Process Air and Radiant
High Temperature
Air Duct Heater
• 5-300kW
• 240and480Volt,ThreePhase
• INCOLOY®SheathElements
Application & Selection Guidelines
Maximum Work Temperatures —Type ADHT heat-
ers can generally be used at the following maximum
temperatures, provided the minimum air velocity is
maintained uniformly through the heater. Maximum
temperatures are based on 20 W/In2.
Air Velocity
(Ft./Sec.) Max. Outlet Air Temp. (°F)
4 1050
9 1100
16 1150
25 1200
36 1200
Note — See Allowable Watt Density & Heater Selec-
tion Graphs in Technical section.
Note — An airflow type switch or other device is
recommended to protect against loss of airflow.
• 20W/In
• 1200°FMax.OutletAirTemp.
• InsulatedStandoffCollar
Rugged Construction Elements — Sturdy 0.475"
diameter INCOLOY® sheath tubular elements are
mounted to a heavy 1/4 or 3/8" thick steel flange.
Element fasteners to allow for easy replacement.
Corrosion-Resistant Terminal Enclosure —The
element terminal enclosure is made of 16 gauge
high-temperature, corrosion-resistant steel and
includes 1" thick high-temperature insulation to
minimize temperatures in the wiring area.
Wiring Box — The 16 gauge wiring box encloses
individual terminal blocks for each circuit. Threaded
stud type terminals are provided to permit quick
positive attachment of circuit wiring conductors.
Insulation Housing — Includes 3" of high temperature thermal insulation to reduce duct heat
conducted into terminal enclosure.
Overtemperature Protection — A type K thermocouple is welded to the element sheath surface
to sense element temperature, and is wired to a
terminal block located on the outer surface of the
terminal housing.
Generally mounted to a field fabricated stand off
collar from the ductwork to position the heater such
that the 3" insulation housing is in the same plane as
the duct insulation.
All Heaters can be mounted in any position; top,
side or bottom entry. In high ambient temperature
operations, least corrosive action and least oxidation
to the terminals will occur if heaters are mounted
with terminals in the coolest possible ambient, usually on bottom or side of duct. Minimum duct size
is A or L dimension plus 3/8" and B dimension plus
1-5/8", and 3" for insulation housing.
Basic Model Includes Gas Tight Fittings
Volts KW Phase Model PCN SS Model PCN SS
240V 5KW 1PH ADHT-005 216178 NS ADHT-005F 216450 NS
240V 5KW 3PH ADHT-005 216186 NS ADHT-005F 216469 NS
480V 5KW 1PH ADHT-005 216194 NS ADHT-005F 216477 NS
480V 5KW 3PH ADHT-005 210198 NS ADHT-005F 216485 NS
240V 10KW 1PH ADHT-010 216215 NS ADHT-010F 216493 NS
240V 10KW 3PH ADHT-010 216223 NS ADHT-010F 216506 NS
480V 10KW 1PH ADHT-010 216231 NS ADHT-010F 216549 NS
480V 10KW 3PH ADHT-010 210200 NS ADHT-010F 216557 NS
240V 15KW 1PH ADHT-015 216248 NS ADHT-015F 216565 NS
240V 15KW 3PH ADHT-015 216258 NS ADHT-015F 216573 NS
480V 15KW 1PH ADHT-015 216266 NS ADHT-015F 216581 NS
480V 15KW 3PH ADHT-015 210219 NS ADHT-015F 216590 NS
240V 20KW 1PH ADHT-020 216274 NS ADHT-020F 216602 NS
240V 20KW 3PH ADHT-020 216282 NS ADHT-020F 216610 NS
480V 20KW 1PH ADHT-020 216290 NS ADHT-020F 216629 NS
480V 20KW 3PH ADHT-020 210227 NS ADHT-020F 216637 NS
240V 25KW 1PH ADHT-025 216303 NS ADHT-025F 216645 NS
240V 25KW 3PH ADHT-025 216311 NS ADHT-025F 216653 NS
480V 25KW 1PH ADHT-025 216320 NS ADHT-025F 216661 NS
480V 25KW 3PH ADHT-025 210235 NS ADHT-025F 216670 ST
240V 30KW 1PH ADHT-030 216338 NS ADHT-030F 216688 NS
240V 30KW 3PH ADHT-030 216346 NS ADHT-030F 216696 NS
480V 30KW 1PH ADHT-030 216354 NS ADHT-030F 216709 NS
480V 30KW 3PH ADHT-030 210243 NS ADHT-030F 216717 NS
240V 35KW 3PH ADHT-035 216362 NS ADHT-035F 216725 NS
480V 35KW 1PH ADHT-035 216370 NS ADHT-035F 216733 NS
480V 35KW 3PH ADHT-035 210251 NS ADHT-035F 216741 NS
240V 40KW 3PH ADHT-040 216389 NS ADHT-040F 216750 NS
480V 40KW 1PH ADHT-040 216397 NS ADHT-040F 216768 NS
480V 40KW 3PH ADHT-040 210260 NS ADHT-040F 216776 NS
240V 45KW 3PH ADHT-045 216408 NS ADHT-045F 216784 NS
480V 45KW 1PH ADHT-045 216418 NS ADHT-045F 216792 NS
480V 45KW 3PH ADHT-045 210278 NS ADHT-045F 216805 NS
240V 50KW 3PH ADHT-050 216426 NS ADHT-050F 216813 NS
480V 50KW 1PH ADHT-050 216434 NS ADHT-050F 216821 NS
480V 50KW 3PH ADHT-050 210286 NS ADHT-050F 216830 NS
480V 60KW 2-3PH ADHT-060 210294 NS ADHT-060F 216848 NS
480V 70KW 3PH ADHT-070 216442 NS ADHT-070F 216856 NS
480V 80KW 3PH ADHT-080 210307 NS ADHT-080F 216864 NS
480V 90KW 3PH ADHT-090 210315 NS ADHT-090F 216872 NS
480V 100KW 3PH ADHT-100 210323 NS ADHT-100F 216880 NS
480V 120KW 3PH ADHT-120 210331 NS ADHT-120F 216899 NS
480V 160KW 3PH ADHT-160 210340 NS ADHT-160F 216901 NS
480V 180KW 3PH ADHT-180 210358 NS ADHT-180F 216910 AS
480V 240KW 3PH ADHT-240F 210366 NS
480V 300KW 3PH ADHT-300F 210374 NS
StockStatus: S = stock NS = non-stock
ToOrder—Specify model, PCN, kW and quantity.
air duct