CIRCUTOR MDC-20 User Manual

MDC -20
Initial version.
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Warns of a risk, which could result in personal injury or material
Incorrect handling or installation of the unit may result in injury to personnel as well as damage to the unit. In particular, handling with voltage applied may result in electric shock, which may cause death or serious injury to the personnel involved. Defective installation or maintenance may also lead to
Carefully read the manual prior to connecting the unit. Follow all installation and maintenance instructions throughout the unit's working life. Pay special
voltage (HV) units; bear in mind that the personnel that handle units in this area must be trained and authorised to work in HV installations.
If the instructions preceded by the danger or warning symbol are not respected, this can result in personal injury or damage to the unit and/or installations.
Follow the warnings described in this manual with the symbols shown below.
WARNING: Indicates that special attention should be paid to a specific point.
If you have to handle the unit for its installation, start-up or maintenance, bear in mind the following:
the risk of fire.
attention to the installation standards of the National Electrical Code. If in order to install the unit it is necessary to work in areas with high-
Refer to the user manual before using the unit
CIRCUTOR, SA reserves the right to make modifications to the unit or the unit specifications set out in this user manual without prior notice.
The term of the CIRCUTOR guarantee is two years from the date of purchase and is limited to a refund of the purchase price, free repair or replacement of the faulty unit that is returned to the CIRCUTOR after-sales service within the term of the guarantee.
CIRCUTOR, SA provides its customers with the latest versions of unit specifications and the most updated manuals on its web site.
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LOG OF REVISIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 3
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS .................................................................................................................................. 5
DISCLAIMER ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................................................... 7
1 VERIFICATION UPON RECEPTION ....................................................................................................... 9
1.1 STORAGE ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
2 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 INTERNAL WEB SERVER ........................................................................................................................... 10
2.2 XML SERVER ................................................................................................................................................ 10
2.3 DIGITAL INPUTS ............................................................................................................................................. 10
2.3.1 Impulse counter function ................................................................................................................. 10
2.4 DIGITAL OUTPUTS ......................................................................................................................................... 11
2.5 RS-485 COMMUNICATION BUS ..................................................................................................................... 11
2.6 POWERSTUDIO® AND POWERSTUDIO® SCADA SOFTWARE .................................................................... 11
3 UNIT INSTALLATION ..............................................................................................................................12
3.1 PRIOR RECOMMENDATIONS .......................................................................................................................... 12
3.2 INSTALLATION LOCATION ............................................................................................................................... 12
3.3 WIRING DIAGRAMS ........................................................................................................................................ 12
4 CONFIGURATION ....................................................................................................................................13
4.1 BUTTONS ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
4.1.1 Button functions ................................................................................................................................ 13
4.2 CONFIGURATION OF ETHERNET NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS ................................................................ 13
5.1 MAC ADDRESS ............................................................................................................................................. 14
5.2 DHCP ASSIGNMENT ..................................................................................................................................... 14
5.3 CONFIGURATION WITH THE DHCP NO OPTION.......................................................................................... 14
5.3.1 IP - (with DHCP “no”)* ...................................................................................................................... 14
5.3.2 NetMask - (with DHCP “no”)* .......................................................................................................... 14
5.3.3 Gateway – (with DHCP “no”)* ......................................................................................................... 14
5.3.4 Primary DNS - (w ith DHCP “no”)* .................................................................................................. 16
5.3.5 Secondary DNS - (with DHCP “no”)* ............................................................................................. 16
5.3.6 Other configurations - (with DHCP “no”)* ...................................................................................... 16
5.4 CONFIGURATION WITH THE DHCP YES OPTION ........................................................................................ 17
5.4.1 Client ID - (with DHCP “yes”) .......................................................................................................... 17
5.4.2 Assigned values- (with DHCP “yes”) ............................................................................................. 17
5.4.3 Primary NTP (w ith DHCP “yes” or “no”) ........................................................................................ 17
5.4.4 Secondary NTP (with DHCP “yes” or “no”) ................................................................................... 17
5.4.5 Time Zone (with DHCP “yes” or “no”) ............................................................................................ 17
5.5 ACTIVE MODE AMB® ................................................................................................................................... 18
5.5.1 Active Mode Host - (with Active Mode “yes”) ................................................................................ 18
5.5.2 Act. Mode Port - (with Active Mode “yes”) .................................................................................... 18
5.5.3 Act. Mode Id. - (with Active Mode “yes”) ....................................................................................... 18
5.5.4 If Active Mode “no” is selected........................................................................................................ 18
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5.6 ENABLE SECURITY ........................................................................................................................................ 18
5.7 CASE ENABLE SECURITY = YES ................................................................................................................ 19
5.8 EXTRA HTTP PORT. ...................................................................................................................................... 19
5.9 SAVE N EW SETUP .......................................................................................................................................... 19
5.10 MANUAL DATE AND TIME CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................... 19
5.11 DISPLAY OF CONFIGURATION P AR AMETERS ............................................................................................. 20
5.12 “PING” TEST. ........................................................................................................................................... 20
6 CONFIGURATION OF NETWORK PARAMETERS BY SOFTWARE .................................................20
6.1 FIXED IP ASSIGNMENT .................................................................................................................................. 20
6.2 DHCP IP ASSIGNMENT ................................................................................................................................. 21
6.3 CONFIGURATION WEB SITE ........................................................................................................................... 22
6.3.1 Password access. ............................................................................................................................. 22
7 FUNCTIONAL CONFIGURATION OF THE MDC-20 ............................................................................23
7.1 SOFTWAR E IN STALLATION ............................................................................................................................. 23
7.2 REGISTRATION OF THE UNIT ......................................................................................................................... 23
7.3 IMPORTING THE APPLIC A TION ....................................................................................................................... 23
7.4 EXPORTING THE APPLIC A TION ...................................................................................................................... 24
7.5 MDC-20 CONFIGURATION OPTIONS ............................................................................................................. 24
7.5.1 Driver Parameters ............................................................................................................................ 25
7.5.2 Device parameters ........................................................................................................................... 25
7.5.3 Unit inputs and outputs .................................................................................................................... 26
7.5.4 Variable units ..................................................................................................................................... 28
7.5.5 Variable limits .................................................................................................................................... 29
7.5.6 Display of variables .......................................................................................................................... 30
8 POWER CONTROL CONFIGURATION .................................................................................................30
8.1 POWER CONTROL PARAMETERS ................................................................................................................... 31
8.1.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 31
8.1.2 Alarms ................................................................................................................................................ 32
8.1.3 Safety margin over the setpoint (%): ............................................................................................. 32
8.1.4 Simulation .......................................................................................................................................... 32
8.1.5 Maximum power by conditions. ...................................................................................................... 33
8.1.6 Controlled variable ........................................................................................................................... 34
8.1.7 Window type: ..................................................................................................................................... 34
8.1.8 Response time (seconds) ................................................................................................................ 35
8.1.9 Maximum power per calendar: ....................................................................................................... 35
8.1.10 Load groups: ................................................................................................................................. 39
8.1.11 Loads within a group ................................................................................................................... 41
8.2 POWER CONTROL SIMULATION .......................................................................................................... 46
8.2.1 Simulation .......................................................................................................................................... 46
8.2.2 Simulation log .................................................................................................................................... 46
8.2.3 Simulated events .............................................................................................................................. 47
8.3 CLIENT DISPLAY ....................................................................................................................................... 49
8.3.1 MDC-20 unit ...................................................................................................................................... 50
8.3.2 Power control .................................................................................................................................... 50
8.3.3 Load action ........................................................................................................................................ 51
8.3.4 Graphic display ................................................................................................................................. 52
8.3.5 Discriminator Unit ............................................................................................................................. 54
9 TECHNICAL FEATURES .........................................................................................................................55
10 MAINTENANCE AND TECHNICAL SERVICE ......................................................................................57
11 GUARANTEE ............................................................................................................................................57
12 CE CERTIFICATION ................................................................................................................................58
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upon reception, immediately contact the transport
Check the following points when you receive the unit:
The unit meets the specifications on your order.
The unit has not suffered any damage during transport.
Perform an external visual inspection of the unit prior to switching it on
Check that the power supply voltage of the unit is right for the mains to which it is to be
If any problem is detected company and/or CIRCUTOR's after-sales service
Read this manual carefully before connecting the unit in order to avoid incorrect use that may cause permanent damage.
This manual contains all the necessary information for the safe use of the units and getting the best performance out of them.

1.1 Storage

The unit should be stored according to the following recommendations:
Avoid placing it on uneven surfaces.
Do not store in outdoor areas, humid areas or areas exposed to the splashing of water.
Do not install near hot spots (maximum ambient temperature: 45 ºC)
Avoid saline and corrosive environments.
Avoid storing the unit in areas where dust is generated or where the risk of chemical or
other types of contamination is present.
Do not place any weight on top of the unit.


The MDC-20 is a maximum demand controller, which controls the power demanded by an installation (or part of it) based on disconnecting certain dispensable loads before the power exceeds certain limits. This prevents the consumption of excess power or peaks, which generally result in high penalties in the electricity bill or unwanted tripping of the current limiters. It is recommended that non-priority loads are disconnected, so that demand management does not affect the normal working of the installation.
The MD C-20 has an internal web server from which the user can view in real time the variables measured and others obtained by calculation, and the status of the unit inputs and outputs with the possibility of managing them.
In addition to providing data reading/writing via the web, the unit has an XML server, enabling the user to send GET and PUT type requests.
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2.1 Internal WEB SERVER

The MDC-20 has an internal WEB server that allows you to connect to an Ethernet network. This allows the user to read internal variables in real time or obtain historic logs as graphics or tables.
To connect to the Ethernet network, the MDC-20 must be correctly configured. Once configured and integrated in the Ethernet network, the unit variables are visible to the user via a conventional Internet browser, provided the appropriate Java virtual machine is available and installed on the computer. The machine is available at the following address: Another way of viewing the variables on the unit is through the PowerStudio® Scada Client which must be installed on the computer.
To communicate with the unit via the web and view the variables on the browser, the user must access an IP address or an alias in DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) page nam e format: ,
or the DHCP name, http://name_dhcp ; where: is the IP address assigned by the user and
name_dhcp is the name assigned and authenticated by the local area network (LAN) name

2.2 XML server

XML, which stands for eXtensible Markup Language, is a mark-up language developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) used to store machine-readable data.
XML is a standard for exchanging structured information between different platforms (databases, tables of variables, text editors, spreadsheets, etc.)
The XML server is an excellent tool for integrating MDC-20 with external applications.

2.3 Digital inputs

The MDC -20 has 8 digital inputs, whose function is to count impulses from external analyzers or to detect the logic state of external sensors (voltage free contacts). The contacts for activating the unit's digital inputs must be voltage-free contacts (the device provides an internal power supply). The unit detects an open or closed contact between a common terminal and the corresponding input terminal.

2.3.1 Impulse counter function

It is normal for fluid or energy meters to be equipped with an impulse output with a frequency proportional to the measured energy or flow. The MDC-20 can be used as a centralising metering unit, using its 8 digital inputs for reading as many meters as available inputs. Not e that this enables centralising electrical energy metering, as well as water, gas, hot water meters, etc. which have a pulse output channel.
The unit is equipped with 8 non-volatile memory logs that add together the logs of the above­mentioned energy meters. Each log is 32 bits (4 bytes), so it counts a maximum of up to 4,294,967,295 impulses. When a log reaches said maximum value, the next impulse resets the energy meter to zero.
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Without the PowerStudio® or PowerStudio®Scada Editor, it is not possible to

2.4 Digital outputs

The unit has 6 relay digital outputs. Through the communication servers, the user can remotely manage the outputs (i.e. you can open, close, generate an impulse, etc.).
These actions can be carried out manually or by a program, determined by events detected by the unit (see PowerStudio® Scada software manual).

2.5 RS-485 communication bus

The unit has a RS-485 communication bus for linking to external peripherals through a field bus. The MDC-20 can act as a field bus master and temporarily store data on the peripherals in a 200MB internal memory, which is filled cyclically, deleting the oldest data. That memory and the web access capacity enables real time viewing for the user and being able to record the data from the units connected to the f ield bus, although it is not read immediately. The PowerStudio® Scada software allows the simple production of calculations using the measured variables and the display in graphics and tables of the various parameters recorded.

2.6 PowerStudio® and PowerStudio® SCADA Software

To config u re t he f ie ld bus and manage both real time and historical data, the user must connect the MDC-20 to a computer (normally via the Ethernet) and install in that computer one of the PowerStudio® or PowerStudio® Scada applications. This makes it possible to export the configuration of the unit and add or remove analyzers or slaves connected to the field bus. T he MDC-20 allows you to configure up to a maximum of 5 slave units connected to your network.
For more details on how to configure all the system features, read the PowerStudio®/Scada Editor manual, where you can find all the information on:
Importing or exporting the configuration of the MDC-20 system
Configuring new units or slaves
Tariff discriminators / calendars
Calculated variables.
System events and alarms.
Authentication configuration.
Web system security.
configure the power control application, and equip the MDC-20 with all its features.
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Unit installation and maintenance must only be carried out by authorised and qualified personnel. Before carrying out any maintenance work, make sure you
Those people who handle the unit must follow the safety measures set out in the EN standards and the electrical code of the country where it is being used, using the necessary personal protective equipment and heeding the various
The unit must be connected to the power circuit protected with GL or M type
thermal or equivalent switch, so that it can be disconnected. The power supply cable must have a minimum cross-section of 1 m m².
Any fault in the earth connection might cause a risk of electrocution to t he user


3.1 Prior recommendations

disconnect the unit's power supply.
warnings indicated in the user manual.
fuses, in accordance with IEC 269, with gauges ranging from 0.5 to 1 A. The unit must be connected to the mains with a magneto-
Check the earth connection before connecting the unit to the power s and damage to the unit in case of lightning or other transients.

3.2 Installation location

The unit must be installed in an environment where the environmental conditions indicated in the technical features section are respected.

3.3 Wiring diagrams

Fig.3-1 . –Basic connection diagram with RS-485 communications and illustration of
input activation contact I
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Move the cursor to the left to make another change to the numeric or
Move the cursor to the right to make another change to the numeric or
change to the previous setup menu option. If there is a cursor, press the button to increase the digit being indicated by the cursor.
If there is no cursor on the screen change to the next setup menu option. If there
detecting ETHERNET network. To integrate the unit in a
20 for its
integration in the ETHERNET network, you can press the conventional Internet browser and access the
To see the unit's IP address simultaneously press for 2


The unit requires two types of configuration:
1) Configuration of the Ethernet network (IP addressing)
2) Functional configuration of the internal application and possible association with other field units through the RS-485 bus.

4.1 Buttons

The front panel of the MDC-20 comes with an alphanumeric LCD screen and four buttons for navigating through the different screens for the configuration of the unit.
Buttons - short and long press:
SHORT PRESS: Less than two seconds. LONG PRESS: More than two seconds.

4.1.1 Button functions

The functions of the buttons are shown in Table 4-1
Table 4-1.- Button functions:
alphanumeric digit.
alphanumeric digit.
If there is no cursor on the screen
is a cursor, press the button to decrease the digit being indicated by the cursor.

4.2 Configuration of ETHERNET network communications

The MDC-20 can be connected to a 10/100BaseTX self­Local Area Network (LAN), previously configure the unit.
To configure the communications of the MDC­unit's buttons or, if you know its IP address, you can use a configuration page.
seconds the buttons . See Fig. 4-1
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Fig. 4-1 . – Pressing of buttons
to configure the IP address

5 Configuration of network parameters with the unit's buttons

The ETHERNET network parameters can be fully configured using the function buttons on the front panel of the unit.
To access the setup menu, simultaneously hold down the arrow buttons 2 seconds (long press). While the buttons are pressed, the unit displays the text
       (hold for 2 seconds, until accessing the configuration); after this time has elapsed, the unit will show on the screen
     ,after entering the configuration, stop pressing the buttons
for more than

5.1 MAC address

After entering the setup menu, the unit displays the caption EDS-CPP, the version and MAC (Media Access Control) physical address on screen, with a 00:26:45:XX:XX:XX type format. This is an information panel that the user can use to check the physical address of the unit. To
go to the next configuration screen press the button

5.2 DHCP assignment

After entering the setup menu, the unit displays the DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), and shows by default the "no" option. To change the on-screen option, press the
button both options “yes”/”no”, until one of them is validated with as described in the above paragraph (“yes” selection), press the button
to the next option.
, until the “yes” option appears. If you repeat this action, the unit cyclically displays
. With the DHCP server activated,
to validate and move

5.3 Configuration with the DHCP “no” option

If the DHCP server is not enabled, see section 5.2, validate the “no” option in the DHCP assignment with the button to move to the next screen.

5.3.1 IP - (with DHCP “no”)*

With this option the user can configure an IP address for the MDC-20 unit. For this press the button
numerical data entry of the type After establishing the parameters, press the
button repeatedly until the edit cursor disappears and validate the data with the button,
moving to the next screen.

5.3.2 NetMask - (with DHCP “no”)*

To configure the NetMask press the the buttons establishing the parameters, press the validate the data with the button, moving to the next screen.

5.3.3 Gateway – (w ith DHCP “no”)*

To configure the Gateway press the button digit. With the buttons press the
button, moving to the next screen.
, activating the edit cursor on the first digit. With the buttons parameterise a
button, activating the edit cursor on the first digit. With
parameterise a numerical data entry of the type After
button repeatedly until the edit cursor disappears and
, and the edit cursor will be placed on the first
edit the IP address of the type Once edited,
button repeatedly until the edit cursor disappears and validate the data with the
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Secondary NTP
(name) ...
XXX:XX ...
2013–11–20 12:02
Hold on 2 seconds to enter setup
version xx
MAC address
Primary DNS
Secondary DNS
Primary NTP
Secondary NTP
Time zone
UTC (other options)
XXX:XX ...
Secondary DNS
Primary DNS
XXX:XX ...
Primary NTP
(name) ...
Time zone
(option) ...
DHCP yes
DHCP Client Id
DHCP Client Id
(name) ...
(non editable)
(non editable)
(non editable)
*Primary DNS
(non editable)
*Secondary DNS
(non editable)
Fig.5-1 . – Menu flow diagram (1)
NOTE: When selecting DHCP yes, given that the DHCP server has still not assigned the Ethernet addressing values, all the parameters will appear with, but they are not editable
User Manual Page 15 of 58
Active mode
Active mode host
Active mode port
Active mode
Active mode Id.
Enable security
Enable security
Extra HTTP port
Save new setup
Saving new setup
Adjust clock
2013-12-02 18:22
Active mode host
(name) ...
Active mode port
(number) ...
Active mode Id.
(name) ...
(name) ...
(name 5 char) ...
Save new setup
Adjust clock
2013-12-02 ...

5.3.4 Primary DNS - (with DHCP “no”)*

To config ure the Prima ry DNS press t he button With the buttons
parameterise a numerical data entry of the type After establishing the parameters, press the validate the data with the

5.3.5 Secondary DNS - (with DHCP “no”)*

To configure the Secondary DNS server, carry out the same procedure as with the Primary DNS.

5.3.6 Other configurations - (with DHCP “no”)*

After configuring the Secondary DNS, the other setup screens correspond to the same ones as in the DHCP "yes" mode (activated); consequently the configuration procedure will be the same as the one for sections: 5.4.3, 5.4.4, 5.4.5
Fig.5-2 . – Menu flow diagram (2)
, activating the edit cursor on the first digit.
button repeatedly until the edit cursor disappears and
button, moving to the next screen.
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5.4 Configuration with the DHCP “yes” option

If you have chosen the DHCP “yes” option, the following fields must be configured:

5.4.1 Client ID - (with DHCP “yes”)

After activation of the DHCP authentication and the subsequent validation, the unit displays the Client ID parameter configuration on the screen, which refers to the DHCP name of the unit to be logged into the Ethernet network.
The you can edit an alphanumeric data field up to a maximum of 20 characters. After entering the
data, press the the button, moving to the next screen.

5.4.2 Assigned values- (with DHCP “yes”)

After entering the Client ID name in the unit for the first time, the parameters assigned by the DHCP server are displayed on the screen. As the parameters are being edited and not stored until the unit is fully configured, the unit will display the following fields: IP, NetMask, Gateway, Primary DNS, Secondary DNS, with an asterisk at the top left which indicates that no ch ang es can be made.
You can move from one parameter to the next by pressing the button

5.4.3 Primary NTP (with DHCP “yes” or “no”)

The unit can synchronise the date and time through an NTP (Network Time Protocol) server in the UTC time system. By default, the MDC-20 does not display any value, indicating that synchronisation is completed via DHCP, provided the network server allows this.
To configure a different NTP server to the DHCP (, press the cursor on the first digit. With the buttons
maximum of 20 characters), indicating an http address or an internal or external IP (if the unit expects Internet access to be available). After entering this parameter, repeatedly press the button until the edit cursor disappears, and validate the data with the button.
button is used to activate the edit cursor on the first digit. With the buttons and
but ton repeatedly until the edit cursor disappears and validate the data with
button, enabling the edit
edit the alphanumeric data field (up to a
After the Primary NTP option you will move to the Secondary NTP screen pressing the button. The NTP servers available on the Internet have the following address: , in Spain the address would be:

5.4.4 Secondary NTP (with DHCP “yes” or “no”)

For the configuration of the secondary NTP server, carry out the same procedure as with the Primary NTP.

5.4.5 Time Zone (with DHCP “yes” or “no”)

To configure the time zone, press the 20 unit is located.
After selecting the zone, press the After validating this option, you will move to the Active Mode menu, section 5.5
button until selecting the time zone in which the MDC-
button, moving to the next screen.
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5.5 Active Mode A MB®

The AMB (Active Mode Bridge) system reverses the server client role in the process of connecting remote units. The remote units start the communication process with the connection server located in a central computer, creating a transparent communication tunnel between the unit and that server. This means the user does not have to contract or maintain a fixed IP or dynDNS for their remote control locations.
To configure an access route, press the “Active Mode” service activated with the “yes” caption, press the button to move to the next
Active Mode Host option.

5.5.1 Active Mode Host - (with Active Mode “yes”)

The “Act. Mode Host” option determines the destination IP where the unit is actively connected. It is an alphanumeric field that can be configured by providing an IP address in the following format xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx or the name in http format.

5.5.2 Act. Mode Port - (with Active Mode “yes”)

The “Act.ModePort” option allows you to configure the access port to the central server peripherals, in which the AMB (Active Mode Bridge) connection software will have been installed. This computer must have an access port for connecting all remote units, in order to establish a transparent communications tunnel.
The central server is connected to the Internet through a router, in which a NAT (Network Address Translation) access rule is established which assigns f loating IP, in order to establish the connection path to the various peripherals.
An access port must be activated in the Internet access router which will internally transfer the public communication frames to the AMB internal connection server and to a port specified by and known to the user.
The port enabled in the communication router must be configured in the "Port" section.
button, until the “yes” option appears. With the

5.5.3 Act. Mode Id. - (with Active Mode “yes”)

Each element connected to the AMB system must have an identifier or alias (“Act. Mode Id.”). This identifier is alphanumeric and the user must record it in order to enable the server connection.
NOTE: In no case can an "Identifier" be duplicated within the same connection server. After this option, you will move to the “Enable Security” menu, section 5.6

5.5.4 If Active Mode “no” is selected

If you select the Active Mode no option, you will move directly to the “Enable Security” menu, section 5.6

5.6 Enable Security

A user and edition password can be activated in the unit, to prevent the modification of the configuration parameters by unauthorised personnel. By default the unit displays “no” because it has no password configured. If you want to enable it, this password will be requested in all the unit's configuration and display accesses (unit's buttons, web configuration and internal applications).
To modify the option displayed (“yes” or “no”), press required option appears, and then validate with the button.
and then the buttons until the
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+ 40 hidden pages