About This Guide
This section discusses the objectives, audience, organization, and conventions of the
Cisco 2524 and Cisco 2525 Router User Guide.
All Cisco technical documentation and additional literature are available on UniverCD,
Cisco’s online library of product information. UniverCD is updated and shipped monthly,
so it might be more up to date than printed documentation. UniverCD is available both as
a single CD and as an annual subscription. To order UniverCD, contact your local sales
representative or call Customer Service.
Document Objectives
This publication will step you through initial site preparation, installation, configuration,
and troubleshooting of the Cisco 2524 and Cisco 2525 routers. It also covers selected
maintenance procedures.
This publication is designed for the person installing the router, who should be familiar with
electronic circuitry and wiring practices and have experience as an electronic or
electromechanical technician.
For more advanced configurations, refer to the Router Products Configuration Guide and
Router Products Command Reference publications for Cisco Internetwork Operating
System (Cisco IOS) Release 11.0 and earlier releases. Refer to the Configuration
Fundamentals Configuration Guide andConfiguration Fundamentals Command Reference
publications for Cisco IOS Release 11.1 and later releases.
About This Guide xix

Document Organization
Document Organization
The major sections of this user guide are as follows:
• Chapter 1, “Overview of the Cisco 2524 and Cisco 2525 Routers,” discusses the
features and specifications of the routers.
• Chapter 2, “Preparing to Install the Cisco 2524 and Cisco 2525 Routers,” discusses
environmental requirements and preparation for network connections, and describes the
various ports and how to prepare for connections between networks and ports.
• Chapter 3, “Installing the Cisco 2524 and Cisco 2525 Routers,” includes basic
installation information and discusses making connections to your LAN, W AN, console
terminal, and modem.
• Chapter 4, “Configuring the Cisco 2524 and Cisco 2525 Routers,” discusses how to
configure the routers using configuration mode, AutoInstall, or the prompt-driven
System Configuration Dialog.
• Appendix A, “Maintaining the Cisco 2524 and Cisco 2525 Routers,” discusses
maintenance procedures, including installing WAN modules, upgrading the boot Flash
memory, upgrading the DRAM SIMM, replacing the system-code SIMMs, recovering
lost passwords, changing the virtual configuration register settings, and copying a new
system image to Flash memory.
• Appendix B, “Troubleshooting the Cisco 2524 and Cisco 2525 Routers,” provides
troubleshooting procedures for the routers, such as reading the LEDs and running
diagnostic tests.
• Appendix C, “Cabling Specifications for the Cisco 2524 and Cisco 2525 Routers,”
provides pinouts for the router ports and cables.
• Appendix D, “Translated Safety Warnings, ” contains translations in multiple languages
of the warnings that appear in this manual.
xx Cisco 2524 and Cisco 2525 Router User Guide