Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, however in some cases changes in the products or availability could occur which may not be reflected in this
document. Christie reserves the right to make changes to specifications at any time without notice. Performance specifications are typical, but may vary
depending on conditions beyond Christie's control such as maintenance of the product in proper working conditions. Performance specifications are based on
information available at the time of printing. Christie makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, implied
warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. Christie will not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection
with the performance or use of this material.
Products are warranted under Christie’s standard limited warranty, the complete details of which are available by contacting your Christie dealer or Christie. In
addition to the other limitations that may be specified in Christie’s standard limited warranty and, to the extent relevant or applicable to your product, the
warranty does not cover:
a) Problems or damage occurring during shipment, in either direction.
b) Problems or damage caused by combination of a product with non-Christie equipment, such as distribution systems, cameras, DVD players, etc., or use of a product with
any non-Christie interface device.
c) Problems or damage caused by misuse, improper power source, accident, fire, flood, lightning, earthquake or other natural disaster.
d) Problems or damage caused by improper installation/alignment, or by equipment modification, if by other than Christie service personnel or a Christie authorized repair
service provider.
e) Problems or damage caused by use of a product on a motion platform or other movable device where such product has not been designed, modifie d, or approved by
Christie for such use.
f) Except where the product is designed for outdoor use, problems or damage caused by use of the product outdoors unless such product is protected from precipitation or
other adverse weather or environmental conditions and the ambient temperature is within the recommended ambient temperature set forth in the specifications for such
g) Defects caused b y normal we ar and tear or otherwise due to normal aging of a product.
The warranty does not apply to any product where the serial number has been removed or obliterated. The warranty also does not apply to any product sold by
a reseller to an end user outside of the country where the reseller is located unless (i) Christie has an office in the country where the end user is located or (ii)
the required international warranty fee has been paid.
The warranty does not obligate Christie to provide any on-site warranty service at the product site location.
Preventative maintenance is an important part of the continued and proper operation of your product. Please see the Maintenance section for specific
maintenance items as they relate to your product. Failure to perform maintenance as required, and in accordance with the maintenance schedule specified by
Christie, will void the warranty.
The product has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the product is operated in a commercial environment. The product generates, uses, and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. Operation of the product in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the
interference at the user’s own expense.
CAN ICES-3 (A) / NMB-3 (A)
The product is designed and manufactured with high-quality materials and components that can be recycled and reused. This symbol
means that electrical
and electronic equipment, at their end-of-life, should be disposed of separately from regular waste. Please dispose of the product appropriately and according
to local regulations. In the European Union, there are separate collection systems for used electrical and electronic products. Please help us to conserve the
environment we live in!
1. This Software License A gr eem ent (the “Agreement”) is a lega l agr eem ent between the
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Systems USA, Inc . (“Christie”) for the software kn own commercially as Christie® that
accompanies this Agreement and/or is installed in the server that Licensee has
purchased along with related software components, w hich may include associated
media, printed ma te r ials and online or ele c tronic docum entation (all such software and
materials are referred to herein, collectively, as “Software” ). If Licensee does not
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accordance with Christie's standard return policy in place from time to time. BY
2. The Software c ontains third party s oftware programs which require n otic e s and/or
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terms and conditi ons are located in the a p plication (
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may request more information or a copy of such source code b y contacting Ch r istie at
open.source@christiedigital.com. In conjunction with such request, provide the
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applicable). If applicable, a nominal cost to cover s hipping and media charges will be
> Licensing). By accepting
License and Restrictions
1. Ownership of Software: Christie retains title and ownership of all rights, including
copyright and all other intellectu a l p r operty rights, in and to the Software and all copies
thereof, regardless of form or media. This license is not a sale of any rights in or to th e
Software or any copy thereof. Licensee acquires n o r ig ht whatsoever to th e Software
except the right to use the Softwar e in accordance with the terms of this License.
2. Grant of Licens e : Christie grants to Licensee a single license providing a
nonexclusive and non-transferable right to us e , for personal or internal business
purposes, the executable ver s ion of the Software, as long as Licen s ee c om plies with
the terms and con ditions of this License. Christie rese r ves all rights not ex pressly
granted to Licensee.
3. Copy Restricti ons: Where the Softwa r e is provided for download onto a personal
computer or similar device, Licensee may make as many copies of the Software as is
reasonably required for Licensee's own use with the Device. Licensee may also make a
backup copy of the Software which may be used only for r e installation of th e Software.
Where the software is pre-installed on a server, Licensee may keep one copy of the
Software solely f or backup or archival purposes. U nauthorized copyin g or distribution of
the Software is expressly pr ohibited unless agreed to in writing by Christie. Licens ee
must reproduce and include the copyright notice on any backup copy of the Software.
Licensee may not r e m ove or alter any propr ietary rights or copyright notice or
identification which indicates the ownership of the Software.
4. Use Restrictions: Licensee will not (a) modify, adapt, decompile, dis a s s em ble,
reverse engineer, or otherwise attempt to derive the source cod e for the Software , or
create derivative works ba s ed on the Softwar e; (b) assign this Agre em ent or
redistribute, encumber, sell, transfer, lease, or g r a nt a sublicense of th e Software or the
license granted h er e in or otherwise tra nsfer rights to th e Software to any p erson or
entity except as and when expres sly permitted by this Agreemen t; ( c ) dir ec tly or
indirectly, export or transmit the Softw a r e , either alone or bundled with other s oftware,
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department; and (d) publish or oth er wise disclose the S oftware for others to copy.
Licensee will make reason a ble ef forts to prevent any unau th or iz ed use of the Software
by third parties an d will advise Licensee's employees of the restrictions upon use
restrictions he r ein.
5. Upgrades and Update s: While Christie is not re quired to do so, C hristie may provide
Licensee with upg r a d es or updates to the Software, in c luding but not limited to files
that are delivered to Licensee via online transmission or otherwise to “patch ” or
otherwise modify or enh a nce the software program. This A gr eem ent covers any
upgrades or updates to the Softwar e that Licensee may obtain from Chris tie or one of
its authorized vendors, unless the upgrade or update comes with its own license
agreement. If Licensee dec ides not to download or install an upgrade or update
provided by Ch r istie, Licensee un de r s tands that this could put the Software at risk to
serious security threats or cause the Software to become unstable. Christie may, at its
option, cause an upgrade or update to apply automatically.
Maintenance and Support
1. Christie may, in its sole discreti on and without any obligation, provide maintenanc e and
support services related to the Software (“Suppor t S er v ic es ”). Support Services ar e
governed by Christie’s policies and programs describ ed in materials available from
Christie. Any supplementa l software code provided to Licensee as part of the Support
Services will be considered part of the Software and subject to the terms and
conditions of th is Agreement.
Warranty and Limitation of Liability
1. No W a rr a nties: The Software is provided “as is” and Christie makes no w arranty of
any kind with re gard to the Software. Christie will not be lia ble for errors contained in
the Software or in connection with the performance or use of th e Software. Christie
does not warrant that the Softwar e is free from any defec ts or that it will operate
uninterrupted. Christie warrants that the media on which the Sof tware is distributed
will be free from defects in ma ter ia ls a nd workmanship under normal use for a period
of ninety (90) days from the da te of delivery. Christie will replace any defective media
returned to Christie within the ninety (90) day period. The foregoing is L icensee’s sole
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Christie does not ma ke any other wa r r anties, either expr e s s or implied, inclu ding, but
not limited to, implied warranties of merchantab ility, fitness for a particular purpose,
title and non-in fringement with r eg a rd to the Software.
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and, in such ins ta nces, Christie’s lia bility will be limited only to the maximum extent
permitted by law.
1. Christie may term inate this Agreem ent at any time and for any reason. Christie may also
terminate this A g r ee m ent if the Licens e e b r eaches or is in default of any obligation of
Licensee under this Agreement. Upon termination of this Agreement, the Licensee will
immediately (i) c e a s e using the Softwar e a nd (ii) uninstall the Software from any personal
computers, servers or other devices (to the extent it is installed thereon). The Licens ee’ s
obligation un de r this provision will survive the termin ation of this Agreeme nt.
1. Notices: Unless otherwise set forth in this Agreement, all notices, or other
communications hereunder will be deemed to have been duly given when made in
writing and delivered in person, by courier or deposited in the m a il, posta ge prepaid,
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will not constitu te notice) to Chr istie’s Legal Department at the same address.
2. Severability and Waiver: Any provision of th is Agreement which is held by any
court to be unenforceable or invalid will be deemed severed f r om th is Agreement,
without affec ting any other provision of this Agreement. No waiver by Christie of any
particular default or omission c om mitted by Licensee will affect or impa ir the right of
Christie in respec t of any subsequent default or omission of the same or a different
kind. No delay or failure by Christie to e xercise any rights in connection with any
default or omissi on committed by Lic e nsee will affect or impair Christie’s r ig hts in
respect of that particular default or omission or any subsequent defa ult or omission of
the same or differ ent kind. In any e vent, time will continue to be of the essence
without the necessity of specific reinstatement.
3. Governing Law: This Agreement is governed by the laws of the Sta te of California,
without regard to i ts conflict of law pr inciples. Any suit or a c tion arising out of or in
connection with this Agreement will be brought in the federal or state courts located in
Orange County, State of California. Each of Lic e nsor and Licensee hereby irrevocably
submit to the jurisdiction of such courts for the purpos e of such suit or action and
expressly and irrevocably waive, to the fullest extent per mitted by law, any obje c tion it
may now or hereafter have to the venue of any such suit or a ction in any such cou r t
and any such claim that any suit or action has been brought in a n inconvenient forum.
China RoHS Compliance Information
input PCB
System board
• Environmentally Friendly Use Period 环保使用期限
The year number in the centre of the label indicates the Envir onmentally Friendly Use Period, which is
required to mark on the electronic informa tio n pro d uct sold in China ac cord ing to the China RoHS
2018 Christie Digital Systems USA Inc. All rights reserved.
About this Document
This manual provides the details of features, f unctionality, se tup, and operation.
Document Conventions
The following for m at conventions a r e used in this docum e nt to identify special information :
Warning statements identify c onditions or practic e s that could result in personal injur y.
Caution statements identify conditions or practices that could resu lt in damage to equipment or loss
of data.
The graphical illus tr a tio ns i n thi s doc um en t ar e for ex amp l e pur po s es only an d t he
hardware illustrated may differ from your hardware.
Variable text that is entered by a us e r is italicized in this document (for exa mple, in the text, 6-digit
serial number, the 6-digit serial number would be repla c ed by the actual serial nu m ber ) .
Related Documentation
Access the latest documentation from the Chris tie website at http://bit.ly/TerraDownloads.
Additional infor m ation is available in the following documents:
• Terra Installation and Setup Guide for Controlled Syste m s (020-102804-nn)
• Terra Installation and Setup Guide for Transmitters and the R ec eivers (020-102814-nn)
• Terra Product Safety Guide (020-102786-nn)
• Terra JSON API Reference Manual (020-102837-nn)
• Terra XY Switcher API Reference Ma nual (020-102884-nn)
2018 Christie Digital Systems USA Inc. All rights reserved.
Important Safeguards
To prevent person a l injury and to protect the device from dama ge, r ea d a nd follow these safety
General Safety Precautions
To prevent personal injury and to protect the device from dam a ge, r ea d a nd follow these safety
Warning! If not avoided, the following could result in death or serious injury.
• SHOCK HAZARD! Disconnec t the produc t fro m AC befor e moving, s ervicing,
cleaning, removing components, or opening any enclosure.
• Motors and fans may start without war ning.
Power Precautions
Ensure all power precautions are understood befor e installing the product.
Warning! If not avoided, the following could result in death or serious injury.
• FIRE AND SHOCK HAZARD! Do not operate the system unless cer tified power
Caution! If not avoided, the followin g c ould result in minor or moderate injury.
connections, providing the recommende d voltage, are used.
• FIRE AND SHOCK HAZARD! Do not attempt operation unless the power cord, power
socket, and power plug meet the appropriate local rating s tandar ds.
• SHOCK HAZARD! Only use the AC power cord provided with the product or
recommended by Christie.
• TR IP OR FIRE HAZARD! P osition all cables where they cannot con ta c t hot
surfaces, be pulled, be tr ipped over, or damaged by persons walking on or
objects rolling over the cables.
• FIRE HAZARD! Do not u se a power cord, harness, or cable that appears
• FIRE OR SHOCK HAZAR D ! Do not overload power outlets and extension
• SHOCK HAZARD! Th e AC powe r c ord must be inserte d into an outlet with
• SHOCK HAZARD! Do not a ttempt operation if the AC supply is not within the
specified voltage and pow er r a nge, as specified on the license labe l.
Service Warning
All servicing instructions a r e for use by qualified service per s onnel only. There are no procedu r es ,
exchange, or parts tha t are ins ide the unit that are intended to be performed by the user.
Unplug all power and power s upply cords from the apparatus bef or e s ervicing.
2018 Christie Digital Systems USA Inc. All rights reserved.
Getting Started
The Terra solution is scalable to your needs. Use th e following steps to help get started.
Learn about the Terra’s features and capabilities. Product Overview, page 14
Prepare the netw or k for Terra multic ast. Prepare Network for Terra Multicast, page
3. For ease of identifying all the hardware, attach the MAC
Good Practices, pa ge 17
address to front or rear of each unit. The address can be
found on the lab el on the bottom of the unit.
4. Install and setup the equipment. Install and Setup , pa ge 18
Also refer to the Install and Setup G uides.
5. For Controlled System, log in to the Terra Manager. Logging in to the Ter r a Manager, page 29
6. Op tionally, use the Terra Manager to s et up Stringent
Enable Stringent Security, page 57
7. Use the Terra Manager to set up u s er s . Users, page 53
8. Use the Terra Manager to review global settings. Global, page 55
9. Use the Terra Manager to create Display Arrays. Create a new Display or Display Array, page
10. Use th e T er r a M a nager to add Receivers to the Displ a y
Apply Receivers to a Display Array, page 34
11. Use the Terra Manager to add Transmitters to the Display
2018 Christie Digital Systems USA Inc. All rights reserved.
Product Overview
Christie Terra is an AV over IP solution enablin g the transport, p r ocessing and control of audiovisual
content, including 4K @60Hz video formats, over 10G Ethernet networks . Built on standardized SDVoE
technology, Christie Terra pr ov ides unprecedented perfor ma nce capabilities includin g the delivery of
uncompressed, zero-frame latency, artifact-free video over rea dily available and afforda ble 10G
For additional information, view the Terra produ c t literature at http://bit.ly/TerraDownloads
The Terra solution consists of transmitters, receiv er s, and a con tr oller . Each features f r ont-facing LED
indicators prov iding quick status .
Transmitter processes audiovisual sources and control
signals to deliver uncompres s ed, zero-frame latency,
artifact-free content over 10G network s . The Terra
Transmitter su pp or ts video resoluti ons up to 4K@60Hz
and accepts multip le content and c ontrol connections ,
including HDMI 2.0, USB, HDC P 2.2, DisplayPort 1.2,
serial RS-232, EDID and more. This powerful and flexible
component does not requir e a dditional devices to process
Receiver delivers audiovisual da ta and control from an
SDVoE system to displays an d oth er devices. Benefit
from full signa l m a nagement and proc e s s ing including
magnification, downscaling, K VM, PiP, image compos iting
and multiviewer applicati on. Terra Receiver delivers
artifact-free video at resolutions up to 4K@60Hz with
zero-frame latency, and device control over standard
10G networks.
Terra Controller provides secure operational contr ol and
2018 Christie Digital Systems USA Inc. All rights reserved.
Best practice is to no t have DHCP active on the Terra network. The Terra Startup Assistant
is used to assign static addresses to the Terra devices.
other AV devices.
switch between the backplane and all ports.
Addressing format used in SDVoE, future upgradable to I P v6.
IGMP 2 version multicast protocols support system sc alability.
IGMP Snooping
Essential multica st management activity.
IGMP Querier
Essential multica st management activity.
Prepare Network for Terra Multicast
If you are using a Terra Controller, use the following guide lines to plan you r installation:
•If you are operating on a customer network, pr epa r e a n addressing plan and review it with
your IT System Administrator . Include the follow ing topics in the pla n:
− Use of multicast networking
− IP address range, subnet mask, and gateway values for the controller and associated
•If the network switch is supplied, managed, and operated by the customer’s IT department,
review the following with the IT S ystem Administrator:
− The switch requirements including the multicas t a ddress range used.
− The configuration informa tion identified in th e following sections.
Setting up the Switch
The most practical method for preparing a n etwork for a Terra sys tem is to use Layer 2 IG MP V2
Multicast management across one broadcast domain/VLAN.
Non-IGMPv2 multicast management technique s are no t supporte d fo r use with Ter ra.
DHCP address management is popular for desktop PCs because they fr eque ntly migrate
and this eliminates configuration tim e for I T staff . Terra Co ntro lle rs, Transmitters and
Receivers are network appliances tha t are similar to printers and servers which do not
migrate and are better managed using static IP addresses. Use of static IP addresses also
reduces the amount of DHCP/DNS network traffic resulting in greater efficiency. A
compromise that can be used when network policies dicta te use of DHCP addres s ing is to
reserve a block of static IP addresses for use with Terra Tr ansmitters and Receivers and
Set up the network switch with the following ca pabilities an d features enabled:
10G Ethernet
Clock rate per port required for the SDVoE standard.
Full 10G line rate Full data rate supported on the network port through out the network
L2/L3 Managed
Switch fabric or backbone of system supports sustained, uninterrupted,
full capacity 10G transport of SDVoE content inpu ts and outputs to all
Switch is program m able with VLANs, IGMPv2 multicast and data
forwarding features.
2018 Christie Digital Systems USA Inc. All rights reserved.
to aid in system device identification.
Good Practices
Here are some tips to help you quickly install and configure the system .
Identify the Addresses of each Unit
To help identify all the hardwa r e during setup, it is helpful to easily view the MAC address and IP
address of each device. Use an easily-removal sticker or tape for this purpose.
Use the Terra Sta r tup Assistant to print the addresses for all discovered de vices. Ref e r to Configure
Associated Devices, page 25.
Two addresses are used per device; each device has two MAC addresses. One is used by
the 10G and 1G Ethernet ports together, and the second MAC address is used for USB
An extra MAC address sticker has been supp lie d in a small plastic b ag in the T erra
Transmitter and Receiver boxes. This sticke r c an be placed on the front or rear of the unit
MAC Address
Each Transceiver and Receiver device has a MAC address. By default, every device uses its MAC
address as the default Host Name. The MAC address is used as the ‘device id’ and used by the API to
send and retrieve data from a pa r ticular device.
Wall Mode
Genlock is the only mode available in w all mode. This mode requires the same frame rate for the
source (Transmitter) and the output display (Receiver). When there is a mismatch in frame rate, the
Transmitter frame rate will be applied to the Receiver, potentially causing issues with the display
2018 Christie Digital Systems USA Inc. All rights reserved.
Install and Setup
Power indicator
LED display for IP address and startup status
Power switch
DisplayPort 1.2 output port (female ) , unused
Serial RS-232 port for connecting to 3rd Party control system
1000BASE-T Ethernet connector for dev ice control and optional access for 3rd Party control
1000BASE-T Ethernet connector, Unused
USB connectors V2.0, unused
USB connectors V2.0, unused
15PinHD output port, unused
DisplayPort 1.2 output port (female), unused
Power supply port ( low voltage)
Terra Controller Ports and Status Indicators
Connecting a computer
To interact with th e Terra system, y ou must connect a computer to the same LA N an d the same
subnet address as the c ontroller.
Computer Requirements
A computer used to access the Terra system requires the followin g:
• One Ethernet port
• 64-bit Windows operating system
• .Net Framework 4.5.1 or higher
• 1GB free storage space
Connecting the Controller to the Network
When connectin g a Controller, best prac tices include:
• Use the Terra Startup Ass is tant software to set IP addresses for Terra devices .
• Include the Gateway address for the Controller.
• Apply static IP addresses.
Best practice is to apply static IP addresses to Terra devices. Static addresses are supe rior for
managing permanently installed AV devic es and for verifying system configuration, device status,
and troubleshooting. DHCP address management is popular for desktop PCs because they frequently
migrate and this eliminates configur ati o n tim e for IT s taff . Terr a Controllers, Transmitters, and
Receivers are network appliances tha t are similar to printers and servers that do not migrate and
are better managed using static IP addresses.
Use of static IP addresses also reduces the amount of DHCP/DN S networ k tr affic resulting in greater
efficiency. A compromise that can be used when network policies d ic ta te use of DHCP addre s s ing is
to reserve a block of static IP addresses for use with Terra Transmitters and Receivers and other AV
1. Connect a standard CAT6 Ethernet cable to the Ether net CONTROL port (C6) on the Controller and
other end to the switc h.
2018 Christie Digital Systems USA Inc. All rights reserved.
Read all the instructions before starting the reset process since power needs to be applied while a
button is continually pressed.
Resetting TXs and RXs to Factory Defaults
Use the SWITCH button (Transmitter) or COPY EDIT button (Receiver) to reset a device to the factory
settings. Refer to Transmitter and Receiver Ports and Status Indicators, page 18).
To reset the Transmitters and Receivers:
1. Unplug the device to p ower off the un it.
2. Perform one of th e following:
-To reset a Transmitter, press and hold the SWITCH button.
-To reset a Receiver, press an d hold the COPY EDID button.
3. While continuing to hold the button in , plug in the device to power on the unit.
Continue holdin g the button until both the RX/TX LEDs f lash green. This may take 20-30 seconds.
2018 Christie Digital Systems USA Inc. All rights reserved.
If you are using a Controller, using the Terra Startup Assistant to configure the Controller is a
mandatory step for setting up your system.
Terra Startup Assistant
The Terra Startup Assistant is available from the Terra Man a ger sign in pagehttp://bit.ly/2xzkCYc.
To configure a c ontroller, you need to connect a Controller, a management PC (or other Windows-
based device), and all associated devices to the same LAN.
A new Terra Con tr oller shipped from the factory will be configured for DHCP addressing. Terra Startup
Assistant is used to discover the Controller on th e network and create a networ k s c heme for the Terra
The Terra Startup Assistant is used to:
• Configure the Contr oller (Configure N ew Controller tab)
− Display the MAC Address for all controllers con nected to the same network as the PC.
− Set/display the Controller name.
− Assign the network settings f or the Controller.
A DHCP server is not recommended for use to address Terra devices. Best practice is to
apply static IP addresses to Terra devices.
− Automatically assign IP addr e s s e s to the connected devices from the list of available
By default the Terra Controller is ready for DHCP address management. If a DHCP server is
present on the network, it will assign an address to the Terra Controller. Best practice is to
manage the Terra system using static addresses assigned using the Terra Startup Assistant.
Start the Terra Startup Assistant on your PC
The Controller must be connected to the same broadc as t domain, subnet, and gateway as the device
running the Terra Startup Assistant.
1. From the Terra Manager sign in page, click L a unch Terra Startup A ssistant.
2018 Christie Digital Systems USA Inc. All rights reserved.
Terra Startup Assistant
When the software starts, the following is displayed:
Configure a new Controller
A new Terra Con tr oller shipped from the factory will be configured for DHCP addressing. Terra Startup
Assistant is used to discover the Controller and assign the IP address and name.
2018 Christie Digital Systems USA Inc. All rights reserved.
Terra Startup Assistant
If your network uses an active DHCP server, make sure any static IP
addresses do not conflict with any addresses assigned by the DHCP server.
The Configure Ne w Controller tab is used to configure a new Controller.
1. On the Configu r e New Controller tab, click Configure next to the Controller you wan t to
2. Configure the initial controller settings as follow s :
Controller IP Address The Internet Protocol version 4 address for the node. The valid format is:
Controller Subnet Mask The sub ne t mask for the network addre s s .
Controller Gateway The node on the network that the network software uses when an IP address doe s
Controller Name User-defined name for the Controller.
Controller Time Zone Sets the time zone for the controller.