Application Note
1. Is Calibration Required?
The CS5460A does not have to be calibrated. After
CS5460A is powered on and then reset, the device
is functional. This is called the active state.Upon
receiving a ‘Start Conversions’ command,
CS5460A can perform measurements without being calibrated. But the CS5460A’s output is always
affected by the values inside the various calibration registers. If no calibrations are executed by the
user, then these registers will contain the default
values (Gains = 1.0, DC Offsets = 0.0,
AC Offsets = 0). Although the CS5460A can be
used without performing an offset or gain calibration, the guaranteed ranges for accuracy of ±0.1%
of reading (with respect to a known voltage and
current level) will not be valid until a gain/offset calibration is performed. Although the CS5460A will
always exhibit the linearity+variation tolerances
that are specified in Table 1, the exact reference
Before AC Gain Calibration (Vgain Register = 1)
250 mV
230 mV
DC Si gnal
-250 mV
Register =
After AC Gain Calibration (Vgai n Regi ster changed to ~0.65217)
250 mV
230 mV
DC Si gnal
-250 mV
Register = 0.6000...
Figure 2. Another Example of AC Gain Calibration
Instantaneous Voltage
Register Values
Instantaneous Voltage
Register Values
Before DC Gain Calibration (Vgain Register = 1)
250 mV
230 mV
DC Si gnal
-250 mV
Register =
After DC Gain Calibration (Vgain Register changed to 1.0870)
230 mV
DC Si gnal
Register = 0.9999...
Figure 1. Example of DC Gain Calibration
Instantaneous Voltage
Register Values
voltage and current levels to which this linearity is
referenced will vary from sample to sample. If no
calibration is performed, these voltage/current reference levels exist based on the full-scale DC input voltage limits for each channel, which are
approximately equal to the voltages specified in
the “Max Input” row of Table 1. But these voltages
will have a variation from part to part. Any given
CS5460A sample must be calibrated to insure the
guaranteed accuracy = (linearity+variation) abilities of the sample, with respect to a specific input
Instantaneous Voltage
Register Values
voltage signal levels at the voltage/current channel
As an example, suppose the user runs the DC gain
calibration sequence on the current channel (assume PGA gain set for “10x”) using a calibration
signal level across the IIN+/IIN- pins of 187.5 mV
(DC). After this calibration is performed, the fullscale digital output code (0x7FFFFF in the Instan-
CopyrightCirrus Logic, Inc. 2003
(All Rights Reserved)
FEB ‘03
Energy Vrms Irms
Range (% of FS)
Max. Differential
Table 1. Available range of ±0.1% output linearity, with
default settings in the gain/offset registers.
0.1% - 100% 50% - 100% 0.2% - 100%
not applicable
0.1% of
±250 mV
0.1% of
±250 mV 10x
±50 mV 50x
0.1% of
taneous Current Register) will be obtained whenever the input voltage across the IIN+ and IIN- pins
is 187.5 mV (DC). Note that this level is ~75% of
the (typical) maximum available input voltage
range [i.e, ~
±250 mV DC.] In this situation, the cur-
rent channel input ranges for which ±0.1% linearity
+ variation are guaranteed will be reduced to between 0.5 mV (DC) and 187.5 mV (DC), as opposed to what is specified in Table 1 [which would
translate into a voltage range between 0.5 mV
(DC) and 250 mV (DC)].
Also note that using gain calibration signal levels
which cause the CS5460A to set the internal gain
registers to a value that is less than unity will effectively decrease the guaranteed “±0.1% of reading”
linearity+variation range (and therefore the accuracy range) of the RMS calculation results and the
overall energy results. This will occur whenever a
DC gain calibration is performed (on either channel) of a CS5460A sample while applying a DC signal whose value is less than the individual
sample’s inherent maximum differential DC input
voltage level. This will also occur whenever an AC
gain calibration is performed (on either channel)
using an AC signal whose RMS value is less then
60% of the sample’s inherent maximum AC input
voltage levels.
Finally, remember that the ±0.1% (of reading) accuracy guarantee is made with the assumption that
the device has been calibrated with MCLK =
4.096 MHz, K = 1, and N = 4000. If MCLK/K becomes too small, or if N is set too low (or a combination of both), then the CS5460A may not exhibit
±0.1% linearity + variation.
1.1 Order of Calibration Sequences
Should offset calibrations be performed before
gain calibrations? Or vice-versa? This section
summarizes the recommended order of calibration.
1. If the user intends to measure any DC content
that may be present in the voltage/current and
power/energy signals, then the DC offset calibration sequences should be run (for both channels)
before any other calibration sequences. However if
the user intends to remove the DC content present
in either the voltage or current signals (by turning
on the voltage channel HPF option and/or the current channel HPF option--in the Status Register)
then DC offset calibration does not need to be executed for that channel. Note that if either the volt-
age HPF or current HPF options are turned on,
then any DC component that may be present in the
power/energy signals will be removed from the
CS5460A’s power/energy results.
2. If the user intends to set the energy registration
accuracy to within ±0.1% (with respect to reference
calibration levels on the voltage/current inputs)
then the user should next execute the gain calibrations for the voltage/current channels. The user
can execute either the AC or DC gain calibration
sequences (for each channel).
3. Finally, the user should (if desired) run the AC
offset calibration sequences for the voltage and
current channels. Simply ground the “+” and “-” inputs of both channels and execute the AC offset
calibration sequence.
Note that technically, by following the order of calibrations as suggested above, if DC offset calibration is performed for a given channel, and
afterwards a gain calibration is performed on the
channel, then the DC offset register value for the
channel should be scaled by a factor equal to the
respective channel’s new gain register value. For
example, suppose that execution of DC offset calibration for the voltage channel results in a value of
0x0001AC = 0.0000510(d) in the Voltage Channel
DC Offset Register (and we assume that the value
in the Voltage Channel Gain Register was at its default value of 1.000... during execution of this DC
offset calibration). Then if AC or DC gain calibration is executed for the voltage channel such that
the Voltage Channel Gain Register is changed to
0x4020A3(h) = 1.0019920(d), then the user may
want to modify the value in the Voltage Channel