Eliminates most of the dismantling needed
to do a simple metal cutting repair job.
The rugged and dependable Climax Model
PL3000 Portable Lathe is a precision
machine tool engineered re-turn large shafts
and roll journals by bolting directly to the
end of the workpiece and rotating around
the shaft.
Heavy duty, powerful, precise
• Heavy solid steel turning bar and
counterbalanced body provide smooth
turning and minimum chatter, even with
the turning bar at maximum reach.
• The motor and planetary ring gear drive
provide enough torque to remove up to
0.125 inch (3.175 mm) of metal so you
can get the job done fast.
• A 3.08 Hp (2.3 kW) electric motor and
a 1.22 Hp (0.91 kW) pneumatic motor
is available.
• Tool reach is 16.0 inches (406.4 mm)
from end of shaft, and up to 22.0
inches (558.8 mm) with optional turning
bar extension.
• Turns shafts from 4.0 - 11.25 inches
(101.6 - 285.75 mm). (This machine
works within a 16.75 inch (425.5mm)
diameter space around the shaft (swing
diameter), and 36 inches (914.4 mm)
from the end of the shaft.)
• Automatic axial feed is variable from
0.003 - 0.011 inches/rev. (0.076 - 0.279
mm/rev.) in 7 increments
Quick and easy to set up
• Mounts on the end of the shaft. Simply
remove the gear or bearing to expose
the end of the shaft.
• The PL3000 can be set up by an
experienced operator in less than an
hour. Drill and tap four mounting holes
on the end of the shaft to attach the
• Adjusting screws allow accurate
centering and alignment even if the
shaft face is no longer square.

No. Description
10649 PL3000 portable lathe, pneumatic
10649CE CE-Compliant model
Complete lathe machine. Turns shafts and roll journals
8.0 - 11.0 inches (203.2 to 279.4 mm) in diameter.
Machine mounts to the end of the shaft with a blank
tapered mounting flange (included). Also includes
counterbalanced mainbody, pneumatic planetary housing,
1.22 hp (.91 kW) air motor, pneumatic conditioning unit,
16.0 inch (406.4 mm) reach turning bar, abrasive belt
holder, tool kit with 3/8 inch (or 10 mm) square HSS lathe
tool and dial indicator, instruction manual, and wooden
storage crate.
Model PL3000 portable lathe, electric
As above with electric motor and speed control instead of
the air motor and pneumatic conditioning unit.
13872 PL3000 Portable lathe, 120V motor
15524 PL3000 Portable lathe, 230V motor
Tapered mounting flange assembly
Precision machined mounting flange securely mounts the
portable lathe to the end of the shaft. One blank mounting
flange is included with the machine.
10640 Blank tapered mounting flange assembly.
Machine to your mounting configuration.
10642 Machine tapered mounting flange
assembly. Factory machined to your
mounting specifications.
No. Description
10586 Abrasive belt holder
Belt holder mounts to the tool end of the turning bar. Use
with an abrasive belt to produce a fine finish on the shaft.
Abrasive belts not provided.
11784 ID Mounting collet assembly
Allows the PL3000 to be mounted inside work piece
diameters from 4.7 - 10.95 inches (119.4 -278.1 mm).
Assembly includes ID mounting flange, collet body with
fingers and jaws, screw shaft with threaded cones, and
necessary hardware.
28545 ID mounting collet assembly, no jaws
Same as above without fingers or jaws.
ID jaw sets
Jaw set Fits in dia.
28539 0.5 (12.7) 4.7 - 5.95
(119.4 - 151.1)
28540 1.0 (25.4) 5.7 - 6.95
(144.8 - 176.5)
28541 1.5 (38.1) 6.7 - 7.95
(170.2 - 201.9)
28542 2.0 (50.8) 7.7 - 8.95
(195.6 - 227.3)
28543 2.5 (63.5) 8.7 - 9.95
(221.0 - 252.7)
28544 3.0 (76.2) 9.7 - 10.95
(246.4 - 278.1)
10636 Turning bar extension - 22 inch
(558.8 mm) reach
Mount the turning bar extension between the end of the
standard turning bar and the tool housing to extend the
reach of the bar from 16.0 - 22.0 inches (406.4 - 558.8
mm). For longer bar reaches, contact your Climax
37811 Tooling Pack (not shown)
One HSS 3/8 inch x 3.0 inch side cutting tool
bit, and one HSS
3/8 inch x 3.0 inch top cutting tool bit
in storage case.
Tool holders
Extra tool holders for use with the standard 16.0 inch
(406.4 mm) turning bar and the 22.0 inch (558.8 mm)
turning bar extension. Holders use 3/8 inch or 10 mm
square HSS lathe tool bits.
10643 Tool holder, 4 - 6 inches Used to turn
shafts 4 - 6 inches (101.6 to 152.4 mm)
in diameter
10644 Tool holder, 6 - 8 inches Used to turn s
hafts 6 - 8 inches (152.4 to 203.2 mm)
in diameter.
18368 Tool holder, 8 - 11 inches Used to turn
shafts 8 - 11 inches (203.2 to 279.4 mm)
in diameter
NOTE: Drawings are for reference only, are not to scale, and
may not represent actual product.
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Climax Portable Machining & Welding Systems Web site: climaxportable.com
Worldwide Phone: 1.503.538.2185 N. America Toll-Free: 1.800.333.8311 Fax: 1.503.538.7600 E-mail: Info@cpmt.com