Cisco Systems Surveillance Media Server User Manual


Installing and Upgrading Cisco Video Surveillance Media Server (VSMS)
This document provides the following information and instructions:
Installation and Initial Configuration:
2. Understand general installation information—Before You Install, page 4
3. Obtain the VSMS software—Obtaining VSMS Software, page 3
4. Perform pre-installation procedures—Before You Install, page 4
5. Install J2SDK—Installing J2SE 1.4.2 SDK for Linux (all platforms), page 8
6. Install the VSMS software—Installing VSMS, page 9
7. Configure video repositories for archives and clips—Configuring VSMS,
page 10
Americas Headquarters: Cisco Systems, Inc., 170 West Tasman Drive, San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA

System Requirements

After installation:
8. (Recommended) Back up the VSMS configuration—Backing up VSMS,
page 10, and Restoring VSMS, page 11
9. (As needed) Upgrade VSMS to a new software release—Upgrading VSMS,
page 12
System Requirements
This section describes the requirements of the server and client systems on which you install VSMS.
The server must meet the following minimum requirements:
Intel Celeron or Pentium, 1.7 GHz
10 GB hard disk
Operating System (one of the following):
Red Hat Enterprise 4 Update 2 (RHEL4)
SuSE Enterprise 9 Service Pack 3 (SLES9-SP3)
SuSE Enterprise 10 Service Pack 1 (SLES10-SP1)
SuSE Enterprise 10 Service Pack 1 64-bit (SLES10-SP1-64)
Software License Key
Obtain a VSMS license key by contacting
A client PC must meet the following minimum requirements:
1.7 GHz Pentium III if running 1 video window
1.7 GHz Pentium 4 if running 2 video windows
3.2 GHz Pentium 4 with hyperthreading enabled if running 4 video windows
Installing and Upgrading Cisco Video Surveillance Media Server (VSMS)
ATI or Nvidia DirectX 9 compatible graphics interface. The graphics interface and Drivers must support DirectX Acceleration, Direct3D Acceleration, and AGP texture acceleration and have at least 128 MB of video memory.
Operating system:
Microsoft Windows XP SP2 (32-bit)
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0
Microsoft DirectX 9.0c

Installation Notes

The Pegasus MJPEG video decoder is installed automatically with the VSMS
Cisco recommends that you use NTP source to maintain the correct time on
the server. Configuring NTP should be done before video recording is configured. The hardware clock should be set to use UTC time and the appropriate time zone for the server. If you are using SUSE, you can use YaST to configure the server time.
Installation Notes
The performance of client devices can vary depending on client configuration
and applications.

Obtaining VSMS Software

The VSMS software is available from
You must log in to the Cisco website to access the software. Select the Cisco Video Surveillance Media Server Software software version for the appropriate for your Linux version.
Installing and Upgrading Cisco Video Surveillance Media Server (VSMS)

Before You Install

Before You Install
Before you install VSMS, you must configure the video repositories and install all software pre-requisites.

Preparing Video Repositories

Video that is recorded by VSMS is stored in repositories on storage volumes that are dedicated for recording video by VSMS. The repositories must be separate partitions from the operating system partitions. Network attached storage, such as NFS or CIFS volumes are not supported.
To create a repository, partition and format a storage volume, then configure the operating system to access the partition.
Each repository has a mount point to specify the path through which the files are accessed. The common convention for naming repositories is "/media#," with /media0 used for a repository on the operating system volume, and /media1 ­/mediaN used for additional storage volumes.

Repository Greater than 2 TiB

To create partitions greater than 2 TiB, the volume must use a GPT partition table and must be a different storage volume from the operating system volume. The GPT partition table does not work on the boot volume.
Note The following steps erase the partition table on the specified volume, which
deletes all data on the volume.
Step 1 Login to the VSMS server and follow these steps to create a partition GPT table
on the volume:
linux:~ # parted -- /dev/<device> mklabel gpt Replace <device> with the volume device name, such as /dev/sdb.V
Installing and Upgrading Cisco Video Surveillance Media Server (VSMS)
Step 2 Verify that the volume is using the correct partition type:
linux:~ # parted -- /dev/sdb print Disk geometry for /dev/sdb: 0kB - 10TB Disk label type: gpt Number Start End Size File system Name Flags Information: Do not forget to update /etc/fstab, if necessary.
Make sure that the disk label type is set to GPT. After creating the GPT partition table, use the standard following methods for partitioning and formatting the partitions.

Creating Partitions

Creating partitions in SLES9-SP3 & SLES10-SP1

Use the SUSE YaST to partition, format, and configure repositories. If any of the volumes are greater than 2TiB you must first follow the steps above to create a GPT partition table on each volume. Cisco recommends using the XFS file system for optimal video recording performance.
Before You Install
Step 1 Open the YaST Control Center.\
Step 2 Navigate to System, Partitioner.
Step 3 Enter Yes to create new partitions as required for video storage. The creation
process may take some time.
Step 4 Choose Create and set the FileSystem = XFS and MountPoint = /media#.
Step 5 Choose Apply, Finish, Quit, and Quit.
Step 6 Change ownership of the mounted partitions to nobody.nobody.
shell> chown nobody.nobody /media1
Installing and Upgrading Cisco Video Surveillance Media Server (VSMS)
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