Chromalox ADHT-005, ADH-010, ADHT-010, ADH-015, ADHT-015 Installation Operation and RENEWAL PARTS IDENTIFICATION

Type ADH and ADHT
Air Duct Heaters
© 2008 Chromalox, Inc.
No. Mtg.
Approx. Approx. Holes
Net. Wt. Net. Wt. No. 9/32” No.
Dimensions (In.)
Model (Lbs.) Model (Lbs.) Volts Phase kW Elements Dia. Circuits A B C D E H K L M
ADH-005 8 ADHT-005 10 480 3 5 3 10 1 5-5/8 20-3/8 28-1/8 4 1/4 2-1/2 3-1/2 11-1/8 9-1/2 ADH-010 15 ADHT-010 20 480 3 10 6 10 1 7-5/8 20-3/8 28-1/8 6 1/4 3-1/2 3-1/2 11-1/8 9-1/2 ADH-015 25 ADHT-015 30 480 3 15 9 12 1 9-5/8 20-3/8 28-1/8 8 1/4 3 3-1/2 11-1/8 9-1/2
ADH-020 35 ADHT-020 40 480 3 20 12 14 1 11-5/8 20-3/8 28-1/8 10 1/4 2-3/4 3-1/2 11-1/8 9-1/2 ADH-025 40 ADHT-025 50 480 3 25 15 14 1 13-5/8 20-3/8 28-1/8 12 1/4 3-1/4 3-1/2 11-1/8 9-1/2 ADH-030 55 ADHT-030 65 480 3 30 18 14 1 15-5/8 20-3/8 28-1/4 14 3/8 3-3/4 3-1/2 11-1/8 9-1/2
ADH-035 65 ADHT-035 80 480 3 35 21 14 1 17-5/8 20-3/8 28-1/4 16 3/8 4-1/4 3-1/2 11-1/8 9-1/2 ADH-040 70 ADHT-040 90 480 3 40 24 14 2 19-5/8 20-3/8 28-1/4 18 3/8 4-3/4 3-1/2 11-1/8 9-1/2 ADH-045 80 ADHT-045 100 480 3 45 27 14 2 21-5/8 20-3/8 28-1/4 20 3/8 5-1/4 3-1/2 11-1/8 9-1/2
ADH-050 90 ADHT-050 110 480 3 50 30 14 2 23-5/8 20-3/8 28-1/4 22 3/8 5-3/4 3-1/2 11-1/8 9-1/2 ADH-060 105 ADHT-060 130 480 3 60 36 18 2 27-5/8 20-3/8 28-1/4 26 3/8 4-1/2 3-1/2 11-1/8 9-1/2 ADH-080 140 ADHT-080 175 480 3 80 48 22 4 35-5/8 20-3/8 28-1/4 34 3/8 4-3/8 3-1/2 11-1/8 9-1/2
ADH-090 160 ADHT-090 200 480 3 90 54 22 5 39-5/8 20-3/8 28-1/4 38 3/8 4-7/8 3-1/2 11-1/8 9-1/2 ADH-100 175 ADHT-100 220 480 3 100 60 22 5 43-5/8 20-3/8 28-1/4 42 3/8 5-3/8 3-1/2 11-1/8 9-1/2
ADHT-120 205 480 3 120 36 18 4 27-5/8 35 42-7/8 26 3/8 4-1/2 3-1/2 11-1/8 9-1/2
ADH-144 165 480 3 144 48 22 4 35-5/8 35 42-7/8 34 3/8 4-3/8 3-1/2 11-1/8 9-1/2
ADHT-160 270 480 3 160 48 22 8 35-5/8 35 42-7/8 34 3/8 4-3/8 3-1/2 11-1/8 9-1/2
ADH-162 185 480 3 162 54 22 6 39-5/8 35 42-7/8 38 3/8 4-7/8 3-1/2 11-1/8 9-1/2
ADHT-180 305 480 3 180 54 22 6 39-5/8 35 42-7/8 38 3/8 4-7/8 3-1/2 11-1/8 9-1/2
ADH-216F 240 480 3 216 72 22 6 27-5/8 35 42-7/8 26 3/8 4-1/2 3-7/8 20 18-3/8
ADHT-240F 400 480 3 240 72 22 8 27-5/8 35 42-7/8 26 3/8 4-1/2 3-7/8 20 18-3/8
ADH-270F 300 480 3 270 90 22 8 33-5/8 35 42-7/8 32 3/8 5-1/2 3-7/8 20 18-3/8
ADHT-300F 500 480 3 300 90 22 10 33-5/8 35 42-7/8 32 3/8 5-1/2 3-7/8 20 18-3/8
Specifications — Table A
Figure 1 — Dimensions Figure 2 — Dimensions
Type ADH Type ADHT
Installation Operation
(Supersedes PF438-2)
MARCH, 1999
WARNING: Hazard of Electric Shock. Disconnect all power before installing heater.
1. Locate and position heater in duct in accordance with both process requirements and recommendations given.
2. Refer to Figures 1 and 2, layout “D” and “M” dimensions on duct mounting face established in step 1.
3. With tools suitable for sheet metal work, cut layout opening in duct.
4. In general, heaters less than 35 pounds in weight may be mounted directly in opening without additional duct reinforcement if duct installation and condition permits. To fasten heater to duct wall use #14 pan or round head self-tapping screws. The flange mounting gasket supplied with the heater is recommended for insertion between heater flange and duct to minimize air leakage.
5. For heater weights greater than 35 pounds (see Specifications Table A, page 1) due consideration should be given to; (a) mechanically strengthening duct work with, for example, angle irons or chains (see Figure 5), and (b) heat insulating duct line
in immediate area of heater location to prevent excessive heat loss. Consult your local sheet metal contractor.
6. In high ambient temperature operations, least corrosive action and least oxidation to the terminals will occur if the heaters are mounted with the terminals in the coolest possible ambient, usually on the bottom or side of the duct. A. Minimum duct size is “A” or “L” dimension +3/8” and “B”
dimension +1-5/8”.
WARNING: This heater is not intended for use in haz­ardous atmospheres where flammable vapors, gases, liquids or other combustible atmospheres are present as defined in the National Electrical Code. Failure to comply can result in explosion or fire.
1. Heater construction characteristics — A. Alloy sheathed tubular elements, .475” diameter B. Steel flange C. Stainless steel support construction D. High temperature alloy terminals and connections E. Replaceable individual heating elements F. Wiring terminals located outside the heated zone
2. Maximum Temperatures — Types ADH and ADHT process
air heaters can generally be used at the following maximum temperatures shown, provided the minimum air velocity is maintained uniformly through the heater.
CAUTION: Do not energize heater in air with a velocity less than 1 Ft. Per Second.
3. The heater may be bolted to the duct with the terminal housing and flange at the top, at either side or at the bottom.
4. Several heaters may be mounted in tandem so long as proper controls are used to limit the maximum temperature attained.
5. Installation with duct transitions in some air distribution sys­tems, the duct heater may be considerably larger than the duct­work and the duct area must be increased by a sheet metal tran­sition. The slope of the transformation piece on the upstream side of the equipment is limited to 30° as indicated in Figure 3. On the leaving side, the slope should not be more than 45°.
6. Use moisture proof terminal cover in atmospheres bearing cor­rosive fumes or excessive moisture.
7. Use explosion resistant heaters in explosive atmospheres and reduce current rating to elements.
8. Gas tight design — Achieved by the use of threaded fittings with fiber washers to attach heating elements to flange — pre vents leakage of ducted air into terminal housing.
9. Overtemperature protection — Thermocouple fastened to the ele­ment sheath surface and wired to a terminal block can be provid­ed for accurate overheat protection (standard on ADHT models).
10. Flange mounting gasket — Packed separately with each duct heater to minimize air leakage between the flange and air duct. Refer to Table B and Figure 3.
Max. Outlet Air Temp. (˚F)
Air Velocity
(Ft./Sec.) ADH ADHT
4 800 1050
9 800 1100 16 800 1150 25 800 1200 36 800 1200
Flange Gasket Used On
Part No. Flange Size ADH and ADHT
168-055429-001 11-1/8 x 5-5/8 5 kW 168-055429-002 11-1/8 x 7-5/8 10 kW 168-055429-003 11-1/8 x 9-5/8 15 kW 168-055429-004 11-1/8 x 11-5/8 20 kW 168-055429-005 11-1/8 x 13-5/8 25 kW 168-055429-006 11-1/8 x 15-5/8 30 kW 168-055429-007 11-1/8 x 17-5/8 35 kW 168-055429-008 11-1/8 x 19-5/8 40 kW 168-055429-009 11-1/8 x 21-5/8 45 kW 168-055429-010 11-1/8 x 23-5/8 50 kW 168-055429-011 11-1/8 x 27-5/8 60, 120 kW 168-055429-013 11-1/8 x 35-5/8 80, 144, 160 kW 168-055429-014 11-1/8 x 39-5/8 90, 162, 180 kW 168-055429-015 11-1/8 x 43-5/8 100 kW 168-055429-017 20 x 27-5/8 216, 240 kW 168-055429-018 20 x 33-5/8 270, 300 kW
Specifications — Table B
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
2-1/2" x 1-1/4" x 3/4"
Air Flow
4 Ft. Min.
Duct Heater
4 Ft. Min.
Duct Wall
Angle Iron
Heater Opening
7. DANGER: Hazard of Fire. Since these heaters are capable of developing high temperatures, extreme care should be taken to:
A. Avoid installing heaters in an atmosphere containing com-
bustible gases and vapors.
B. Avoid contact between heater and combustible material. C. Keep combustible materials far enough away to be free of
the effects of high temperatures.
Temperature Control Instructions
1. A Chromalox thermal cutout or thermostat is recommended for
overheat protection and control of heater and process. Consult local Chromalox representative.
2. In general, place thermostat sensing element close to the heat­ing elements, near top of duct, at right angles to the direction of air flow, and on the downstream side of the heater. Thermostat, provided with a manual reset button, is separately mounted.
3. For heater protection, the indicated maximum temperature of the control unit should be 50°F less than the actual maximum air temperature that will be permitted, to allow for overshoot.
4. Single circuit heater elements may be wired into two circuits to allow for partial heating and control. It is important to have thermal control wired into all electric power circuits, so that all elements may be protected from overheat.
Figure 6 Figure 7
WARNING: Hazard of Electric Shock. Any installa­tion involving electric heaters must be effectively grounded in accordance with the National Electrical Code to eliminate shock hazard.
1. All wiring should be done in accordance with National Electrical Code and with local codes by a qualified person.
2. Connect air heaters to same line voltage, phase, and frequency as on heater nameplate.
3. Teflon insulated nickel plated copper wire or bus bar is recom­mended for power connections to heater terminals and for wiring runs in heated zones. When ambient temperature in heated zone exceeds that for which insulated wire is recom­mended use bare nickel-plated copper with porcelain beads, tubing or bus bar. Consult local Chromalox representative.
4. Users should install adequate back-up controls and safety devices with their electric heating equipment. Selection of con­trols, thermostat, SCR units, contactors and etc. depends on the degree of accuracy required, reliability, electrical rating of heater and economic considerations.
5. Below is an example of a standard ADH-015, 480V 3 Ø 15 kW,
wired with recommended back-up controls. (Figure 8)
6. Individual terminal blocks with threaded stud type terminals are provided for each circuit to permit quick positive attach­ment of circuit wiring conductors (one terminal block per cir­cuit). (Figure 9)
Figure 8
Figure 9
ADH-015, 15 kW 480V 3ø, 1 Circuit (9) - 480V, 1667 Watt Elements
(3" max.)
Standoff Collar
ADH Low temperature duct heaters — can be fastened directly to the sheet metal duct work with bolts or sheet metal screws.
ADHT High temperature duct heaters — are generally mounted on field fabricated stand off supports from the ductwork to position the heater such that the 3” insulation housing is in the same plane as the duct insulation.
Magnetic Contactor
Terminal block
X Circuit label indicated here.
Control Voltage
120 or 240V
Control Switch
Customer Supplied Wiring Factory Supplied Wiring
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