Re set All Fea tures ...........................................23
Stan dard Fea tures of the Con cept 600
The fol low ing are stan dard fea tures of this sys tem. Some ve hi cles may re quire op tional par ts/wir ing and a few are in com pati ble with some fea tures.
þ Lifetime Warranty
þ Up- to-£500 theft pro tec tion guar an tee
þ Two Remote Controls: one master remote, one companion remote
n ACG™ 2 (Anti-CodeGrabbing™)
n Extended Range
n Audible Low-Battery Warning
þ Built-In Two-Point AutoImmobiliser for Failure-Proof Driving Safety
þ Wireless FuelGuard Module
þ Patented PlainView 2™ Coded Valet Mode
n User-Selectable Remote Valet Mode Entry/Exit
n Automatic Re-Enabling of Full Security
þ Digital Dual-Zone Proximity Sensor 4 with Remote Zone Override
þ Digital Tilt/Motion Sensor
þ Built-In Window RollUp
þ BlackJax Anti-Carjacking Electronics
þ FACT — False Alarm Control and Test
þ Optional DataPort™ Interface to Your Own PC
n Point-and-Click Feature Programming with SecureAccess
þ Smart Self-Powered Medallion Siren with Unbreachable Digital ComLink
n Smart Self-Powered Circuitry with Automatic Low Battery Warning
n Dual-Mode “Chirp” Silencing
n QuietChirp™/LoudChirp™
n Remote Siren Silencing
þ Built-In Door Lock Electronics and Relays
n User-Selectable Automatic Door Locking/Unlocking
þ Remote Panic with Smart Locking/Unlocking
þ User-Selectable AutoArming™
n Lock upon AutoArming
n Instant AutoArm Bypass
þ Smart Remote Boot Release Capability
þ Integrated Electronic Timer for Optional Remote Headlight Activation
þBuilt-In Indicator Light Flasher with On-Board Relay
þ Remote Controlled Courtesy Lighting
þ Smart AutoTesting™ with Malfunction AutoBypass™ & AutoReMonitoring
þ Smart Prior Intrusion Attempt Alert
þ Eight-Event TotalRecall™
þ High-Luminescence LED Status Indicator with Automatic Battery-Saving Mode
þ Remote Control Code Learning
þ Clear All Remotes
þ Multiple-Car Control
þ SmartPowerUp™ 2
þ Full-Time SecureAccess™ Programming
Wel come to the world of
high- technology ve hi cle se cu rity and con ven ience
ongratulations on the purchase of your Concept 600, and thank you for choosing Clifford
Electronics World-Class Auto Security for your vehicle security needs! Clifford has long
been recognised as the world’s leading manufacturer of high-technology vehicle security
systems and accessories. Buying Clifford products has always meant buying the best, and
nowhere is our commitment to technological innovation, reliability and quality more evident
than in the astounding Concept 600 — our top-of-the-line Thatcham-evaluated model.
Concept 600 is loaded with protective features and convenience benefits, including: Window
RollUp that automatically closes the front two electric windows every time you remotely arm.
The remarkable self-adjusting Digital Tilt/Motion Sensor that detects any attempts to tow the
vehicle or remove its wheels. Our innovative Wireless FuelGuard Module that makes theft by
even the most skilled car thief virtually impossible since there are no wires for the thief to cut
or jump! BlackJax anti-carjacking and vehicle recovery system enhances your personal safety
and virtually assures your vehicle can be promptly recovered intact. Concept 600 also has our
ACG 2™ (Anti-CodeGrabbing) that fights off thieves with code-grabbers (a device similar to
those used to “clone” cellular phones). Clifford’s unique PlainView 2 Coded Valet Switch
ensures no thief, carjacker or joyrider can turn off your Concept 600 like they can with other
car alarm brands. The Smart Self-Powered Medallion Siren with Digital ComLink will detect
any theft-related wire tampering and will continue to sound even if the thief were to cut all
the wires! Our new optional CliffNet Wizard™ PC interface even lets you test and set all the
user-selectable features on your computer screen. Plus there’s remote controlled valet mode,
dual-point immobilisation in addition to the Wireless FuelGuard, an electronic interlock to
prevent accidental activation of the optional remote boot release, smart automatic
locking/unlocking if you ever need to “panic” the system, full-time programming access (even
whilst driving), and much, much more. Yet despite all the sophistication, you will find that
your Concept 600 is amazingly easy to use: never more difficult than a few presses of a button.
NOTE: Your sys tem MUST be in stalled by an Author ised Clif ford Dealer in
ac cor dance with the in struc tions we sup ply them. The sys tem is in tended for
auto mo biles with a 12- volt bat tery and petrol- or diesel- powered en gines.
(BlackJax works on electronic petrol-injected vehicles and will work on most
diesel-engine vehicles with the addition of our optional #60-226 adapter).
NOTE: The Installation Certificate document must be completed by your
installer at the Authorised Clifford Dealer. Other than the remote controls,
this system has no user-serviceable parts. Your Authorised Clifford Dealer
can correct any system wiring problems and, if ever needed, can return any
malfunctioning component to Clifford Electronics for repair/replacement
under the terms printed on the supplied warranty card. Any alterations or
additions would automatically invalidate the warranty, antitheft guarantee
(if applicable) and invalidate the Installation Certificate.
Main te nance
Your Concept 600 requires no maintenance except for replacement of remote control
batteries when they reach the end of their useful life; see the Automatic low batterywarning and Remote control battery replacement sections on page 11. This product, like any
electrical device in your vehicle, requires that your vehicle battery be in proper working
order and fully charged. To ensure proper operation, periodically have your vehicle
battery “load-checked” at any local garage/mechanic and ask them to verify that the
charging system (alternator, etc.) is working properly. Also make sure the battery cables
and connections are tight and free from corrosion.
Built- in ve hi cle re cov ery/anti- carjacking fea ture
Concept 600’s built-in BlackJax feature provides a safe and effective means of recovering
your vehicle after a theft or carjacking. In a carjacking situation, the sooner you are out
of the car the better. Don’t resist or take anything with you, just get out and get away.
The instant the car door is opened, your Concept 600 takes charge. First it allows the
carjacker to drive a short distance, ensuring your safety. Then it repeatedly flashes the
brake lights and continuously sounds the siren to caution nearby drivers and draw
attention to your stolen vehicle. Then when the carjacker slows for a turn or traffic, it
safely shuts down the engine and dynamically prevents it from being restarted. The
system will ignore the remote control at this point (since the carjacker most likely took
your remote along with your keys).
Even if the carjacker is familiar with our system, your Concept 600 will assure that he
cannot restart the engine. Unable to do so, and with your stalled vehicle in the middle of
traffic — siren wailing and brake lights flashing — the carjacker has no choice but to
abandon your car. (The same occurs to anyone who steals your parked car from you at a
petrol station or in a car park, which are the most common carjacking sites). To recover
your vehicle, you simply walk a block or two to your car, enter your code, and the system
releases control of the vehicle to you.
VERY IMPORTANT: The factory setting for the anti-carjacking feature is OFF.
Once you are familiar with the following, we suggest you turn this feature ON
(see pages 21-22). When anti-carjacking is on, each time you begin driving
you MUST enter your disarming code via the PlainView 2 switch on the
dashboard or console (unless the system is in valet mode). You may turn this
feature on or off at any time.
Your secret disarming code tells the system that the car is being driven by an authorised
person. If you or a passenger opens and closes a car door at any point whilst the engine is
running (as would occur in a carjacking attempt), you must again enter your secret code.
En able/dis able the anti- carjacking fea ture
You may enable or disable the BlackJax anti-carjacking feature (see User-selectable
features on pages 21-22) or temporarily override it via PlainView 2 Coded Valet Mode
(see page 14).
Your se cret dis arm ing code
Unless the BlackJax anti-carjacking feature is turned off or the system is in valet mode
(see page 14), 20 seconds after you switch on the ignition and press the brake (or open
and close a door whilst the engine is running), you must enter your secret disarming code
to let the system know it is you who is driving.
Your sys tem’s factory- set dis arm ing code is noted on the back
cover of this man ual.
Defi ni tions
n Digit:A digit is defined as any number from 0 to 9, inclusive.
n Disarming code: A disarming code may be 1 to 4 digits in length, but the first digit
may not be a zero:
A 1-digit code = any number between 1-9
A 2-digit code = any number between 10-99
A 3-digit code = any number between 100-999
A 4-digit code = any number between 1000-9999
n PlainView 2 switch: A two-button switch mounted on the dashboard or console.
One of the buttons is marked with a raised ✱, the other is unmarked. Each time you
drive your car, you must enter your secret disarming code via the PlainView 2 switch.
n Entering a digit: To enter a digit, you press and release the ✱ button of the
PlainView 2 switch the number of times of the digit to be entered, followed by pressing the
unmarked button. To enter a zero, you simply press and release the unmarked button.
n Entering a code: To enter your code, just repeat the above for each digit of your
EX AM PLE: To en ter a code of 1203, you would press and re lease
the Plain View 2 switch but tons thusly: ✱ un marked, ✱✱ un marked, un marked, ✱✱✱ un marked.
NOTE: You may NOT se lect a code that be gins with a zero. The
first digit of your code must be 1–9.
IM POR TANT: What you MUST do to drive your car
If you have the BlackJax anti-carjacking feature turned on, until you set your own
disarming code, you will use the factory-set code noted on the back cover of this manual.
To drive your car, do the following:
1. Shut all doors, then start the engine.
2. Enter the factory-set disarming code noted on the back cover of this manual using the
Entering a code: information noted above (you may do this whilst driving, if you wish).
The LED will light.
3. The LED will flash on for an instant after entry of the final digit to confirm proper
code entry. You may now drive or continue driving the vehicle.
What you MUST do if you hear 5 si ren chirps while driv ing
If you forget to enter the code, the system will remind you to do so 20 seconds after you
begin driving by “chirping” the siren 5 times and flashing the dashboard LED. At this
point, you have another 20 seconds to enter your code. When entered, the LED will stop
flashing and the siren will chirp once to confirm proper code entry. If the proper code is
not entered within 20 seconds after the 5-chirp signal, the engine will shut down as soon
as you slow for traffic or a turn. You may enter your disarming code even after the engine
is shut down. Once the proper disarming code is entered, you will be able to resume
“Guess ing” your code won’t help a car jacker
What if the carjacker is familiar with Clifford’s patented PlainView 2 coding system and
tries guessing codes at random? No problem. After three incorrect codes are entered, the
system will ignore any further code entries for a short time. So even if the carjacker were
to actually stumble upon your code during this time, he would still not be able to silence
your system or restart the engine.
How to set your own se cret dis arm ing code
You may choose any 1-, 2-, 3- or 4-digit code, but the first digit must not be a zero (e.g.,
1023 is a valid code, 0123 would not be a valid code). You can also change your code
whenever and wherever you want with the procedure noted on pages 21-22.
con tin ued...
Ex am ple
Let’s say you want to set a disarming code of 4301. To do so, you would do the following:
1. From the Table of user-selectable features on page 22, you would note that the Set a
new secret disarming/valet code feature is in column 2, row 7.
2. Enter program mode by turning on the ignition, entering your current disarming code,
then pressing and holding the PlainView 2 ✱ button for 3 seconds until you hear a chirp.
3. Select column 2 by pressing the unmarked button twice. After a brief pause, you will
hear 2 chirps to confirm that you have selected feature column 2.
4. Within 5 seconds, select row 7 by pressing and releasing the PlainView 2 ✱ button 7
times. To help you count, you will hear a chirp each time you press the ✱ button. After 7
presses, immediately press the unmarked button, then immediately enter your new code.
Example: To enter 4301 as your new code, you would press the switch buttons
in this manner: ✱✱✱✱ un marked, ✱✱✱ un marked, un marked, ✱ un marked.
5. Wait for the 2-chirp confirmation.
6. Turn off the ignition to exit program mode (you’ll hear a 3-chirp confirmation).
7. VERY IMPORTANT: You must immediately test your new valet code: Turn on
the ignition, enter your new code, then press and hold the unmarked button for 3
seconds. The LED will illuminate to indicate the system is in valet mode (see page 14
for information on valet mode). Turn the ignition off. The system is now in valet mode.
If the LED does not light, the new code you programmed and the one you just
entered do not match. In such a case, the system reverts to the previous code.
8.Turn the ignition on. The LED will turn off to indicate that the system has exited
valet mode and is now in normal operating mode. You may now turn off the ignition.
Your re mote con trols
The master remote control and the companion remote control are ultra-sophisticated
miniature radio transmitters powered by a single miniature battery (a 12-volt alkaline for
the master remote control; 3-volt lithium for the companion remote). A weak remote
control battery will reduce range (your Concept 600 system will warn you if the remote
control battery is nearing the end of its useful life, see page 11 for details). Electrical/radio
frequency interference, obstructions, weather conditions and even sunspots can interrupt
the signal from your remote control. If this happens, repeatedly press the remote control
button several times until the system responds (this works better than holding the button).
The remote controls are the keys to your system. But these remote controls are much
more secure than car keys because each incorporates Clifford’s ACG 2™
(Anti-CodeGrabbing 2™) technology with trillions of possible digital codes for the
ultimate protection. You will use your Concept 600 remote control to arm and disarm
the system, lock and unlock the doors, activate/deactivate the panic feature, close the
electric windows, enable/exit valet mode, override one or both Proximity Sensor zones
and command options such as a remote boot release, electric garage door interface and
even remote starting of the engine and heater or air conditioner, among other options.
TIP: If you press the top of the remote to your chin while pressing the button,
you can greatly increase the range since your body acts as a large radio
antenna (this is the same principle as a station coming in more clearly when
you touch the TV or radio antenna).
Your master remote control can command up to 16 different system functions and
options. But instead of putting 16 buttons on the remote control, we made it easy: First,
than the others. Buttons 2, 3 and 4 are the smaller buttons to the right, below and left of
button 1. The LevelShift
n To transmit either channel 1, 2, 3 or 4:
Just press either button 1, 2, 3 or 4. For instance,
to transmit channel 3, press button 3. Whilst you
transmit, the LED indicator will flash once every
n To transmit either channel 5, 6, 7 or 8:
Press the LevelShift button once. This shifts
buttons 1-4 to level 2 (channels 5-8). Then press
the desired button within the next 7 seconds. For
instance, to transmit channel 5, press the
LevelShift button once, then press button 1.
Whilst you transmit, you’ll notice that the LED
indicator flashes twice, pauses, flashes twice, etc.: this indicates level 2.
n To transmit channel 9, 10, 11 or 12: Press the LevelShift button twice. This
shifts buttons 1-4 to level 3 (channels 9-12). Then press the corresponding button
within the next 7 seconds. For instance, to transmit channel 10, press the LevelShift
button twice, then press button 2. Whilst you transmit, you’ll notice that the LED
flashes three times, pauses, flashes three times, etc.: this indicates level 3.
n To transmit channel 13, 14, 15 or 16: Press the LevelShift button three times.
This shifts buttons 1-4 to level 4 (channels 13-16). Then press the corresponding
button within the next 7 seconds. For instance, to transmit channel 16, press the LevelShift
button three times, then press button 4. Whilst you transmit, you’ll notice that the
LED flashes four times, pauses, flashes four times, etc.: this indicates level 4.
NOTE: One sec ond af ter you stop trans mit ting on level 2, 3 or 4 (chan nels
5-16), the re mote con trol auto mati cally re turns to level 1 (chan nels 1-4).
level 1 .
How to use your COMPANION re mote con trol
We made controlling basic system functions even easier with the
companion remote control. For example to arm/disarm and
lock/unlock, just press the button with the lock/unlock symbol:
; to activate the remote boot release option, just press the
button with the boot-open symbol: . For less frequently used
features, simultaneously pressing a combination of two buttons (as
specified in the following section) will do the job.
Re motely con trol ling your Con cept 600
Each of your two remote controls can command several different functions and options.
TO ARM:Press button 1 on the master remote control or button on
the companion remote control. You will hear two chirps and the
indicator lights will flash twice. The dashboard LED will flash
repeatedly, your vehicle’s power locks will automatically lock and
the two windows controlled by the Automatic Window RollUp
feature (see page 13) will close.
REV C UPDATE PAGE: ONLY PAGES 8, 9, 10, 19 and
the back cover change, all other pages same as REV B.
TO DIS ARM:Press button 1 on the master remote control or button on
the companion remote. One chirp and one indicator light flash
confirms disarming. In addition, the doors will automatically unlock,
the LED will turn off and the interior lights will turn on and stay on
for 30 seconds or until you start the engine, whichever occurs first.
By pressing button 3 on the master remote or pressing both the
button and the ✱ button on the companion remote, you can
arm or disarm your Concept 600 with all the indications previously
noted except the chirps.
For three seconds, continually press button 1 on the master remote
or button on the companion remote. The indicator lights
will flash repeatedly and the siren will blare until you press the
button again to turn it off. If the ignition is on (indicating you are
in the car), the doors will lock to prevent an assailant from
entering (note: some vehicles are unable to lock the doors whilst
the ignition is on). If the ignition is off, the doors will unlock,
allowing you to enter immediately without fumbling with your keys.
If you have the remote boot release option, pressing button 2 on
the master remote or button on the companion remote
whilst the system is disarmed will release the boot latch (see Smart boot release option on page 18 for more information). If you do not
have the boot release option, you may assign this button to activate
one of the other functions noted in column 4 of the Ta ble ofUser- Selectable Fea tures on page 22, or it can be programmed into a
Clifford ACG 2 electric garage door/entry gate opener interface or
a Concept 100, 300, 400 or 600 system on your other vehicle.
Button 4 on the master remote or button ✱ on the companion
remote is factory-set to activate the IntelliStart 4* remote engine
starting accessory. If you do not have this option, you may assign
this button to activate one of the other functions noted in column
4 of the Ta ble of User- Selectable Fea tures on page 22, or it can be
programmed into a Clifford ACG 2 electric garage door/entry gate
opener interface or a Concept 100, 300, 400 or 600 system on
your other vehicle.
If you have this option, channel 7 (LevelShift button once, then
button 3) on the master remote or button on the companion
remote will turn on the headlights for any duration you wish
between one second and 4 minutes (the factory setting is 10
seconds; see User-selectable features on pages 21-22). If you do not
have this option, you may assign this button to activate one of the
other functions noted in column 4 of the Ta ble of User- SelectableFea tures on page 22, or it can be programmed into a Clifford ACG 2
electric garage door/entry gate opener interface or a Concept 100,
300, 400 or 600 system on your other vehicle.
* This fea ture/ac ces sory is not evalu ated by Thatcham.
REV C UPDATE PAGE: ONLY PAGES 8, 9, 10, 19 and
the back cover change, all other pages same as REV B.
Channel 9 (LevelShift button twice, then button 1) on the master
remote or simultaneously pressing buttons and ✱ on the
companion remote is factory-set to enable/exit your Concept
600’s valet mode (see page 14 for details on valet mode). Two
indicator light flashes confirm remote enabled valet mode entry, a
single flash confirms valet mode exit. If you prefer, you may turn
off remote controlled valet mode as noted in the User-selectablefeatures section on pages 21-22 so that the system cannot be
placed in valet mode via the remote controls.
If you have the SmartWindows 4 option, channel 6 (LevelShift
button once, then button 2) on the master remote or
simultaneously pressing buttons and on the companion
remote is factory-set to fully open the electric windows if the
system is disarmed. If the system is in its armed state when you
press this channel or button combination, SmartWindows 4 will
vent the windows slightly for ventilation on hot days. Please note
that one SmartWindows 4 module will control two electric
windows, while the system’s built-in Window RollUp electronics
will control two others. Windows controlled by the system’s
Window RollUp electronics cannot be remotely opened or
vented, only those controlled by the SmartWindows 4 option.
SmartWindows 4 is not compatible with some vehicles.
If you have the IntelliVoice 4 speech synthesis option, channel 8
(LevelShift button once, then button 4) on the master remote or
simultaneously pressing buttons and on the companion
remote control will toggle the voice acknowledgments on/off (i.e.,
change the system’s arm/disarm confirmations from 2 chirps/1
chirp to verbal “ARMED”/“DISARMED ” confirmations and
Channel 10 (LevelShift button twice, then button 2) on the
master remote control or simultaneously pressing buttons
and on the companion remote anytime after arming will
override the warning zone of the system’s Dual-Zone Proximity
Sensor 4. A second press will override both zones (see Re motecon trolled over ride of each Prox im ity Sen sor zone on page 15).
Other features and options can be accessed from the companion
remote control and/or master remote control as noted in the chart
that follows:
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