Al ways ex er cise good judg ment and com mon sense when us ing the re mote
• NEVER re motely start the engine if parked in an en closed area lacking
suf fi cient ven ti la tion.
• NEVER al low chil dren ac cess to the re mote con trols.
• NEVER en gage the Short Stop or Auto Start feature if parked in an en closed
area lacking suf fi cient ven ti la tion.
• NEVER re motely start or use Short Stop with a per son or pet in the vehicle.
• NEVER start with someone be hind or in front of the ve hi cle.
Stan dard Fea tures
The fol low ing are stan dard fea tures of this sys tem. Some ve hi cles may re quire op tional par ts/wir ing and a few are
incompatible with some fea tures.
þ Lifetime limited warranty for as long as you own the vehicle (see terms & conditions)
þ Two waterproof 4-button companion remote controls
n ACG 2™ anti-codegrabbing protection
n Low remote control battery warning
þ Remote engine starting with auto safety pre-start checks
þ Auto engine shutdown upon theft attempt
þ Cold weather extended cranking (CliffNet Wizard adjustable)
þ AutoShutDown after 30 minutes if unattended (CliffNet Wizard adjustable 5 – 60 minutes)
þ Prevents accidental starter motor “grinding”
þ ShortStop: arm and lock with engine running for brief errands
þ Manual and automatic transmission compatibility
þ Gasoline & diesel compatibility (some vehicles require optional module)
þ LowBattery/LowTemp AutoStart recharging/warmup (CliffNet Wizard adjustable)
þ G4 DataPort for CliffNet Wizard Windows diagnostics and feature control
þ Starter immobilization for basic security
þ Power door lock control (some vehicles require optional relays)
n Selectable ignition or RPM controlled AutoLock/Unlock
þ Selectable passive AutoLock if you forget to lock the doors with the remote control
þ Dedicated remote control button for optional trunk release
þ Multi-vehicle command from same remote
þ Car horn output (requires optional relay) for audible remote lock/unlock confirmation
þ Accepts optional siren and sensors for security enhancement
þ Built-in parking light flasher
þ Courtesy light(s) turn on upon remote unlocking
þ Remote control code learning with clear all if a remote if ever lost or stolen
Main te nance
Your Clifford system requires no maintenance except for periodic replacement of the remote
control batteries. This product, like any electrical device in your vehicle, requires your car
battery be in proper working order and fully charged. To ensure proper operation, periodically
have your vehicle battery “load-checked” at any local garage/mechanic. Also make sure the
battery cables and connections are tight and free from corrosion.

ongratulations on the purchase of your Clifford Electronics mobile convenience system.
Clifford Electronics has long been recognized as the leading manufacturer of high-
technology vehicle security and convenience systems. Our commitment to technological
innovation, quality and reliability is clearly evident in your Clifford system. Yet despite its
sophistication, your system is easy to use, never more difficult than a press of a button.
Your re mote con trols
The 4-button remote controls are sophisticated miniature radio transmitters each powered by
a tiny lithium battery. A weak remote control battery will reduce range. Electrical/radio
frequency interference, obstructions, weather conditions and even sunspots can interrupt the
signal from your remote to the system.
Re motely con trol ling your Clif ford system
Press button . Upon locking: two horn beeps (or chirps with the
optional siren) and two parking light flashes. Upon remote locking,
the system’s built-in starter immobilization circuit engages to help
guard against theft.
Press button . Upon unlocking: one horn beep (chirp with
optional siren), one parking light flash, the interior lights turn on and
the starter immobilization circuit disengages.
If you have this option, press to activate the trunk release.
Press button ✱ to remotely start the engine (or shut it down if idling
under the system’s control). See Remote Engine Starting DOs and
DON’Ts for important information on this topic.
If you have the SmartWindows 4 option, press buttons and
right after remotely unlocking to fully open the windows
controlled by SmartWindows 4. On hot days, press this button
combination right after remotely locking to vent the windows slightly.
Press again within 10 seconds of remotely locking to vent them an
additional increment (venting gap is CliffNet Wizard adjustable).
Func tion
Lock or un lock the doors (with beep/chirp confirmation)
Remote Button(s)
Optional wired ac ces sory (usu ally optional trunk re lease)*
Remotely start the engine
Unassigned or SmartWin dows 4 ac ces sory full open or vent*
LowTemp/Battery AutoStart or manual transmission SafeStart
* These but tons/chan nels can be as signed to con trol Clif ford sys tems and ac ces so ries on yo ur other ve hi cles.