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Cisco Hyperlocation Module with
Advanced Security
The Cisco® Hyperlocation solution delivers unprecedented average of 1- to 3-meter Wi-Fi client location accuracy.
It provides always-on advanced security scanning and spectrum intelligence, and multiple Bluetooth low-energy
(BLE) beacons. And now, with the addition of client applications downloaded to the mobile device, location updates
take place in near real time. The Hyperlocation modules include:
Hyperlocation Module with Advanced Security
Hyperlocation Antenna
Product Overview
The same business and personal benefits that GPS and mobile map services have brought to the outdoors are
now being realized in the indoor enterprise space. The applications are numerous, and they include wayfinding in
malls, hospitals, and hotels; flexible employee workspace use; tracking wait times at airport security lines; retail
product placement; etc. To date the solutions that cater to these applications have multiple challenges and
limitations, such as coarse 5- to 10-meter accuracy and slow location refresh, along with nonstandard expensive
approaches using video and RF technology. Occasionally, these solutions cleverly use battery-powered BLE
beacons that, although simple in concept, are logistically and operationally onerous.
The Cisco Hyperlocation solution introduces hardware and software innovation that can deliver 1- to 3-meter
location accuracy on average for associated Wi-Fi clients. This solution takes advantage of existing Cisco Wi-Fi
networks and can be centrally managed. The Cisco Hyperlocation Module with Advanced Security also integrates
BLE beacons with the module. Customers can take advantage of hassle-free BLE beacon deployment that is
powered over Ethernet and centrally managed from the convenience of a data center. This model eliminates the
need for local IT engineers to do a walk-by inspection of BLE beacon health using applications on their smart
devices. Cisco Hyperlocation brings beacon technology so that a single Hyperlocation module provides five
different BLE beacons for consumer applications. With this five-beacon advantage, a retail store can have unique
applications developed for a shopper, a vendor who fills the merchandise aisle, and retail staff doing routine price

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1- to 3-meter location
accuracy on average
Provides 1- to 3-meter (median) location accuracy for associated Wi-Fi clients, depending on deployment
Supports navigation and wayfinding applications with highly accurate and near-real-time location
Next-generation wireless
security module
Delivers always-on robust security and policy enforcement, and Cisco CleanAir® Spectrum Intelligence for 20-,
40-, and 80-MHz channels
Incorporates five centrally managed BLE beacons with separate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs) and
power levels
Generates frequent location updates for connected Wi-Fi clients
Offers field upgradability of the Cisco AP3602i and AP3602e and Cisco AP3702i and AP3702e Series access
point modules with both the Hyperlocation module and the antenna
By combining location data and the BLE signal from the Hyperlocation module with sensors on the mobile device,
location can be determined to within 1 to 3 meters on average, in near real time. In navigation and wayfinding
applications, the result is a true blue dot experience. Customers can find their location, pinpoint nearby points of
interest, and, using a mapping application, determine the fastest path to their destination.
In addition to the location solution, the Hyperlocation Module with Advanced Security provides the next-generation
always-on advanced security scanning and spectrum intelligence that today’s Cisco Aironet® Access Point Module
for Wireless Security (WSM) delivers and adds the capability to operate at 20, 40, and 80 MHz.
Features and Benefits
Table 1 lists the features and benefits of the Hyperlocation Module with Advanced Security.
Table 1. Hyperlocation Module with Advanced Security
Module and Antenna
The Hyperlocation solution involves two field-upgradable hardware modules (Figure 1):
Hyperlocation Module with Advance Security
Hyperlocation Antenna
Figure 1. Hyperlocation Module (left) and Antenna (right)

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The Cisco Hyperlocation solution modules:
● AIR-RM3010L-x-K9= Hyperlocation Module with Advanced Security; regulatory domain “-x”
● AIR-ANT-LOC-01= Hyperlocation Antenna, model 1, attached omnidirectional antenna
● AIR-ANT25-LOC-02= Hyperlocation Antenna, model 2, detached directional antenna (future)
Regulatory domains: “-x” Regulatory domain
Customers are responsible for verifying approval for use in their individual countries. To verify approval and to identify the
regulatory domain that corresponds to a particular country, visit the Wireless LAN Compliance Status document at:
Not all regulatory domains have been approved. As they are approved, the part numbers will be available on the Global
Hyperlocation Module
The Hyperlocation Module with Advanced Security is an evolution of the existing Cisco Aironet WSM; an added
advantage is that it expands the capability to include 40- and 80-MHz operation to address 802.11n and
802.11acW1 applications. The module has Wi-Fi RF transmit hardware to potentially take advantage of in the
future for features such as neighbor discovery packet and rogue containment.
Additionally, the module incorporates five built-in, centrally managed BLE beacon radios with five separate UUIDs,
each of which can be set to a different transmit power level.
The module also has the added advantage of the FastLocate capability, which provides more frequent location
updates for connected clients.
Hyperlocation Antenna
The Cisco Aironet Hyperlocation Antenna is required along with the module to provide the average of 1- to 3-meter
location accuracy. The array antenna brings angle-of-arrival (AoA) capability on top of the existing received signal
strength indication (RSSI)-based 5- to 10-meter solution, increasing location accuracy to 1 to 3 meters on average.
No additional licenses are needed for the Hyperlocation solution; required licenses follow:
Cisco Wireless Intrusion Prevention System (WIPS) licenses to enable full WIPS support with the
Hyperlocation module:
◦ L-WIPS-MM-1AP: 1 access point WIPS Monitor Mode license
◦ L-WIPS-MM-100AP: 100 access points WIPS Monitor Mode license
◦ L-WIPS-MM-1000AP: 1000 access points WIPS Monitor Mode license
For Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences (CMX) licenses to enable the calculation of the location with the
Hyperlocation module or antenna, the following CMX SKU is required per access point:
◦ L-LS-1AP-N: 1 access point CMX Base license, which provides X,Y of the device and location
◦ L-AD-LS-1AP-N: 1 access point CMX Advanced license, which adds analytics to X,Y of the
device and analytics API
Product Specifications
Table 2 lists the product specifications for the Cisco Hyperlocation solution, which includes the Hyperlocation
Module with Advanced Security and the Hyperlocation Antenna.
Table 2. Product Specifications for Cisco Aironet Hyperlocation Solution and Modules