Comdial VX-41 User Guide

Welcome to VVP
COMDIAL Small Office & VVP
Serial Integration For DSU II
Featuring Visual Voice Mail
User’s Guide
This user’s guide applies to the following
system and telephone models:
DSU II Digital Telephone System with software revision 2A and later
Telephone Models:
ImpactLCD,DigiTechLCD,Impression LCD
Voice Mail Models:
Small Office & VVP 8.1, revision 3b
Contact yourComdial dealer forupdates of
this as well as other Comdial publications
Table Of Contents
Introducing The Versatile Voice Processing
GettingStarted ............................. 3
EnteringYourVoiceMailbox................. 4
ListeningToYourMessages .................. 6
SendingMessages ........................... 8
ChangingYourOptions...................... 10
RecordingYourName....................... 11
UnderstandingOtherFeatures................ 19
PersonalDirectory........................... 23
System Featuring Visual Voice Mail. . . . . 1
WhatIsVoiceProcessing?.............. 1
HowDoIUseVoiceMail? ............. 1
UsingVoiceMailEtiquette ............. 1
About Your Telephone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Using The Visual Voice Mail (VVM)
Feature............................ 2
Using Your Keypad To Enter Your Voice
Mailbox........................... 5
Messages ........................... 7
Using Your Keypad To Send Messages. . . . 9
Recording Your Greeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
ChangingYourPassword............... 14
UsingCallTransfer.................... 15
UsingMessageNotification............. 16
Reviewing Messages For Future Delivery. . 17
UsingTheTutorial.................... 18
Calling Your Mailbox From Another
Location........................... 19
SettingUpDistributionLists............ 19
Using The Call Screening Feature . . . . . . . . 19
UsingYourDirectory.................. 20
Understanding Your Mailbox Schedules . . . 20
UsingTheMessageWaitingLight........ 20
UsingTheRecordFeature.............. 21
ListeningToIncomingMessages......... 22
ImportantNumbers ......................... 24
MultipleGreetingsRecord.................... 24
GCA70–339 Small Office & VVP User's Guide
IntroducingThe V ersatileVoice Processing System Featuring Visual V oiceMail
Congratulations and thank you for using a Comdial voice mail system. This is a powerful system that can greet your callers and record your messages. Using the visual display and interactive buttons on your telephone along with the voice prompts, you’ll find the Versatile Voice Processing (VVP) system with Visual Voice Mail (VVM) feature quick and easy to use.
What Is Voice Processing?
Voice processing increases your productivity and efficiency when using your telephone system. Voice processing allows you to direct calls to your parties without delays caused by the operator handling other calls. You can retrieve and record messagesin a voicemailbox 24 hoursper day, sevendays per week. Messages you record in your own voice are accurate, detailed, and more personal than a third party message.
How Do I Use Voice Mail?
You are assigned a voice mailbox. Your voice mailbox is similar to the extension number for your telephone. To access your voice mailbox,you must first dial up the voice mail system and enter your password if you wish to have one. This is called logging on to your mailbox. Voice mail greets your callers and records their messages.
Using Voice Mail Etiquette
It is important that you exercise good voice mail etiquette at all times. Voice mail is intended to enhance productivity. When someone leaves a message in yourvoice mailbox, itis your responsibilityto reply promptlyand courteously. If voice mail is abused, the result can be frustrated callers and unhappy users. To avoid any possible frustration, please be patient and courteous to all callers until they become used to your new voice mail system.
About Your Telephone
To get the maximum benefit from VVP, you will need a Comdial proprietary phone with a two-line, 32-character liquid crystal display (LCD) and three interactive buttons. When using an industry standard touch tone phone, or calling in from another telephone system, you can still use VVP by listening to the voice prompts and entering your selections from the telephone keypad. The keypad selections are also included in this guide.
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Using The Visual Voice Mail (VVM) Feature
You will quickly learn that as every voice menu or prompt plays, you will see a different message on your telephone display. Most of these messages offer you a choice of three different options. You select the option you want by simply pressing the interactive button adjacent to the desired item on your display. For example, suppose you are playing a message you received from another party. Your display will be as follows:
Playing message
Rplay Save Del
Press left button to hear your message again
Part of the way through the message you were distracted by some noise in the office and you want to hear the message again. In this example, you need only to press the interactive button under Rplay (for replay) on your display and the message will start playing again from the beginning. After hearing your message, you can then save it or delete it by pressing Save or Del as appropriate.
You will soon discover that using the interactive buttons with your displayed options in this manner is faster and more convenient than making all choices fromyour telephone keypadeven though youcan use thismethod if you prefer. In the above example, you could achieve the same results by pressing 1 to replay the message, 3 to save it and 4 to delete the message. You will always know which keypad button to press from the VVP voice prompts.
Because many of the menus have more than three options, only the most popular options are displayed. You can select menu options that are not presentedon your display by pressingthe applicable buttons onyour telephone keypad. You will soon learn which ones they are from looking through this manual and listening to the various voice menus. For example, when listening to a message as in the above example, you can press “8”torewindthemessage five seconds, press “9” to fast forward the message five seconds, or press “0” to pause the playback for approximately 30 seconds.
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Getting Started
The password you will use to log on to your mailbox the first time will be the same as your mailbox number which is your extension number. You can record this number in the space provided at the end of this guide.
As soon as possible, you should personalize your mailbox by recording your name, greeting, and a new password.
When you call voice mail and enter your password, you will hear a welcome greeting followed by the tutorial. The tutorial prompts you to enter your name, greeting, and a new password, if you choose to use a password. You can delete or change any of these items as often as you like. After you become familiar with the operation of your voice mail system, you may want toturn the tutorial off. See Using The Tutorial in this guide.
We strongly recommend that you use a password and that you choose
one known only by you to keep your messages private.
To personalize your mailbox,
1. Press VMAIL to call voice mail.
2. Enter your password when prompted.
3. Follow the system’s voice prompts for entering your name, greeting, and new password.
Write your greeting here (see examples on page 17):
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Thu 25 8:25
Press this interactive button to call voice mail
Small Office & VVP User's Guide GCA70–339
EnteringYour V oiceMailbox
Before you can perform any task on your voice mail system, you must enter your mailbox, or log on to your mailbox. After logging on, you will then be able to listen to messages left in your mailbox, send messages to other subscriber’s mailboxes, and change any of your mailbox options, such as your name or greeting. You can auto-logon by pressing the left button under your display. Two auto-logon examples follow:
No New Messages in Mailbox and Tutorial Turned On
Display 1
Thu 25 8:25
Press (see note 1)VMAIL
Display 2
Enter your
Enter your password
Display 3
Welcome to VVP
Hear welcome message
Display 4
Tutorial menu
Yes No Exit
Hear tutorial (only if option is turned on)
Display 5
Main menu
Msgs Send Opts
Select the following from the Main Menu:
- Listening to messages
- Sending messages
- Changing mailbox options
Display 5
New Messages in Mailbox and Tutorial Turned Off
Display 1
Thu 25 8:25
Press (see note 1)5 MSG
Display 2
Enter your
Enter your password and immediately hear first new message (no additional button presses required.) See note 2.
Note 2:
Displays 3, 4, and 5 appear the same as they do in the example on the left when the tutorial is turned on. The tutorial plays the first time you log on to help you person­alize your mailbox. You can choose to leave it on or turn it off (see page 21).
Note 1:
messages are in your mailbox (example, means five new messages are in your mailbox).
is replaced by the new message count indicator when new
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Normally, you will auto-logon when entering your mailbox as described on the facing page. However, you can enter your mailbox from your telephone keypad as follows:
1. PressINTERCOManddialtheextension number for voicemail.Your
system administrator can provide you with this number.
2. If you are using a password, dial this number when prompted by VVP.
3. You will hear a welcome message and VVP will inform you of the number of new messages and saved messages in your mailbox. You will then hear voice prompts to help you complete various tasks from your main menu.
Selecting Tasks From Your Main Menu
To listen to your messages, press 1. This is for listening to new and saved (old) messages.
To send a message, press 2. This allows you to send a message to another subscriber’s mailbox in the VVP system. You can choose immediate or future delivery options.
To change your mailbox options, press 3. Options are—
- Record your name
- Record your greeting
- Change your password
- Change the call transfer feature
- Change the message notification feature
- Change the Tracker pager feature
To begin immediate playback of new messages, press 9.
To exit the main menu, press #.
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Once you have logged onto your mailbox, you can listen to any messages left there by your callers. The following chart illustrates the relationship between the displays you will see when playing your messages. However, when new messages are pending, and your tutorial is turned off, VVP goes immediately to display 3 (Playing message) and starts playing your first new message.
Display 1
Main menu
Msgs Send Opts
Press for
Message menu
Display 2
Press Msgs
Old or new
New Old Exit
Press or
New Old
to listen to messages
Display 3
Playing message
Rplay Save Del
Press to hear message again
Press to save message and hear
next message
Press to delete message
Display 4
Message options
Rplay Save Del
Press to hear message again
Press to save message and hear
next message
Press to delete message
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Display 1
+ 22 hidden pages