Clifford 50x User Manual

for in for ma tion on us ing your valet code:
n If you wish to change your valet code to a dif fer ent 4- digit number, please re fer
to the ex am ple on page 11. Write your new valet code in the space be low:
WARN ING: For se cu rity rea sons, do not keep this man ual in your ve hi cle (since a thief could pos si bly ac cess it and learn of your se cret valet code). As such, please keep this man ual in a safe place in your home.
Con cept 50x is cov ered by one or more of the fol low ing Clif ford Elec tron ics U.S.A. patents:
4,158,874; 4,233,642; 4,327,444; 4,383,242; 4,430,685; 4,845,464; 4,887,064; 4,890,108; 4,922,224; 4,997,053; 5,081,667; 5,146,215; 5,157,375; 5,467,070; 5,650,744 and other pat ents pend ing.
Ta ble of Con tents
Stan dard Fea tures of the Con cept 50x ....................... 2
Your 4- button/12- channel re mote con trols ..................... 6
How to use your key chain re mote con trol.......................6
What each but ton/chan nel does............................7
Anti- CodeGrabbing (ACG) with Ran dom Code En cryp tion............ 8
Smart prior in tru sion at tempt alert .......................... 8
How to in ter pret the chirps and in di ca tor light flashes...............9
How to in ter pret the LED status in di ca tor ......................9
AutoArming ......................................9
AutoArming en able/dis able ..............................9
Vis ual ac knowl edg ment ................................9
AutoArm & Lock.....................................9
In stant AutoArming by pass...............................9
Ul traSe cure Coded Valet Mode .......................... 10
To en able valet mode.................................11
To exit valet mode ...................................11
Set ting your own se cret valet code ......................... 11
Re mote con trolled valet mode en try and exit .................... 11
Key less en try in valet mode ..............................12
Sen sor ad just ment.................................. 12
Re mote con trolled over ride of one or both sen sor zones............. 12
AutoLock and Aut oUn Lock .............................12
Built- In Two- Point Auto Im mo bi liser .........................13
False Alarm Pre ven tion and FACT — False Alarm Con trol and Test .......13
Smart Au toTest ing .................................. 14
Auto matic mal func tion by pass ........................... 14
Multiple- event To tal Re call ............................. 14
Smart Powe rUp II...................................15
Smart Self- Powered Si ren with Digi tal Com Link .................. 15
Un breach able Digi tal Com Link ............................ 15
Smart- charging..................................... 15
Long- term chirp si lenc ing ...............................15
Re mote con trolled chirp mut ing ...........................15
Qui etChirps (muf fled chirp sound level) ....................... 15
Auto matic low bat tery warn ing ............................ 15
Noise abate ment cir cuitry...............................15
User- selectable fea tures............................... 16
Step- by- step pro gram ming in struc tions ......................16
Chang ing the re mote con trol bat tery .......................18
Add ing new re mote con trols ............................ 18
How to erase the codes of lost or sto len re mote con trols............. 18
Ta ble of user- selectable fea tures ........................19- 20
Stan dard Fea tures of the Con cept 50x
q✔ Thatcham-Evaluated — The Concept 50x complies with the British
Insurance Industry’s Criteria for Vehicle Security as evaluated by Thatcham, the Motor Insurance Repair Research Centre.
qLifetime Warranty — For as long as you own the vehicle, Clifford will
repair or replace the control unit and remote controls free of charge (see warranty card for full details).
qFACT — False A larm Control and Test — One of many patented Clifford
innovations, FACT absolutely, positively ends recurring false alarms.
qA Pair of 4-Button/12-Channel Remote Controls — For fingertip command
from a distance.
qAnti-CodeGrabbing (ACG) with Random Code Encryption — Today’s
criminals are shifting from code scanning to a new, much more efficient method of electronic thievery: “code-grabbing.” When you use a car alarm remote control, it transmits a digital code to your alarm. A thief with a code-grabber can record that code right off the air from hundreds of metres away, then play it back when you’re gone to disarm the alarm and unlock the doors. Within seconds, your car is just another theft statistic. Fortunately, Clifford’s Anti-CodeGrabbing (ACG) randomly changes the transmitted code every time you press any of the remote control buttons. And since these codes are selected by the system’s microprocessor from an electronic file containing several trillion codes, the remote control control unit code-grabbing utterly useless against the Clifford Concept 50x.
NEVER sends the same code twice, and the system
NEVER accepts the same code twice. That makes
qBuilt-In Two-Point AutoImmobiliser — For the utmost in theft prevention,
two AutoImmobilisation circuits interrupt both the starter and ignition/fuel pump whilst the system is armed. Even if a thief were to pull the fuses or cut all the wires, the starter and ignition/fuel pump remain immobilised.
n Failure- Proof Driv ing Safety— Even in the unlikely event of a system
malfunction, the AutoImmobiliser will not stop the engine whilst the vehicle is being driven.
Stan dard Fea tures of the Con cept 50x (cont.)
q✔ UltraSecure Coded Valet Mode — Requires a code that you may select to put
the system in valet mode or program in an additional remote. This ensures that no thief can turn off your Concept 50x as they can with other alarms.
n Re mote Con trolled Valet Mode En try and Exit— With just a press of a button on
your remote control, you can enter or exit valet mode. Indicator light flashes visually confirm valet mode entry and exit.
qDual-Zone Proximity Sensor— Two sensor zones provide full protection: If
someone is lurking near your car, the system will sound a warning tone. But if a thief actually leans into the passenger compartment, the system will instantly blast the siren. It is impervious to wind and temperature variations that cause ultrasonic sensors to false alarm.
qGlass Tampering Sensor — Can detect attempts to break any of the
vehicle’s windows. An optional second microphone is available for larger vehicles, such as estate vehicles.
qDual-Mode “Chirp” Silencing —Whenever you wish, you may press a
button on the remote control to arm or disarm the system silently. It’s perfect when parking at night in a quiet residential area. Or, if you prefer, you may turn off the chirps on a long-term basis until you wish to turn them back on.
qRemote Door Locking/Unlocking with Built-in Relays — No more fumbling
with keys in the dark or bad weather! A single press of a button on the
remote control simultaneously arms your system and locks the doors. Another press disarms and unlocks.
n User- Selectable AutoLock— Automatically locks the doors the instant you turn
on the ignition to start the engine.
n User- Selectable Aut oUn Lock — Unlocks when you turn off the engine.
qSmart Self-Powered Siren with Unbreachable Digital ComLink
Continuous two-way digital communication between the system and the siren assures that if, at any time, the system fuse is pulled or any siren wire is cut, the siren will instantly activate for five minutes. Yet when the system is disarmed and power is interrupted, the siren will remain silent.
n Auto matic Low Bat tery Warn ing: If the siren’s back-up battery voltage is low,
the normal arm and disarm chirps will be muted to alert you of the problem. Once recharged, the chirps will automatically be restored.
Stan dard Fea tures of the Con cept 50x (cont.)
q✔ Smart Remote Boot Release Capability — Assures that the optional remote
boot release can be activated only if the system is in its disarmed state, thus avoiding the possibility of falsely triggering the system. This feature also ensures that the boot release cannot be remotely activated whilst driving.
qRemote Window/Sunroof Closure Capability — On certain vehicles
(including several models of Mercedes Benz, Jaguar, Volkswagen, Audi and BMW), the integrated timer and an optional relay can be used to automatically close the power windows and sunroof every time you remotely arm.
qQuietChirp— Whenever you desire, you may choose to lower the decibel
volume of the arm and disarm chirps to a level that is clearly audible but less obtrusive than the full-volume chirps. All it takes is a few flicks of a switch.
qUser-Selectable AutoArming— Automatically arms itself “passively” if
you forget and has all these additional features:
n AutoArming En able/Dis able — You may disable or re-enable the AutoArming
feature with just a few flicks of a switch.
n AutoArm & Lock — You may set the system to automatically lock the doors
every time the system AutoArms.
n Vis ual In di ca tion— Two indicator light flashes signal that the 30-second
countdown to AutoArming has started.
n In stant AutoArm By pass — Just a quick turn of the ignition switch will bypass
AutoArming for one cycle — perfect when fueling the vehicle. AutoArming is automatically restored the next time you park.
qPatented Smart Prior Intrusion Attempt Alert — When you return to your
vehicle and remotely disarm, a special chirp and indicator light flash sequence will audibly and visually alert you if an intrusion attempt was foiled whilst you were away. Your Concept 50x will even identify the specific trigger or sensor that detected the intrusion attempt.
qRemote Controlled Courtesy Lighting — For your personal safety and
convenience, when you remotely disarm your Concept 50x, the interior lights turn on and stay on until you start the engine or 30 seconds, whichever occurs first.
Stan dard Fea tures of the Con cept 50x (cont.)
q✔ Built-In Indicator Light Flasher — On-board relay and circuitry will visually
confirm door lock and system status.
qPatented Smart AutoTesting — Automatically tests all system triggers and
sensors every time you remotely arm and warns you if you accidentally arm your Concept 50x system with the bonnet or boot open. If there is a genuine trigger or sensor malfunction, the system will specifically identify the problem, thereby eliminating time-consuming and costly trouble-shooting.
qPatented Malfunction AutoBypass with Automatic Monitoring — In the
unlikely event of a trigger or sensor malfunction, Concept 50x automatically bypasses the malfunction and arms all other points to continue relentless protection of your vehicle. If you simply left the bonnet, boot or a door open when you armed, just close it and the system will again monitor that trigger point.
qMultiple-Event TotalRecall— Concept 50x’s memory stores the identity of
the last eight trigger and sensor activations. This provides an invaluable diagnostic means, since, whenever you wish, the system will visually identify the activated triggers and sensors in reverse chronological order.
qPatented Remote Control Code Learning with MultiRemote Recognition
Just a few flicks of a switch lets you match to the system up to 4 different 12-channel Clifford ACG remote controls. Just as easily, a lost or stolen remote control can be deleted.
qMultiple-Car Control — You may use the same remote to control Concept
50x systems on up to six of your other vehicles.
qHigh-Luminescence LED Status Indicator — Adds visual deterrence and
identifies system status.
qPatented SmartPowerUp II — When power to the system is disconnected,
the system’s nonvolatile memory always remembers the security system’s last state (armed or disarmed) and returns to that state when power is restored. So if a thief disconnects the power and then restores it in an attempt to start the car, the system will instantly re-arm.
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