Cleveland KET-6-T Operators Manual

Maintenance Procedures
& Parts Lists
Electric Table Top Kettles
For your future reference.
Model # ______________________________________
Serial # _______________________________________
Model # & Serial #.
1333 East 179th St., Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. 44110 Ph: 216.481.4900 Fx: 216.481.3782
This manual is to be used in conjunction with the “Operators Manual”. See “Operators Manual” for safety warnings, correct operation, installation and preventative maintenance.
Read the manual thoroughly. Improper installation, operation or
maintenance can cause property damage, injury or death.
SE95004 Rev. 9
August 2012
This document is for use by experienced and trained Qualified Cleveland Range, LLC Authorized Service Representatives who are familiar with both the safety procedures, and equipment they service. Cleveland Range, LLC assumes no liability for any death, injury, equipment damage, or property damage resulting from use of, improper use of, or failure to use the information contained in this document. Cleveland Range, LLC has made every effort to provide accurate information in this document, but cannot guarantee that this document does not contain unintentional errors and omissions.
The information in this document may be subject to technical and technological changes, revisions, or updates. Cleveland Range, LLC assumes no liability or responsibility regarding errata, changes, revisions, or updates.
Qualified Cleveland Range, LLC Authorized Service Representatives are obligated to follow industry standard safety procedures, including, but not limited to, OSHA regulations, and disconnect / lock out / tag out procedures for all utilities including steam, and disconnect / lock out / tag out procedures for gas, electric, and steam powered equipment and / or appliances.
All utilities (gas, electric, water and steam) should be turned OFF to the equipment and locked out of operation according to OSHA approved practices during any servicing of Cleveland Range equipment
Qualified Cleveland Range, LLC Authorized Service Representatives are obligated to maintain up-to-date knowledge, skills, materials and equipment.
Ce document est destiné à l’usage des Représentants de Service qualifiés et autorisés de Cleveland Range, LLC qui possèdent l’expérience et la formation ainsi que la bonne connaissance des mesures de sécurité et du matériel qu’ils entretiennent.
Cleveland Range, LLC décline toute responsabilité pour tout cas de décès, blessure, dommage matériel ou dommage aux biens résultant de l'utilisation, de la mauvaise utilisation ou du manquement d’utilisation des renseignements contenus dans ce document.
Cleveland Range, LLC s’est efforcé à fournir des renseignements précis dans ce document mais ne peut garantir que ce document soit exempt d’erreurs et d’omissions non intentionnelles.
Les renseignements contenus dans ce document peuvent être assujettis à des changements techniques et technologiques, des révisions ou des mises à jour.
Cleveland Range, LLC décline toute obligation ou responsabilité concernant les errata, modifications, révisions ou mises à jour.
Les Représentants de Service qualifiés et autorisés de Cleveland Range, LLC sont tenus de se conformer aux mesures de sécurité normalisées de l’industrie, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, les réglementations de l'OSHA, les procédures de débranchement / verrouillage / étiquetage relatives à tous les services publics, dont l’approvisionnement en vapeur, et les procédures de débranchement / verrouillage / étiquetage relatives aux équipements et/ou appareils fonctionnant au gaz, à l’électricité et à la vapeur.
Au cours de tout entretien d’un appareil Cleveland Range, tous les services publics (gaz, électricité, eau et vapeur) doivent être FERMÉS au niveau de l’appareil et le dispositif de fonctionnement doit être verrouillé suivant les pratiques approuvées de l’OSHA.
Les Représentants de Service qualifiés et autorisés de Cleveland Range, LLC sont tenus d’actualiser en permanence leurs connaissances, compétences, matériel et équipement.
Este documento está destinado para el uso de los Representantes de Servicio calificados y autorizados de Cleveland Range, LLC quienes cuentan con la experiencia y la capacitación así como el buen conocimiento de las medidas de seguridad y de los equipos que mantienen.
Cleveland Range, LLC, declina toda responsabilidad en caso de cualquier fallecimiento, lesiones, daños al equipo o daños a la propiedad resultantes de la utilización, del uso indebido o de la falta de utilización de la información provista en este documento.
Cleveland Range, LLC se ha esforzado en suministrar información precisa en este documento, pero no puede garantizar que este documento esté exento de errores y de omisiones no intencionales.
La información contenida en este documento podría estar sujeta a cambios técnicos o tecnológicos, revisiones o actualizaciones. Cleveland Range, LLC declina toda obligación o responsabilidad con respecto a erratas, modificaciones, revisiones o actualizaciones.
Los Representantes de Servicio calificados y autorizados de Cleveland Range, LLC tienen la obligación de seguir los procedimientos estándar de seguridad de la industria; los cuales incluyen pero no se limitan a los reglamentos de la OSHA (La Administración de la Seguridad y Salud Ocupacionales), los procedimientos de desconexión, cierre y etiquetado relativos a todos los servicios públicos incluyendo el suministro de vapor y los procedimientos de desconexión, cierre y etiquetado para los equipos y/o aparatos que funcionan a base de gas, electricidad o vapor.
Cuando se esté dando servicio o mantenimiento a un aparato de Cleveland Range, todos los servicios públicos (gas, electricidad, agua y vapor) deben estar APAGADOS para el equipo en cuestión y se debe seguir el procedimiento de cierre de operaciones de acuerdo con las prácticas aprobadas por la OSHA.
Los Representantes de Servicio calificados y autorizados de Cleveland Range, LLC tienen la obligación de actualizar constantemente sus conocimientos, destrezas, materiales y equipamiento.
The following trouble shooting guide and maintenance
procedures are meant to be used by Qualified Service Technician
For periodic maintenance recommendations see “Operators Manual”.
Extreme caution must be taken if unit is electrically energized for testing.
Remove power from the unit while servicing.
This section contains servicing information intended for use by Authorized Service Personnel. NOTE 1: If Fault Isolation Procedure is required, be sure to start at step #1. NOTE 2: On table type kettles the entire control mounting panel may be removed from kettle control housing for easier troubleshooting and parts replacement.
A/ Problem: Kettle is not heating at all. (Kettle must be on and temperature control set.)
PPoossssiibbllee CCaauusseess
1. No incoming power.
2. Kettle is tilted.
3. Low water condition.
4. Defective ON/OFF switch.
5. Defective 12 VDC relay.
Fault Isolation Procedure
SStteepp TTeesstt
1. Is there proper incoming voltage at terminal block? Yes - Go to step #2. No - Correct external power supply problem.
2. Is the red LED illuminated? Yes - Follow Reservoir Fill Procedure. If this does not correct the problem, go to Problem D. No - Go to step #3.
3. Is the green LED illuminated? Yes - Go to step #4. No - Go to step #7.
4. Do both contactors energize? Yes - Check contactor contacts for pitting. Voltage across contactor terminals while in a closed position indicates a poor contact. Replace contactor/s as necessary. Check elements for short at ground or an open circuit. If element/s are defective contact the factory. Elements are not field replaceable. No - Go to step #5.
5. Measure continuity across safety thermostat. Is it an open circuit? Yes - Replace defective safety thermostat. No - Go to step #6.
6. Defective safety thermostat.
7. Defective contactor/s.
8. Defective potentiometer
9. Defective low water level
(temperature control).
10. Defective thermistor.
11. Defective 240/16 VAC transformer.
12. Defective control box.
13. Defective elements.
6. Is there 120 VAC present across the coils of the contactors? Yes - Replace defective contactor/s. No - Go to step #7.
7. Remove wire from low water level probe and ground it to the body of the kettle. Do the contactors now energize? Yes - Clean or replace defective low water level probe. Replace defective red LED. No - Go to step #8.
8. Is there 16 VAC present at output of 16 VAC transformer? Yes - Go to step #9. No - Replace defective 240/16 VAC transformer.
9. Measure continuity of ON/OFF switch/ temperature control. Is it operating properly? Yes - Go to step #10. No - Replace defective ON/OFF switch/temperature control.
10. Unplug control box and measure the resistance across potentiometer. Is it approximately 0 ohms at maximum setting and 50,000 ohms at minimum? Yes - Go to step #11. No - Replace defective potentiometer (ON/OFF switch/temperature control)
11. Remove edge connector from control box. While kettle is cold or thermistor is removed and allowed to cool, measure the resistance between edge connector’s pins #2 and #7. Is it approximately 100,00 ohms? Yes - Spray contact cleaner on control box terminals and edge connector. Try box again, if the problem still exists, replace defective control box. No - Replace defective thermistor.
B/ Problem: Kettle heats too slowly or not hot enough. (Note: normal max. operating pressure with an empty kettle is 30-35 psi.)
PPoossssiibbllee CCaauusseess
1. Air in jacket requires venting.
2. Defective safety thermostat.
3. Defective potentiometer (temperature control).
4. Defective thermistor.
Fault Isolation Procedure
SStteepp TTeesstt
1. In a cold state, does the pressure gauge read in the green zone? Yes - Go to step #2. No - There is air present in the jacket of the kettle. Follow Kettle Venting Procedure. If constant venting is required, there is a leak that should be corrected.
2. Do the contactors shut off too early? (before reaching normal maximum operating pressure.) Yes - Go to step #3. No - Check contactor contacts for pitting. Voltage across terminal of contactor while energized signifies a poor contact. Replace contactor/s as necessary. Check elements for short to ground or open circuit. If elements are defective, contact the factory. Elements are not field replaceable.
3. Does the green LED remain illuminated after the contactors shut off? Yes - Replace defective safety thermostat. No - Go to step #4.
4. Unplug control box and measure the resistance across potentiometer (temperature control). Is it approximately 0 ohms at maximum and 50,000 ohms at minimum setting? Yes - Go to step #5. No - Replace defective thermistor.
5. Remove kettle thermistor and allow to cool. Remove edge connector from control box. Test resistance across edge connector's pins #2 and #7. Is it approximately 100,000 ohms? Yes - Go to step #6. No - Replace defective thermistor
6. Turn the potentiometer on the control box clockwise to increase the maximum operating temperature. Does the kettle now achieve maximum operating pressure of 30-35 psi in an empty kettle? Yes - Kettle is operating correctly. No - Spray contact cleaner on control terminals and edge connector. Try box again. If problem still exists, replace defective control box.
5. Defective contactor/s.
6. Defective control box.
7. Defective elements/s.
C/ Problem: Kettle is overheating.
PPoossssiibbllee CCaauusseess
1. Defective thermistor
2. Defective potentiometer (temperature control).
Fault Isolation Procedure
SStteepp TTeesstt
1. Does the green LED turn off even though the contactors remain energized? Yes - Replace defective 12 VDC relay. No - Go to step #2.
2. Unplug the control box and measure the resistance across the potentiometer (temperature control), Is the resistance approximately 0 ohms at maximum and 50,000 ohms at minimum setting? Yes - Go to step #3. No - Replace defective thermistor.
3. Remove kettle thermistor and allow to cool Remove edge connector from control box. Test resistance across edge connector’s pins #2 and #7. Is it approximately 100,000 ohms? Yes - Go to step #4. No - Replace defective thermistor.
4. Turn the potentiometer (temperature control) on the control box counter-clockwise to decrease the maximum operating temperature. does the kettle continue to overheat? Yes - Spray contact cleaner on control box terminal and edge connector. Try box again. If problem still exists, replace defective control box. No - Kettle is operating correctly.
3. Defective 12 VDC relay.
4. Defective control box.
D/ Problem: Red LED remains illuminated even though water has been added.
PPoossssiibbllee CCaauusseess
1. Defective low water level probe
2. Defective control box.
Fault Isolation Procedure
SStteepp TTeesstt
1. Remove wire from low water level probe and ground the wire to the body of the kettle. Does the red LED turn off? Yes - Replace or clean defective low water level probe. No - Spray contact cleaner on control box terminals and edge connector. Try box again. If problem still exist, replace defective control box.
Worm Screw and Tilt Gear
NOTE: The following instructions are intended
for use by qualified service personnel.
Regular inspection and maintenance of units is essential to obtain trouble free and safe operation of equipment. The following steps should be completed IN SEQUENCE every year or more frequently, if unit
is in a high volume facility.
1. Disconnect main power at fused disconnect switch.
2. Kettle should be cold. If necessary add water to kettle pot to cool unit.
3. The pressure gauge should now show a vacuum and have no indication of leakage.
If gauge gauge looks damaged replace gauge.
4. Gauge must be showing a vacuum prior to proceeding. If not check for leaks, and repair
kettle prior to proceeding. Refer to REFERENCE SECTION (KETTLE VENTING INSTRUCTIONS).
hoto of Pressure Gauge in Vacuum.
1. Inspect controls, replace damaged seals, switches, LED's etc..
2. Remove the console cover and check that the seal is not cracked or split.
Replace seal, screws, missing or worn nylon anchor nuts. Leave cover off.
3. Remove the kettle bottom cover and check that the seal is not cracked or split.
Leave cover off.
A. Check handle for tightness. If loose apply lock tight and reinstall. Check handle
knob is on end of handle and firmly tightened. If missing replace, if loose apply lock tight and reinstall.
B. Check that kettle tilts smoothly and there is no excessive wear in the trunnion bearings.
Add grease to nipples as required or for older units without grease nipples refer to REFERENCE SECTION
A. Check that the kettle tilts smoothly. If there is excess play adjust the worm to gear
clearance with Locking Nuts or Adjusting Screw as required. B. Check that there is no excessive wear in the trunnion bearings. C. Apply grease to gear teeth.
Photo of Grease Nipples.
Illustration inverted for clarity.
KE55450 Rev. 2
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