COATS Kit 85000248 User Manual

85000250 00 07/06 1 of 2 © COPYRIGHT 2006 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PRINTED IN U.S.A.
To avoid electrical shock, ALWAYS discon­nect unit from electrical power before per­forming any service or maintenance on the components.
1. Turn balancer off and unplug from power source.
14mm balancing shaft. Then manually unscrew the 14mm shaft from mounting collar.
3. Loosen and remove wheel clamp cap screws
from balancer pressure cup. Slide wheel clamp off bal­ancer stub shaft.
4. Remove retaining cap screws from wheel clamp
shaft collar and set aside.
5. Slide clamp centering spacer onto balancer stub
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COATS, Inc. • Hennessy Industries • 1601 J.P. Hennessy Drive, LaVergne, TN 37086-3565
(800) 688-6359 • (615) 641-7533 • (615) 641-5104 FAX •
Loosen Cap Screws from Pressure Cup
6. Reinstall wheel clamp with cap screws onto pres-
sure cup. Be sure centering sleeve protrudes through clamp and screw 1-inch accessory shaft into motor plate stub shaft.
7. Hold wheel clamp and tighten 1-inch shaft clock-
8. Now, plug balancer into power source and turn on,
then verify correct operation.
85000250 00 07/06 2 of 2 © COPYRIGHT 2006 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PRINTED IN U.S.A.