Cisco 78-17630-01 User Manual

Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
This appendix provides information on the cards supported in CTM. This appendix contains the following sections:
D.1 FC_MR-4 Card, page D-1
D.2 FMEC Cards, page D-7
D.3 Multirate Cards, page D-17
D.4 Optical Cards, page D-66
D.5 Transponder Cards, page D-213
Note In the CTM GUI, read-only fields have a gray background.
Caution Refer to the appropriate hardware documentation before attempting to set thresholds on ONS 1580x
boards. See 1.7 Related Documentation, page 1-45.
D.1 FC_MR-4 Card
This section describes the FC_MR-4 card supported within CTM.
D.1.1 Slot Properties—FC_MR-4
The Slot Properties pane displays information about the Cisco ONS 15454 SONET or ONS 15454 SDH card slot that is selected in the NE Explorer tree. Use this property sheet to change the card properties.
The Fiber Channel 4-port (FC_MR-4) card is a 1.0625- or 2.125-Gbps Fiber Channel/Fiber Connectivity (FICON) card that integrates non-SONET or non-SDH framed protocols into a SONET or SDH time-division multiplexing (TDM) platform through virtually concatenated payloads.
The FC_MR-4 card uses pluggable Gigabit Interface Converters (GBICs) to transport non-SONET/SDH-framed, block-coded protocols over SONET/SDH in virtually concatenated or contiguously concatenated payloads. The FC_MR-4 can transport fiber channel overSONET/SDHusing fiber-channel client interfaces and allows transport of one of the following at a time:
Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
FC_MR-4 Card
Two contiguously concatenated (CCAT) STS-24c/VC4-8c circuits
One STS-48c/VC4-16c CCAT
Two virtually concatenated (VCAT) circuits (STC3c-8V/VC4-8v) compliant with ITU-T G.7041
GFP-T and Telcordia GR-253-CORE
One STS-24c/VC4-8c CCAT and one STS-24c/VC4-8c VCAT
For the FC_MR module, the Slot Properties pane displays the following tabs: Module View, Identification,Card,Port,Alarm Behavior,RMONThresholds,J1 Path Trace,GBICInventory, and Info.
D.1.1.1 Module View Tab
The Module View tab displays a graphic of the FC_MR that is installed in the slot. The number of critical, major, minor, and warning alarms for the module is displayed under Alarm Status. (Alarms are also displayed when you move the mouse pointer over the graphic.) The Suppress Alarms check box is read-only and indicates whether all alarms are suppressed for the card and its port(s).
Right-clicking the graphic opens a shortcut menu that you can use to reset, delete, or change the card.
Appendix D Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
D.1.1.2 Identification Tab
The Identification tab allows you to view and update FC_MR identification information.
Table D-1 Field Descriptions for the Identification Tab
Field Description
Equipment Type Displays the equipment type the slot is provisioned for. Actual Equipment Displays the actual card that is installed in the slot. HW Part Number Displays the card part number that is printed on the top of the card. Hardware Revision Displays the hardware revision number. Serial Number Displays the card serial number that is unique to each card. CLEI Code Displays the CLEI code. Firmware Version Displays the revision number of the software used by the ASIC chip installed on the card. Product ID Displays a product ID string of 63 characters maximum. If the card does not support the
product ID, the field shows N/A.
Version ID Displays a version ID string in the format “V99_.” The version ID always begins with a V
and ends with a space. If the card does not support the version ID, the field shows N/A.
Administration State The port administration state. It can be:
IS—In Service.
IS, AINS—Automatic In Service.
OOS, DSBLD—Out of Service, Disabled.
OOS, MT—Out of Service, Maintenance.
Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
Appendix D Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
FC_MR-4 Card
Table D-1 Field Descriptions for the Identification Tab (continued)
Field Description
Service State Overall availability of the entity. Values are:
IS_NR—In Service–Normal.
OOS_AU—Out of Service–Autonomous.
OOS_MA—Out of Service–Management.
OOS_AUMA—Out of Service–Autonomous and Management.
In addition, a secondary state provides additional information about the status of the entity. Values for secondary state are:
MEA—Mismatch of equipment due to invalid equipment insertion.
UEQ—Unequipped. There is nothing in the slot.
UAS—Unassigned. The entity does not exist, has not been created, or has been deleted.
SWDL—Software download in progress.
MT—Maintenance, as per the Admin State change.
AINS—Automatic In Service.
DSBLD—Traffic is disabled on the entity.
LPBK—Port or connection has a loopback on it.
FLT—Fault secondary state. When an entity is faulted, an FLTstateisraised.Equipment
and ports in FLT state should be cleared as they transition. Transition states are listed in
Table 11-10 on page 11-15.
See Table 11-10 on page 11-15 for the Service state/Secondary state possible values.
Note If the NE release does not support the Service state, this field shows N/A.
Equipment State Displays the equipment state of the card. Alarm Profile Sets the alarm profile for the port. Check the Suppress Alarms check box to suppress all
alarms for this card and its port(s).
D.1.1.3 Card Tab
The Card tab allows you to view and update card information.
Table D-2 Field Descriptions for the Card Tab
Field Description
Card Mode Select the card mode. It can be either of the following:
Distance Extension (Cisco default)
Line Rate Only
Current Bandwidth Usage Displays the current bandwidth utilization in terms of STS or VC-4 usage.
Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
Appendix D Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
FC_MR-4 Card
D.1.1.4 Port Tab
The Port tab allows you to view and update FC_MR port information. The tab contains the following subtabs:
D. General Subtab, page D-4
D. Distance Extension Subtab, page D-4
D. Enhanced FC/FICON Subtab, page D-5
D. General Subtab
The General subtab allows you to view and update general port information.
Table D-3 Field Descriptions for the General Subtab
Field Description
Port Number Displays the card port number. Values are 1 to 4. Port Name Allows you to assign the specified port a name. The name can be up to 32 alphanumeric or special
characters and is blank by default. Admin State Displays the administration state. The state can either be Unlocked or Locked, Maintenance. Media Type Set the media type for each port. Options are:
FICON - 2 Gbps—Available when Distance Extension card mode is selected or distance
extension is enabled on the port.
FICON - 1 Gbps—Available when Distance Extension card mode is selected or distance
extension is enabled on the port.
Fibre Channel - 1 Gbps—Fiber channel interface.
Fibre Channel - 2 Gbps—Fiber channel interface.
Undefined—This is the Cisco default media type when the card is inserted.
Link Rate Displays the actual rate of the port. Max GBIC Rate Displays the maximum GBIC rate. Cisco supports two GBICs for the FC_MR-4 card
(ONS-GX-2FC-SML and ONS-GX-2FC-MMI). If used with another GBIC, “See GBIC vendor”
displays. Enable Link Recovery Enables or disables link recovery if a local port is inoperable. If enabled, a link reset occurs when
there is a loss of transport from a cross-connect switch, a protection switch, or an upgrade. State Places the port in service (IS), out of service (OOS), or out of service–maintenance (OOS_MT).
D. Distance Extension Subtab
The Distance Extension subtab allows you to enable the buffer-to-buffer extension between the client and the FC_MR-4 card in order to increase the dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) distance without affecting the throughput.
Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
Appendix D Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
FC_MR-4 Card
Table D-4 Field Descriptions for the Distance Extension Subtab
Field Description
Port No. Displays the port number. Enable Distance Extension Check to enable end-to-end distances of up to 1600 km for 1 GFC and up to 800 km for 2 GFC.
When enabled, all the fields for the port are enabled. Auto Detect Credits Check to enable automatic detection of buffer credits for flow control. Credits Available Displays the number of credits available. You can set the credits available only if the Auto
Detect Credits field is disabled on the port. Values should be in multiples of 2. The minimum
value is 2 and the maximum value is 256. Autoadjust GFP Buffer
Check to automatically adjust the threshold of the GFP buffer. Threshold
GFP Buffers Available Displays the number of GFP buffers. You can set the GFP buffers as available only if the
Autoadjust GFP Buffer Threshold field is disabled. Values should be in multiples of 16. The
minimum value is 16 and the maximum value is 1200.
D. Enhanced FC/FICON Subtab
The Enhanced FC/FICON ISL subtab allows you to enable FPGA to drop duplicate frames.
Table D-5 Field Descriptions for the Enhanced FC/FICON Subtab
Field Description
Port No. Displays the port number. Ingress Idle Filtering Enable or disable ingress idle filtering. Maximum Frame Size Allows you to select the maximum frame size supported by the FICON/FC. Valid range is
from 2148 to 2172.
D.1.1.5 Alarm Behavior Tab
The Alarm Behavior tab allows you to view and update FC_MR alarm profile information.
Table D-6 Field Descriptions for the Alarm Behavior Tab
Field Description
Card Profile Choose a global alarm profile for the card from the drop-down list. Port Number Displays the FC_MR port number (1 to 4). Alarm Profile Choose an alarm profile for the slot from the drop-down list. Suppress Alarms If checked, all alarms are suppressed. Force to All Ports Forces the selected alarm profile to all FC_MR ports.
D.1.1.6 RMON Thresholds Tab
The RMON Thresholds tab allows you to create, view, and delete FC_MR-4 thresholds.
Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
Appendix D Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
FC_MR-4 Card
Table D-7 Field Descriptions for the RMON Thresholds Tab
Field Description
Index Number A unique value that identifies the different thresholds currently existing on the NE. Slot Select a slot for the new FC_MR threshold. Port Select a port for the selected slot. If you select All, the threshold will be created on all ports for that
slot. This operation may take several minutes to complete.
Variable Select a variable for the new FC_MR threshold. Available variables will differ based on the type of
card selected in the Slot field.
Alarm Type Select an alarm type for the new FC_MR threshold. Indicate whether the event will be triggered by the
rising threshold, falling threshold, or both the rising and falling thresholds.
Sample Type Select a sample type for the new FC_MR threshold. Available sample types are relative and absolute.
Relative restricts the threshold to using the number of occurrences in the user-set sample period.
Absolute sets the threshold to use the total number of occurrences, regardless of time period. Sample Period Enter a sample period for the new FC_MR threshold. The sample period is measured in seconds. Rising Threshold Enter a rising threshold for the new FC_MR threshold. The value must be equal to or greater than the
falling threshold value. Falling Threshold Enter a falling threshold for the new FC_MR threshold. The value must be equal to or less than the
rising threshold value. Create Click the Create button to create an FC_MR threshold. Delete Select an FC_MR threshold from the list displayed and click the Delete button.
D.1.1.7 J1 Path Trace Tab
The J1 Path Trace tab allows you to view and retrieve FC_MR-4 J1 path trace information.
Table D-8 Field Descriptions for the J1 Path Trace Tab
Column Description
Port Number Displays the port number. STS Number/VC4 Number Displays the STS or VC4 number. Expected String Displays the current expected string. Received String Displays the current received string. Mode Displays the path trace mode (Off/None, Auto, or Manual). C2 Represents a machine-generated J1/J2 payload label byte. Mismatch Indicates whether there is a mismatch in the C2 byte received. Vcat Mem Num Displays the virtual concatenation (VCAT) member number.
D.1.1.8 GBIC Inventory Tab
The GBIC Inventory tab allows you to view GBIC inventory information.
Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
Appendix D Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
FMEC Cards
Table D-9 Field Descriptions for the GBIC Inventory Tab
Field Description
Port Number Displays the GBIC card port number. Equipment Type Displays the equipment type the slot is provisioned for. Actual Equipment Type Displays the actual card that is installed in the slot. Values are single mode or multimode. Hardware Part Number Displays the manufacturer's part number. Hardware Revision Displays the hardware revision number. Serial Number Displays the GBIC serial number that is unique to each GBIC. CLEI Code Displays the CLEI code. Application Filename The application filename is not supported; therefore, this field displays “unknown.”
D.1.1.9 Info Tab
The Info tab allows you to view nominal operating values set during manufacturing for the FC_MR-4 card.
Table D-10 Field Descriptions for the Info Tab
Field Description
Extended Manufacturing Information
Attribute Displays the nominal card specification. Value Displays the value of the attribute.
Note See Table 1-20 on page 1-44 for descriptions of actions that can be performed using the buttons at the
bottom of the window.
D.2 FMEC Cards
This section describes the following FMEC cards supported within CTM:
D.2.1 Slot Properties—FMEC-DS-1/E1, page D-8
D.2.2 Slot Properties—FMEC-DS-3/E3, page D-8
D.2.3 Slot Properties—FMEC-E1, page D-9
D.2.4 Slot Properties—FMEC-E1-120NP, page D-11
D.2.5 Slot Properties—FMEC-STM1E 1:1, page D-12
D.2.6 Slot Properties—MIC-A/P, page D-15
D.2.7 Slot Properties—MIC-C/T/P, page D-16
Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
Appendix D Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
FMEC Cards
D.2.1 Slot Properties—FMEC-DS-1/E1
The Slot Properties pane displays information about the Cisco ONS 15454 SDH slot that is selected in the NE Explorer tree. Use this properties pane to change the module performance monitoring thresholds.
The ONS 15454 SDH FMEC-DS-1/E1 card provides front-mount electrical connection for 14 ITU-compliant, G.703 E-1 ports. With the FMEC-DS-1/E1 card, each E1-N-14 port operates at
2.048 Mbps over a 120-ohm, balanced cable through two 37-pin DB connectors. For the FMEC DS-1/E1 module, the Slot Properties pane displays the following tabs: Module Viewand
D.2.1.1 Module View Tab
The Module View tab displays a graphic of the FMEC DS-1/E1 that is installed in the slot. The number of critical, major, minor, and warning alarms for the module is displayed under Alarm Status. (Alarms are also displayed when you move the mouse pointer over the graphic.) The Suppress Alarms check box is read-only and indicates whether all alarms are suppressed for the card and its port(s).
D.2.1.2 Identification Tab
The Identification tab allows you to view and update FMEC DS-1/E1 identification information.
Table D-11 Field Descriptions for the Identification Tab
Field Description
Equipment Type Displays the equipment type the slot is provisioned for. Actual Equipment Type Displays the actual card that is installed in the slot. HW Part Number Displays the card part number that is printed on the top of the card. Hardware Revision Displays the hardware version number of the card. Serial Number Displays the card serial number that is unique to each card. CLEI Code Displays the CLEI code. Firmware Version Displays the revision number of the software used by the ASIC chip installed on the card. Equipment State Displays the equipment state of the card. Alarm Profile Sets the alarm profilefor the port. Check the Suppress Alarms check box to suppress all alarms
for this card and its port(s).
Note See Table 1-20 on page 1-44 for descriptions of actions that can be performed using the buttons at the
bottom of the window.
D.2.2 Slot Properties—FMEC-DS-3/E3
The Slot Properties pane displays information about the Cisco ONS 15454 SDH slot that is selected in the NE Explorer tree. Use this properties pane to change the module performance monitoring thresholds.
Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
Appendix D Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
The ONS 15454 SDH FMEC-DS-3/E3 card provides front-mount electrical connection for 14 ITU-compliant, G.703 E-1 ports. With the FMEC-DS-3/E3 card, each E1-N-14 port operates at
2.048 Mbps over a 120-ohm, balanced cable through two 37-pin DB connectors. For the FMEC DS-3/E3 module, the Slot Properties pane displays the following tabs: Module Viewand
D.2.2.1 Module View Tab
The Module View tab displays a graphic of the FMEC DS-3/E3 that is installed in the slot. The number of critical, major, minor, and warning alarms for the module is displayed under Alarm Status. (Alarms are also displayed when you move the mouse pointer over the graphic.) The Suppress Alarms check box is read-only and indicates whether all alarms are suppressed for the card and its port(s).
D.2.2.2 Identification Tab
The Identification tab allows you to view and update FMEC DS-3/E3 identification information.
Table D-12 Field Descriptions for the Identification Tab
FMEC Cards
Field Description
Equipment Type Displays the equipment type the slot is provisioned for. Actual Equipment Type Displays the actual card that is installed in the slot. HW Part Number Displays the card part number that is printed on the top of the card. Hardware Revision Displays the hardware version number of the card. Serial Number Displays the card serial number that is unique to each card. CLEI Code Displays the CLEI code. Firmware Version Displays the revision number of the software used by the ASIC chip installed on the card. Product ID Displays a product ID string of 63 characters maximum. If the card does not support the
product ID, the field shows N/A.
Version ID Displays a version ID string in the format “V99_.” The version ID always begins withaVand
ends with a space. If the card does not support the version ID, the field shows N/A.
Equipment State Displays the equipment state of the card. Alarm Profile Sets the alarm profile for the port. Check the Suppress Alarms check box to suppress all
alarms for this card and its port(s).
Note See Table 1-20 on page 1-44 for descriptions of actions that can be performed using the buttons at the
bottom of the window.
D.2.3 Slot Properties—FMEC-E1
The Slot Properties pane displays information about the Cisco ONS 15454 SDH slot that is selected in the NE Explorer tree. Use this properties pane to change the module performance monitoring thresholds.
Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
Appendix D Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
FMEC Cards
The ONS 15454 SDH FMEC-E1 card provides front-mount electrical connection for fourteen ITU-compliant, G.703 E-1 ports. With the FMEC-E1 card, each E1-N-14 port operates at 2.048 Mbps over a 75-ohm unbalanced coaxial 1.0/2.3 miniature coaxial connector.
For the FMEC-E1 module, the Slot Properties pane displays the following tabs: Module View, Identification, and Info.
D.2.3.1 Module View Tab
The Module View tab displays a graphic of the FMEC-E1 that is installed in the slot. The number of critical, major, minor, and warning alarms for the module is displayed under Alarm Status. (Alarms are also displayed when you move the mouse pointer over the graphic.) The Suppress Alarms check box is read-only and indicates whether all alarms are suppressed for the card and its port(s).
D.2.3.2 Identification Tab
The Identification tab allows you to view and update FMEC-E1 identification information.
Table D-13 Field Descriptions for the Identification Tab
Field Description
Equipment Type Displays the equipment type the slot is provisioned for. Actual Equipment Type Displays the actual card that is installed in the slot. HW Part Number Displays the card part number that is printed on the top of the card. Hardware Revision Displays the hardware revision number. Serial Number Displays the card serial number that is unique to each card. CLEI Code Displays the CLEI code. Firmware Version Displays the revision number of the software used by the ASIC chip installed on the card. Product ID Displays a product ID string of 63 characters maximum. If the card does not support the product
ID, the field shows N/A.
Version ID Displays a version ID string in the format “V99_.” The version ID always begins with a V and
ends with a space. If the card does not support the version ID, the field shows N/A.
Equipment State Displays the equipment state of the card. Alarm Profile Sets the alarm profile for the port. Check the Suppress Alarms check box to suppress all alarms
for this card and its port(s).
D.2.3.3 Info Tab
The Info tab allows you to view nominal operating values set during manufacturing for the FMEC-E1 card.
Table D-14 Field Descriptions for the Info Tab
Field Description
Extended Manufacturing Information
Attribute Displays the nominal card specification. Value Displays the value of the attribute.
Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
Appendix D Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
Note See Table 1-20 on page 1-44 for descriptions of actions that can be performed using the buttons at the
bottom of the window.
D.2.4 Slot Properties—FMEC-E1-120NP
The Slot Properties pane displays information about the Cisco ONS 15454 SDH slot that is selected in the NE Explorer tree. Use this properties pane to change the module performance monitoring thresholds.
The ONS 15454 SDH FMEC-E1-120NP (Unprotected) card provides front-mount electrical connection for 42 ITU-compliant, G.703 E-1 ports. With the FMEC E1-120NP card, each E1-42 port operates at
2.048 Mbps over a 120-ohm, balanced interface. Twenty-one interfaces are led through one common Molex 96-pin LFH connector.
The ONS 15454 SDH FMEC E1-120PROA (1:3 Protect A) card provides front-mount electrical connection for 42 ITU-compliant, G.703 E-1 ports. With the FMEC E1-120PROA card, each E1-42 port operates at 2.048 Mbps over a 120-ohm, balanced interface. Twenty-one interfaces are led through one common Molex 96-pin LFH connector.
The ONS 15454 SDH FMEC E1-120PROB (1:3 Protect B) card provides front-mount electrical connection for 42 ITU-compliant, G.703 E-1 ports. With the FMEC E1-120PROB card, each E1-42 port operates at 2.048 Mbps over a 120-ohm, balanced interface. Twenty-one interfaces are led through one common Molex 96-pin LFH connector.
For the FMEC-E1-120NP module, the Slot Properties pane displays the following tabs: Module View, Identification, and Info.
FMEC Cards
D.2.4.1 Module View Tab
The Module View tab displays a graphic of the FMEC-E1-120NP that is installed in the slot. The number of critical, major, minor, and warning alarms for the module is displayed under Alarm Status. (Alarms are also displayed when you move the mouse pointer over the graphic.) The Suppress Alarms check box is read-only and indicates whether all alarms are suppressed for the card and its port(s).
D.2.4.2 Identification Tab
The Identification tab allows you to view and update FMEC-E1-120NP identification information.
Table D-15 Field Descriptions for the Identification Tab
Field Description
Equipment Type Displays the equipment type the slot is provisioned for. Actual Equipment Type Displays the actual card that is installed in the slot. HW Part Number Displays the card part number that is printed on the top of the card. Hardware Revision Displays the hardware revision number. Serial Number Displays the card serial number that is unique to each card. CLEI Code Displays the CLEI code. Firmware Version Displays the revision number of the software used by the ASIC chip installed on the card.
Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
Appendix D Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
FMEC Cards
Table D-15 Field Descriptions for the Identification Tab (continued)
Field Description
Product ID Displays a product ID string of 63 characters maximum. If the card does not support the
product ID, the field shows N/A.
Version ID Displays a version ID string in the format “V99_.” The version ID always begins with a V and
ends with a space. If the card does not support the version ID, the field shows N/A.
Equipment State Displays the equipment state of the card. Alarm Profile Sets the alarm profile for the port. Check the Suppress Alarms check box to suppress all
alarms for this card and its port(s).
D.2.4.3 Info Tab
The Info tab allows you to view nominal operating values set during manufacturing for the FMEC-E1-120NP card.
Table D-16 Field Descriptions for the Info Tab
Field Description
Extended Manufacturing Information
Attribute Displays the nominal card specification. Value Displays the value of the attribute.
Note See Table 1-20 on page 1-44 for descriptions of actions that can be performed using the buttons at the
bottom of the window.
D.2.5 Slot Properties—FMEC-STM1E 1:1
The Slot Properties pane displays information about the Cisco ONS 15454 SDH slot that is selected in the NE Explorer tree. Use this properties pane to change the module performance monitoring thresholds.
The ONS 15454 SDH FMEC-STM1E 1:1 card provides front-mount electrical connection for 2 x 12 ITU-compliant, G.703 STM1E ports. With the FMEC-STM1E 1:1 card, each interface of an STM1E-12 card operates at 155.52 Mbps for STM-1 over a 75-ohm unbalanced coaxial 1.0/2.3 miniature coaxial connector. The FMEC STM1E 1:1 card is required if you want to use the STM1E-12 card in 1:1 protection mode or for connection to two unprotected STM1E-12 cards.
For the FMEC-STM1E card, the Slot Properties pane displays the following tabs: Module View, Identification, and Info.
D.2.5.1 Module View Tab
The Module View tab displays a graphic of the FMEC-STM1E 1:1 card that is installed in the slot. The number of critical, major, minor, and warning alarms for the module is displayed under Alarm Status. (Alarms are also displayed when you move the mouse pointer over the graphic.) The Suppress Alarms check box is read-only and indicates whether all alarms are suppressed for the card and its port(s).
Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
Appendix D Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
FMEC Cards
D.2.5.2 Identification Tab
The Identification tab allows you to view and update the FMEC-STM1E 1:1 card identification information.
Table D-17 Field Descriptions for the Identification Tab
Field Description
Equipment Type Displays the equipment type the slot is provisioned for. Actual Equipment Type Displays the actual card that is installed in the slot. HW Part Number Displays the card part number that is printed on the top of the card. Hardware Revision Displays the hardware version number of the card. Serial Number Displays the card serial number that is unique to each card. CLEI Code Displays the CLEI code. Firmware Version Displays the revision number of the software used by the ASIC chip installed on the card. Product ID Displays a product ID string of 63 characters maximum. If the card does not support the
product ID, the field shows N/A.
Version ID Displays a version ID string in the format “V99_.” The version ID always begins withaVand
ends with a space. If the card does not support the version ID, the field shows N/A.
Administration State The port administration state. It can be:
IS—In Service.
IS, AINS—Automatic In Service.
OOS, DSBLD—Out of Service, Disabled.
OOS, MT—Out of Service, Maintenance.
Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
Appendix D Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
FMEC Cards
Table D-17 Field Descriptions for the Identification Tab (continued)
Field Description
Service State Overall availability of the entity. Values are:
IS_NR—In Service–Normal.
OOS_AU—Out of Service–Autonomous.
OOS_MA—Out of Service–Management.
OOS_AUMA—Out of Service–Autonomous and Management.
In addition, a secondary state provides additional information about the status of the entity. Values for secondary state are:
MEA—Mismatch of equipment due to invalid equipment insertion.
UEQ—Unequipped. There is nothing in the slot.
UAS—Unassigned. The entity does not exist, has not been created, or has been deleted.
SWDL—Software download in progress.
MT—Maintenance, as per the Admin State change.
AINS—Automatic In Service.
DSBLD—Traffic is disabled on the entity.
LPBK—Port or connection has a loopback on it.
FLT—Fault secondary state. When an entity is faulted, an FLT state is raised. Equipment
and ports in FLT state should be cleared as they transition. Transition states are listed in
Table 11-10 on page 11-15.
See Table 11-10 on page 11-15 for the Service state/Secondary state possible values.
Note If the NE release does not support the Service state, this field shows N/A.
Equipment State Displays the equipment state of the card. Alarm Profile Sets the alarm profile for the port. Check the Suppress Alarms check box to suppress all
alarms for this card and its port(s).
D.2.5.3 Info Tab
The Info tab allows you to view nominal operating values set during manufacturing for the FMEC-STM1E 1:1 card.
Table D-18 Field Descriptions for the Info Tab
Field Description
Extended Manufacturing Information
Attribute Displays the nominal card specification. Value Displays the value of the attribute.
Note See Table 1-20 on page 1-44 for descriptions of actions that can be performed using the buttons at the
bottom of the window.
Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
Appendix D Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
D.2.6 Slot Properties—MIC-A/P
The Slot Properties pane displays information about the Cisco ONS 15454 SDH slot that is selected in the NE Explorer tree. Use this properties pane to change the module performance monitoring thresholds.
The MIC-A/P card provides connection for the BATTERY B input, one of the two possible redundant power supply inputs. It also provides connection for eight alarm outputs (coming from the TCC2 card), sixteen alarm inputs, and four configurable alarm inputs/outputs. Its position is in slot 23 in the center of the ONS 15454 SDH subrack EFCA area.
For the MIC-A/P module, the Slot Properties pane displays the following tabs: Module View and Identification.
D.2.6.1 Module View Tab
The Module View tab displays a graphic of the MIC-A/P that is installed in the slot. The number of critical, major, minor, and warning alarms for the module is displayed under Alarm Status. (Alarms are also displayed when you move the mouse pointer over the graphic.) The Suppress Alarms check box is read-only and indicates whether all alarms are suppressed for the card and its port(s).
FMEC Cards
D.2.6.2 Identification Tab
The Identification tab allows you to view and update MIC-A/P identification information.
Table D-19 Field Descriptions for the Identification Tab
Field Description
Equipment Type Displays the equipment type the slot is provisioned for. Actual Equipment Type Displays the actual card that is installed in the slot. HW Part Number Displays the card part number that is printed on the top of the card. Hardware Revision Displays the hardware version number of the card. Serial Number Displays the card serial number that is unique to each card. CLEI Code Displays the CLEI code. Firmware Version Displays the revision number of the software used by the ASIC chip installed on the card. Product ID Displays a product ID string of 63 characters maximum. If the card does not support the
product ID, the field shows N/A.
Version ID Displays a version ID string in the format “V99_.” The version ID always begins with a V and
ends with a space. If the card does not support the version ID, the field shows N/A.
Equipment State Displays the equipment state of the card. Alarm Profile Sets the alarm profile for the port. Check the Suppress Alarms check box to suppress all
alarms for this card and its port(s).
Note See Table 1-20 on page 1-44 for descriptions of actions that can be performed using the buttons at the
bottom of the window.
Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
Appendix D Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
FMEC Cards
D.2.7 Slot Properties—MIC-C/T/P
The Slot Properties pane displays information about the Cisco ONS 15454 SDH slot that is selected in the NE Explorer tree. Use this properties pane to change the module performance monitoring thresholds.
The MIC-C/T/P card provides connection for the BATTERY A input, one of the two possible redundant power supply inputs. It also provides connection for system management serial port, system management LAN port, modem port (for future use), and system timing inputs and outputs.
For the MIC-C/T/P module, the Slot Properties pane displays the following tabs: Module View and Identification.
D.2.7.1 Module View Tab
The Module View tab displays a graphic of the MIC-C/T/P that is installed in the slot. The number of critical, major, minor, and warning alarms for the module is displayed under Alarm Status. (Alarms are also displayed when you move the mouse pointer over the graphic.) The Suppress Alarms check box is read-only and indicates whether all alarms are suppressed for the card and its port(s).
D.2.7.2 Identification Tab
The Identification tab allows you to view and update MIC-C/T/P identification information.
Table D-20 Field Descriptions for the Identification Tab
Field Description
Equipment Type Displays the equipment type the slot is provisioned for. Actual Equipment Type Displays the actual card that is installed in the slot. HW Part Number Displays the card part number that is printed on the top of the card. Hardware Revision Displays the hardware version number of the card. Serial Number Displays the card serial number that is unique to each card. CLEI Code Displays the CLEI code. Firmware Version Displays the revision number of the software used by the ASIC chip installed on the card. Product ID Displays aproductIDstringof63charactersmaximum.Ifthecarddoesnotsupport the product
ID, the field shows N/A.
Version ID Displays a version ID string in the format “V99_.” The version ID always begins with a V and
ends with a space. If the card does not support the version ID, the field shows N/A.
Equipment State Displays the equipment state of the card. Alarm Profile Sets the alarm profile for the port. Check the Suppress Alarms check box to suppress all
alarms for this card and its port(s).
Note See Table 1-20 on page 1-44 for descriptions of actions that can be performed using the buttons at the
bottom of the window.
Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
Appendix D Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
D.3 Multirate Cards
This section describes the following multirate cards supported within CTM:
D.3.1 Slot Properties—ASAP_4, page D-17
D.3.2 Slot Properties—MRC-12, page D-38
D.3.1 Slot Properties—ASAP_4
The Slot Properties pane displays information about the Cisco ONS 15600 SONET slot that is selected in the NE Explorer tree. Use this properties pane to change the module performance monitoring thresholds.
The ONS 15600 SONET Any Service Any Port (ASAP_4) card provides up to 16 optical network interface ports, depending on the configuration. When configured for OC-192 XFP, the card provides a maximum of four OC-192 optical network interface ports. When the ASAP_4 card is configured with a combination of OC-192 XFP and lower-rate plugins such as OC-48, OC-12, or OC-3, the number of optical network interfaces is factored by four for each OC-192. For example, if the ASAP_4 card is configured with one OC-192, the card provides a maximum of 13 optical network interfaces (one for OC-192 and 12 for lower-rate plugins). If the ASAP_4 card is configured with two OC-192s, the card provides a maximum of 10 optical network interfaces (two for OC-192 and 8 for lower-rate plugins). The card can be installed in any I/O module card slot. The card provides 16 optical interfaces on the front panel. When configured for Ethernet, an ASAP port forwards Ethernet frames by encapsulating them in Cisco HDLC or GFP and transports them over SONET to the far-end GE port, where the unencapsulation is performed.
Introduced in the CTM R7.2 release, the new OC-192 XFP feature adds the capability to the existing ONS 15600 ASAP card to support 10 GB Small Form Factor Pluggable (XFP) optics. This functionality augments the ASAP card with an OC-192 line rate and allows the ASAP card to provide a range of optical service rates that scale from OC-3 to OC-192.
Multirate Cards
Note The OC-192 XFP cannot be modified once it is configured.
The Slot Properties pane for the ASAP_4 card displays the following tabs: Module View, Card Identification, Pluggable Provisioning, Line, STS, Loopback, Protection, Alarm Behavior, J1 Path Trace, Info, Ether Line, Ether Loopback, Ether Alarm Behavior, POS Alarm Behavior, POS Line, and Transceiver.
D.3.1.1 Module View Tab
The Module View tab displays a graphic of the transponder that is installed in the slot. The number of critical, major, minor, and warning alarms for the module is displayed under Alarm Status. (Moving the mouse pointer over the graphic also displays the alarm counts.)
D.3.1.2 Card Identification Tab
The Card Identification tab allows you to view and update identification information.
Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
Appendix D Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
Multirate Cards
Table D-21 Field Descriptions for the Card Identification Tab
Field Description
Equipment Type Displays the equipment type that the slot is provisioned for. Hardware Part Number Displays the card part number that is printed on the top of the card. Hardware Revision Displays the hardware revision number. Serial Number Displays the card serial number that is unique to each card. CLEI Code Displays the CLEI code. Actual Equipment Type Displays the actual card that is installed in the slot. Firmware Version Displays the revision number of the software used by the ASIC chip installed on the card. User Code Allows you to enter an ASCII string to identify the card. The user code is stored in nonvolatile
memory so that it is not lost when the unit is moved or stored as a spare.
Product ID Displays a product ID string of 63 characters maximum. If the card does not support the
product ID, the field shows N/A.
Version ID Displays a version ID string in the format “V99_.” The version ID always begins with a V and
ends with a space. If the card does not support the version ID, the field shows N/A.
Administration State The port administration state. It can be:
IS—In Service.
IS, AINS—Automatic In Service.
OOS, DSBLD—Out of Service, Disabled.
OOS, MT—Out of Service, Maintenance.
Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
Appendix D Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
Multirate Cards
Table D-21 Field Descriptions for the Card Identification Tab (continued)
Field Description
Service State Overall availability of the entity. Values are:
IS_NR—In Service–Normal.
OOS_AU—Out of Service–Autonomous.
OOS_MA—Out of Service–Management.
OOS_AUMA—Out of Service–Autonomous and Management.
In addition, a secondary state provides additional information about the status of the entity. Values for secondary state are:
MEA—Mismatch of equipment due to invalid equipment insertion.
UEQ—Unequipped. There is nothing in the slot.
UAS—Unassigned. The entity does not exist, has not been created, or has been deleted.
SWDL—Software download in progress.
MT—Maintenance, as per the Admin State change.
AINS—Automatic In Service.
DSBLD—Traffic is disabled on the entity.
LPBK—Port or connection has a loopback on it.
FLT—Fault secondary state. When an entity is faulted, an FLT state is raised. Equipment
and ports in FLT state should be cleared as they transition. Transition states are listed in
Table 11-10 on page 11-15.
See Table 11-10 on page 11-15 for the Service state/Secondary state possible values.
Note If the NE release does not support the Service state, this field shows N/A.
Equipment State Displays the equipment state of the card. Alarm Profile Sets the alarm profile for the port. Check the Suppress Alarms check box to suppress all
alarms for this card and its port(s).
D.3.1.3 Pluggable Provisioning Tab
The Pluggable Provisioning tab allows you to view and provision pluggable entities; for example, pluggable port module (PPM) and the ports inside these entities.
Table D-22 Field Descriptions for the Pluggable Provisioning Tab
Field Description
Pluggable IO Module
Pluggable Number Displays the identifier of the plugin module. Equipment Type Displays the equipment type that the pluggable slot is provisioned for. Hardware Part Number Displays the card part number that is printed on the top of the card. Hardware Revision Displays the hardware revision number. Serial Number Displays the card serial number that is unique to each pluggable I/O module. CLEI Code Displays the CLEI code.
Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
Appendix D Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
Multirate Cards
Table D-22 Field Descriptions for the Pluggable Provisioning Tab (continued)
Field Description
Actual Equipment Type Displays the actual pluggable I/O module that is installed in the pluggable slot. Firmware Version Displays the revision number of the software used by the ASIC chip installed on the pluggable
I/O module.
User Code Allows you to enter an ASCII string to identify the pluggable I/O module. The user code is
stored in nonvolatile memory so that it is not lost when the unit is moved or stored as a spare.
Product ID Displays a product ID string of 63 characters maximum. If the pluggable I/O module does not
support the product ID, the field shows N/A.
Version ID Displays a version ID string in the format “V99_.” The version ID always begins with a V and
ends with a space. If the card does not support the version ID, the field shows N/A.
Administration State The port administration state. It can be:
IS—In Service.
IS, AINS—Automatic In Service.
OOS, DSBLD—Out of Service, Disabled.
OOS, MT—Out of Service, Maintenance.
Service State Overall availability of the entity. Values are:
IS_NR—In Service–Normal.
OOS_AU—Out of Service–Autonomous.
OOS_MA—Out of Service–Management.
OOS_AUMA—Out of Service–Autonomous and Management.
In addition, a secondary state provides additional information about the status of the entity. Values for secondary state are:
MEA—Mismatch of equipment due to invalid equipment insertion.
UEQ—Unequipped. There is nothing in the slot.
UAS—Unassigned. The entity does not exist, has not been created, or has been deleted.
SWDL—Software download in progress.
MT—Maintenance, as per the Admin State change.
AINS—Automatic In Service.
DSBLD—Traffic is disabled on the entity.
LPBK—Port or connection has a loopback on it.
FLT—Fault secondary state. When an entity is faulted, an FLT state is raised. Equipment
and ports in FLT state should be cleared as they transition. Transition states are listed in
Table 11-10 on page 11-15.
See Table 11-10 on page 11-15 for the Service state/Secondary state possible values.
Note If the NE release does not support the Service state, this field shows N/A.
Equipment State Displays the equipment state of the pluggable I/O module.
Pluggable Port Module
Pluggable Number Displays the identifier of the plugin module.
Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
Appendix D Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
Multirate Cards
Table D-22 Field Descriptions for the Pluggable Provisioning Tab (continued)
Field Description
Equipment Type Displays the equipment type that the pluggable slot is provisioned for. Hardware Part Number Displays the card part number that is printed on the top of the card. Hardware Revision Displays the hardware revision number. Serial Number Displays the card serial number that is unique to each pluggable port module. CLEI Code Displays the CLEI code. Actual Equipment Type Displays the actual pluggable port module that is installed in the pluggable slot. Firmware Version Displays the revision number of the software used by the ASIC chip installed on the pluggable
port module.
User Code Allows you to enter an ASCII string to identify the pluggable port module. The user code is
stored in nonvolatile memory so that it is not lost when the unit is moved or stored as a spare.
Product ID Displays a product ID string of 63 characters maximum. If the pluggable port module does not
support the product ID, the field shows N/A.
Version ID Displays a version ID string in the format “V99_.” The version ID always begins with a V and
ends with a space. If the card does not support the version ID, the field shows N/A.
Administration State The port administration state. It can be:
IS—In Service.
IS, AINS—Automatic In Service.
OOS, DSBLD—Out of Service, Disabled.
OOS, MT—Out of Service, Maintenance.
Service State Overall condition of the port. It can be:
IS_NR—In Service and Normal
OOS_AU, AINS—Out of Service and Autonomous, Automatic In Service
OOS_MA, DSBLD—Out of Service and Management, Disabled
OOS_MA, MT—Out of Service and Management, Maintenance
Equipment State Displays the equipment state of the pluggable port module.
Optical Ports
Pluggable Number Displays the identifier of the plugin module. Equipment Type Displays the equipment type that the optical port is provisioned for.
Ether Ports
Pluggable Number Displays the identifier of the plugin module. Equipment Type Displays the equipment type that the Ether port is provisioned for.
D. Provision Pluggable Dialog Box
Click the Create button to launch the Provision Pluggable dialog box. The Provision Pluggable dialog box allows you to provision pluggable entities; for example, the PPM and PIM, and to create the ports inside these entities. See C. Provision Pluggable Dialog Box, page C-37 for more information.
Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
Multirate Cards
D.3.1.4 Line Tab
The Line tab allows you to view and update optical line performance monitoring information. The Line tab contains the following subtabs:
D. Line Config Subtab, page D-22
D. Line Thresh 15 Min Subtab, page D-24
D. Line Thresh 1 Day Subtab, page D-25
D. Physical Thresh 15 Min Subtab, page D-26
D. Physical Thresh 1 Day Subtab, page D-26
D. Section Thresh 15 Min Subtab, page D-27
D. Section Thresh 1 Day Subtab, page D-27
D. Alarm Thresh Subtab, page D-28
D. Line Config Subtab
The Line Config subtab allows you to view and change the line settings of the ASAP_4 card.
Appendix D Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
Table D-23 Field Descriptions for the Line Config Subtab
Field Description
Port Number Displays the port number. Port Name Allows you to add a name for the optical port. SF BER Sets the signal fail bit error rate. SD BER Sets the signal degrade bit error rate. ProvidesSync If checked, the card is provisioned as an NE timing reference. EnableSyncMsg Whenchecked, enables synchronization status messages, which allow the node to choose
the best timing source. Send Do Not Use When checked, sends a do not use (DUS) message on the S1 byte. Administration State The port administration state. It can be:
IS—In Service.
IS, AINS—Automatic In Service.
OOS, DSBLD—Out of Service, Disabled.
OOS, MT—Out of Service, Maintenance.
Synchronization Status Message Allows you to view the incoming synchronization status message. BLSR Ext. Byte Select an alternate BLSR byte. Type Defines the port.
Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
Appendix D Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
Table D-23 Field Descriptions for the Line Config Subtab (continued)
Field Description
Service State Overall availability of the entity. Values are:
IS_NR—In Service–Normal.
OOS_AU—Out of Service–Autonomous.
OOS_MA—Out of Service–Management.
OOS_AUMA—Out of Service–Autonomous and Management.
In addition, a secondary state provides additional information about the status of the entity. Values for secondary state are:
MEA—Mismatch of equipment due to invalid equipment insertion.
UEQ—Unequipped. There is nothing in the slot.
UAS—Unassigned. The entity does not exist, has not been created, or has been
SWDL—Software download in progress.
MT—Maintenance, as per the Admin State change.
AINS—Automatic In Service.
DSBLD—Traffic is disabled on the entity.
LPBK—Port or connection has a loopback on it.
FLT—Fault secondary state. When an entity is faulted, an FLT state is raised.
Equipment and ports in FLT state should be cleared as they transition. Transition states are listed in Table 11-10 on page 11-15.
See Table 11-10 on page 11-15 for the Service state/Secondary state possible values.
Note If the NE release does not support the Service state, this field shows N/A.
Multirate Cards
Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
Appendix D Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
Multirate Cards
Table D-23 Field Descriptions for the Line Config Subtab (continued)
Field Description
Reach Allows you to provision the reach value. You can choose Auto Provision, which allows
the system to automatically provision the reach from the PPM reach value on the
hardware. Choose one of the following reach distances:
Note The reach distances options that appear in the drop-down list depend on the card
SR (short reach, up to 2km distance)
SR 1 (up to 2km distance)
IR 1 (intermediate reach, up to 15km distance)
IR 2 (up to 40kmm distance)
LR 1 (long reach, up to 40km distance)
LR 2 (up to 80km distance)
LR 3 (up to 80km distance)
SX (up to 550m or 270m distance based on 50um/62.5um diameter fiber)
LX (up to 10km or 550m distance based on 50um/62.5um diameter fiber)
DX (up to 40km distance)
HX (up to 40km distance)
ZX (up to 80km distance)
VX (up to 100km distance)
Wavelength Allows you to provision the wavelength frequency. AINS Soak (H:M) Automatic in-service soak. The determination of duration left before the
traffic/termination transitions to IS state. AINS Soak Count Down (H:M) Automatic in-service soak countdown. Displays the remaining time of valid input signal
in hh:mm, after which the card becomes in service (IS) automatically.
D. Line Thresh 15 Min Subtab
The Line Thresh 15 Min subtab allows you to view and change the 15-minute near- and far-end line thresholds of the ASAP_4 card.
Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
Appendix D Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
Table D-24 Field Descriptions for the Line Thresh 15 Min Subtab
Field Description
Near End
Port Number Displays the optical port number CV-L Displays the coding violations–line ES-L Displays the errored seconds–line SES-L Displays the severely errored seconds–line UAS-L Displays the unavailable seconds–line FC-L Displays the failure count–line PSC Displays the protection switching count–line PSD Displays the protection switching duration–line PSC-W Displays the protection switching count–working PSD-W Displays the protection switching duration–working PSC-S Displays the protection switching count–span PSD-S Displays the protection switching duration–span PSC-R Displays the protection switching count–ring PSD-R Displays the protection switching duration–ring
Far End
Port Number Displays the optical port number CV-L Displays the coding violations–line ES-L Displays the errored seconds–line SES-L Displays the severely errored seconds–line UAS-L Displays the unavailable seconds–line FC-L Displays the failure count–line
Multirate Cards
D. Line Thresh 1 Day Subtab
The Line Thresh 1 Day subtab allows you to view and change the 1-day near- and far-end line thresholds of the ASAP_4 card.
Table D-25 Field Descriptions for the Line Thresh 1 Day Subtab
Field Description
Near End
Port Number Displays the optical port number CV-L Displays the coding violations–line ES-L Displays the errored seconds–line SES-L Displays the severely errored seconds–line UAS-L Displays the unavailable seconds–line FC-L Displays the failure count–line
Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
Appendix D Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
Multirate Cards
Table D-25 Field Descriptions for the Line Thresh 1 Day Subtab (continued)
Field Description
PSC Displays the protection switching count–line PSD Displays the protection switching duration–line PSC-W Displays the protection switching count–working PSD-W Displays the protection switching duration–working PSC-S Displays the protection switching count–span PSD-S Displays the protection switching duration–span PSC-R Displays the protection switching count–ring PSD-R Displays the protection switching duration–ring
Far End
Port Number Displays the optical port number CV-L Displays the coding violations–line ES-L Displays the errored seconds–line SES-L Displays the severely errored seconds–line UAS-L Displays the unavailable seconds–line FC-L Displays the failure count–line
D. Physical Thresh 15 Min Subtab
The Physical Thresh 15 Min subtab allows you to view and change the 15-minute near-end physical thresholds of the ASAP_4 card.
Table D-26 Field Descriptions for the Physical Thresh 15 Min Subtab
Field Description
Near End
Port Number Displays the port number. LBC-HIGH Laser bias current maximum. Cisco default is (15 min): 150 percent. LBC-LOW Laser bias current minimum. Cisco default is (15 min): 50 percent. OPT-HIGH Optical power transmitted maximum. Cisco default is (15 min): 120 percent. OPT-LOW Optical power transmitted minimum. Cisco default is (15 min): 80 percent. OPR-HIGH Optical power received maximum. Cisco default is (15 min): 200 percent. OPR-LOW Optical power received minimum. Cisco default is (15 min): 50 percent. Set OPR Setting the optical power received (OPR) establishes the received power level as 100 percent. If the
receiver power decreases, then the OPR percentage decreases to reflect the loss in receiver power. For example, if the receiver power decreases 3 dBm, the OPR decreases 50 percent.
D. Physical Thresh 1 Day Subtab
The Physical Thresh 1 Day subtab allows you to viewand change the 1-day near-end physical thresholds of the ASAP_4 card.
Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
Appendix D Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
Multirate Cards
Table D-27 Field Descriptions for the Physical Thresh 1 Day Subtab
Field Description
Near End
Port Number Displays the port number. LBC-HIGH Laser bias current maximum. Cisco default is (15 min): 150 percent. LBC-LOW Laser bias current minimum. Cisco default is (15 min): 50 percent. OPT-HIGH Optical power transmitted maximum. Cisco default is (15 min): 120 percent. OPT-LOW Optical power transmitted minimum. Cisco default is (15 min): 80 percent OPR-HIGH Optical power received maximum. Cisco default is (15 min): 200 percent. OPR-LOW Optical power received minimum. Cisco default is (15 min): 50 percent. Set OPR Setting the optical power received (OPR) establishes the received power level as 100 percent. If the
receiver power decreases, then the OPR percentage decreases to reflect the loss in receiver power. For example, if the receiver power decreases 3 dBm, the OPR decreases 50 percent.
D. Section Thresh 15 Min Subtab
The Section Thresh 15 Min subtab allows you to view and change the 15-minute near-end section thresholds of the ASAP_4 card.
Table D-28 Field Descriptions for the Section Thresh 15 Min Subtab
Field Description
Near End
Port Number Displays the port number. CV-S Displays the coding violations–section. ES-S Displays the errored seconds–section. SES-S Displays the severely errored seconds–section. SEFS-S Displays the severely errored framing seconds–section.
D. Section Thresh 1 Day Subtab
The Section Thresh 1 Day subtab allows you to view and change the 1-day near-end section thresholds of the ASAP_4 card.
Table D-29 Field Descriptions for the Section Thresh 1 Day Subtab
Field Description
Near End
Port Number Displays the port number. CV-S Displays the coding violations–section. ES-S Displays the errored seconds–section. SES-S Displays the severely errored seconds–section. SEFS-S Displays the severely errored framing seconds–section.
Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
Appendix D Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
Multirate Cards
D. Alarm Thresh Subtab
The Alarm Thresh subtab allows you to select the thresholds for the alarms.
Table D-30 Field Descriptions for the Alarm Thresh Subtab
Field Description
Port No. Port number. LBC-HIGH Laser bias current maximum. LBC-LOW Laser bias current minimum. OPT-HIGH Optical power transmitted maximum. OPT-LOW Optical power transmitted minimum. OPR-HIGH Optical power received maximum. OPR-LOW Optical power received minimum. Set OPR Setting the optical power received (OPR) establishes the received power level as 100 percent. If the
receiver power decreases, then the OPR percentage decreases to reflect the loss in receiver power. For example, if the receiver power decreases 3 dBm, the OPR decreases 50 percent.
D.3.1.5 STS Tab
The STS tab allows you to view and update ASAP_4 STS information. The STS tab contains the following subtabs:
D. STS Config Subtab, page D-28
D. Path Thresh 15 Min Subtab, page D-28
D. Path Thresh 1 Day Subtab, page D-29
D. Customer Info Subtab, page D-30
D. STS Config Subtab
The STS Config subtab allows you to view and change the STS settings of the ASAP_4 card.
Table D-31 Field Descriptions for the STS Config Subtab
Field Description
STS Number Displays the synchronous transport signal number information. IPPM Enabled Check to enable IPPM and uncheck to disable IPPM. XC Loopback Displays the cross-connect loopback status.
D. Path Thresh 15 Min Subtab
The Path Thresh 15 Min subtab allows you to view and change the 15-minute path thresholds of the ASAP_4 card.
Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
Appendix D Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
Table D-32 Field Descriptions for the Path Thresh 15 Min Subtab
Field Description
Near End
STS Number Displays the synchronous transport signal number information. CV-P Displays coding violations–path information. ES-P Displays errored seconds–path information. SES-P Displays severely errored seconds–path information. UAS-P Displays unavailable seconds–path information. FC-P Displays failure count–path information. PPJC-Pdet Displays positive pointer justification count, STS path detected. NPJC-Pdet Displays negative pointer justification count, STS path detected. PPJC-Pgen Displays positive pointer justification count, STS path generated. NPJC-Pgen Displays negative pointer justification count, STS path generated.
Far End
STS No Displays the synchronous transport signal number information. CV-P Displays coding violations–path information. ES-P Displays errored seconds–path information. FC-P Displays failure count–path information. SES-P Displays severely errored seconds–path information. UAS-P Displays unavailable seconds–path information.
Multirate Cards
D. Path Thresh 1 Day Subtab
The Path Thresh 1 Day subtab allows you to view and change the 1-day path thresholds of the ASAP_4 card.
Table D-33 Field Descriptions for the Path Thresh 1 Day Subtab
Field Description
Near End
STS Number Displays the synchronous transport signal number information. CV-P Displays coding violations–path information. ES-P Displays errored seconds–path information. SES-P Displays severely errored seconds–path information. UAS-P Displays unavailable seconds–path information. FC-P Displays failure count–path information. PPJC-Pdet Displays positive pointer justification count, STS path detected. NPJC-Pdet Displays negative pointer justification count, STS path detected. PPJC-Pgen Displays positive pointer justification count, STS path generated. NPJC-Pgen Displays negative pointer justification count, STS path generated.
Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
Appendix D Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
Multirate Cards
Table D-33 Field Descriptions for the Path Thresh 1 Day Subtab (continued)
Field Description
Far End
STS No Displays the synchronous transport signal number information. CV-P Displays coding violations–path information. ES-P Displays errored seconds–path information. FC-P Displays failure count–path information. SES-P Displays severely errored seconds–path information. UAS-P Displays unavailable seconds–path information.
D. Customer Info Subtab
The Customer Info subtab allows you to view the customer information.
Table D-34 Field Descriptions for the Customer Info Subtab
Field Description
STS No. The STS number Customer ID The user-defined customer ID number Service ID The user-defined service ID number
D.3.1.6 Loopback Tab
The Loopback tab allows you to view and update loopback information.
Table D-35 Field Descriptions for the Loopback Tab
Field Description
Port Number Displays the port number. Loopback Type Allows you to configure a port to terminal loopback (Inward) or Facility (Line), or clear the current
loopback (none).
Note The line state must be OOS_MT before you can configure the loopback type.
Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
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