Cisco Support Tools User Manual

Cisco Support Tools
User Guide
Release 1.0(1)
May 2004
Updated January 2006

Table of Contents

About Cisco Support Tools Documentation............................................... 6
PART 1: SUPPORT TOOLS OVERVIEW.........................................................9
About Cisco Support Tools 1.0(1) ..........................................................10
About Support Tools Components..........................................................12
About Support Tools Network Topology ..................................................14
About Support Tools Utilities.................................................................16
About the Support Tools Dashboard.......................................................24
About Support Tools Security................................................................26
About Support Tools Platforms..............................................................27
Frequently Asked Questions About Support Tools.....................................29
Section I. Installing Support Tools.......................................................32
About Installing Support Tools ..............................................................33
How to Collect Information for a Support Tools Installation .......................37
How to Create Support Tools User Groups ..............................................39
How to Create the Distinguished User Account.........................................41
About Support Tools Server Hardware and Software Prerequisites..............43
How to Install the Support Tools Server..................................................45
About Support Tools Node Hardware and Software Prerequisites................48
How to Install the Support Tools Node....................................................49
How to Enable Ports for Support Tools....................................................51
How to Test the Support Tools Installation..............................................53
Section II. Configuring Support Tools..................................................55
About Configuring Support Tools ...........................................................56
How to Modify Support Tools Basic Configuration.....................................57
How to Disable Continuous Virus Scan for the Repository..........................60
How to Configure the Dashboard Login for SSL........................................61
How to Modify the Process Information List.............................................63
How to Configure SQL for Use with the System Interrogate Tool ................66
Section III. Uninstalling/Reinstalling Support Tools ...........................67
How to Uninstall Support Tools..............................................................68
How to Re-Install Support Tools ............................................................70
PART 3: USING THE SUPPORT TOOLS DASHBOARD..................................72
About Using the Dashboard for the First Time..........................................73
How to Access the Support Tools Dashboard...........................................75
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide Table of Contents 2
How to Use the Select System Screen....................................................76
How to Use the System Management Screen...........................................78
How to End a Dashboard Session...........................................................80
About Dashboard Troubleshooting .........................................................81
PART 4: USING SUPPORT TOOLS UTILITIES ............................................84
Section I. Using Cisco Web Utilities .....................................................85
About Cisco Web Utilities......................................................................86
Section II. Using Cisco Web Utilities from the Dashboard....................87
How to Use the System Interrogate Screen.............................................88
How to Use the Registry Screen ............................................................92
How to Use the Files Screen..................................................................94
How to Use the Compare Registries Screen.............................................96
How to Use the Processes Screen ........................................................101
How to Use the Services Screen ..........................................................103
How to Use the Log Collector ..............................................................106
How to Use the Create Log Group Screen .............................................109
How to Use the Log Groups Screen......................................................111
How to Use the Create Log Collection Screen.........................................114
How to Use the Log Collections Screen.................................................116
Section III. Using Cisco Web Utilities from a Command Line .............118
About Using Cisco Web Utilities from a Command Line............................119
How to Use the Services Utility from a Command Line............................123
How to Use the Processes Utility from a Command Line..........................127
How to Use the System Interrogate Utility from a Command Line.............131
How to Use the Registry Utility from a Command Line ............................134
How to Use the Compare Registries Utility from a Command Line.............138
How to Use the Log Groups Utility from a Command Line........................143
How to Use the Log Collection Utility from a Command Line ....................147
Section IV. Using Cisco Common Utilities...........................................152
About Cisco Common Utilities..............................................................153
How to Use the CICMan Utility ............................................................158
How to Use the CTITest Utility.............................................................160
How to Use the DBDiff Utility ..............................................................165
How to Use the DumpCfg Utility ..........................................................167
How to Use the ICMDBA Utility............................................................169
How to Use the MPTrace Utility............................................................170
How to Use the NICROI Utility.............................................................172
How to Use the NMStart Utility............................................................177
How to Use the NMStop Utility ............................................................179
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide Table of Contents 3
How to Use the OPCTest Utility............................................................181
How to Use the Procmon Utility ...........................................................186
How to Use the RTRTrace Utility..........................................................191
How to Use the RTTest Utility..............................................................192
How to Use the SS7NICTrace Utility.....................................................201
How to Use the VRUTrace Utility.......................................................... 202
Section V. Using Common Utilities .....................................................204
About Common Utilities...................................................................... 205
How to Use the Arp -a Utility...............................................................209
How to Use the CAT Utility..................................................................210
How to Use the CHMOD Utility.............................................................212
How to Use the CP Utility....................................................................214
How to Use the DF Utility ...................................................................216
How to Use the Diff Utility ..................................................................218
How to Use the DU Utility................................................................... 221
How to Use the FGrep Utility...............................................................223
How to Use the Findstr Utility..............................................................225
How to Use the Grep Utility ................................................................228
How to Use the Head Utility................................................................231
How to Use the IPConfig -all Utility ......................................................233
How to Use the ISQL/W Utility ............................................................235
How to Use the LS Utility....................................................................236
How to Use the MV Utility...................................................................239
How to Use the NBTStat Utility............................................................241
How to Use the Net Session Utility.......................................................243
How to Use the Net Statistics Server Utility...........................................244
How to Use the Net Statistics Workstation Utility ...................................246
How to Use the NetStat Utility.............................................................248
How to Use the NSLookup Utility .........................................................250
How to Use the PathPing Utility ........................................................... 251
How to Use the Ping Utility .................................................................253
How to Use the PStat Utility................................................................255
How to Use the RM Utility...................................................................257
How to Use the Route -print Utility ......................................................259
How to Use the Shutdown Tool Utility...................................................261
How to Use the SQLEW Utility.............................................................262
How to Use the Stopshut Utility...........................................................263
How to Use the Strings Utility .............................................................264
How to Use the Tail Utility ..................................................................266
How to Use the Touch Utility...............................................................268
How to Use the Tracert Utility .............................................................270
How to Use the WC Utility ..................................................................271
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide Table of Contents 4
How to Use the Which Utility...............................................................273
How to Use the WinMSD Utility............................................................275
PART 5: REFERENCE...............................................................................276
How to Stop and Start the Support Tools Dashboard/Tomcat ................... 277
How to Stop and Start the Support Tools Server....................................278
How Stop and Start the Node Agent Service..........................................279
How to Confirm the Support Tools Build Number....................................280
Cisco Support for Support Tools ..........................................................281
Index ..............................................................................................285
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide Table of Contents 5

About Cisco Support Tools Documentation

Welcome to the User Guide for Cisco Support Tools, version 1.0(1). This guide contains:
An overview of Support Tools
Installation and configuration instructions
Instructions for using the Support Tools Dashboard
Instructions for using Support Tools utilities from the Su pport Tools Dashboard
Instructions for using Support Tools utilities from a command-line
This guide is intended for all Support Tools users, including individuals who deploy, install, administer, and use the product. It assumes that readers are familiar with:
For Support Tools installation specialists: The platforms and operating systems on which Cisco ICM (Enterprise, Hosted, and IPCC) runs; basic Web server and firewall configuration.
For Support Tools users: Cisco ICM and ICM components; the platforms and operating systems on which ICM runs.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide About Cisco Support Tools Documentation 6
The Support Tools Documentation Set
The following documentation is available for the Support Tools 1.0(1):
Document: Primary Audience: Description:
Support Tools User Guide
Support Tools Release Notes
All Support Tools users Provides information on:
y Support Tools features and deployment; y How to install and configure Support Tools; y How to use the Support Tools Dashboard; y How to use Support Tools utilities from the
Support Tools Dashboard;
y How to use Support Tools utilities from a
command line;
The Support Tools User Guide also provides context­sensitive Help for screens in the Support Tools Dashboard.
Available formats: HTML and PDF
All Support Tools users The Support Tools Release Notes contain up-to-date
information on known issues and workarounds and any special instructions not covered in this guide.
Available formats: PDF
To Access Support Tools Documentation
After installation, to access the Support Tools User Guide:
On the Support Tools CD, open getstart.htm at the top level of the CD.
After installation, from the Support Tools Dashboard, click the Help icon.
After installation, on the Support Tools Server, open index.htm (for HTML) or
icm_10_st_userguide.pdf (for PDF) in <icm_root_directory>\support_tools\documentation.
On a Support Tools Node, open index.htm (for HTML) or icm_10_st_userguide.pdf (for PDF) from <icm_root_directory>\support_tools\documentation.
Note: The Support Tools Release Notes are not installed with the product. They are only available on the Support Tools CD.
Support Tools documentation is also available for download from the techn ical publication section of Cisco's Web site at:
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide About Cisco Support Tools Documentation 7
Support Tools Document Conventions
Support Tools documentation uses the following conventions:
Note Indicates information of particular interest or significance.
Caution Indicates the possibility of an adverse condition, such as poor or improper
performance, data loss, or a security risk.
Indicates a file or path name, user entry, or a code snippet.
<> Indicates a variable. For example: <servername> represents a server's
host name. When prefaced by "Press," a bracketed term represents a keystroke. For example, "Press <Enter>" means to press the Enter
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide About Cisco Support Tools Documentation 8

Part 1: Support Tools Overview

Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide About Cisco Support Tools Documentation 9

About Cisco Support Tools 1.0(1)

Cisco Support Tools 1.0(1) is a suite of over fifty utilities th at allow you to manage and troubleshoot the ICM servers which process call load, routing, and reporting. Through Support Tools, you can troubleshoot configuration and performance problems on these systems from a single machine in your network--the Support Tools Server.
Access to utilities in the Support Tools suite is through a browser-based interface-­the Support Tools Dashboard--installed on the Support Tools Server. Levels of security control both access to the Dashboard and the ability to use specific tools once logged in. In low bandwidth conditions (for example, via dialup access) or when Web browsing is otherwise impractical, most Support Tools utilities can also be accessed and run via command line.
Key Features
The Support Tools suite includes the full set of standard diagnostic tools delivered with earlier ICM versions. It also provides key new functionality including:
The ability to interrogate individual Support Tools nodes for their hardware/OS, Cisco component, and third party product information.
The ability to view, stop, and start services running on Support Tools nodes.
The ability to view and terminate processes running on Support Tools nodes.
The ability to compare and synchronize registry settings from different Support
Tools nodes.
The ability to pull logs from most Support Tools nodes including ICM call routers, loggers, peripheral gateways (PGs), admin workstations (AWs), CTI Object Server (CTIOS), Cisco Collaboration Server (CCS), Cisco Email Manager (CEM), Cisco Media Blender (CMB), as well as Cisco CallManager.
The ability to create enhanced time-synchronized merged logs across servers.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Support Tools Components About Support Tools Network Topology About Support Tools Platforms About Support Tools Security
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide About Cisco Support Tools 1.0(1) 10
About the Support Tools Dashboard About the Support Tools Utilities Frequently Asked Questions
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide About Cisco Support Tools 1.0(1) 11

About Support Tools Components

Support Tools uses a client/server architecture to support remote ICM systems. The architecture is comprised of the Support Tools Server and the Support Tools Node. The server and node connect using TCP/IP and can exchange large volumes of messages with only a minimal impact to ICM system performance.
The Support Tools Server
The Support Tools Server is installed on a system that has little or no performance load, such as a standalone network server or a client ICM Admin Workstation (AW). To ensure redundancy, the Support Tools Server can be inst alled to multiple systems.
Major components of the Support Tools Server include:
The Support Tools Dashboard, a browser-based interface that allows access to all Support Tools utilities.
Cisco Web utilities-- a set of system management tools specifically designed for use with Support Tools.
The Support Tools Repository, the central storage location for files (for example, logs, registries, etc.) gathered and saved through Support Tools. These files can be downloaded, viewed, and used for system comparison or restoration. Note that multiple installations of the Support Tools Server do not share a common repository--each will maintain its own instance.
The Support Tools Node
The Support Tools Node serves as the client to the Support Tools Server. It is installed to each ICM node to be managed through Support Tools.
Major components of the Support Tools Node include:
The Node Agent Service, used to accept connections from the Support Tools Server.
Command-line versions of Cisco Web utilities, allowin g these tools to be run from a node when access to the Support Tools Server is unavailable or otherwise impractical (for example, during a network outage).
A local Repository used to store saved and downloaded files when Support Tools utilities are run directly from a node (via a command line) outside of the Dashboard interface.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide About Support Tools Components 12
Note: The Support Tools Server installation automatically installs the Node Agent Service to the Support Tools Server, ensuring that this machine can also be managed through Support Tools.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Support Tools 1.0(1) About Support Tools Network Topology About the Support Tools Dashboard About the Support Tools Utilities Frequently Asked Questions
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide About Support Tools Components 13

About Support Tools Network Topology

The Support Tools Server is installed to a standalone server or a client ICM Admin Workstation in your network. To ensure redundancy, the Support Tools Server can be installed to multiple systems. Note however, these multiple installations do not have the ability to share data with one another.
The Support Tools Server can communicate with Support Tools nodes through a firewall provided the appropriate ports on the firewall has been enabled.
User access to Support Tools is limited to your network. Remote users wishing to use the Support Tools Dashboard must first connect to the network--remote access via the Internet is not supported.
The following diagram illustrates a Support Tools deployment in a simplified ICM network.
See Also
For related information, see:
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide About Support Tools Network Topology 14
About Support Tools Components About Support Tools Platforms About Support Tools Security How to Enable Ports for Support Tools
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide About Support Tools Network Topology 15

About Support Tools Utilities

Support Tools includes over fifty utilities to monitor, administer, and configure ICM systems on which the Support Tools Node is installed. Utilities are grouped into these categories:
Cisco Web utilities: Four new Cisco utilities created for distribution with Support Tools 1.0(1).
Cisco Common utilities: Pre-existing Cisco utilit ies which in most cases will already exist on ICM nodes as part of a standard ICM installation.
Common utilities: Bundled third-party Windows, DOS, and Unix utilities. Windows and DOS utilities will already exist on ICM nodes as part of a standard Windows installation. Unix utilities are install ed as part of the Support Tools node installation.
Utility Installation Locations
Support Tools utilities exist and can be run from individual ICM nodes (note that the Support Tools Server is itself treated as a Support Tools node). When you run one of these utilities through the Support Tools Dashboard, you are actually running the utility remotely from the currently selected node.
Not every utility is installed on every node. For the most part, Cisco Common Tools are installed on core ICM components only: AWs, PGs, Call Routers, and Loggers. For example, CICMan is only present on NAM Call Routers. See the table in the next section for more information.
If you attempt to launch a utility that is not present on the curren t syst em, the Support Tools Dashboard returns a message stating that the command is not recognized.
Non-Dashboard Utilities
Certain ICM and third-party utilities are only available for use through their own GUI; they have no command line access. This also precludes the ability to launch an d run these utilities from the Support Tools Dashboard. Note th at while these utilities are listed on the Dashboard menu, they cannot in fact be run from there.
These utilities include:
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide About Support Tools Utilities 16
Privileged Utilities
Some utilities, when accessed through the Support Tools Dash board, can only be used by members of the Support Tools privileged user group. If you are not a member of the privileged user group, these utilities will not appear on the Support Tools Dashboard menu. These utilities include:
registry compare and repair
Processes and services
Note that these privilege levels only apply to utilities when accessed through the Dashboard; they do not preclude users from running any utility th rough an independent command line on a node.
Command-Line vs GUI Access
For users who prefer command-lines to GUIs, note that in addition to access via the Support Tools Dashboard, most Support Tools utilities can also be run from an independent command line. For more information, see the instruction s f or individual utilities.
Also note that certain utilities (see Non-Dashboard Utilities above) have no command line access.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide About Support Tools Utilities 17
Support Tools Utilities List
The following tables list and describe the utilities accessible through Support Tools. Utilities are grouped into these categories:
Cisco Web utilities
Cisco Common utilities
Common utilities
Cisco Web Utilities
The following Support Tools utilities were created by Cisco specifically for use with Support Tools 1.0(1). They can be run from within the Dashboard interface or from an external command line on either the Support Tools Server or an individual node.
Utility Name: Description: Installed On: Dashboard
Log Collector Use to collect and view log files from
Registry Compare and Repair
System Interrogate Use to display system information
Processes and Services
ICM nodes. Allows you to create merged logs from two ICM nodes for comparative analysis.
Use to view, compare and repair ICM node registry entries.
(for example, OS, hardware, ICM, SQL).
Use to view and stop Processes and services running on an ICM node.
All Support Tools nodes
All Support Tools nodes
All Support Tools nodes
All Support Tools nodes
Privileged Users Only:
External GUI-
-No Dashboard or Command­Line Access:
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide About Support Tools Utilities 18
Cisco Common Utilities
The following Support Tools utilities were created by Cisco specifically for use with ICM. Most can be run both from within the Dashboard interface, or from an external command line.
Utility Name: Description: Installed On: Dashboard
cicman Use on a NAM CallRouter to view and
set NAM to CICM session information.
ctitest Use for debugging or demonstration
in a Cisco ICM CTI environment. Can be used in place of an Interactive CTI client application.
dbdiff Third-party (Microsoft) tool to
compare database tables. Invoked with the diffconfig.bat tool.
dumpcfg Dump Config ICM audit utility. Use to
analyze the ICM Config_Message_Log table. Allows you to determine WHO did WHAT, WHEN, from WHERE, using WHICH program.
icmdba ICM Database Administration tool.
Use to create, monitor, and edit ICM databases, including Logger, HDS, and AWDB databases. ICMDBA is also used to manage various SQL Server operating parameters.
NAM Call Routers
Nodes on which SQL Server is installed
Loggers (but can be run from any ICM component)
AWs, Loggers (ICM components with DBs)
Privileged Users Only:
External GUI-
-No Dashboard or Command­Line Access:
mptrace Use to provide a playback from the
Nortel Meridian Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) to troubleshoot potential issues.
nicroi NIC Remote Operator Interface. Use
to configure and debug the (old-style DOS-based) AT&T NIC. Often invoked with the NIC.BAT batch program.
nmstart Node Manager Start. Use to start an
ICM service on a CallRouter, Logger, AW, or PG.
nmstop Node Manager Stop. Use to stop an
ICM Service on a CallRouter, Logger, AW, or PG.
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide About Support Tools Utilities 19
MerPim PGs
Routers for customers running an AT&T NIC
AWs, PGs, Call Routers, Loggers
AWs, PGs, Call Routers, Loggers
opctest Use to interpret a Peripheral
Gateways (PG) status, statistics, etc. It is also possible to enable specific debug tracing in the OPC process.
procmon General-purpose debugging tool. Can
be used in conjunction with various Network Interface Controller (NIC) and Peripheral Interface Manager (PIM) processes. Use to verify status, set debug trace bits, etc.
rtrtrace Use to set various debug tracing on a
CallRouter. The additional tracing is output to the .EMS log files, and viewed with the Log Collector.
rttest Use to interpret a Call Router's events
and states live without interruption to the running router processes. Rttest has several subroutines that allow viewing status, statistics, etc. It is also possible to enable specific debug tracing in the call router.
ss7nictrace Use to view and set various debug
trace bits on a new style NT SS7 NIC PG.
vrutrace Use to output tracing information
from a Voice Response Unit (VRU) device and to and from its PIM process. VRUTrace allows capture and playback of session data.
PGs, Call Routers
Call Routers X
Call Routers (but can be run from any ICM component)
Common Utilities
The following Support Tools utilities are bundled third-party Windows, DOS, and Unix utilities. Most can be run both from within the Dashboard interface, or from an external command line.
Utility Name: Description: Installed On: Dashboard
Arp-a Use to find the media access control
address of a host on the same physical network.
cat Use the CAT utility to display, print,
and combine files. Equivalent of the DOS type command.
chmod Use to change file permissions.
Equivalent of the DOS attrib command.
All Support Tools nodes
All Support Tools nodes
All Support Tools nodes
Privileged Users Only:
No Dashboard or Command­Line Access:
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide About Support Tools Utilities 20
Utility Name: Description: Installed On: Dashboard
Privileged Users Only:
No Dashboard or Command­Line Access:
cp Equivalent of the DOS copy
df Use to view disk free information. All Support
diff Use to compare two text files or two
du Use to view disk usage information. All Support
fgrep Use to search for text patterns within
a set of files.
findstr Use to find strings in logs or text files.
Similar to UNIX's grep command. Useful when parsing log files or other text files to find a snippet of text.
grep Use to search for text patterns within
a set of files.
head Use to view user-defined number of
lines from the start of a file.
IPConfig -all Use to get host computer
configuration information, including the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway.
All Support Tools nodes
Tools nodes
All Support Tools nodes
Tools nodes
All Support Tools nodes
All Support Tools nodes
All Support Tools nodes
All Support Tools nodes
All Support Tools nodes
isql/w Interactive SQL for Windows. Use to
query and update Microsoft SQL Server databases.
ls Use to view directory listings.
Equivalent of the DOS dir command.
mv Use to move files and directories.
Equivalent of the DOS move or rename command.
NBTStat Use to troubleshoot NetBIOS name
resolution problems.
Net Session Use to view information about all
current client sessions with the current system.
NetStat Use to view network information for
the current system, including protocol statistics and current TCP/IP network connections.
Net Statistics Server Use to view statistics for the local
Server service.
Nodes on which SQL Server is installed
All Support Tools nodes
All Support Tools nodes
All Support Tools nodes
All Support Tools nodes
All Support Tools nodes
All Support Tools nodes
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide About Support Tools Utilities 21
Utility Name: Description: Installed On: Dashboard
Privileged Users Only:
No Dashboard or Command­Line Access:
Net Statistics Works Use to view statistics for the local
Workstation service.
NSLookup Use to get the IP address and fully
qualified DNS of the current system's DNS name server.
PathPing A route tracing tool that combines
features of the ping and tracert commands with additional information.
ping Low-level connectivity test. Use to
verify end-to-end TCP/IP network infrastructure.
pstat Use to list all NT or Win2K processes,
their process ID (PID), memory and cpu utilization, etc.
rm Use to delete files and directories.
Equivalent of the DOS delete, recursive del subdirectories commands.
Route-print Use to view the contents of the
network routing tables.
shutdown Use to shut down a remote host.
When used from the Dashboard, shutdown will automatically restart the host after 60 seconds.
All Support Tools nodes
All Support Tools nodes
All Support Tools nodes
All Support Tools nodes
All Support Tools nodes
All Support Tools nodes
All Support Tools nodes
All Support Tools nodes
sqlew SQL Enterprise Manager. Use to
monitor and update SQL Server operating parameters, expand databases, etc.
stopshut Use to stop a system from shutting
down due to an application or operating system failure.
strings Use to find printable strings in a
binary file.
tail Use to view user-defined number of
lines from end of a file.
touch Use to change the creation date/time
for any file.
tracert Related to ping command. Use to
show each intermediary Hop in the TCP/IP network. Useful in troubleshooting LAN and WAN faults.
wc Use to view a count of characters,
words, or lines in a file.
Nodes on which SQL Server is installed
All Support Tools nodes
All Support Tools nodes
All Support Tools nodes
All Support Tools nodes
All Support Tools nodes
All Support Tools nodes
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide About Support Tools Utilities 22
Utility Name: Description: Installed On: Dashboard
Privileged Users Only:
No Dashboard or Command­Line Access:
which Use to view the name of the first file
encountered while traversing a path or directory tree.
winmsd Windows NT Diagnostics. Use to
gather detailed configuration information about computers running Windows NT.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Support Tools 1.0(1) About Support Tools Components About Cisco Web Utilities About Cisco Common Utilities About Common Utilities
All Support Tools nodes
All Support Tools nodes
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide About Support Tools Utilities 23

About the Support Tools Dashboard

The Support Tools Dashboard is a browser-based desktop that allows you to access and use all Support Tools utilities through a single interface. The Dashboard integrates access to all ICM systems, eliminating the need to manually connect to each remote system.
Accessing the Dashboard
Users access the Dashboard via a URL (http://<hostname_or_ip_address>:<Tomcat_HTTP_port>) entered in a browser window. Upon connecting, users must login by providing their Windows NT user name and password, or the user name and password of a privileged account.
Access to the Dashboard is restricted to the local network: access via the Internet is not supported. To access the Dashboard from a remote location, a user must connect and authenticate against the corporate network.
Dashboard Privileges
The Support Tools Dashboard recognizes two categories of users:
Privileged users have full access to all Support Tools functionality, including tools and commands that can be used to modify system settings, registries, etc.
Regular users have limited access to information gathering functionality only. Tools capable of system modification are not available to regular Support Tools users.
Support Tools assigns privilege based on regular Windows user groups (defined on your domain controller or through Active Directory). During the Support Tools Server installation, you are prompted to enter the name of one (and only one) Windows
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide About the Support Tools Dashboard 24
user group that will serve as the Support Tools privileged group. Users in all other groups are treated as regular Support Tools users.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Support Tools Components How to Access the Dashboard About Using the Dashboard for the First Time
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide About the Support Tools Dashboard 25

About Support Tools Security

Support Tools operates with the following security restrictions:
A. Access to Support Tools is limited to the local network. Remote access via the
Internet is not supported. Users must authenticate against the network in order to use Support Tools.
B. Users must login to the Support Tools Dashboard using their network ID and
password, or the ID and password of a valid network account. If desired, you can configure the Support Tools Login page to use SSL so that user passwords are encrypted when they are sent to the server.
C. Within the Support Tools Dashboard, access to specific utilities is determined by
Windows User Group membership. Only members of the user group designated as the Support Tools privileged group can use utilities capable of system modification from the Dashboard. Non-privileged users are limited to information gathering functionality only. Note that Support Tools utilities used outside of the Dashboard environment (namely, via command-line) do not impose these levels of privilege.
The use of Support Tools utilities outside of the Dashboard environment (accessed via a command line on a node) is not controlled by a login/password. System administrators can use Windows NTFS directory privileges to limit this method of access to specific users or groups.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Support Tools Components About the Support Tools Dashboard How to Create Support Tools User Groups How to Configure the Dashboard Login for SSL
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide About Support Tools Security 26

About Support Tools Platforms

This section provides platform support information for Support Tools 1.0(1) , including:
ICM Platform
Support Tools Server Platform
Support Tools Node Platforms
Support Tools Dashboard Browser Support
ICM Platform
Support Tools 1.0(1) is designed for use with ICM version 5.0 and 6.0 (Enterprise, Hosted and IPCC).
Support Tools Server Platform
The Support Tools Server can be installed on a standalone server (that is, one on which no ICM products are installed), or on a client ICM Admin Workstation (AW) in your ICM network.
Caution: Due to possible performance issues, do not install the Support Tools Server on a distributor AW; AW installation should be limited to client AWs.
The Support Tools Server runs on the following platform:
Server Type: Operating System: Web
Windows Windows 2000 with
service pack 3 or 4
Server/Servlet Engine:
Apache Tomcat 4.0.6 (included in Support Tools Server installer)
Java Runtime Environment 1.3.1 (included in Support Tools Server installer)
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide About Support Tools Platforms 27
Support Tools Node Platform
The Support Tools Node can be installed on any ICM nodes listed below that you want to manage through Support Tools. All ICM 5.0 nodes run on the Windows 2000 Server sp3 platform:
Cisco CallManager (CCM)
Cisco Collaboration Server (CCS)
Cisco E-Mail Manager (CEM)
Cisco Media Blender (CMB)
CTI Object Server (CTIOS)
ICM Admin Workstations (AWs)
ICM Call Routers
ICM Peripheral Gateways (PGs)
ICM Loggers
Support Tools Dashboard Browser Support
The Support Tools Dashboard is designed to work with Microsoft Internet Explorer
5.5 SP 2 or greater. Other browser platforms are not supported.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Support Tools Components About the Support Tools Dashboard About Installing Support Tools
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide About Support Tools Platforms 28

Frequently Asked Questions About Support Tools

This section gives brief answers some to some common questions about Support Tools. All of the subjects addressed here are described in greater detail elsewhere in this guide.
What is the benefit of Support Tools?
Support Tools provides a common interface (the Support Tools Dashboard) to approximately fifty utilities you can use to examine and troubleshoot Cisco ICM components.
What ICM version does Support Tools 1.0(1) work with?
Support Tools 1.0(1) is designed to work with ICM 5.0 and 6.0 (Enterprise, Hosted and IPCC). Earlier ICM versions are not supported.
What components make up Support Tools?
The Support Tools Server provides the engine and interface through which users access Support Tools utilities. The Support Tools Node is the listening agent that allows the Support Tools Server to interact with ICM components.
Where do I install the Support Tools Server?
The Support Tools Server can be installed on a client ICM Admin Workstation (AW) or (recommended) on its own dedicated network machine.
Caution: Because Support Tools Server installs the Apache Tomcat Web Server as a service, and with specific port requirements, DO NOT install it on a machine with a pre-existing installation of Tomcat in use by other applications.
Where do I install the Support Tools node?
The Support Tools node should be installed on each ICM component that you want to manage with Support Tools. See About Support Tools Platforms for a complete list of supported components.
What performance impact will running Support Tools have on my ICM system?
Support Tools processes run silently with minimum performance impact. It is recommended that: 1) the Support Tools Server be installed on its on its own dedicated machine, 2) because of the possible need to reboot, the Support Tools node be installed on ICM components during an off-production maintenance period,
3) large log collections be performed at times of low system traffic, and 4) the
Support Tools Repository and its subdirectories be excluded from continuous virus scans.
Who can use Support Tools?
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide Frequently Asked Questions About Support Tools 29
Any ICM user can use Support Tools. Permissions can be set to limit access to certain sensitive utilities in the Support Tools Dashboard to a privileged group.
What configuration does Support Tools require after installation?
While some optional configuration is available (see the Configuring Support Tools section) no post-installation configuration is required to use Support Tools out of the box.
Note, however, that to use Support Tools' merged log capabilities, each Support Tools Server and node must be able to communicate with the same Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP or NTP) server. See How to Collect Information for a Support Tools Installation for more information.
See Also
For related information, see:
About Support Tools Components About Support Tools Platforms About Support Tools Security About Configuring Support Tools How to Collect Information for a Support Tools Installation How to Create Support Tools User Groups
Cisco Support Tools 1.0 User Guide Frequently Asked Questions About Support Tools 30
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