Cleveland MFS Operators Manual

Maintenance Procedures
& Parts Lists
Metering Filling Station
For units built after August 2011
For your future reference.
Model # ______________________________________
Serial # _______________________________________
Model # & Serial #.
(Open front panel to view rating label.)
1333 East 179th St., Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. 44110 Ph: 216.481.4900 Fx: 216.481.3782
This manual is to be used in conjunction with the “Operators Manual”. See “Operators Manual” for safety warnings, correct operation, installation and preventative maintenance.
Read the manual thoroughly.
Improper installation, operation or maintenance can cause property damage, injury or death.
SE95019 Rev. 10,
July 2011
This document is for use by experienced and trained Qualified Cleveland Range, LLC Authorized Service Representatives who are familiar with both the safety procedures, and equipment they service. Cleveland Range, LLC assumes no liability for any death, injury, equipment damage, or property damage resulting from use of, improper use of, or failure to use the information contained in this document. Cleveland Range, LLC has made every effort to provide accurate information in this document, but cannot guarantee that this document does not contain unintentional errors and omissions.
The information in this document may be subject to technical and technological changes, revisions, or updates. Cleveland Range, LLC assumes no liability or responsibility regarding errata, changes, revisions, or updates.
Qualified Cleveland Range, LLC Authorized Service Representatives are obligated to follow industry standard safety procedures, including, but not limited to, OSHA regulations, and disconnect / lock out / tag out procedures for all utilities including steam, and disconnect / lock out / tag out procedures for gas, electric, and steam powered equipment and / or appliances.
All utilities (gas, electric, water and steam) should be turned OFF to the equipment and locked out of operation according to OSHA approved practices during any servicing of Cleveland Range equipment
Qualified Cleveland Range, LLC Authorized Service Representatives are obligated to maintain up-to-date knowledge, skills, materials and equipment.
Ce document est destiné à l’usage des Représentants de Service qualifiés et autorisés de Cleveland Range, LLC qui possèdent l’expérience et la formation ainsi que la bonne connaissance des mesures de sécurité et du matériel qu’ils entretiennent.
Cleveland Range, LLC décline toute responsabilité pour tout cas de décès, blessure, dommage matériel ou dommage aux biens résultant de l'utilisation, de la mauvaise utilisation ou du manquement d’utilisation des renseignements contenus dans ce document.
Cleveland Range, LLC s’est efforcé à fournir des renseignements précis dans ce document mais ne peut garantir que ce document soit exempt d’erreurs et d’omissions non intentionnelles.
Les renseignements contenus dans ce document peuvent être assujettis à des changements techniques et technologiques, des révisions ou des mises à jour.
Cleveland Range, LLC décline toute obligation ou responsabilité concernant les errata, modifications, révisions ou mises à jour.
Les Représentants de Service qualifiés et autorisés de Cleveland Range, LLC sont tenus de se conformer aux mesures de sécurité normalisées de l’industrie, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, les réglementations de l'OSHA, les procédures de débranchement / verrouillage / étiquetage relatives à tous les services publics, dont l’approvisionnement en vapeur, et les procédures de débranchement / verrouillage / étiquetage relatives aux équipements et/ou appareils fonctionnant au gaz, à l’électricité et à la vapeur.
Au cours de tout entretien d’un appareil Cleveland Range, tous les services publics (gaz, électricité, eau et vapeur) doivent être FERMÉS au niveau de l’appareil et le dispositif de fonctionnement doit être verrouillé suivant les pratiques approuvées de l’OSHA.
Les Représentants de Service qualifiés et autorisés de Cleveland Range, LLC sont tenus d’actualiser en permanence leurs connaissances, compétences, matériel et équipement.
Este documento está destinado para el uso de los Representantes de Servicio calificados y autorizados de Cleveland Range, LLC quienes cuentan con la experiencia y la capacitación así como el buen conocimiento de las medidas de seguridad y de los equipos que mantienen.
Cleveland Range, LLC, declina toda responsabilidad en caso de cualquier fallecimiento, lesiones, daños al equipo o daños a la propiedad resultantes de la utilización, del uso indebido o de la falta de utilización de la información provista en este documento.
Cleveland Range, LLC se ha esforzado en suministrar información precisa en este documento, pero no puede garantizar que este documento esté exento de errores y de omisiones no intencionales.
La información contenida en este documento podría estar sujeta a cambios técnicos o tecnológicos, revisiones o actualizaciones. Cleveland Range, LLC declina toda obligación o responsabilidad con respecto a erratas, modificaciones, revisiones o actualizaciones.
Los Representantes de Servicio calificados y autorizados de Cleveland Range, LLC tienen la obligación de seguir los procedimientos estándar de seguridad de la industria; los cuales incluyen pero no se limitan a los reglamentos de la OSHA (La Administración de la Seguridad y Salud Ocupacionales), los procedimientos de desconexión, cierre y etiquetado relativos a todos los servicios públicos incluyendo el suministro de vapor y los procedimientos de desconexión, cierre y etiquetado para los equipos y/o aparatos que funcionan a base de gas, electricidad o vapor.
Cuando se esté dando servicio o mantenimiento a un aparato de Cleveland Range, todos los servicios públicos (gas, electricidad, agua y vapor) deben estar APAGADOS para el equipo en cuestión y se debe seguir el procedimiento de cierre de operaciones de acuerdo con las prácticas aprobadas por la OSHA.
Los Representantes de Servicio calificados y autorizados de Cleveland Range, LLC tienen la obligación de actualizar constantemente sus conocimientos, destrezas, materiales y equipamiento.
The following trouble shooting guide
and maintenance procedures are meant
to be used by Qualified Service Technician.
For periodic maintenance recommendations see “Operators Manual”.
(reference drawings at back of manual)
1. If there is no air to unit check:
A/ Check that the kettle's Air Quick Connect
is pushed upward to the "OPEN" position.
B/ Open the back access doors and check that the 3
way spool valve is pressed inwards.
2. Make sure the air regulator (large black knob on
back of panel) is turned on for pressure to enter system. To be sure enough pressure is in system, check for min. 60 PSI, otherwise valves might not shift.
3. Recommended operating pressure is 90 to 100 PSI.
4. If the unit seems to be covered in oil or the oil is
dripping out of the mufflers, then turn lubricator output down. Correct setting is 1 drop every 10-15 strokes.
5. If the pump valve does not shift during operation or is
slow in shifting, make sure the two Legris flow controls are not adjusted right in. If so, then back them off.
6. If pump cylinder is too slow then adjust large Aro flow
controls to desired speed.
7. If a leak develops around the air valve 5 bank
manifold, tighten the screws on top of valve and tighten manifold socket head bolts as these can loosen over time.
NOTE: Be careful with socket head bolts - do not tighten
too much or clamps will bend on manifold increasing the leak.
8. If cylinder cycles one way but not back, check that
the limit valves are hitting to make sure contact is made and signal is sent to either port 19 or 26 of the 5 station valve bank.
9. If cylinder still does not cycle, check or replace
control valve assembly of the 5 station valve bank.
Cushion Adjustment S
et Screw
ravel Adjustment  Set Screw
1/8" 1/8"
Single Cycle Operation
Turn the selector switch to the single cycle. It will do the following when the start switch is hit:
Shifts valve No. 2 second from the top which turns off valve No. 1 and takes the signal away from Pt. 24.
Single cycle valve is now turned on. It gives a one shot of air to valve No. 3 which shifts, and turns on Group A.
The pump valve now shifts (Airtec Valve) Pt. 1 and valve No. 4 & 5 shifts Pt. 11 &12. This actuates Air Cylinder & Rotary Actuator.
When the pump reaches its full stroke, it hits LV1. This shifts valve No. 3 back through Pt. 19 which turns on Group B which shifts the pump valve (Airtec Valve) at Pt. 2 and shifts the valves NO. 4 & 5 back through Pt. 22 & 23 which actuates the Air Cylinder and Rotary Actuator to complete the single cycle.
Constant Pumping Path:
Turn the selector switch to constant pumping cycle. It will then do the following when the start switch is hit:
Valve No. 2 shifts which in turn shifts valve No. 1 through Pt. 31. This turns on valve No. 3 through Pt. 24 if LV2 is actuated which turns on Group A.
The pump valve now shifts (Airtec Valve) Pt. 1 and valve No., 4 & 5 shifts Pt. 11 & 12 to actuate Air Cylinder and Rotary Actuator.
When pump reaches the full stroke it hits LV1. This shifts back Valve No. 3 through Pt. 19 which turns on Group B which shifts pump valve (Airtec Valve) at Pt. 2 and shifts back valve No. 4 & 5 through Pt. 22 and Pt. 23 which actuates the Air Cylinder and Rotary Actuator.
When the pump completes the first cycle, LV2 is hit again and turns valve No. 1 back on and shifts valve No. 3 again through Pt. 24 and starts another cycle all over again.
This will continue until the selector switch is turned off which turns off the air to valve No. 2 and stops supplying valve No. 1, which will not turn on valve No. 3 to start another cycle.
igure 1
SECTION 1 - Adjustment of Valve Paddle Travel
NOTE: When looking at the pump head (paddle side), left
side paddle travel is affected by the right side air cylinder travel adjustment set screw and vice versa.
1. Back off 9/16" lock nut on 3/8" dia. set screw as shown
in Figure 1.
2. Adjust set screw until valve paddle is l/8" away from
inside O-ring land edge as shown in Figure 2.
3. Secure lock nut.
4. Recheck l /8" distance between paddle and edge.
5. This side is now set. Follow the same procedure for the
other side.
SECTION 2 - Setting of Air Cushion
NOTE A: Again left side paddle cushioning is affected by
the right side air cylinder cushion set screw (3/16" dia.) and vice versa as shown in Figure 1.
NOTE B: Turning set screw in increases air cushion action and vice versa.
CAUTION: Avoid fingers around paddle travel area, personal injury may result.
1. Support the head assembly securely and connect the air
lines to the rotary actuator air cylinders. Activate air to start rotary action.
2. Observe air cushion action at the end of each swing.
Optimum cushion action can best be described as a controlled deceleration of the paddle at the end of the swing with complete elimination of rotational momentum in the shortest time possible. Adjust set screw to achieve results on both sides.
igure 2
Oil Sight Bulb
Blow Down Button
Pressure Regulator Dial
Pressure Gauge
Oil Bowl
Blow D
1. Adjust air regulator or line pressure so that air pressure
gauge reads 90 - 100 psi when unit is running on continuous cycle (stroke selector switch is set on "constant pumping").
The lubricator puts one drop of oil into the air lines for every ten to fifteen cycles of the product piston. This ratio should be checked weekly and the oil level should be checked daily.
The air filter is designed to separate a small amount of dirt and water from the supply air. This filter is NOT designed to clean air straight from the compressor. You must install a separate filter and drier in the supply line to deliver air with a dew point of less than 65° F.
1. Check for water accumulation daily. If water is present,
push button at the bottom of bowl and allow the water to spray out.
NOTE: If the bowl has to be drained regularly (more than once a week) then the supply air has not been sufficiently dried.
2. If the air cartridge is dirty then it should be replaced.
Remove air connection from unit.
Remove cage and bowl.
Turn disk to the left to remove.
Install new cartridge.
1. Drip Adjustment-
Observe the sight bulb on the top of the oiler. One drop of oil into the lines for every ten to fifteen cycles of the product piston.
If adjustment is necessary turn the adjustment knob next to the sight bulb clockwise for more oil, counter clockwise for less oil.
2. Adding Oil-
Use only mineral oil in th oiler.
Remove air supply from unit.
Remove oiler cage and bowl. Fill to line and replace.
The amount of delay between the time the product piston reaches the end of a half stroke and the reversing of direction can be adjusted.
1. Remove the back panel.
2. The two flow controls are located to the left of the large
shuttle valve on the right.
NOTE: The left flow control controls the delay after the
discharge stroke is completed. The right flow control controls the the delay after the suction stroke is completed.
3 Loosen locking nut.
4. Set selector switch to continuous and have someone
hold the tripper switch as you adjust the delay.
5. Retighten the locking nut.
Our Company supports a worldwide network of Maintenance and Repair Centers. Contact your nearest Maintenance and Repair Centre for replacement parts, service, or information regarding the proper maintenance and repair of your cooking equipment
In order to preserve the various agency safety certification (UL, NSF, ASME/Ntl. Bd., etc.), only factory-supplied replacement parts should be used. The use of other than factory supplied replacement parts will void warranty.
1. - 10. SE00068-1 Pump head assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
1. KE53014-1 Rotary actuator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
2. FA05002-24 "O" Ring, cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
3. KE53056 Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
4. KE01302 Lug nuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
5. FA11322-1 Hex cap screws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
6. KE53659-1 Bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
7. KE003731 End plate, includes 5 & 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
8. KE53016 Bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
9. FA05002-2 "O" Ring, pump head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
10. KE603701 Valve Paddle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-
SE50454 Bearing kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
SE50455 Seal kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
SE50455-1 Gear shaft assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
+ 11 hidden pages