The Installation and Operation Guide serves for the personnel, providing installation of the InteliPro
unit. It contains wiring and setting instructions, needed for service and commissioning of the unit. It
also contains introduction of the user interface and necessary procedures to perform setting and
operating of the unit. Though InteliPro is very simple and intuitive for the operating personnel, we
recommend to keep one copy of this manual available permanently at the installation site, where
InteliPro unit is installed, to facilitate the necessary service and operation tasks.
Application Guide
The Application Guide serves for the designers and engineers, who process the necessary
documentation and implementation procedures on the installation site, where InteliPro is installed. It
contains detailed description of InteliPro functionalities and their practical application.
Communication Brochure
The Communication Brochure gives specific tips for wiring and set-up of communication interface of
InteliPro and preparing it for local or remote communication. For more detail about communication of
ComAp products, see the IL-NT, IA-NT, IC-NT Communication Guide as published on ComAp
download centre.
Reference Guide
The Reference Guide contains library of setpoints, inputs and outputs functionalities and technical
data for the purpose of detailed technical information. This information is referenced in the Installation
and Operation Guide and Application Guide.
Installation data ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Unpacking the unit - what is in the package ....................................................................................... 4
Options system ................................................................................................................................. 13
User Interface ........................................................................................................................................ 15
Control and navigation Pushbuttons - basic operation ..................................................................... 15
Thank you for buying ComAp InteliPro protection relay unit. InteliPro is a microprocessor-based doormounted protective device, providing a comprehensive set of protective and supplementary
functionalities. ComAp unique modular concept of HW extension modules, SW options and full
configurability allow perfect solution for most of the generator-to-mains parallel applications.
For the complete list of protective functions please refer to the chapter "Protective functions in detail"
in the Application guide. The full configurability feature allows to cover advanced requirements for
mains-decoupling (inter-tie, „G59/2“), as well as other advanced protection applications.
Conformity declaration
Following described machine complies with the appropriate basic safety and health
requirement of the EC Low Voltage Directive No: 73/23 / EEC and EC
Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 89/336 / EEC based on its design and type,
as brought into circulation by us.
Be aware that the relay outputs can change state during and after the unit
setting (before the unit is used again ensure that the proper setting is done)!!!
Be aware that the devices connected to binary outputs of the unit may operate
upon disconnection of power supply, measurement inputs and/or binary
!!! CAUTION !!!
Dangerous voltage
In no case touch the terminals of voltage measurement!
Adjust set points
All setpoints are pre-adjusted to their typical values. Before putting into operation, the setpoints must
be checked and/or adjusted to the required values.
Installation may be done by qualified personnel only.
To avoid personal injury do not perform any action not specified in this guide!!!
ComAp believes that all information provided herein is correct and reliable and reserves the right to
update at any time. ComAp does not assume any responsibility for its use unless otherwise expressly
• Relay Card CT2-REL2 plug-in module (plugged in the unit)
• Mounting holders
• Terminal blocks
The package does not contain any communication module nor any extension module. The required
module should be ordered separately.
Mechanical mounting
The unit is to be mounted onto the switchboard door. Requested cutout size is 175x115mm. Use the
screw holders delivered with the unit to fix the controller into the door as described on pictures below.
Risk of personal injury due to electric shock when manipulating with voltage terminals under voltage!
Be sure the terminals are not under voltage before touching it.
Do not open secondary circuit of current transformers when primary circuit is closed!!! Open the
primary circuit first!
Use 1.5 mm
Adjust nominal voltage, nominal current, CT ratio and PT ratio by appropriate setpoints in the Basic
Settings group. Learn about how to view and change setpoints in the User interface chapter.
cables for wiring of binary outputs. Use external relays as indicated on the schematic
Analog inputs
The analog inputs are designed for resistive automotive type sensors like VDO or DATCON. The
sensors are connected either by one wire (the second pole is sensor body) or by two wires.
•In case of grounded sensors connect the AI COM terminal to the engine body as near from
the sensors as possible.
•In case of isolated sensors connect the AI COM terminal to the negative power supply
terminal of the controller as well as the opposite poles of the sensors.
The fail sensor alarm is issued if the measured resistance is smaller than one half of the first (lowest)
point of the sensor curve characteristic or is greater than 112,5% of the last (greatest) point of the
sensor curve characteristic.
Analog inputs can be used also as binary or tristate, i.e. for contact sensors without or with circuit
check. The threshold level is 750Ω. In case of tristate, values lower than 10Ω and values over 2400Ω
are evaluated as sensor failure (short or open circuit).
The name, sensor characteristic and alarm types for each analog input have to be assigned during the
Recommended wiring
In the diagram below, see the typical wiring of the InteliPro unit inputs and outputs. The wiring is to be
considered as an example for the default configuration and operation mode with 1 common trip output
The relay contacts of Relay Card CT2-REL2 module can be reconfigured to Trip 1 and Trip 2 outputs
in case of operation with 2 trip outputs
particular needs of the application.
, as well as any inputs and outputs can be reconfigured to the
One of the key features of InteliPro unit is high level of flexibility and adaptability of the system to the
particular application. The way how to achieve this is the configuration. Use LiteEdit PC software to
read the configuration from the controller or disk, view it, modify it and write the configuration to
controller or disk. To work with InteliPro, LiteEdit version 4.5.2 or higher is necessary. Visit
The firmware contains large number of binary inputs and outputs. However, not all functions are
required the application, also the controller hardware does not as many input and output terminals.
One of main tasks of the configuration is mapping of "logical" firmware input and output signals to the
"physical" hardware inputs and outputs.
Configuration parts:
1. Mapping of logical binary inputs (functions) or assigning alarms to physical binary input
2. Mapping of logical binary outputs (functions) to physical binary output terminals
3. Assigning sensor characteristics and alarms to analog inputs
4. Assigning control values and output characteristics to analog outputs
5. Selecting of peripherial modules which are connected to the controller and doing the same as
above for them
6. Changing language of the unit texts
The unit is delivered with a default configuration, which should fit to most standard applications.
This default configuration can be changed only using PC and LiteEdit software. See LiteEdit
documentation for details.
You need one of communication modules to connect the controller to a PC with LiteEdit. There is a
special easy removable service module for cases, where there is no communication module
permanently attached.
Once the configuration is modified, it can be stored in a file for later usage with another controller or
for backup purposes. The file is called archive and has file extension "aic". An archive contains full
image of the controller at the moment of saving (if the controller is online to the PC) except firmware,
i.e. besides configuration there are also current adjustment of all setpoints, all measured values, copy
of history log and copy of alarm list.
The archive can be simply used for cloning of InteliPro units, which means preparing units with
The unit offers wide range of protective functionalities. To allow flexibility of the protective functions at
the particular application, some of the features are provided as SW options. These functions are
unlocked by a software dongle, delivered by ComAp or its approved distributors. The SW dongle is a
unique number generated according to the serial number of the unit and the selected protective
functions. The functions are referred by their ANSI numbers, according to the following table:
IPro-25 Synch Check
IPro-51V Time over current with voltage control
IPro-59N Neutral voltage displacement
IPro-67 Directional overcurrent
IPro-78 Vector shift
IPro-79 AC reclosing relay
IPro-81R Rate of change of frequency + rocof filter
The appropriate selection of InteliPro optional functions is to be marked on the rear side of the unit:
For unlocking the desired functions or changing those functions that are already unlocked, contact
your sales person for the appropriate SW dongle. The following information will be needed:
Entering the SW dongle:
once received the appropriate SW dongle relative to the unit serial number, go to the setpoint Basic
Settings: Dongle and enter the numerical string, which you have obtained. Though it is more
convenient to enter the SW dongle via LiteEdit PC software, it is also possible to enter it through the
controller screen and pushbuttons.
Control and navigation Pushbuttons - basic operation
General operation using buttons:
•In the measurement screens, use the
measured values as displayed on the graphical display. See the chapter Measurement
screens to get the basic orientation.
• Use the
view the history table. For setpoints change, see the following chapter.
•To enter the init screen, change language or read the list of unlocked InteliPro options, push
performs lamp test by simultaneous blinking of all LEDs.
•For confirmation of change any setpoint, use the
Entering the password
The password must be entered prior adjusting setpoints, that are password-protected. Password is
located in the first group of setpoints and the way how to enter or change password is similar to
change of setpoints.
button to cycle through display of measurement screens, adjust setpoints and
and buttons at the same time. Together with the init screen display, the unit
and , arrow buttons to browse through the
It is possible to change only passwords of the same or lower level than actually entered password!
Sinalization LEDs
There are 5 LEDs for indication of InteliPro status with the meaning indicated in the table below:
Status of the InteliPro unit - used in combination with green LED, see the table below
Status of the InteliPro unit - used in combination with red LED, see the table below
CB1 feedback - activated - state "I"
CB1 feedback - deactivated - state "0"
CB2 feedback - activated - state "I"
CB2 feedback - deactivated - state "0"
Indicates TRIP state, measured values are in fault conditions (out of limits)
Indicates TRIP state, measured values are in fault-free conditions (within limits)
The unit is not in TRIP state
Status LED signalization:
red green state Display reading Meaning
blink OFF
"Program Corrupted" or
"System Error" or "System
Error + Wrong config
Normal reading Wrong checksum of parameters → Check the complete settings
Normal reading Wrong checksum of "R" parameters → Contact technical support
No power supply or PowerFail occured
Transient SW failure → Contact technical support with
information abut the display message
of your unit and change any one of the parameters. If the state
persists, contact technical support
blink ON
blink blink
Normal reading Watchdog reset was performed → Save the archive, contact
Normal reading Normal operation of the unit
Not initialized Unit HW failure → Request repair of the unit
InteliPro protection relay provides high range of flexibility to the users and their applications. In the
most common cases, one output for tripping is used. In this case, InteliPro allows provides the
common trip output, which represents logical "OR" of all activated and pre-set protective functions of
the unit. If needed, InteliPro also allows to operate two circuit breakers, where some protective
functions are assigned to one of them and other functions to the other. In such case, the circuit
breakers can provide backup for each other, so that in "fail to trip" situation the other circuit breaker
opens under pre-set conditions to clear the first breaker failure.
Furthermore, InteliPro provides two independent blocking inputs, which can be used to activate or
deactivate any of the protective functions of the unit. All necessary inputs and outputs can be freely
configured to any input or output of the unit. In case of outputs, any of the 2 relay outputs or 8 opencollector outputs can be selected.
In case that any of the configured protective functions is activated, InteliPro relay provides a Trip
signal. This signal is provided in both positive and negative logic in order to follow the requirements of
the application:
•Due to increased safety requirements, some protective relays require that negative logic is
used, assuring that loss off power supply always causes the relay to trip. I.e. the relay
contacts are used, with fault-free position maintained in energized state. In case of power
supply fail, the unit goes to “fault” indication position. The outputs using negative logic are
marked with exclamation mark "!" as the first character of their name.
•In some applications, the negative logic is not a required functionality. The function of opening
the circuit breaker in case of loss of power supply is not accepted as a safety point and the
safety is assured by different means e.g. in the superior system or within the protection relays
intertripping scheme. In such case, the outputs with positive logic (without the exclamation
mark) can be used to signal the detected failure state.
In any case, it must be assured that the InteliPro relay has full control at opening the appropriate
breaker by the trip command - i.e. in case of Trip state the unit receives the appropriate CB
feedback, confirming its open position. The feedback must repond within preset time to the trip
command. A special attention should be paid to opening of motorized circuit breakers, as it could
take more than 2s on some types. In such cases it is necessary to use undervoltage coil for fast
Operation mode with 1 common trip output
•This is the essential mode of operation of the protection relay InteliPro. In this case, CB1
circuit breaker or contactor is considered as the main connection device, protected by
InteliPro. In the ComAp controllers, this breaker is called "Mains Circuit Breaker" = MCB.
•Second circuit breaker or contactor is not expected in the protection scheme, but there is still
possibility to use the "backup trip" signal from InteliPro relay to operate any backup device, if
present on the installation. As such device may be considered another circuit breaker in the
line of mains-connection, CB1 undervoltage coil, or any device which serves as a backup in
case of the CB1 fail.
•The Comm Trp (or !Comm Trp) output is used as the main signal to open the CB1 circuit
breaker. InteliPro expects that in such case, the CB1 Feedback input deactivates as a result of
the protection trip. Adjustable delay can be set by the setpoint General: BackupTrp Del, to
provide backup functionality for the CB1 breaker. If the feedback does not deactivate within
this delay, the output Bak Comm Trp activates (or !Bak Comm Trp deactivates) immediately.
•An function, which is activated and not blocked within the InteliPro unit activated the Comm
Trp signal. Use the blocking inputs to control which protective functions will be used under the
appropriate circumstances.
•In some cases, the protection relay is requested to operate two circuit breakers. Usually, one
of them is considered as the main circuit breaker, with most of the functions configured to
operate this cicrcuit breaker. As mentioned above, this breaker often corresponds to the
"Mains Circuit Breaker" = MCB as used in ComAp controllers.
•The second circuit breaker can be from the point of view of the protection relay considered as
a supplementary connection device in the power connection scheme. It can provide back-up
functionality in case that the CB1 does not trip on command, or can be operated individually
by selected protective functions. It can, but does not necessarily have to correspond to the
"Generator Circuit breaker" = GCB as used in the ComAp controllers applications. In such
case, e.g. NVD function is the most often case, when GCB (CB2) is tripped instead of MCB
•In case that 2 circuit breakers are controled by InteliPro unit, it is possible to freely assign,
swap or configure the functionalities of both circuit breakers and provide appropriate back-up
function of the breakers by the "Priority switching" functionality. It is not practical to use the
Comm Trp output in this case. To distinguish between the 2 breakers, outputs Trip 1 and Trip
2 are available.
•For each protective function in InteliPro, it is possible to assign either Trip 1 or Trip 2 function,
none of them, or both. The setpoint xxx Trp BO in the appropriate group of protection setting is
used for this assignment. By this setting, the output Trip 1 or 2 will then contain only those
functions which were assigned to it.
•Trip 1 output is internally interconnected with CB1 operation, i.e. in case of activation of Trip 1,
the CB1 feedback is expected to deactivate. The same applies for Trip 2: in case of activation
of Trip 2, the CB2 feedback is expected to deactivate.
Priority switching
Priority switching feature allows using the circuit breakers CB1 and CB2 as a backup to the other one.
To clearly understand this, it is necessary first to understand the possibility of assignment of any of the
operated two circuit breakers to the appropriate protective function (see the chapter Operation mode
with 2 trip outputs).
Though both of the breakers are equivalent and fully assignable within the InteliPro relay, the most
common application for generator-to-mains connection is as follows:
•CB1 is considered as the main connection device of the generator to the mains. In ComAp
products, this breaker is called "Mains Circuit Breaker" = MCB.
•CB2 is considered as a supplementary connection device on the power connection between
generator and mains. There can be specific protection functions assigned the trip CB2 only
and it can provide back-up functionality to the CB1. It can, but does not necessarily have to
correspond to the "Generator Circuit breaker" = GCB as used in the ComAp products.
•As both circuit breakers are equivalent, it is possible to assign CB2 as the main one and CB1
as the backup, or provide a symmetrical backup of both breakers "one to each other".
Depending on setting the setpoint General: Prio Switching, the following backup function is provided:
DISABLED - no CB backup is provided
CB1 -> CB2 - CB1 is considered as the primary switch. If the feedback is not deactivated within preset
period after Trp 1, the output Trp 2 is issued immediately to trip CB2 as backup. Bak Trp 1 is issued at
the same time.
CB1 <- CB2 - CB2 is considered as the primary switch. If the feedback is not deactivated within preset
period after Trp 2, the output Trp 1 is issued immediately to trip CB2 as backup. Bak Trp 2 is issued at
the same time.
CB1 <-> CB2 - both CBs provide a backup switching for each other. If the CB1 feedback doesn't
deactivate in preset period, CB2 is tripped, if the CB2 feedback doesn't come in preset period, CB1 is
TRIP may be considered as event or status of the unit:
TRIP event:
− Starts in the moment of terminating the count-down of any protective function with delay, or in the
moment of activation of any immediate protective function.
− As a result of the trip event, are e.g. the following consequences:
o Immediate deactivation of outputs !Comm Trp
o LED TRIP goes to red
o History record is created
TRIP status:
− Starts at the moment of TRIP event
− During this status, the !Comm Trp output keeps in the fault position
− During this status, it is not possible to perform Fault reset
− TRIP status is active until a successful Fault reset. This may not be done before all measured and
evaluated values are within preset limits.
− If during the TRIP status, caused by some value, another value overreached its limits for TRIP
evaluation, this second overreach is not considered as TRIP. It does not cause a second TRIP
event. However, as a consequence of this, the TRIP duration may be prolonged until the moment
when both (all) values are within limits.
Fault reset
Fault reset is an event, caused by either of the following reasons:
− Fault reset
− Input input F.R. Button is activated
− Automatic fault reset is performed according to the setting of General: Auto FR setpoint.
− By activation or deactivation of binary input Block 1 or Block 2.
The abovementioned reasons are a trigger to provide Fault reset, however, it is successfully done only
in case that the TRIP status is activated and all evaluated values have returned back into limits. If the
TRIP status is not activated, or it is activated, but any of the values is still out of limits, Fault reset is
not done and any of the mentioned triggers is forgotten. I.e., the unit may not be „provisionally“ faultreset.
By a successful Fault reset, the TRIP status is terminated.
button is pressed
Shared peripheries
The function is compatible with IG/IS-NT controllers. CAN2 interconnection between the gen-set
controllers and InteliPro is necessary to allow this feature. Use the LiteEdit configuration window to
configure the appropriate binary and analog values to be transmitted from InteliPro via the CAN2
communication. In the Configuration window, click the