Cisco Catalyst 9600 Series, C9600-LC-24C, C9600-LC-48YL Installation Note

Cisco Catalyst 9600 Series Line Card Installation Note

First Published: 2019-04-15
Last Modified: 2019-12-20

Overview of Cisco Catalyst 9600 Series Line Cards

This document describes the features of a Cisco Catalyst 9600 Series line card. It also provides information about how to correctly install or replace a line card in the chassis.
Table 1: Supported Line Cards
Cisco Catalyst 9600 Series 48-port 25 G1or 10 G or 1 GC9600-LC-48YL
Cisco Catalyst 9600 Series 24-port 40 G/1 G or 12-port 100 GC9600-LC-24C
Cisco Catalyst 9600 Series 48-port 10 G, 5 G, 2.5 G, 1 G, 100 Mbps, or 10 MbpsC9600-LC-48TX
G stands for Gigabit Ethernet.

Features of Cisco Catalyst 9600 Series Line Cards

The following sections describe the major features available on the line cards that are supported on Cisco Catalyst 9600 Series switches. The document also explains the front view of the line cards and the different LEDs available.

Cisco Catalyst 9600 Series 24-Port 40 G/1 G/12-Port 100 G (C9600-LC-24C)

The following figure shows the front view of a Cisco Catalyst 9600 Series 24-port 40 G/1 G/12-port 100 G (C9600-LC-24C) with major features identified.
Cisco Catalyst 9600 Series Line Card Installation Note
Cisco Catalyst 9600 Series 24-Port 40 G/1 G/12-Port 100 G (C9600-LC-24C)
Figure 1: Cisco Catalyst 9600 Series 24-Port 40 G/1 G/12-Port 100 G (C9600-LC-24C)
Table 2: Front Panel Components
Ejector levers5Status LED1
6Locate (Blue beacon) LED2
Port Link LED for the port in the top row
7100 G QSFP28 or 40 G/1 G QSFP+
Port Link LED for the port in the bottom row
--RFID embedded on the left ejector
Cisco Catalyst 9600 Series Line Card Installation Note
Cisco Catalyst 9600 Series 24-Port 40 G/1 G/12-Port 100 G (C9600-LC-24C)
Table 3: Features Supported on Cisco Catalyst 9600 Series 24-Port 40 G/1G/12-Port 100 G (C9600-LC-24C)
Ports per module
Cisco QSFP to SFP or SFP+ Adapter (QSA) adapter (CVR-QSFP-SFP10G) support
• 24 ports of 40 G or 1 G and 12 ports of 100 G: Provides 24x1 G/40 G interfaces by default, which can be converted to 12x100 G ports.
• Supports a mix of 40 G/1 G and 100 G simultaneously.
• All the 24 ports are configured as 40 G/1 G by default. Only the odd-numbered ports can be configured as 100 G, if required.
• 40 G/1 G: Two ports per port group. A port group constitutes the top and bottom consecutive ports in a module.
Provides 10 G connectivity on QSFP ports by converting a 40 G/100 G QSFP port into an SFP/SFP+ port.
The line card supports the following configurations using a QSA adapter in a port group:
• Configuring odd-numbered (top) and even-numbered (bottom) ports with the QSA adapter.
• Configuring odd-numbered ports with the QSA adapter and even-numbered ports with 40 G QSFP optics.
If you configure an odd-numbered port with 40 G QSFP optics and the even-numbered port with the QSA adapter, the QSA adapter in the even-numbered port will not work.
Chassis slot restrictions
Hardware restrictions
Table 4: Port Mapping for C9600-LC-24C
C9606R: Slots 1, 2, 5, and 6 only. However, you can install a line card in any of the supported slots.
Configurations with QSFP optics plugged into the top port and the QSA adapter into the bottom port in a port group are not supported.
2.4 Tbps per slotBandwidth per slot
Port Numbering on the Line CardPort Type
1–2440 G/1 G native ports
25–48100 G native ports
Cisco Catalyst 9600 Series Line Card Installation Note

Cisco Catalyst 9600 Series 48-Port 25 G/10 G/1 G (C9600-LC-48YL)

Figure 2: 40 G/1 G Port Numbering on C9600-LC-24C
Figure 3: 100 G Port Numbering on C9600-LC-24C
By default, all the interfaces on a C9600-LC-24C are 40 G/1 G enabled. The default 40 G/1 G interfaces can be configured to function as 100 G ports using the CLI. However, from each port group, only the odd numbered ports can be configured with 100 G speed; the even numbered ports in a port group are disabled.
Figure 4: 40 G/1 G (Default) Configuration on C9600-LC-24C
Figure 5: 100 G Configuration on C9600-LC-24C
Cisco Catalyst 9600 Series 48-Port 25 G/10 G/1 G (C9600-LC-48YL)
The following figure shows the front view of a 48-port 25 G/10 G/1 G (C9600-LC-48YL) with the major features identified.
Cisco Catalyst 9600 Series Line Card Installation Note
Cisco Catalyst 9600 Series 48-Port 25 G/10 G/1 G (C9600-LC-48YL)
Figure 6: Cisco Catalyst 9600 Series 48-Port 25 G/10 G/1 G (C9600-LC-48YL)
Table 5: Front Panel Components
RFID embedded on the left ejector lever5Status LED1
Ejector levers6Locate (Blue beacon) LED2
Port Link LED for the port in the top row7Sharp-edge hazard icon3
825 G/10 G/1 G SFP28/SFP+ ports4
Port Link LED for the port in the bottom row
Table 6: Features Supported on Cisco Catalyst 9600 Series 48-Port 25 G/10 G/1 G (C9600-LC-48YL)
Ports per module
• 48 SFP28/SFP+ ports of 25 G, 10 G, and 1 G: Provides 48 25 G, 10 G, or 1 G interfaces by default. These ports can be interchangeably used as 25 G, 10 G, and 1 G ports.
• All the 48 ports support 25 G, 10 G, or 1 G speeds.
Cisco Catalyst 9600 Series Line Card Installation Note

Cisco Catalyst 9600 Series 48-Port 10 G/5 G/2.5 G/1 G/100 Mbps/10 Mbps (C9600-LC-48TX)

Chassis slot restrictions
C9606R: Slots 1, 2, 5, and 6 only. However, you can install a line card in any of the supported slots.
2.4 Tbps per slotBandwidth per slot
Cisco Catalyst 9600 Series 48-Port 10 G/5 G/2.5 G/1 G/100 Mbps/10 Mbps (C9600-LC-48TX)
The following figure shows the front view of a 48-port 10 G/5 G/2.5 G/1 G/100 Mbps/10 Mbps (C9600-LC-48TX) with the major features identified.
Figure 7: Cisco Catalyst 9600 Series 48-Port 10 G/5 G/2.5 G/1 G/100 Mbps/10 Mbps (C9600-LC-48TX)
Table 7: Front Panel Components
Ejector levers5Status LED1
Port Link LED for the port in the top row6Locate (Blue beacon) LED2
710 G/5 G/2.5 G/1 G/100 Mbps/10 Mbps
RJ45 copper ports
Port Link LED for the port in the bottom row
--RFID embedded on the left ejector lever4
Cisco Catalyst 9600 Series Line Card Installation Note
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