Quick Start Guide for Cisco Unified Service Monitor 2.0
2Cisco Unified Service Monitor Overview
3Server and Client System Requirements
4Installation and Upgrade Paths
5Installing Cisco Unified Service Monitor
6Upgrading to Cisco Unified Service Monitor 2.0
7Starting Cisco Unified Service Monitor
8Uninstalling and Reinstalling Service Monitor
9Where to Go Next
10 Related Documentation
11 Obtaining Documentation
12 Documentation Feedback
13 Cisco Product Security Overview
14 Product Alerts and Field Notices
15 Obtaining Technical Assistance
16 Obtaining Additional Publications and Information
IMPORTANT-READ CAREFULLY: This Supplemental License Agreement (“SLA”) contains
additional limitations on the license to the Software providedtoCustomerundertheEndUserLicense
Agreement betweenCustomerandCisco. Capitalized terms used in this SLA and not otherwise defined
herein shall have the meanings assigned to them in the End User License Agreement. Tothe extent that
there is a conflict among any of these terms and conditions applicable to the Software, the terms and
conditions in this SLA shall take precedence.
By installing, downloading, accessing or otherwise using the Software, Customer agrees to be bound
by the terms of this SLA. If Customer does not agree to the terms of this SLA, Customer may not
install, download or otherwise use the Software. When used below,the term “server” refers to central
processor unit.
• Installation and Use. The Software components are provided toCustomer solely to install,update,
supplement, or replace existing functionality of the applicable Network Management Software
product. Customer may install and use the following Software components:
CiscoWorks Common Services: Contains shared resources used by other components in this
bundle. In many cases, all components in this bundle can be installed on a single server.
Cisco Unified Service Monitor: May be installed on one (1) server in Customer's network
management environment.
• Number of IP Phones. For each Software license granted, Customer may install and run the
Software on a single server tomanage the number ofIP phones specifiedin the licensefile provided
with the Software, or as specified in the Software License Claim Certificate. Customers whose
requirements exceed the IP phone limit must purchase upgrade licenses or additional copies of the
Software. The IP phone limit is enforced by license registration.
• Reproduction and Distribution. Customer may not reproduce nor distribute the Software.
Please refer to the Cisco Systems, Inc. End User License Agreement.
2Cisco Unified Service Monitor Overview
Cisco Unified Service Monitor (Service Monitor), a product from the Cisco Unified Communications
Management Suite, receives and analyzes data from these sources when they are installed in your voice
network and configured properly:
• Cisco Unified CallManager clusters—Retain Call Detail Records (CDRs) and Call Management
Records (CMRs). CDRs include Mean Opinion Score (MOS) values that were calculated on IP
phones and voice gateways using the Cisco Voice Transmission Quality (CVTQ) algorithm.
NoteFor Cisco Unified CallManager versions that Service Monitor supports, see Release Notes
for Cisco Unified Service Monitor 2.0. For information about configuring Cisco UnifiedCallManager clusters to work with Service Monitor, see User Guide for Cisco Unified
Service Monitor.
• Cisco 1040 Sensors (sensors)—ComputeMOS for each RTP stream; sensors sendssyslog messages
to Service Monitor every 60 seconds.
Each licensed instance of Service Monitor can act as a primary Service Monitor for multiple
Cisco 1040s. If you have more than one licensed instance of Service Monitor, Service Monitor can
act as secondary backups for each other. Then, when a Service Monitor is unavailable,
Cisco 1040s can failover to asecondary Service Monitor until the primary Service Monitoris once
again available.
NoteA Service Monitor that acts as a backup and the Service Monitor that it backs up must
both run the same version of Cisco Unified Service Monitor.
Service Monitor compares MOS against a threshold value—default or user-specified—forthe codec in
use. When MOS drops below the threshold, Service Monitor generates SNMP traps and sends them to
up to four recipients. Service Monitor stores the data that it obtains in the database, where it is
available for display on Service Monitor reports. Service Monitor purges the database daily to
maintain 31 days of data. Optionally, Service Monitor also stores data obtained from Cisco 1040s in
files on disk.
If you configure Cisco Unified Operations Manager (Operations Manager) as a trap receiver for
Service Monitor, Operations Manager can further analyze, display, and act on the traps that Service
Monitor generates. Operations Manager can generate service quality events, display and track these
events on a real-time dashboard, and display and store event history. You can configure additional
event settings on Operations Manager that alert you to low MOS and to the occurrence of many
service quality events during a period of time. In addition, you can configure Operations Manager to
send notifications by e-mail, SNMP trap, and syslog message.
Service Monitor features software-based product registration and license key activation technologies.
The following table provides information about terminology used in the registration process.
Understanding Licensing Terms
Table 1 describes the PAK and the License file and usage of these terms.
Table 1Understanding PAK and License File
Key (PAK)
License fileWhen you use the PAK to register your product on the product licensing area of
The PAKis printed on the software claim certificateincluded in product packaging.
Use the PAK and the MAC address of the server where Service Monitor 2.0 will
reside to get your license file from Cisco.com. The Service Monitor license file
includes support for up to 1,000 phones.
You can purchase incremental licenses to support additional IP phones, registering
up to 30,000 phones with a single Service Monitor. For each incremental license
that you purchase, a PAK is shipped to you, and you must use that PAK to obtain
a license file.
Cisco.com, you will receive a license file. To register, you need to provide both of
the following:
• The MAC address of the server where Service Monitor 2.0 will reside.
• The PAK.
Licensing Your Product During Installation
Before you install the Service Monitor 2.0 product, you should register the product and obtain a
license file.
NoteIf you are installing Service Monitor for evaluation only, you do not need to perform this
To license your product, you must:
Step 1Register the Service Monitor product with Cisco.com using the MAC address of the server on
which Cisco Unified Service Monitor 2.0 will reside and the PAK.
The PAK is printed on the software claim certificate. Get your license file from:
NoteYou will be asked to log in. You must be a registered user of Cisco.com to log in.
Logging in allows your Cisco user profile information to autopopulate many of the product
registration fields. Login is case sensitive.
Step 2Copy the new license fileto the Service Monitor server,into a directory with read permissions
for the user name casuser or the user group casusers.
NoteService Monitor uses a local user, casuser, to run processes without having
Administrator privileges.
NoteIf you copy a folder that contains thelicense file to the Service Monitor server, be sure
to provide read permission for casuser on the folder as well as on the license file.
Step 3Install the product using the Cisco Unified Service Monitor 2.0 product CD; during the
installation, when prompted for Licensing Information:
a. Select the first radio button (see Figure 1).
b. Use the browse window to locate the license file directory.
c. Click Next to install the license file.
NoteAdd any incremental license filesthat you purchased to supportadditional IP phones after you
install or upgrade to Service Monitor 2.0. (See Adding Licenses to an Installed Service
Monitor, page 6.)
Figure 1 shows the licensing input dialog box that the installer displays during the installation process.
Figure 1Licensing Information Dialog Box
Adding Licenses to an Installed Service Monitor
After you install or upgrade to Service Monitor 2.0, add any incremental licenses that you have
purchased to support additional IP phones. When you purchase an incremental license, you receive a
PAK. You must use the PAK to obtain a license file and install the license.
If you installed Service Monitor 2.0 with an evaluation license, you can subsequently install a
purchased license. When you purchase Service Monitor, you receive a PAK.Use it to obtain and install
a license file.
To add support for additional IP phones to Service Monitor and to upgrade from an evaluation license
to a purchased license, you must:
Step 1Obtain the license file using the MAC address of the server where Service Monitor 2.0 is
installed and the PAKthat you received when you purchased the product. Get your license file
NoteYou will be asked to log in. You must be a registered user of Cisco.com to log in.
Logging in allows your Cisco user profile information to autopopulate many of the product
registration fields. Login is case sensitive.
Step 2Copy the new license fileto the Service Monitor server,into a directory with read permissions
for the user name casuser or the user group casusers.
NoteService Monitor uses a local user, casuser, to run processes without having
Administrator privileges.
Step 3Install the license:
a. From Service Monitor, click the CiscoWorks link in the upper-right corner. The CiscoWorks
Homepage appears.
b. Select Common Services > Server > Admin > Licensing.
The License Administration page appears.
c. Click Update.
A file browser popup dialog box appears.
d. Enter the path to the new license file in the License field, or click Browse to locate the license
file you copied to the server in step 2.
e. Click OK.
The system verifies whether the license file is valid, and updates the license. The updated
licensing information appears on the License Information page. If you purchased more than
one license, repeat Step 3 to install each additional license.
If you encounter errors, repeat the steps to license your product.
3Server and Client System Requirements
Table 2 lists minimum server requirements for Service Monitor. Table 3 lists minimum client
requirements for Service Monitor. Table 4 lists browser requirements for Service Monitor.
NoteThe minimum server requirements in Table 2 might not be sufficient for monitoring a high
volume of calls. For more information, see Release Notes for
Cisco Unified Service Monitor 2.0.
Table 2Minimum Server Requirements
ComponentMinimum Requirement
Hardware• Server platform with Pentium IV processor, 2.0 GHz or
• Color monitor with video card capable of 256 colors or more
• CD-ROM drive
Software for WindowsWindows Server 2003 Service Pack 1, Standard and Enterprise
NoteIt is recommended that Service Monitor not share a
platform with other I/O or disk-intensive applications.
NoteConfigure the server to use Network Time Protocol
(NTP) to synchronize with the time server that is used by
Cisco Unified CallManagers in your network. See NTP
Configuration Notes, page 10.
Available memory (RAM)2 GB
Available disk space• 60 GB minimum
• Virtual memory: 4 GB
• NTFS file system
1. Install Service Monitor on an NTFS file system. Do not install Service Monitor on a FAT file system. To verify the
file system, open My Computer on the Windows desktop, right-click the drive and select Properties from the popup
menu. The file system field appears in the General tab of the Properties dialog box.
NoteIf you want to use a third-party SNMP management tool to make SNMP queries against the
server where Service Monitor is installed, Windows SNMP service must be installed. See
Configuring Your System for SNMP Queries, page 15.
Table 3Minimum Client Hardware and Software Requirements
ComponentMinimum Requirement
Hardware/software• Any PC or server platform with a Pentium IV processor, 1.0 GHz or
greater, running one of the following:
Windows 2000 (Professional and Server) with Service Pack 3 or
Service Pack 4
Windows XP Service Pack 1 or Service Pack 2
Windows 2003 Server (Standard and Enterprise Editions)
without Windows Terminal Services
• Color monitor with video card set to 256 colors
Available disk space1 GB virtual memory
Available memory (RAM) 512 MB minimum
We recommend that you set virtual memory to twice the size of RAM.
Table 4Browser Requirements
Internet Explorer6.0.28Any one of the following:
• Windows 2000
• Windows XP
6.0 (6.0.3790.0)Windows Server 2003
NoteWhen using Service Monitor, disable any software on your desktop that you use to prevent
popup windows from displaying. Service Monitor must be able to open multiple windows to
display information.
NTP Configuration Notes
The clocks on Service Monitor and Cisco Unified CallManager servers must be synchronized for
Service Monitor reports to include complete and up-to-date information and accurately reflect activity
during a given time period. These notes offer a starting point and do not provide complete instructions
for configuring NTP.
To get started:
1. Talk withyour Cisco UnifiedCallManager administrators to determine the time server with which
Service Monitor should synchronize. You might find Cisco IP Telephony Clock Synchronization:Best Practices, a white paper on Cisco.com, useful; read it at this URL:
2. Use your system documentation to configure NTP on the Windows Server 2003 system where
Service Monitor will be installed. Configure NTP with the time server being used by
Cisco Unified CallManagers in your network. You might find How to configure an authoritativetime server in Windows Server 2003, useful; look for it at this URL:
This section provides a list of ports used by Cisco Unified Service Monitor.
NoteThe ports in Table 5 should not be scanned.
Table 5Service Monitor Port Usage
Protocol Port NumberService Name
UDP67 and 68DHCP.
UDP5666Syslog—Service Monitor receives syslog messages from Cisco 1040.
TCP22SFTP—Service Monitor uses SFTP to obtain data from Cisco Unified
CallManager version 5.x.
TCP2000SCCP—Service Monitor uses SCCP to communicate with Cisco 1040s.
Table 5Service Monitor Port Usage (continued)
Protocol Port NumberService Name
TCP5665–5680Interprocess communication between the user interface and back-end
NoteThese ports must be free.
NoteService Monitor uses TFTP to find the configuration file for a given Cisco 1040. Service
Monitor by default uses port 69 on the TFTP servers.
4Installation and Upgrade Paths
Table 6 lists the supported installation paths. Table 7 lists the supported upgrade paths.
Table 6Supported Installation Paths
If you are installing Cisco Unified
Service Monitor on a system that... Then do this
Has Operations Manager 2.0
(which includes
Service Monitor 2.0) installed and
Service Monitor 2.0 is not yet
Service Monitor 2.0 is already installed. To activate
Service Monitor 2.0:
1. Purchase Service Monitor 2.0 and obtain a PAK.
2. Use the PAK and the MAC address of the system where
Operations Manager is installed to register your product on
Cisco.com and obtain a license file.
3. If you plan to add Cisco Unified CallManagers to Service
Monitor, configure the Service Monitor system to use NTP;
see NTP Configuration Notes, page 10.
4. Install the license file on the system where
Service Monitor 2.0 is installed. See Adding Licenses to an
Installed Service Monitor, page 6.
5. Perform the tasks in the configurationtask checklist in User
Guide for Cisco Unified Service Monitor.
Table 6Supported Installation Paths (continued)
If you are installing Cisco Unified
Service Monitor on a system that... Then do this
Has any product other than
Operations Manager 2.0 installed
Does not have
Operations Manager 2.0 installed
1. Uninstall other products; for example, uninstall all
CiscoWorks and Network Management System (NMS)
2. After you complete the uninstallation, verify that
NMSROOT, if it exists, does not contain any files.
NMSROOT is the directory where Service Monitor will be
installed; its default location is C:\Program Files\CSCOpx.
If NMSROOT exists, delete any files from it.
3. Use the instructions in this table for Does not have
Operations Manager 2.0 installed.
1. If you want to manage Service Monitor using a third-party
SNMP management tool, install Windows SNMP service.
2. Use the PAK and the MAC address of the Service Monitor
server to register your product on Cisco.com and obtain a
license file.
3. Copy the license file to the server where you will install
Cisco Unified Service Monitor. See Licensing Your Product
During Installation, page 4.
4. If you plan to add Cisco Unified CallManagers to Service
Monitor, configure the Service Monitor system to use NTP;
see NTP Configuration Notes, page 10.
5. Install Cisco Unified Service Monitor 2.0.
6. Install any incremental license files that you purchased to
support additional IP phones. See Adding Licenses to an
Installed Service Monitor, page 6.
7. Perform the tasks in the configurationtask checklist in User
Guide for Cisco Unified Service Monitor.
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