Cisco 78-5664-05 User Manual


Java Event List Configuration
This chapter covers how configure the Cisco Info Center Java Event List. You need only read this section if you have installed Java support for the Java Event List.
This chapter includes the following sections:
“Configuration Procedure”
“License File”
“Creating HTML Pages”
“Running the JELD Process in Background”
The Java Event List is used to distribute and manage Cisco Info Center events through the World Wide Web (WWW). The Java Event List uses a background server process, which obtains information from the Cisco Info Server.
The background process, called jeld, and a Web server should be installed on the same machine to overcome Java browser security issues.
When a Web browser makes a connection to the Web server, the server can send back an HTML page containing the Java applet to the browser. The applet then connects to the jeld and requests a configuration. The jeld the Event List information in the Web browser.
The configuration information is stored in an Cisco Info Server database table and is configured using the JEL Advanced Configuration Editor (JACE).
retrieves the configuration from the Cisco Info Server, and this is used to display
Cisco Info Center Administrator Reference

Configuration Procedure

Chapter 6 Java Event List Configuration
Figure 6-1 Java Component
Web browsers display the HTML page containing the Java applet
with JACE
Web server
Cisco Info Server
Configuration Procedure
The Java support components are, by default, installed in the $OMNIHOME/java directory. The configuration procedure for Java support covers the following steps:
1. Install a Web server and set up the communications to Cisco Info Center.
2. Copy the class files to the publication home directory of the Web server.
3. Set the jeld properties files.
4. Create configurations with JACE.
5. Create the HTML pages.
6. Run the background process, jeld.
These steps are described in detail in the following sections.

Web Servers

In order to use the Java Event List, you must have a Web server installed and configured to support Java applets. The Web server must be installed on the same machine as the Java support components. You can obtain free Web servers from the WWW.
For information about how to configure the Web server to support Java applets, for example, initialization of class files, see your Web server documentation.
You should configure the system that runs the Web server to connect to Cisco Info Center. To do this, you install a Cisco Info Admin Desktop on the machine that runs the Web server to check the connectivity requirements. See the Cisco Info Center Installation and Configuration guide for more information.
You also need to generate an interfaces file. This file contains information about which machines run the Cisco Info Servers and also the communications between those machines. See the Cisco Info Center Installation and Configuration guide for more information.
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Chapter 6 Java Event List Configuration

Publishing Class and Zip Files

Before you can create HTML pages for the WWW, you must publish the class and zip files on the Web server. The class files are in the $OMNIHOME/java/jel directory. This directory contains the following subdirectories:
classes containing the Java class files
html containing an example configuration of the applet.
Copy these directories to the publication home directory of your Web server. To test the applets, load the pages from the Web server.
For example, specify your server name with the following URL:

Setting the Properties File

The jeld.props properties file is located in the $OMNIHOME/java/props directory. You must modify this file to match your system configuration. An example properties file is shown below.
jeld.Cisco Info omnihost
jeld.Cisco Info Server.port: 4100
jeld.Cisco Info Server.user: root
jeld.objectserver.password host jeld.objectserver.1.port: 4100 jeld.objectserver.1.user: user jeld.objectserver.1.password: encrypted_password #jeld.objectserver.1.url # #JDBC driver properties # jeld.jdbc: com.sybase.jdbc.SybDriver # #Jeld server properties # jeld.listenport: 7575 jeld.maxconns: 3 # #Jeld global security properties # jeld.isp: +* jeld.hosts: +* # #Log file properties # jeld.logdir: /opt/Omnibus jeld.logfile: jeld.log
Configuration Procedure
The following sections explain the items in the properties file and how to set the values.
Cisco Info Center Administrator Reference
Configuration Procedure

Info Server Connection Properties

The properties file provides three methods of connecting to an Info Server. These are:
1. Connection to a list of Info Servers. JELD tries each Info Server in the list until a connection is
made. This is the preferred method.
2. Single connection to an Info Server. This method is provided for backward compatibility with
previous versions.
3. Connection to a list of URLs. Each URL specifies fully an Info Server connection. JELD tries each
URL in the list until it connects to an Info Server. This option is only for use by experienced integrators. It should not be used in normal implementations.

Connection to List of Info Servers

The preferred method for the JELD to connect to an Info Server is for it to try to connect to each Info Server in a list until it makes a connection. This means that you can specify a fallback Info Server, or have the JELD retry the same one several times.
Chapter 6 Java Event List Configuration

Host Name


Each Info Server is specified in the properties file by a set of properties. Each property includes a number which identifies the position of the Info Server in the list. The property names for the first Info Server are: jeld.objectserver.1.port: jeld.objectserver.1.user: jeld.objectserver.1.password:
The second Info Server has 2 instead of 1, and so on for subsequent Info Servers.
You can override the entries in the properties file from the command line. For more information, see the “JELD Command Line Utility” section on page B-2
This entry contains the host name where the Cisco Info Server is located. For example, specify: <omnihost>
Where <omnihost> is the name of the host.
You can override this entry with the jeld command line option -host.
This entry contains the port setting for the Cisco Info Server. For example, specify:
jeld.objectserver.port: 4100
You can override this entry with the jeld command line option -port.

User Name

This entry contains a user name (the suggested user name is jeld) for the Cisco Info Server. For example, specify:
jeld.objectserver.user: jeld
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Chapter 6 Java Event List Configuration


This entry contains the jeld password for the Cisco Info Server. The password should be encrypted using the nco_crypt command. For example, specify:
jeld.Cisco Info Server.password: <string>
Where <string> is the encrypted password. To create an encrypted password, specify:
nco_crypt <password>
Where <password> is the unencrypted form of the password. The nco_crypt command displays an encrypted version of the password.

Single Connection to an Info Server

This option is provided for backward compatibility only. These lines are commented out in the example configuration file.
Use the following fields to specify a connection to a single Info Server. jeld.objectserver.port: jeld.objectserver.user: jeld.objectserver.password:
Configuration Procedure
Enter the Info Server details against these properties. The JELD tries to connect to the specified Info Server. If it cannot connect the first time, it tries a second time. If it cannot connect then, it returns a failure.

Info Server URL List

Note Only experienced integrators should use this connection method.
When you specify an Info Server URL list, the data from each URL is used to establish a connection to the Info Server. You can use this option you need to specify fully the connection to an Info Server. The property name is:
In this property name, url is the address of the machine running the Info Server. It is not a web reference and does not include the
This property is commented out in the example configuration file. Replace the number 1 with the number 2 for the second Info Server, 3 for the third Info Server and so on.

JDBC Driver Properties

http: prefix.
This option defines the way in which the connection to the Info Server is established:
jeld.jdbc: com.sybase.jdbc.SybDriver
It should not be changed or removed except under instruction from technical support.
Cisco Info Center Administrator Reference
Configuration Procedure

JELD Server Properties

There are two JELD server properties: listenport and maxconns.

Listen Port

This entry contains the listen port number. For example, specify:
jeld.listenport: 7575
You can override this entry with the jeld command line option -listenport.

Maximum Connections

This entry contains the maximum number of connections supported by the nco_jeld process. For example, specify:
jeld.maxconns: 3
You can control the number of connections a single jeld process can handle, however, this does not override the number of available licences.
Chapter 6 Java Event List Configuration

JELD Global Security Properties

There are two JELD global security properties: ips and hosts.
This entry is a list of the domains allowed to connect to the applet. For example, to allow only,, and to connect to the applet, specify:
ips:+ + + -*
To allow only machines in the domain 10.n.n.n to connect, specify:
ips:+10.* -*
To allow any domain to connect, specify:
ips: +*


This entry is a list of hosts allowed to connect to the applet. For example, to allow only machine1,
machine2, and machine3 to connect to the applet, specify:
hosts:+machine1 +machine2 +machine3 -*
To allow only machine1 to connect, specify:
hosts:+*machine1 -*
To allow any machine to connect, specify:
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Chapter 6 Java Event List Configuration

Log File Properties

There are two log file properties: logdir and logfile.

Log Directory

This entry contains the name of the directory in which the log file is located. For example, to ensure the log file is located in the /opt/Omnibus directory, specify:
jeld.logdir: /opt/Omnibus

Log File

This entry contain the name of a log file. The log file contains diagnostic information about the background process, jeld. For example, to use a log file called jeld.log
jeld.logfile: jeld.log

License File

Configuration Procedure
The JELD license file is $OMNIHOME/java/props/jeld.lic.
The license file contains information about the IP address of the host on which the JELD is licensed to run, the license key, the number of licenses, and the expiry date of the JELD license. For example, a license file could look like the following:
jeld.license.key:string jeld.license.address:IP_address jeld.license.count: 3 jeld.license.expire:01/Feb/2000
To obtain a license file, email Micromuse Technical Support ( After they send you the information for a license, use the text editor of your choice to create a jeld.lic file and paste the information that they send you into the file. Then save the file in the directory.

Info Server Connection and Reconnection

This section describes how JELD makes a connection when it is configured to connect to a list of Info Servers, and how it reconnects if necessary. For more information about the Info Server connection see the “Info Server Connection Properties” section on page 6-4.

Initial Info Server Connection

When JELD is started, it tries to establish a connection to the first Info Server in the properties file. If it cannot, it tries to establish a connection to the second Info Server.
If you wish to try to connect to the same Info Server twice, enter the same details in the first and second Info Server properties.
Cisco Info Center Administrator Reference

Configuration with the JACE Editor

There is no limit to the number of Info Servers that you can specify in the properties file or the number of times you can enter the details of the same Info Server.
Once a connection has been established, the JELD can respond to requests from the Java applet in the JEL.

Info Server Connection Failure

If the connection to the Info Server is broken, the JELD shuts down automatically. The JEL detects the shutdown of the JELD, report an error on the desktop and offers the user the option of reconnecting.
If the JELD is running under process control it can be restarted automatically. As a new process the JELD tries to establish a connection with an Info Server as described in the “Initial Info Server Connection” section on page 6-7.
A dialog box appears on the JEL to reconnect to the JELD. If the JELD has established a new Info Server connection, the JEL resynchronizes the data from the Info Server.

Fail Over Support

Chapter 6 Java Event List Configuration
When you enter a list of Info Servers in the jeld.props file, the JELD attempts to connect to each Info Server in turn until a successful connection is made.
For the JELD to continue to operate after a failure, every Info Server listed in the contain the same JELD configuration table, and the JELD must be restarted automatically under process control.
Configuration with the JACE Editor
For Java configuration, use the JEL Advanced Configuration Editor (JACE). JACE is a table-orientated editor that allows you to manage configurations. These configurations are stored in the jel.jel_props Cisco Info Server table, to which the jeld is connected. You must have super user privilege to use JACE.
For maximum flexibility, the configuration files include options to take particular settings from the HTML parameters. These parameters include, view name, fields, order, and filter.

Starting JACE

Before starting JACE, set OMNIHOME:
host# setenv OMNIHOME=/opt/Omnibus
To start JACE, specify the following command:
host# $OMNIHOME/java/bin/jace
Figure 6-2 shows the JACE display.
jeld.props file must
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