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1. Read the instru ct ions car e fully. Be familiar with the c ont ro ls a nd t he pro per use of the equipment.
2. Never allow children or people unfamiliar with these instructions to use the lawnmower. Local regulations
can restrict the ag e o f the op erat or
3. Never mow while peop le, espec ially chi ldr en, or p ets a re n ear by.
4. The operator or user i s re spo ns ibl e fo r a ccid e nts or h azar ds o cc urr ing t o ot her p eo p le or t he ir pr o perty.
5. While mowing, always wear substantial footwear and long trousers. Do not operate the equipment when
barefoot or wearing open sandals; Avoid w earing clothing that is loose fitting or that has hanging co r ds or
6. Thoroughly inspect the area where the equipment is to be used and remove all objects which can be
thrown by the mac hin e.
7. Before using the mower, always visually inspect to see that the blades, blade bolts and cutter assembly
are not worn or damaged. Replace worn or damaged blades and bolts in sets to preserve balance.
Replace damaged or unr ead able la bels.
8. Mow only in d ayl ight or in goo d art i fic ia l light ;
9. For best resu lts av oi d op er ati ng t he e qu ip ment in w et grass, w here fea sible.
10. Always be su re of your foot ing on slop es
11. Walk a nd nev er r un w ith the mower.
12. For wheeled r otary mac h ines: mow across the face o f slopes, n ever up and d own.
13. Take extra care when ch angin g direct ion on slope s.
14. Do not attem pt to mow e xces sive ly st eep s lop es.
15. Take extra care when rev ersi ng or pull ing th e law nm ow er tow ar ds y o u.
16. Stop the mower blades if the lawn mower has to be tilted for transportation when crossing surfaces other
than grass, an d wh en tr an s port ing the lawn mower to and from t he area t o be mo wed.
17. Never operate the lawnmower with defective guards, or without safety devices, for example deflectors
and/or grass catcher s, in plac e.
18. Start or swit ch on t h e moto r car e ful ly ac c ord ing t o i nst ruct ion s a nd w it h f eet we ll away from t he b l ades.
19. Do not tilt the law n mow er whe n st art in g th e motor.
20. Do not start th e motor w he n standing in front o f the dischar ge chut e.
21. Do not put han ds or feet n ear or u nder r otat ing pa rts, Kee p cle ar of t he d isch ar g e ope n ing at a ll ti me s.
22. Never pick up or carry a lawn mower while the motor is ru nni ng.
23. Stop the moto r a nd dis con ne ct th e p lug. M ake s ur e th at a ll mov ing part s h av e co me t o a c o mp let e st op.
- whenev er you leave t he machin e;
- before c lear in g bl oc kag es or u ncl og gin g chut e;
- before ch ec king, c lea nin g or wor kin g o n th e law nmo w er;
- after striking a foreign abject. Inspect the lawnmower for damage and make repairs before restarting and
operating the lawn mower;
- If lawnmow e r st arts t o vib rate ab nor m ally ( che c k im medi ate ly) ;
- inspect for da mage;
- replace or r epa ir any d a mag e par ts.
- check for and t ighten any loose parts.
24. Keep all nut s, blot s a nd scr ews t ig ht to be sur e t he equi pm ent is in sa fe w or kin g cond it ion.
25. Check the grass cat cher fr equent ly for wear or deteri orati on.
26. Replace worn or damaged par ts for sa fety.
27. Children shou l d be s up erv ise d to en sur e th at th ey d o not pl ay wit h th e a ppl ian ce.
28. This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or