CipherLab 8000 Series, 9400 Series, 8300 Series, 9500 Series, 8500 Series User Manual

STREAM Wireless Studio
8000 / 8300 /8400/ 8500 / 9400 / 9500 Series
Mobile Computers
DOC Version 2.07
Copyright © 2007~ 2009 CIPHERLAB CO., LTD. All rights reserved
The software contains proprietary information of CIPHERLAB CO., LTD.; it is provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and is also protected by copyright law. Reverse engineering of the software is prohibited.
Due to continued product development this information may change without notice. The information and intellectual property contain ed herein is confidential between CIPHERLA B and the client and remains the exclusive property of CIPHERLAB CO., LTD. If you find any problems in the documentation, please report them to us in writing. CIPHERLAB does not warrant that this document is error-free.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of CIPHERLAB CO., LTD.
For product consultancy and technical support, please contact your local sales representative. Also, you may visit our web site for more information.
The CipherLab logo is a registered trademark of CIPHERLAB CO., LTD. Microsoft, Windows, and the Windows logo are registered trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Bluetooth is a trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc., U.S.A. Other product names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective companies and are hereby acknowledged. The editorial use of these names is for identification as well as to the benefit of the
owners, with no intention of infringement.
Version Date Notes
2.07 May. 05, 2009
Modified: Add 8400 descriptions and delete 9500PPC descriptions.
2.06 Nov. 19, 2008
Modified: section 1.2.1 — Add database View manipulation
Modified: section 1.2.2 — Add “Action when matched” property
descriptions for database application.
Modified: section 1.3.1 — Add “Edit Screen Identifier”
2.05 Aug. 01, 2008
New UI introduced Modified: section 1.1.2 —
replace the [Download Runtime Program] button on the toolbar with [Export 9 Series Terminal Setting]
Modified: sec tion 1.2.2
[More] field properties for Form: “Show
Soft Input Keypad” option available for 9400/9500
Modified: Appendix II~III support replacement of EAN-128 field
separator for all scan engines
2.04 Apr. 17, 2008
Modified: section 1.2.2 Database Application Template –
Data: Max. Length issue
Modified: section 5.6.1 Load Program & Settings – Remove
Options > Function Bars > Task Bar from the client program (9400/9500CE/9500PPC)
2.03 Mar. 07, 2008
New: section 1.1.1 Tools Menu > Install STREAM CE/PPC Cli ent Modified: section 1.2.1 Database Source – ODBC Database
(supports “Enclose field/table name in square brackets when sending SQL commands”.)
New: Appendix III, IV –
AIM Code ID (supports “Transmit AIM
Code ID” for LR/ELR Laser and 2D scan engines)
2.02 Oct. 12, 2007
New: Support 9400
2.01 Sep. 03, 2007
Modified: Licensing – implementation of key pro Modified: section 1.1.3 Menu Tree – screenshots updated Modified: section 1.2.1 Database Source – screenshots updated New: section 2.2 Login/Logout – 9500CE New: section 3.1. 2 9500 Simulator
2.00 Aug. 03, 2007 New Word template applied
Branded as Power Suite – STREAM Wireless Studio Modified: 9500PPC, 9500CE client application
1.03 June 14, 2007
Modified: section 1.4 How It Works Modified: Appendix II – CCD/Laser Scan Engine: add GTIN Modified: A ppendix IV –
2D Scan Engine: add AIM Code ID, Focus
1.02 June 01, 2007
Modified: section 1.1 Features New: section 1.4 How It Works New: Appendix I – Scan Engine Settings New: Appendix II – CCD/Laser Scan Engine New: Appendix III – LR/ELR Scan Engine New: Appendix IV – 2D Scan Engine
1.01 May 16, 2007
Modified: Provi des solutions for Database and Terminal Emulation
1.00 Jan. 22, 2007 Initial release
RELEASE NOTES.......................................................................................- 3 -
INTRODUCTION........................................................................................... 1
Installing STREAM Wireless Studio ..................................................................1
How It Works ...........................................................................................4
STREAM WIRELESS STUDIO - DESIGNER ............................................................. 7
1.1 User Interface .....................................................................................8
1.1.1 Menu Bar .....................................................................................8
1.1.2 Toolbar ..................................................................................... 12
1.1.3 Menu Tree.................................................................................. 13
1.2 Database Application........................................................................... 14
1.2.1 Database Source .......................................................................... 14
1.2.2 Database Application Template ........................................................ 21
1.3 Emulation Application.......................................................................... 30
1.3.1 Host/Server Source....................................................................... 30
1.3.2 Emulation Application Template ....................................................... 34
1.4 Users .............................................................................................. 44
1.4.1 User ID...................................................................................... 44
1.4.2 Password ................................................................................... 45
1.4.3 Template................................................................................... 45
1.4.4 Sign-On to Host/Telnet Server..........................................................45
1.5 Device Settings.................................................................................. 46
1.5.1 System...................................................................................... 47
1.5.2 Barcode..................................................................................... 50
1.5.3 Wireless LAN (8000/8300/8400/8500)................................................. 50
STREAM WIRELESS STUDIO - SERVER ...............................................................53
2.1 User Interface ................................................................................... 53
2.1.1 Menu Bar ...................................................................................53
2.1.2 Toolbar ..................................................................................... 57
2.1.3 Menu Tree.................................................................................. 58
2.2 Login/Logout .................................................................................... 60
2.2.1 Settings..................................................................................... 60
2.2.2 Log In .......................................................................................60
2.2.3 Log Out ..................................................................................... 62
2.3 Error Messages................................................................................... 63
2.3.1 Connection Error.......................................................................... 63
2.3.2 Login Error ................................................................................. 64
2.3.3 Template Setting Error................................................................... 65
STREAM Wireless Studio User Guide
PROGRAM SIMULATION ................................................................................67
3.1 Launch the Simulator........................................................................... 67
3.1.1 8000/8300/8400/8500 Series ........................................................... 68
3.1.2 9400/9500 Series..........................................................................72
3.2 Exit the Simulator............................................................................... 73
3.2.1 8000/8300/8400/8500 Series ........................................................... 73
3.2.2 9400/9500 Series..........................................................................74
EVENT MANAGEMENT..................................................................................75
4.1 Open .............................................................................................. 76
4.2 Query ............................................................................................. 76
4.3 Exit................................................................................................ 76
USING STREAM WIRELESS STUDIO...................................................................77
5.1 System Management............................................................................77
5.1.1 Change System Language................................................................ 77
5.1.2 Change System Database ................................................................ 77
5.1.3 Configure the STREAM Server........................................................... 78
5.1.4 Analyze Activities......................................................................... 78
5.2 User Account..................................................................................... 79
5.2.1 Sign-On to Host/Telnet Server..........................................................79
5.2.2 Example .................................................................................... 79
5.3 Device Settings.................................................................................. 80
5.3.1 Download or Import Configuration ..................................................... 80
5.3.2 Localization (8000/8300/8400/8500).................................................. 81
5.4 Database Application........................................................................... 81
5.4.1 Choose Database Source................................................................. 82
5.4.2 Create a Template........................................................................83
5.5 Emulation Application.......................................................................... 84
5.5.1 Choose Host Source....................................................................... 85
5.5.2 Create a Template........................................................................85
5.6 Operation on the Mobile Computer .......................................................... 86
5.6.1 Load Program & Settings................................................................. 86
5.6.2 Login to Use an Template ...............................................................90
5.6.3 Collect Data................................................................................ 92
SCAN ENGINE SETTINGS ...............................................................................95
Symbologies Supported ............................................................................. 95
RFID Tags Supported ................................................................................ 97
CCD/LASER SCAN ENGINE .............................................................................99
Reader Settings Table............................................................................... 99
Symbology Settings Table .........................................................................101
LR/ELR LASER SCAN ENGINE........................................................................ 105
Reader Settings Table..............................................................................105
AIM Code ID – Code Characters................................................................105
AIM Code ID – Modifier Characters............................................................106
STREAM Wireless Studio User Guide
Symbology Settings Table .........................................................................107
2D SCAN ENGINE...................................................................................... 111
Reader Settings Table..............................................................................111
AIM Code ID – Code Characters................................................................111
AIM Code ID – Modifier Characters............................................................112
Symbology Settings Table .........................................................................115
Successfully integrating and enhancing several existing CipherLab applications and download utilities, the STREAM Wireless Studio software delivers powerful application solutions in a single package. It is specifically designed for use with the wireles s mobile computers capable of 802.11b/g connectivity. Real-time application services and centric management are provided through the STREAM Server.
The STREAM Wireless Studio software consists of (1) the STREAM Designer for configuring application templates and program simulation, and (2) the STREAM Server for managing communications as well as surveillance. Currently, the software offers two major solutions for users to collect data and send it back in real-time to a database server or a server supports VT100/220 or 5250 emulation.
This user guide describes how the software provides a total solution for real-time data collection linking with any back-end database. We recommend that you read it thoroughly before use and keep it at hand for quick reference.
Thank you for choosing CipherLab products!
Install STREAM Wireless Studio from the Power Suite CD-ROM. The following files can be located in "C:\CipherLab\Stream\" if you did not change to
install to a different folder:
File Name
STREAM Wireless Studio User Guide
A copy of this user guide in PDF format is available.
Language folder
Language support – English.lng For multi-language o ptions, any additional *.lng files must be stored
in this folder.
Runtime folder Runtime programs for different mobile computers –
WS8000.shx, WS8300.shx, WS8400.shx and WS8500.shx can be
installed via Tools > Download Terminal Runtime Program.
WSClient94CE.exe and WSClient95CE.exe can be installed via Tools
> Install STREAM CE Client.
The device settings defined in the STREAM Designer will take effect after being downloaded or copied to the mobile computer. While connecting to the STREAM Server, a specific application template will be applied.
STREAM Wireless Studio User Guide
UserDB folder All user-defined databases will be stored in Microsoft Access format in
this folder for local access. The data can be imported from or exported to a file in any of the following formats:
Text File (*.txt) Microsoft Excel (*.xls) Microsoft Access (*.mdb) dBase (.dbf)
WS_DBAppSrv.exe Database Application Service provider – it will be executed automatically
when the mobile computer is connected to the computer through the STREAM Server and intended to use a Database Application template.
It interacts with the mobile computer in the following ways:
Respond to the request from the mobile computer by accessing
back-end resources via the Database application template.
Allows the computer to process the data collected and update the
associated database.
WS_EmuAppSrv.exe Terminal Emulation Application Service provider – it will be executed
automatically when the mobile computer is connected to the computer through the STREAM Server and intended to use a TE application template.
It interacts with the mobile computer in the following ways:
Respond to the request from the mobile computer by accessing
back-end resources via the TE application template.
Allows the computer to process the barcode data collected and
reformat the emulation screens as pre-defined.
WS_Server .exe STREAM (Wireless Studio) Server – The program shortcut has been
created on the desktop after installation.
WS_Designer.exe STREAM (Wireless Studio) Designer – The program shortcut has been
created on the desktop after installation.
Sim.exe Sim94.exe Sim95.exe
Simulator, also accessible from inside the STREAM Designer.
Sim.exe for 8000/8300/8400/8500 Series Sim94. exe for 9400
Sim95.exe for 9500CE
WlanLib.dll The dll file for wireless communication protocol (TCP/IP). WS_App.ini The configuration file used to configure the initial settings (environmental
WS_App.log Upon execution of STREAM Wireless Studio, it will generate a log file,
which is used to keep a record of the activities or events occurred in the STREAM Designer or STREAM Server.
WS_Sample .mdb A sample database in Microsoft Access format, which is for use as
database source.
WS_SYSDB .mdb The default system database in Microsoft Access format. It stores
back-end resource information, application templates, user accounts and device settings which are all defined in the STREAM Designer.
After installation, two program shortcuts are available on the computer desktop; each stands for a component of the software package:
If you are using the application for the first time, double-click the shortcut to the
STREAM Designer to start with configuring device settings, the sequences of data processing (templates-based), database links, etc.
To simulate the running sequences of the applications on the real mobile computer, launch the Simulator from inside the STREAM Designer.
To link to the specif ied back-end database or host after having configured everything
necessary in the STREAM Designer, double-click the shortcut to launch the STREAM Server or run it directly from inside the STREAM Designer.
The relationship among these components is as shown below.
STREAM Wireless Studio User Guide
The illustration below depicts the deployment of Database and Terminal Emulation applications.
Supports Microsoft Windows 2000 / XP / Vista Centric management of back-end resources, application templates, and activities
- Templates & Users management via the STREAM Designer
- Activities management via the Event Manager
- Resource & Connectivity management via the STREAM Server
Simplified operation on the mobile computer
- Only need to download run-time program once
- Configure and download user settings to the mobile computer in a few clicks
Multi- and hetero- appli cat ions in one syst em for CipherLab Mobile Computers capable
of wireless connectivity
Application Options
Mobile Computer Options
Database application Terminal Emulation application
8000 Series – 8071 8300 Series – 8330, 8370 8400 Series – 8470 8500 Series – 8570, 8590 9400 Series – 9400 9500 Series – 9500CE
Smart simulation for debugging, saving plenty time in designing applications Easy customization for language support
The STREAM Wireless Studio software needs a hardware key for authentication, and a USB dongle is provided for this purpose. The software allows a specific n umber of legal users to be connected to the STREAM Server per purchased licenses. As long as the STREAM Server is running, you must always have the dongle connected to a USB port of your computer.
If this hardware key is not present, the STREAM Server will run in a restricted mode that allows 30-minute use for each launch. The countdown is displayed on the status bar of the STREAM Server, and the message flashes as shown below.
Please contact our sales representative for license terms and price information.
STREAM Wireless Studio User Guide
Double-click the program shortcut on the desktop of your computer to launch the STREAM Designer. The work area appears as shown below, and each element is described in the following sections.
In the STREAM Designer, work out your application solutions step by step:
1) Give back-end resource information and create an application template that can access the back-end resources specified.
2) Create a user account so that you can log in and use the application template.
3) Configure associated device settings, such as the reader settings, WLAN settings,
status feedback, and so on.
Warning: The back-end resource information, application templates, user accounts
and device settings defined in the STREAM Designer will be stored in the system database in Microsoft Access format. All the work you do in the STREAM Designer can only be accessed and maintained when the same system database is loaded.
Chapter 1
Menu Tree
Menu Bar
STREAM Wireless Studio User Guide
1.1 User Interface............................................................. 8
1.2 Database Application.................................................. 14
1.3 Emulation Application................................................. 30
1.4 Users....................................................................... 44
1.5 Device Setti
ngs ......................................................... 46
1.1.1 MENU BAR
The Menu Bar contains a number of menus that specify which task you want the system to perform. Each menu contains a list of commands and sometimes sub-menus.
Some of the options carry out commands immediately, and others display a window so that you can enter additional information. If an option is followed by [ …], it will display a window. Otherwise, the command is carried immediately.
If you are using the STREAM Designer for the first time, you must start with a new
task listed below. Refer to the related sections for details on these tasks.
After having created a new task, the [Duplicate], [Rename] and [Delete] commands
will become available.
Application Services
Database Application – define your database source and create a
Emulation Application – define your host/server source and create a
Users Establish a relationship between a user and a specific application template.
User accounts are used by the STREAM Server for authenticating one to the system database.
Chapter 1 STREAM Wireless Studio - Designer
Terminal Settings Configure device settings for different mobile computers -
8000/8300/8400/8500 Series: the associated settings must be
downloaded to the specific mobile computer.
9400/9500 S eries: the associated settings must be exported to a .W94
or .W95 file. Then, copy or move the configuration file to the mobile computer via ActiveSync.
Download Terminal Runtime Program
8000/8300/8400/8500 Series: Before using a real mobile computer
start with data collection, you must download the corresponding runtime (WS8*.SHX) program to the specific mobile computer.
9400/9500 Series: Not applicable
Download Terminal Settings
Once the runtime program has been downloaded, proceed to download the corresponding device settings to the mobile computer.
8000/8300/8400/8500 Series: This option will be available only when
you select an associated configuration record.
9400/9500 S eries: First, export the configuration record to a file (.W94
or .W95). Then, copy or move the file to the mobile computer.
Install STREAM CE Client
Seat your mobile computer in the Cradle that connects to your computer via ActiveSync, and install the client application. Depending on your mobile computer, a specific set of the followings files will be installed to “\Program Files\Stream\” –
WS9400_CE.exe and 9400CE_Dll.dll WS9500_CE.exe and 9500CE_Dll.dll
Warning: Being installed to the default directory “\Program Files\Stream\” , the client
program and configuration file (.ini) on your mobile computer will be removed automatically after hardware reset. Therefore, we suggest you to use the Backup Utility for regular backups.
STREAM Wireless Studio User Guide
Launch STREAM Server
After everything is set, launch the STREAM Server so that you can run either the corresponding Simulator or a real mobile computer to connect to the STREAM Server. Refer to section 2. STREAM Wireless Studio - Server
Use the corresponding Simul ator to verify whether the mobile computer
will behave correctly in every aspect.
8000/8300/ 8400/850 0 Series: Af ter downloading the runtime and devi ce
settings to a real mobile computer, use the specific mobile computer to establish a wireless connection with your computer.
9400/9500 S eries: After installi ng the STREAM CE Client to a real mobile
computer via ActiveSync (to \Program Files\Stream\), as well as copying or moving the configuration record (.W94 or .W95), run the client application (.exe) and establish a wireless connection with your computer.
Launch Simulator After launching the STREAM Server, select the corresponding Simulator.
8000RF Si mulator for 8071 mobile computer 8300RF Si mulator for 8330 or 8370 mobile computer 8400RF Simulator for 8470 mobile computer
8500RF Si mulator for 8570 or 8590 mobile computer 9400 Si mulator for 9400 mobile computer 9500 Si mulator for 9500CE mobile computer
Refer to section 3. Program Simulation
Language For multi-language options, any additional *.lng files, e.g. Traditional
Chinese, must be stored in the Language folder ­C:\CipherLab\Stream\Language\
Default: English
Refer to section 1.5.1 System - Prompt Items
and section 5.3.2 Localization.
Set System Database
The default system database is RFSYSDB.mdb, which stores back-end resource information, application templates, user accounts and device settings.
All the work you do in the STREAM Designer can only be accessed and
maintained when the same system database is loaded.
Click [Create New System DB] to create a new system database. To apply a new database or change to an existing database, click
[Browse] to select it.
Chapter 1 STREAM Wireless Studio - Designer
Set STREAM Server Configure login prompt and communication settings.
Telnet Port: 6000 (default)
Refer to the STREAM Server - section 2.2.1 Settings
Warning: Before you click [OK] to change the system database and close the System
Database Setting dialog box, you must close all the connections and exit the STREAM Server. Otherwise, you may encounter errors while restarting the STREAM Server.
Event Manager Open the Event Manager, which keep a record of the activities or events
occurred in the STREAM Designer or the STREAM Server. Refer to the Event Management
About STREAM Designer
View information about the STREAM Designer.
STREAM Wireless Studio User Guide
To create a new task.
It does the same as menu command - File > New
To duplicate an existing task.
It does the same as menu command - File > Duplicate
To rename an existing task.
It does the same as menu command - File > Rename
To delete an existing task.
It does the same as menu command - File > Delete
To download 9 Series device settings to the 9400/9500CE mobile computers.
It’s the same as menu command - File > Export 9 Series Terminal Setting As…
To download device settings to the 8000/8300/8400/8500 Series mobile computers.
It does the same as menu command - Tools > Download Terminal Settings To download the run-time program (*.SHX) to the 8000/8300/8400
8500 Series
mobile computers, go to Tools > Download Terminal Runtime Program
To launch the STREAM Server.
It does the same as menu command - Tools > Launch STREAM Server
To launch the Simulator.
It does the same as menu command - Tools > Launch Simulator
To open the Event Manager.
It does the same as menu command - Help > Event Manager
To view information about the STREAM Designer.
It does the same as menu command - Help > About the STREAM Designer
To exit the STREAM Designer.
It does the same as menu command - File > Exit
Chapter 1 STREAM Wireless Studio - Designer
In the work area, a menu tree is displayed on the left pane for navigation.
Click "+" to expand the tree or "-" to collapse it. Click an existing item from the tree list. Its contents will be displayed on the right
Right-click an item from the t ree list. Its contents will be displayed on the righ t pane.
In addition, you can create a new task or execute any other commands available to that item.
Right-click any w hite area on the right pane (not the grey area as shown above), you
can create a new task.
STREAM Wireless Studio User Guide
The Database Application service allows you to gather data schema information from local computer or remote server, depending on your database source. Based on your mobile computer type, create an application template so that you can access a specific database via the STREAM Server.
1) Go to File Menu > New > Database Application > ODBC Database/User-Defined Database and create your own database source.
ODBC Database – Access an existing database via ODBC, either a remote
database on the server or a local database on your computer.
User-Defined Database – Create a user database from scratch, and it will be
stored on your computer (C:\CipherLab\Stream\UsrDB) for local access only.
2) Specify how to access and make use of your database as follows.
If your database does not accept field/table name that contains special characters, such as spaces, period, etc., make sure you select the check box.
Chapter 1 STREAM Wireless Studio - Designer
Database Link
Select your database by System DSN (Database Source Name). Click [Test Connection] to verify whether the database link works. It will fail to access the database if the information given is incorrect. For example, you may need user ID and/or passw ord to access a database while not exceeding the given time and sessions allowed.
Note: Maximum sessions – en ter 0 if there is no limit on the number of connections.
If the desired database i s not on the drop-down menu of System DSN, click [Set ODBC] to add
it in the ODBC Data Source Administrator as shown above.
If you access the Administrative Tools – Data Sources (ODBC) from the Control Panel, click
[Refresh] to update the list.
If your database does not accept SQL commands with field/table name containing special
characters, such as spaces, period, etc., make sure you select the check box of [Enclose field/table name in square brackets when sending SQL commands]. As a resul t, the field/table names will be enclosed in a pair of square brackets when sending SQL commands, for example, SELECT [Field 1], [Field 2] FROM [Table].
Download Table Schema
1. Click the Download Table Schema tab.
2. Click
to access the database.
3. Select which table(s) and fields(s) are needed for data collection.
4. Click
to download the selected table(s)/view(s) and field(s).
5. After downloading, click [OK].
STREAM Wireless Studio User Guide
Chapter 1 STREAM Wireless Studio - Designer
Edit Table Schema
Click the Edit Table Schema tab. You can view and manage the table schema. Delete an unwanted table (on the left pane) or field (on the right pane) if necessary. To
restore a deleted item, repeat the Download Table Schema steps. Set at least one key field, and decide whether a field can be left empty (Null Allowed). Proceed to configure an application template.
Warning: At least one key field is required and must be referred in your form. It will
affect the settings of a database application template if you delete a database, table or field that is referred to.
Note: If you click [Delete] on the right pane, the last field will be deleted. To delete a
specific field, select the field before you click [Delete].
The databases defined in the STREAM Designer will be stored locally.
Database Location The default file path is C:\CipherLab\Stream\UsrDB. New
To create a table from scratch.
Copy Structure/Data from
To create a table based on the structure/data of an existing
To delete the selected table.
To change the name of the selected table.
Define Field
To configure field settings.
Manipulate Data You can import data from and export data to files in the following
formats: Text Files (*.txt), Microsoft Excel (*.xls), Microsoft Access (*.mdb), and dBase (*.dbf).
The table will be updated while you are collecting data.
By table
STREAM Wireless Studio User Guide
Approach I:
1. Click [New] to create a new table for the database. You can give it a frien dly n ame
or rename it later.
2. Define fields in the table one by one.
Warning: A new table will not be saved until at least one field is defined by clicking
the check mark to apply.
Field Settings Description
Name Give a name for the field Type Specify data type:
Text Integer Real Boolean
Size Specify filed length:
1~255 for Text 10 for Integer or Real 1 for Boolean
Key Select key field(s):
Single-field index Multiple-field indexes
Null Allowed Specify whether a field can be skipped. Only when "Null Allowed" is
enabled, the data length setting of the corresponding field in a form can be set 0.
To apply all the settings to the field. To delete the field. To undo the settings.
Warning: At least one key field is required and must be referred in your form. You
must click the check mark to apply all the settings by field.
3. Click the Manipulate Data tab.
Chapter 1 STREAM Wireless Studio - Designer
You can leave the table empty or click to import data from an
existing table.
Existing records may be updated during data collection. If the data collected has
no match in the table, it depends on the [Action when the input has no match] setting in the form.
When the job is done, you can click to save the data. If the data is
not desired any more, simply click
to clear the table.
STREAM Wireless Studio User Guide
Approach II:
Instead of creating tables from scratch, click
to make use
of an existing table. Modify the field settings if necessary.
Chapter 1 STREAM Wireless Studio - Designer
Go to File Menu > New > Database Application > Database App Template. Define your application template so that you can collect data for specific fields of a table in your database.
The configuration of an application template is pretty much the same as what you used to do with the Wireless Application Generator - the Form, Menu, and Lookup tabs.
Select a terminal type that matches your mobile computer. Otherwise, it will fail to log in. Refer to section 2.3.2 Login Error
Specify which form or menu to start with after logging in successfully. Associated forms or menus must be created first!
Select your database source, which is specified in section 1.2.1 Database Source.
3 4
STREAM Wireless Studio User Guide
You can specify how the barcode reader works and which symbologies are enabled in section 1.5 Device Settings
. However, you must download or copy the configuration file
to your mobile computer for the settings to take effect. Here is a convenient way to change the reader settings temporarily when you log in to
use the application template. Select the check box so that you can change the behavior of barcode/RFID reader and associated settings on the mobile computer during run-time.
Note: When you log out, the reader settings will remain unchanged.
Select Forms or Menus, and then click
to create a form or user menu.
Alternatively, right-click Forms or Menus, and then select [New].
Select an existing form or menu, and then click
to change the name.
Alternatively, right-click a form or menu, and then select [R ename].
Select an existing form or menu, and then click
to change the name.
Alternatively, right-click a form or menu, and then select [Delete].
Select a form or menu that will be displayed wh en you press the [ESC] key on the mobile computer. Normally, the [ESC] key is used to return to a previous form or menu.
Select a form or menu that will be displayed when the last inpu t field of the current form has been completed. This function is invoked by sending the key value of [Enter] when you finish with the last input field.
+ 95 hidden pages