In tel liS tart 4 Op er at ing In struc tions
Al ways ex er cise good judg ment and com mon sense:
• NEVER re motely start your vehicle’s engine if parked in an
area that lacks suf fi cient ven ti la tion.
• NEVER al low chil dren ac cess to the re mote con trols.
• NEVER en gage Short Stop or Auto Start if parked in an area
that lacks suf fi cient ven ti la tion.
• NEVER re motely start or use Short Stop with a per son or pet
in the vehicle.
• NEVER start if someone is be hind or in front of the vehicle.
UK residents: Please pardon our American English. Hood
means bonnet, parking lights are indicator lights, gasoline
is petrol, manual transmission is a standard.
Stan dard Fea tures
The fol low ing are stan dard fea tures of this ac ces sory. Some ve hi cles may re quire op tiona l
parts/wir ing and a few are in com pati ble with some fea tures.
þ Your G4 vehicle security system’s remote is IntelliStart-4-ready:
n Button ✱ on your 3-button and/or 4-button G4 system remote control
n Button 4 on your 5-button remote
þ Extensive engine management via your remote controls:
n Remotely start your car’s engine from hundreds of feet away
n Automatically performs extensive pre-start safety checks
n Automatic cold weather cranking for hard-start conditions
n Activates all preset accessories, such as the heater or AC
n Monitors RPM and shuts down the engine if any problem if detected
n Your G4 security system remains armed throughout
þ Communicates with your G4 security system via the CliffNet digital network
þ Automatically bypasses security sensors that may be triggered
þ Automatically shuts down the engine if alarm sounds
þ AutoShutDown after 30 minutes if left unattended
n 5-60 minute adjustable AutoShutDown via CliffNet Wizard PC software
þ To drive, just disarm your G4 security system and insert your car key
þ Prevents starter grinding if you accidentally turn the key too far
þ ShortStop lets you remove the key and arm alarm for a brief errand while
the engine continues to idle
þ Selectable LowTemp AutoStart warm-up for very cold weather
n Temperature threshold is CliffNet Wizard adjustable
þ Selectable LowBattery AutoStart recharging for long vacations
n Voltage threshold is CliffNet Wizard adjustable
þ Extended accessory power after ignition is turned off
þ Adds selectable rpm-based automatic door locking
þ Automatic and manual transmission compatibility
þ Gasoline & diesel compatibility (electronic fuel injection required)
þ One-year warranty

NOTE: This product MUST be in stalled by an
Authorized Clif ford Dealer in ac cor dance with the
in struc tions we sup ply them. It is in tended for
auto mo biles with a 12- volt bat tery and gasoline- or
diesel- powered electronic fuel-injected en gine. Your
Authorized Clif ford Dealer can cor rect any wir ing
prob lems and, if ever needed, can re turn any
mal func tion ing com po nent to Clif ford Elec tron ics for
re pair/re place ment un der the warranty terms and
conditions noted in this manual.
Im por tant Re mote Start ing DOs and DON’Ts
• Park in an open, well-ventilated area.
• Always engage the handbrake.
•Make sure you put the transmission in PARK
(automatic) or NEUTRAL (manual) before
shutting down the engine.
• Set your vehicle’s air conditioner, heater and
other accessories to the desired levels.
•Turn on your vehicle’s ventilation “recirculate”
feature to warm/cool the interior more
•If your vehicle has a manual transmission, you
must use the manual transmission SafeStart
procedure noted on the following page.
• Before engaging AutoStart, make sure the fuel
tank is full.
• NEVER re motely start your vehicle’s engine if
parked in an area lacking suf fi cient ven ti la tion.
• NEVER al low chil dren ac cess to the re mote
con trols.
• NEVER en gage the Short Stop or Auto Start
feature if parked in an en closed area that lacks
suf fi cient ven ti la tion.
• NEVER re motely start or use Short Stop with a
per son or pet in the vehicle.
• NEVER start with someone be hind or in front of
the ve hi cle.
Die sel com pati bil ity
The system will activate the engine’s glowplugs for the
necessary duration before starting., either via a timer delay
or through a direct connection to your vehicle’s glowplug
indicator (may require optional parts and wiring).