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COATS, Inc. • Hennessy Industries • 1601 J.P. Hennessy Drive, LaVergne, TN 37086-3565
(800) 688-6359 • (615) 641-7533 • (615) 641-5104 FAX • www.ammcoats.com
This instruction addresses Errors 55, 57, or 59 that
occur when the value read by the sonar is insufficent
to obtain a correct runout measurement.
1. Make sure the Radial Runout and Lateral Runout
Sonars are aligned correctly.
2. Set Encoder to pulley gap at 0.040”.
3. Go to Self-Test Screen (Green Screen) and verify
that the Encoder is operating correctly and the Sonar is
reading correctly. Use the Sonar check tool (p/n
8114165) or a tape measure and flat card for a target.
XR Model Sonar 4-in Value 14-in Value
Range Range
1800/1850 Width (Hood 2450-2470 8100-8300
mounted, p/n
1800/1850 *Radial Runout 3105-3135 8100-8300
(Rear mouted,
p/n 801801331)
1800/1850 Lateral (Front 2450-2470 8100-8300
mounted, p/n
1750 Width (Hood 3840-3880 12800-13200
mounted, p/n
Closest Target (Sonar) Reading
Farthest Target (Sonar) Reading
4. For XR 1800/1850 software (version 1.06 and
higher) and XR 1750 software (all versions):
From the Green Screen press button 2 for 2 seconds
and then the Encoder Test Screen will appear.
5. With hood down Press START to run the Encoder
Test. It will work with or without a wheel on the
machine. At the end of the Test Run lines of text will
appear below the graphs:
Line 1: > No. ck encoder: ENCA=64 ENCB=64
Both of these values should be 64, if not, an IN or
OUT encoder adjustment (from the 0.040” gap) is indicated.
Line 2:
XR 1800/1850 Models
> Timing signal: ENCA=2000-3500 ENCB=3500-5000
XR 1750 Model
> Timing signal: ENCA=1500-3000 ENCB=2500-4000
(These numbers will vary within the range and some
even outside of the range. The important thing is to get
rid of Line 3: Error reset.)
If the encoder is not set correctly, a third line of text
will appear:
Line 3: > Error reset ENCA or Error reset ENCB
(If one of the above messages appear: Slightly loosen
the small nuts holding the encoder PCB to the bracket.
For ENCA rotate the PCB slightly upward and for ENCB
rotate the PCB slightly downward. Then re-tighten the
small nuts and rerun the Encoder Test.
Rotate the PCB until the Error reset messages are
6. Now, if any Error 55, 57, or 59 appears then the
problem is most likely a very rough tread pattern or
alignment of the sonar. Move the sonar to a different
spot near the center of the tread.