 key to rename the tree item.
3) Remove layout
① Select the layout item(s) to remove from the tree.
② Click the right mouse button.
③ Select the Remove Layout menu from the popup menu.
④ Confirm removing layout from the message.
* Press the Delete key to remove the tree item(s).
4) Design layout
① Select the Layout tab and select a layout name in the combo-box.
Figure 8 Layout
② Select a group/(a) device(s) from the tree and drag it into the layout position to set up the device
③ If you want to delete a device from the layout, select the device from the layout and click the right
mouse button.
④ Select the Remove option from the popup menu.
* Press the Delete key to remove the device from the layout in the tree or Layout tab.
3.2.3 Channel/Layout Sequence
1) Add channel/layout sequence
① Select the Channel Sequence / Layout Sequence root item from the tree.
② Click the right mouse button.
③ Select the Add Channel Sequence / Add Layout Sequence menu from the popup menu.
④ Enter the sequence name.
2) Rename channel/layout sequence
① Select the sequence item to rename from the tree.
② Click the right mouse button.
③ Select the Rename Channel Sequence / Rename Layout Sequence menu from the popup menu.
④ Enter the new sequence name.
* Press the F2 key to rename the tree item.
3) Remove channel/layout sequence
① Select the sequence item(s) to remove from the tree.
② Click the right mouse button.
③ Select the Remove Channel Sequence / Remove Layout Sequence menu from the popup menu.
④ Confirm removing sequence from the message.
* Press the Delete key to remove the tree item(s).
4) Design channel / layout sequence
① Select the Sequence tab and select a channel / layout sequence name in the combo-box.
Figure 9 Sequence
② Select a group/(a) device(s)/(a) layout(s) from the tree and drag into the sequence to set up.
③ Set up the dwell time to display device/layout.
④ If you want to delete a device/layout from the sequence, select the device/layout from the
sequence and click the right mouse button.
⑤ Select the Remove menu option from the pop-up menu.
3.2.4 Device searching
There is an edit-box which is for searching device item.
Figure 10 Device Searching
It searches and selects the matching device by item name, IP address, MAC address, firmware version,
URL, model name, profile name. If a layout item has a description or image path that matches with any
searching text, it will automatically be selected.
Table 2 Device Tree Buttons
Device Tree Buttons Operations
Searching device
Clear searching text
Add user dynamic layout
Remove user dynamic layout
3.3 System Setup – Discovery
This option supports automatic device discovery and setup.
3.3.1 Discovery
This feature tries to contact the devices which are attached to the network. It MAY take a few minutes
to complete.
Figure 11 System Setup - Discovery
1) Connection status
The Discovery tab shows the devices which are connected to the network by model name, device name,
MAC address, IP address and firmware version. Each icon on the item list displays the results of its
connection test.
Table 3 Discovery List Item Icon
Connection Test Results Results Key
2) Discovery tools
The device discovering process is able to be controlled by the below buttons.
Buttons Operations
It’s not available to connect
It’s connected
It’s locked and needs ID and password
Table 4 Discovery Tools
Begin device discovery
Halt device discovery
Refresh list and restart device discovery
3) Device Type Search
① Select device type for search in combo-box.
② When the device type is selected, corresponding devices in the network are searched and a list of
devices are shown below.
Figure 12 Device Type Search
4) IP filtered device discovery
① Check the IP filter enable button.
② Enter the specific IP address ranges to discover the devices in the network.
③ Click the Apply button. Then the devices are discovered in the specified network address ranges
Figure 13 IP Filtered Device Discovery
3.3.2 Device setup
There are some useful tools to setup the devices.
① Select the device item(s) from the list.
② Click the right mouse button.
③ Select the Remote Setup menu.
④ Setup the device configurations. The remote setup dialogs are different depending on the device
* Please refer to the device manual in the setup menu.
* If the Quick View feature is enabled (located in the configuration menu) for the device, you MAY be able
to see the image simultaneously while the configuration is being applied.
Figure 14 Device Menu
Figure 15 Remote Setup
3.3.3 Quick view
This is to see the video/image stream from the device instantly.
① Select the device item(s) from the list.
② Click the right mouse button.
③ Select the Quick View menu.
④ Select the video/image stream profile and connection type from the combo-boxes.
⑤ The Stop/Play button is to stop and resume the video/image stream.
3.3.4 Assign IP
This is to assign the IP address for the selected device.
① Select the device item(s) from the list.
② Click the right mouse button.
③ Select the Assign IP menu and click the Ok button.
④ The result will automatically assign the selected device with a new IP address.
* After changing the IP address, click the Refresh button. Otherwise, visually, the IP address won’t reflect
the changes.
3.3.5 Maintenance
There are 3 maintenance functions, Restart, Reset and Factory Default. The Reset function MAY be
operated differently depending on the device model.
Table 5 Maintenance
Restart Restarts the device without any changes
Resets the configuration except some specific values (ex. network)
The client may need to be restarted for the changes to take place.
Resets all configurations to the default factory settings.
Factory Default
The client may need to be restarted for the changes to take place.
* After the Factory Default, the device MAY need some time to recalibrate and connect.
3.3.6 Upgrade firmware
① Select the device item(s) from the list to upgrade.
② Click the right mouse button.
③ Select the Upgrade Firmware menu.
④ Select the firmware file from the file open dialog.
⑤ The upgrading progress will be shown and it MAY take time to be updated and restarting the system.
* Please check the image file for the device before upgrading. Upgrading the wrong image file MAY cause
the device to malfunction.
3.3.7 Login
This is to set the device login ID and password.
① Select the device item(s) from the list.
② Click the right mouse button.
③ Select the Login menu.
④ Enter the login ID and password.
* The default login ID and password are “admin” and “admin”.
* If the icon of the device shows this symbol, it represents that the login ID and password are not
matched with the device settings.
3.3.8 Emergency Firmware Upgrade
In the case of specific failures, for example halting while upgrading firmware or upgrading wrong image
file, the device MAY be halted. If the network function of the device works properly, it MAY be updated
this way.
① Select the device item(s) from the list.
② Click the right mouse button.
③ Select the Emergency Firmware Upgrade menu.
④ Click the OPEN button and select the correct image file for the device.
⑤ Click the UPDATE button and check the STATUS.
* In the case of specific network device failure, the device MAY not be discovered this way. The
Emergency Firmware Upgrade is only useful when the network function of the device works properly.
3.3.9 Check device
This is to check connection status the selected device.
3.4 System Setup – Schedule
The Schedule tab is to configure weekly/specific event based items.
3.4.1 Weekly recording schedule
This is to set up weekly-hour based recording schedule.
Figure 16 System Setup - Weekly Schedule
① Select the Schedule tab.
② Select a device to set up recording schedule.
③ Click the Weekly button.
④ Select the time table by dragging.
⑤Click the right mouse button.
⑥ Select the New Time Schedule or New Event Schedule menu.
⑦ If you want to clear the schedule then select the Clear menu
⑧ Set up the recording properties (Audio, Pre/Post-Recording).
⑨ If you want to apply the same schedule to the other devices, click the ‘Apply to’ button and
select the device(s)/group(s).
* The Pre/Post-Recording values are only for the event recording schedule.
* If the streams are from the same device then the recording properties are applied to all streams.
* If the Audio is enabled, the audio stream from the device will be recorded with video
3.4.2 Special day recording schedule
This is to set up special day hour based recording schedule.
Figure 17 System Setup - Special Day Schedule
① Click the Special Day button.
② Click the Add button to add the special day recording schedule.
③ Double-click the date from the calendar.
④ Set the recording schedule to the desired period.
⑤ If you want to remove the special day schedule, click the Remove button.
⑥ Check the Enable Special Day Recording box to enable it.
⑦ If you want to apply the same schedule to other devices, click the ‘Apply to’ button and select the
⑧ Set up the recording properties (Audio, Pre/Post-Recording)
⑨ If you want to apply the same special day recording schedule to the others, click ‘Apply to’ button and
select the device(s)/group(s).
* The special day recording priority is higher than the weekly schedule.
3.5 System Setup – Disk
3.5.1 Disk
The Disk tab is to configure the recording hard disk drives and recording policy.
Figure 18 Disk
1) Disk assignment
① Select the Disk tab.
② Select the device(s) from the tree and drag into the disk tree to assign recordings.
③ Set up the recording disk properties.
* The streams which are from the same devices will be assigned automatically to the same disk drives.
* To utilize the disk performance, the streams are assigned to the separate disk drives.
* The Retention Time is to preserve the time of the recording data if the disks are available.
* The Reserved Disk Size is the recording disk size for the selected disk drive.
3.6 System Setup – Layout
This is to design the Layout. The Layout is used to view the layout as well as the Emap. Please refer the
‘3.2.2 Layout for adding, renaming and removing layout’.
3.7 System Setup – Emap
This is to design Emap using the layout.
Figure 19 Emap
3.7.1 Load background image
① Click the Emap tab.
② Select the Layout item from the combo-box to design Emap.
③ Click the Load Emap Background Image button () and select the image. Available image formats
are JPG, PNG and BMP.
* The recommended Emap background image size is 800 x 600. If the image size is too big, it MAY take a
little time to operate with it. If the image size is too small, E-map design and operation MAY not run
* The loaded images (background image, user device, user sensor and user link images) are copied to the
specific directory automatically. If you remove the background images manually from that directory, it
MAY lead to problems in operating Emap functions.
3.7.2 Device design
① Select the device(s) and drag it (them) to your target location.
② Select a device and click the right mouse button.
③ The Rename is to set a specific name only for Emap.
④ The Open Live View option serves to open a popup window displaying the live stream.
⑤ The Change Image option serves to change the device icon.
⑥ If you want to use your own device image, click the Load Emap User Device Image button () and
select the image file. Available image formats are JPG, PNG and BMP. And the height of image MUST be
84 pixels and the width MUST be multiple of 28 pixels.
The top image represents normal, middle does selected, and the bottom is for event notification.
* Please refer the sample images which are installed.
C:\ProgramData\Comelit RAS Solution\MonitoringService\Emap\ (case of Windows 7)
Figure 20 User Image Size
⑦ Select user device image from the Change User Image menu.
3.7.3 Sensor/Link design
① Click right mouse button on the back ground image.
② Select the Insert Sensor/Insert Link menu.
③ Select the device group > device > sensor or manual trigger item.
④ If you want to rename it, click right mouse button and select Rename.
⑤ If you want to the change image, click right mouse button and select Change Image.
⑥ If you want to use your own sensor/link image, click the Load Emap User Sensor Image button ()/
Load Emap User Link Image (). And click right mouse button and select the Change User Image. The
user sensor and link images MUST be the same condition of width and height as above.
* Double-click the link, then the Emap changes to the selected link. You can make a layered Emap with
the link.
* The Manual Trigger is only available if the device supports it. Before designing the manual trigger,
please check the device specification and setup for that operation.
This is to set up the channel/layout sequence. Please refer the ‘3.2.3 sequence for adding, renaming and
removing sequence’.
Chapter 4 – Event Setup
This is to set up event operations. The device events are dependant on the device model. For example,
some devices MAY support only motion and alarm event. And others MAY support manual trigger, on boot,
video loss, network loss as well as motion and alarm. Please check the device model and setup before
configuring this.
Select the EVENT menu.
Figure 21 Event Setup
4.1 Event Setup – Device
This is to set up the event operation. When an event happens on the device, the configured operations
(view channel/layout, sound, execute external application, and recording, etc.,) would be worked. And the
Event Relay is to relay event to other devices.
Figure 22 Event Setup - Device
4.1.1 Event operations
① Select the Device tab.
② Select a device from the device tree.
③ Select an event type to set up from the combo-box.
④ Enable/Disable the selected event operation from the list.
⑤ Set up the event operations.
⑥ If you want to apply the same operations to other devices, select the Apply to button and select
Table 8 Device Event Operations
Event Operations Options Settings
Enable Yes/No Enable/Disable the event operations
View Channel Dwell Time Amount of time to display the event channel
Live View What view to show the event channel on Live1,
Live2, Emap and All.
View Layout Dwell Time Amount of time to show the layout
Layout What layout to show in the Event view
Sound Enable Enable/Disable the sound
File Select the sound file, otherwise the default sounds
will be automatically be initiated
Record Dwell Time Event Recording independent on schedule
Preset Preset ID In the case of PTZ, move the preset
Manual Trigger Trigger ID If it supports manual trigger, it will trigger
Run External Exe File Execute an external application
Event Relay Relay Out List Select the Relay Out
* The Record operation in the device event list only affects the recording schedule. For example, if there
is a device which is configured that there is no recording (time/event) schedule from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM.
If an event which operation is recording, is happened during that time, it would be recorded as configured
with above setting value.
* The Relay Out has the similar configurations of the device event. Please do not configure relay chains.
(For example, a manual trigger of device A relays a manual trigger of device B. And manual trigger of
device B relays manual trigger of device A. It makes relay chain continuously. It MAY cause endless event
* The View Channel option needs event channel setting on the Live1, Live2 and Emap. If there is no event
channel setting on them, it will not work.
* The Dwell Time values of the View Channel and View Layout have a minimum time out of 5 sec. If
another event occurs, the view channel and layout MAY be preemptive even though the value is over 5
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